changeset 41 9e39fd8a20df
child 43 7c22b1f2c6e5
equal deleted inserted replaced
40:4e598287dec4 41:9e39fd8a20df
     2 -- IN-BAND BYTESTREAMS (XEP-0047)
     4 -- library
     6 require 'lm'
     7 require 'base64'
     9 iq = { }
    11 function iq.send ( conn, to, smtype, data, success, fail )
    12 	data.mtype = 'iq-' .. smtype
    13 	data.to    = to
    14 	conn:send ( lm.message.create ( data ),
    15 		function ( conn, mess )
    16 			local mtype, smtype = mess:type ()
    17 			if smtype == 'result' then
    18 				success ()
    19 			elseif smtype == 'error' then
    20 				fail ( mess:child( 'error' ):children():name () ) -- FIXME
    21 			else
    22 				fail ( mess:xml () )
    23 				return false
    24 			end
    25 			return true
    26 		end )
    27 end
    29 -- public
    31 ibb = {
    32 	block_size    = 4096,
    33 	streamhandler =
    34 		function ( accept, reject )
    35 			reject ()
    36 		end,
    37 }
    39 local ibb_sid = 0 -- private
    41 function ibb.send ( conn, to, success, fail, id )
    42 	local bs    = ibb.block_size -- local instance
    43 	local sid   = id
    44 	if not sid then
    45 		ibb_sid = ibb_sid + 1
    46 		sid     = 'ibb_' .. ibb_sid
    47 	end
    48 	iq.send ( conn, to, 'set',
    49 		{
    50 			open = { sid = sid, ['block-size'] = bs, xmlns = 'http://jabber.org/protocol/ibb' }
    51 		},
    52 		function ()
    53 			local seq   = 0
    54 			local noerr = true
    55 			success (
    56 				function ( data, success, fail )
    57 					if not data  then
    58 						iq.send ( conn, to, 'set',
    59 							{
    60 								close = { sid = sid, xmlns = 'http://jabber.org/protocol/ibb' },
    61 							},
    62 							function ()
    63 								success ( 'end' ) -- XXX
    64 							end,
    65 							fail )
    66 					elseif data ~= '' then
    67 						local encoded = base64.encode ( data )
    68 						while encoded:len () > 0 and noerr do
    69 							local chunk = encoded:sub ( 1, bs )
    70 							local cseq  = seq -- local instance for closure
    71 							encoded     = encoded:sub ( bs + 1 )
    72 							seq         = seq + 1
    73 							iq.send ( conn, to, 'set',
    74 								{
    75 									data = { sid = sid, xmlns = 'http://jabber.org/protocol/ibb', seq = cseq,
    76 										chunk,
    77 									},
    78 								},
    79 								function ()
    80 									success ( cseq )
    81 								end,
    82 								function ( mesg )
    83 									noerr = false
    84 									fail ( mesg )
    85 								end )
    86 						end
    87 					end
    88 				end )
    89 		end,
    90 		fail )
    91 end
    93 -- private
    95 local ibb_files               = {}
    96 local ibb_handler_registered  = false
    97 local ibb_incoming_iq_handler = lm.message_handler.new ( 
    98 	function ( conn, mess )
    99 		local mtype, smtype = mess:type ()
   100 		if smtype ~= 'set' then
   101 			return false
   102 		end
   104 		local child = mess:children ()
   105 		if not child or child:attribute ( 'xmlns' ) ~= 'http://jabber.org/protocol/ibb' then
   106 			return false
   107 		end
   109 		local id     = mess:attribute ( 'id' )
   110 		local from   = mess:attribute ( 'from' )
   111 		local action = child:name ()
   112 		local sid    = child:attribute ( 'sid' )
   114 		if action == 'open' then
   115 			if not ibb_files[sid] then
   116 				ibb.streamhandler ( from,
   117 					function ( success, fail )
   118 						ibb_files[sid] = { from = from, success = success, fail = fail }
   119 						conn:send ( lm.message.create { to = from, mtype = 'iq-result', id = id } )
   120 					end,
   121 					function ()
   122 						conn:send (
   123 							lm.message.create { to = from, mtype = 'iq-error', id = id,
   124 								error = { code = '405', type = 'cancel',
   125 									['not-allowed'] = { xmlns = 'urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-stanzas' }
   126 								}
   127 							} )
   128 					end )
   129 			else
   130 				conn:send (
   131 					lm.message.create { to = from, mtype = 'iq-error', id = id,
   132 						error = { code = '409', type = 'cancel',
   133 							conflict = { xmlns = 'urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-stanzas' }
   134 						}
   135 					} )
   136 			end
   137 		elseif action == 'data' then
   138 			local seq = child:attribute ( 'seq' )
   139 			if ibb_files[sid] and from == ibb_files[sid].from and not ibb_files[sid][tonumber(seq)+1] then
   140 				local data = child:value ()
   141 				conn:send ( lm.message.create { to = from, mtype = 'iq-result', id = id } )
   142 				ibb_files[sid][tonumber(seq)+1] = data
   143 -- XXX			ibb_files[sid].success ( seq )
   144 			else
   145 				if ibb_files[sid] then
   146 					ibb_files[sid].fail ( 'conflict' )
   147 					ibb_files[sid] = nil -- invalidate session
   148 					conn:send (
   149 						lm.message.create { to = from, mtype = 'iq-error', id = id,
   150 							error = { code = '409', type = 'cancel',
   151 								conflict = { xmlns = 'urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-stanzas' }
   152 							}
   153 						} )
   154 				else
