changeset 68 742878c74b8e
parent 67 d33ca5572e91
child 69 ab6d4ee8974c
--- a/examples/mc_tune.lua	Sat Mar 28 19:43:12 2009 +0200
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,147 +0,0 @@
-local mpd    = require 'mpd'
-local lm     = require 'lm'
-local pubsub = require 'pubsub'
-local tune_enabled = false
-local mpd_pub_song = { }
-pubsub.handler ( 'http://jabber.org/protocol/tune',
-	function ( from, node, data )
-		local self = false
-		if from == lm.connection.bless ( main.connection () ):jid():gsub ( '/.*', '' ) then -- o_O
-			self         = true
-			mpd_pub_song = { }
-		end
-		local item = data:child ()
-		local text = ''
-		while item do
-			local name  = item:name ()
-			local value = item:value ()
-			if self then
-				mpd_pub_song[name] = value or ''
-			end
-			text = ("%s\n- %s: %s"):format ( text, item:name (), item:value () or '' )
-			item = item:next ()
-		end
-		if main.yesno ( main.option ( 'lua_pep_notification' ) ) then
-			if text ~= '' then
-				text = 'Now listening to:' .. text
-			else
-				text = 'Now not listening to anything'
-			end
-		end
-		main.print_info ( from, text )
-		return true
-	end )
-local function mpd_getstatus ()
-	local status = mpd.call_command { 'status' }
-	if not tune_enabled or ( status.state ~= 'play' and status.state ~= 'pause' ) then
-		for k, v in pairs ( mpd_pub_song ) do -- if there is anything published, publish nothing
-			return { }
-		end
-		return nil
-	end
-	local song      = mpd.call_command { 'currentsong' }
-	local dir, file = song.file:match ( '(.+)/(.-)' )
-	-- populate according to currentsong fields: artist - artist, length - time, source - album, title - title, track - id, rating - ?, uri - ?
-	local ret = {
-		artist = song.artist or 'Unknown',
-		length = song.time,
-		source = song.album  or dir,
-		title  = song.title  or file,
-		track  = song.id,
-	}
-	if not song.time or song.time == '0' then -- XXX
-		ret.length = nil
-	end
-	local modified = false
-	for k, v in pairs ( ret ) do
-		if mpd_pub_song[k] ~= v then
-			modified = true
-			break
-		end
-	end
-	if not modified then
-		for k, v in pairs ( mpd_pub_song ) do
-			if ret[k] ~= v then
-				modified = true
-				break
-			end
-		end
-	end
-	if modified then
-		return ret
-	else
-		return nil
-	end
-local function mpd_callback ()
-	local sdata = mpd_getstatus ()
-	if sdata then
-		tune.publish ( lm.connection.bless ( main.connection () ),
-			function ()
-			end,
-			function ( mesg )
-				print ( 'Error publishing tune: ' .. mesg )
-			end, sdata )
-	end
-	if tune_enabled then
-		return true
-	else
-		return false
-	end
--- do not call it too fast, or you end up with many daemons at once
-local function enable_tune ( yn )
-	if yn == nil then
-		yn = true
-	end
-	if yn then
-		if not tune_enabled then
-			main.timer ( 15, mpd_callback )
-			tune_enabled = true
-			-- update status
-		end
-	else
-		if tune_enabled then
-			tune_enabled = false
-			-- update status
-		end
-	end
-main.command ( 'tune',
-	function ( args )
-		local enable = main.yesno ( args )
-		if enable == nil then
-			if tune_enabled then
-				print ( "Tune notifications enabled" )
-			else
-				print ( "Tune notifications disabled" )
-			end
-		else
-			enable_tune ( enable )
-		end
-	end, false, 'yesno' )
-commands_help['tune'] = "[enable|disable|on|off|yes|no|true|false]\n\nEnables or disables publishing of notifications about playing music in your player (currently only mpd is supported)."
-hooks_d['hook-post-connect'].tune =
-	function ( args )
-		if tune_enabled then
-			mpd_callback ()
-		end
-	end
-main.add_feature ( 'http://jabber.org/protocol/tune+notify' )
-main.add_feature ( 'http://jabber.org/protocol/tune' )
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