changeset 5 cba039bd6f13
parent 4 bca17e4a9851
child 6 90dceae3ed1f
--- a/scripts/mcabberrc.lua	Mon Feb 23 23:16:46 2009 +0200
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,456 +0,0 @@
-This is a demo config file to show, what you can do with lua.
-Feature list:
-XEP-0004 Forms parsing and filling
-XEP-0030 Info/items discovery requests (mcabber already can do replies)
-XEP-0047 In-Bound Byte Streams (sending, receiving, saving with specified name, rejecting)
-XEP-0077 In-Band Registration (only registration, but with data forms too)
-XEP-0146 Remote commands requests
-Jobs (actions, fired when some event occurs, now in one file, updated on exit)
-MPD status polling (can be turned off)
-Beep on all messages, even on chatroom ones
-Url saving to file (for urlview)
-Transported buddies availability indication
-Actions on multiple marked buddies
-Fallback commands (localized also! :) )
-Help for fallback commands (well, I know, that it can be done with mcabber's help system, but it requires access to system files...)
-All features have native mcabber interface
-liblua-loudmouth (lm.lua and
-liblua-socket - mpd
-Most hooks get one incoming parameter - hash table with some fields in it.
-This allows further extending and adding arguments without breaking
-previous implementations.
-Ibb uses own iq handler. This is the laziest way to implement this.
-print (global) - prints to log
-dofile (global) - loads lua file from default mcabber location
-main methods:
-- run           - run literal mcabber command
-- beep          - beep
-- log           - print to log w/specified priority
-- print_info    - print info into specified buffer
-- config_file   - format full file name from relative to mcabber's config dir
-- status        - get current user status and message
-- roster        - get list of roster jids (rooms, buddies and agents)
-- current_buddy - get jid of current buddy
-- buddy_info    - get table with info about jid and its resources
-- connection    - get lightuserdata for mcabber's lm connection
-- timer         - run function periodically
-- bgread        - run command and read it's output in background
-- add_feature   - add string to feature list (for disco#info)
-- del_feature   - delete string from feature list
-- add_command   - adds mcabber command
-- del_command   - remove mcabber command
--- This is a hack to allow loading of lm.lua and from ~/.mcabber
--- instead of installing them system-wide
-package.path = main.config_file ( '?.lua' ) .. ';' .. package.path
-package.cpath = main.config_file ( '?.so' ) .. ';' .. package.cpath
-require 'lm'
-url_file      = main.config_file ( 'urls.log' )
-transport_jid = '' -- TODO: allow multiple transports
-beep_enable   = false
--- XXX: to C?
-char2status = {
-	f = 'free',
-	o = 'online',
-	a = 'away',
-	d = 'dnd',
-	n = 'notavail',
-	i = 'invisible',
-	['_'] = 'offline',
-	['?'] = 'message',
-function shell_escape ( str )
-	if str then
-		return "'" .. str:gsub ( "'", "'\\''" ) .. "'"
-	else
-		return "''"
-	end
--- This is for debugging purposes, for real reloading need to quote and bracket keys.
-function table_to_string ( tab, pre )
-	local prefix = pre or ""
-	local tbls, jk = "", ""
-	for key, val in pairs ( tab ) do
-		if type ( val ) == 'table' then
-			tbls = string.format ( "%s  %s%s = %s,\n", tbls, prefix, tostring(key), table_to_string ( val, "  " .. prefix ) )
-		else
-			jk = string.format ( "%s %s = %q,", jk, tostring(key), tostring(val) )
-		end
-	end
-	if tbls == "" then
-		return string.format ( "{%s }", jk:sub ( 1, -2 ) )
-	else
-		return string.format ( "{%s\n%s%s}", jk, tbls, prefix )
-	end
--- XXX to C?
-function full_current_jid ()
-	local jid = main.current_buddy ()
-	if jid then
-		local info = main.buddy_info ( jid )
-		local prio, resource = 0
-		for res, par in pairs ( info.resources ) do
-			if prio <= par.priority then
-				resource = res
-				prio = par.priority
-			end
-		end
-		if resource then
-			return jid .. '/' .. resource
-		else
-			return jid
-		end
-	else
-		return nil
-	end
-function yesno ( value )
-	if value == 'enable' or value == 'yes' or value == 'true' or value == 'on' or value == true then
-		return true
-	elseif value == 'disable' or value == 'no' or value == 'false' or value == 'off' or value == false then
-		return false
-	else
-		return nil
-	end
--- FIXME: eats spaces
-function parse_args ( args )
-	local ret = {}
-	local still_opts = true
-	local optname
-	local option = false
-	for word in args:gmatch ( "%S+" ) do
-		if still_opts and not option and word:sub ( 1, 1 ) == '-' then
-			option = true
-			optname = word:sub ( 2 )
-		elseif option then
-			ret[optname] = word
-			option = false
-		else
-			still_opts = false
-			table.insert ( ret, word )
-		end
-	end
-	return ret
--- Help strings should not contain command, only arguments. This is necessary to support soft aliases.
-commands_help = {
-	file      = "filename\n\nSends file as a message. Just shorthand.",
-	s         = "status [message]\n\nSets your status, but takes into account mpd (if enabled).",
-	beep      = "[enable|disable|on|off|yes|no|true|false]\n\nEnables or disables beeping on all messages.\nIf state is omitted, prints current state.",
-	cmd       = "shell_command\n\nRuns shell command in background and sends output to current buddy.\nWorks asynchroneously, and may break long output in the middle of line",
-	exthelp   = "[command]\n\nPrints help for a given command, or list of available help topics.",
-	reload    = "\n\nJust a shorthand to reload lua config file. Note, that for now this discards all changes to configuration, open forms, transferred files.",
-	['join!'] = "\n\nForcibly joins to current buddy. Just saves you typing of full room name (that can be quite long) in a case of a non-bookmarked rooms.",
-	count     = "\n\nPrints number of resources of current buddy. Useful to determine member count of large room."
-main.add_command ( "lua",
-	function ( args )
-		assert ( loadstring ( args ) ) ()
-	end )
-main.add_command ( 'file',
-	function ( args )
- ( 'say_to -f ' .. args .. ' .' )
-	end )
-main.add_command ( 's',
-	function ( args )
- ( ('status %s %s'):format ( args, mpd_getstatus () ) )
-	end )
-main.add_command ( 'beep',
-	function ( args )
-		local enable = yesno ( args )
-		if enable == nil then
-			if beep_enable then
-				print ( "Beep on message is enabled" )
-			else
-				print ( "Beep on message is disabled" )
-			end
-		else
-			beep_enable = enable
-		end
-	end )
-main.add_command ( 'cmd',
-	function ( args )
-		local to = main.current_buddy ()
- ( ('send_to -q %q $ %s'):format ( to, args ) )
-		main.bgread ( args,
-			function ( data )
-				if data then
- ( ('send_to -q %q %s'):format ( to, data ) )
-					return true
-				else
-					return false
-				end
-			end )
-	end )
-main.add_command ( 'exthelp',
-	function ( args )
-		if commands_help[args] then
-			print ( "\n /" .. args .. ' ' .. commands_help[args] )
-		else
-			print ( "No help for this command." )
-			list = "Help available for commands: "
-			for k in pairs (commands_help) do
-				list = list .. k .. ', '
-			end
-			print ( list:sub ( 1, -3 ) )
-			print ( "For built-in mcabber commands see /help" )
-		end
-	end )
-main.add_command ( 'reload',
-	function ( args )
-		dofile ( main.config_file ( 'mcabberrc.lua' ) )
-	end )
-main.add_command ( 'join!',
-	function ( args )
- ( 'room join ' .. main.current_buddy () )
-	end )
-main.add_command ( 'count',
-	function ( args )
-		local count = 0
-		for resource in pairs ( main.buddy_info ( main.current_buddy () ).resources ) do
-			count = count + 1
-		end
-		print ( "Resource count: " .. count )
-	end )
-for k, arg in ipairs ( { ')', '/', '(', 'D', '-/', 'S', '1', ']', '[' } ) do
-	main.add_command ( arg,
-		function ( args )
- ( 'say :' .. arg .. ' ' .. args )
-		end )
-dopath 'marking'
--- MPD
-dopath 'mpd'
--- FORMS (XEP-0004)
-dopath 'xep0004'
--- DISCO (XEP-0030)
-dopath 'xep0030'
--- IBB (XEP-0047)
-dopath 'xep0047'
-dopath 'xep0077'
-dopath 'xep0146'
--- JOBS
-delayed_jobs = {}
--- FIXME: do only if it exists
-dopath 'jobs.lua'
-function save_jobs ()
-	local h = ( main.config_file ( 'jobs.lua' ), "w" )
-	if not h then
-		print ( 'Cannot open jobs file for writing!' )
-		return
-	end
-	h:write ( "-- This is autogenerated file, do not edit it manually\n\ndelayed_jobs = {\n" );
-	for jid, more in pairs ( delayed_jobs ) do
-		h:write ( string.format ( "\t[%q] = {\n", jid ) )
-		for status, action in pairs ( more ) do
-			if action then -- remove fired jobs
-				h:write ( string.format ( "\t\t[%q] = %q,\n", status, action ) )
-			end
-		end
-		h:write ( "\t},\n" )
-	end
-	h:write ( "}\n" )
-	h:close ()
-main.add_command ( 'delay',
-	function ( args )
-		args = parse_args ( args )
-		local who
-		if args.t then
-			who = args.t
-			args.t = nil
-		else
-			who = main.current_buddy ()
-		end
-		local stat = args[1]
-		args[1] = nil
-		delayed_jobs[who] = { }
-		delayed_jobs[who][stat] =
-			function ()
- ( 'say_to -q ' .. who .. ' ' .. rebuild_args_string ( args ) )
-			end
-	end )
-main.add_command ( 'job',
-	function ( args )
-		local action, jid, stat = args:match ( "(%w+)%s+(%w+)%s+(%w)" )
-		if action == 'del' then
-			delayed_jobs[jid][stat] = nil
-		else
-			print ( 'List of jobs:' )
-			for jid, jobs in pairs ( delayed_jobs ) do
-				for status in pairs ( jobs ) do
-					print ( ' - ' .. jid .. ' -> ' .. status )
-				end
-			end
-		end
-	end )
-commands_help['delay'] = "[-t target_jid] status_letter message\n\nDelays sending a message to target jid (or current buddy) until it switches to specified status."
-commands_help['job'] = "[del jid status_letter]\n\nLists available jobs or deletes specified one."
-ibb_handler_registered = false
--- Soft hooks, implemented through mcabber options
-function hook_post_connect ()
- ( 'group fold テフノ' )
- ( 'group fold にゃ' )
- ( 'group fold にゃ - Друзі' )
- ( 'color muc * on' )
- ( ("color roster * *@%s red"):format ( transport_jid ) )
- ( ("color roster dn_? *@%s red"):format ( transport_jid ) )
-	if mpd_enabled then
-		mpd_callback ()
-	end
-	-- FIXME
-	if not ibb_handler_registered then
-		lm.connection.bless( main.connection () ):handler ( ibb_incoming_iq_handler, 'iq', 'normal' )
-		main.add_feature ( '' )
-		ibb_handler_registered = true
-	end
-function hook_pre_disconnect ()
- ( ("color roster * *@%s white"):format ( transport_jid ) )
- ( ("color roster dn_? *@%s brightblack"):format ( transport_jid ) )
--- Hard hooks, implemented in C
--- hook
--- - message_in
---   jid
---   groupchat
---   message
--- - message_out
---   jid
---   message
--- - status_change
---   jid
---   resource
---   new_status
---   old_status
---   message
--- - my_status_change
---   new_status
---   message
-function hook_handler ( args )
-	if args.hook == 'message_in' then
-		-- beep on ALL messages, no matter, is it chat or something else.
-		if beep_enable then
-			main.beep ()
-		end
-		-- save urls to file from where urlview can get them...
-		for url in args.message:gmatch ( "https?://[%w%p]+" ) do
-			fd = ( url_file, "a" )
-			if fd then
-				fd:write ( url .. "\n" )
-				fd:close ()
-			else
-				print 'Cannot open urls log file'
-			end
-		end
-	elseif args.hook == 'status_change' then
-		-- delayed actions
-		if delayed_jobs[args.jid] and delayed_jobs[args.jid][args.new_status] then
-			delayed_jobs[args.jid][args.new_status] ()
-			delayed_jobs[args.jid][args.new_status] = nil
-		end
-		-- transported buddies availability indication
-		if args.jid == transport_jid then
-			if args.new_status == '_' then
- ( ("color roster * *@%s red"):format ( transport_jid ) )
- ( ("color roster dn_? *@%s red"):format ( transport_jid ) )
-			else
- ( ("color roster * *@%s white"):format ( transport_jid ) )
- ( ("color roster dn_? *@%s brightblack"):format ( transport_jid ) )
-			end
-		end
-	end
--- (hook_start)
-function hook_quit ()
-	save_jobs ()
-	-- FIXME
-	if ibb_handler_registered then
-		lm.connection.bless( main.connection () ):handler ( ibb_incoming_iq_handler, 'iq' )
-	end
--- The End -- vim: se ts=4: --