   155 					conn:send (
   156 						lm.message.create { to = from, mtype = 'iq-error', id = id,
   157 							error = { code = '404', type = 'cancel', -- XXX: check
   158 								['item-not-found'] = { xmlns = 'urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-stanzas' }
   159 							}
   160 						} )
   161 				end
   162 			end
   163 		elseif action == 'close' then
   164 			if ibb_files[sid] and from == ibb_files[sid].from then
   165 				local data = ''
   166 				for seq, chunk in ipairs ( ibb_files[sid] ) do
   167 					data = data .. chunk
   168 				end
   169 				local decoded = base64.decode ( data )
   170 				ibb_files[sid].success ( decoded )
   171 				conn:send ( lm.message.create { to = from, mtype = 'iq-result', id = id } )
   172 				ibb_files[sid] = nil
   173 			else
   174 				if ibb_files[sid] then
   175 					ibb_files[sid].fail ( 'conflict' )
   176 					ibb_files[sid] = nil -- invalidate session
   177 					conn:send (
   178 						lm.message.create { to = from, mtype = 'iq-error', id = id,
   179 							error = { code = '409', type = 'cancel',
   180 								conflict = { xmlns = 'urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-stanzas' }
   181 							}
   182 						} )
   183 				else
   184 					conn:send (
   185 						lm.message.create { to = from, mtype = 'iq-error', id = id,
   186 							error = { code = '404', type = 'cancel', -- XXX: check
   187 								['item-not-found'] = { xmlns = 'urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-stanzas' }
   188 							}
   189 						} )
   190 				end
   191 			end
   192 		else
   193 			return false
   194 		end
   196 		return true
   197 	end )
   199 -- mcabber
   201 local mc_incoming_files = { }
   203 ibb.streamhandler =
   204 	function ( from, accept, reject )
   205 		local fid = #mc_incoming_files + 1
   206 		mc_incoming_files[fid] = {
   207 				from   = from,
   208 				accept =
   209 					function ( name )
   210 						mc_incoming_files[fid].name = name
   211 						accept (
   212 							function ( data )
   213 								local h = io.open ( mc_incoming_files[fid].name, 'w' )
   214 								if not h then
   215 									print ( 'Cannot open output file: ' .. mc_incoming_files[fid].name )
   216 									return
   217 								end
   218 								h:write ( data )
   219 								h:close ()
   220 								print ( 'Stream ' .. fid .. ' successfully saved to ' .. mc_incoming_files[fid].name )
   221 								mc_incoming_files[fid] = nil
   222 							end,
   223 							function ( mesg )
   224 								main.print_info ( from, 'Stream error: ' .. mesg )
   225 								mc_incoming_files[fid] = nil -- XXX
   226 							end )
   227 					end,
   228 				reject =
   229 					function ()
   230 						reject ()
   231 						print ( 'Stream ' .. fid .. ' rejected' )
   232 						mc_incoming_files[fid] = nil
   233 					end,
   234 		}
   235 		main.print_info ( from, from .. ' wants you to receive stream. Use /ibb [accept|reject] ' .. fid .. ' to process his request.' )
   236 	end
   238 main.command ( 'ibb',
   239 	function ( args )
   240 		local action = args[1]
   241 		if action == 'send' then
   242 			local who
   243 			if args.t then
   244 				who = args.t
   245 			else
   246 				who = main.full_jid ()
   247 			end
   248 			local fname = args[2]
   249 			ibb.send ( lm.connection.bless ( main.connection () ), who,
   250 				function ( sender )
   251 					main.print_info ( who, 'Stream accepted' )
   252 					local noerr = true
   253 					local h     = io.open ( fname, 'r' )
   254 					if not h then
   255 						print ( 'Cannot open file ' .. fname )
   256 						return
   257 					end
   258 					local data = h:read ( '*a' ) -- In fact, it is better to read it in chunks :/
   259 					h:close ()
   260 					local fail =
   261 						function ( mesg )
   262 							noerr = false
   263 							main.print_info ( who, 'Stream error: ' .. mesg )
   264 						end
   265 					sender ( data,
   266 						function ( seq )
   267 							main.print_info ( who, 'Delivery notification of chunk #' .. seq )
   268 						end, fail )
   269 					if noerr then
   270 						sender ( nil,
   271 							function ( seq )
   272 								main.print_info ( who, 'Stream finalizing notification' )
   273 							end, fail )
   274 					end
   275 					if noerr then
   276 						main.print_info ( who, 'Stream sent' )
   277 					else
   278 						main.print_info ( who, 'Stream error occured' )
   279 					end
   280 				end,
   281 				function ( mesg )
   282 					main.print_info ( who, 'Stream initiation error: ' .. mesg )
   283 				end )
   284 		elseif action == 'accept' then
   285 			local id = tonumber(args[2])
   286 			if mc_incoming_files[id] then
   287 				mc_incoming_files[id].accept ( args[3] )
   288 			end
   289 		elseif action == 'reject' then
   290 			local id = tonumber(args[2])
   291 			if mc_incoming_files[id] then
   292 				mc_incoming_files[id].reject ()
   293 			end
   294 		else
   295 			local text = ''
   296 			for sid, data in pairs ( mc_incoming_files ) do
   297 				text = text .. '\n' ..  sid .. ': ' .. data.from .. ' --> ' .. ( data.name or '?' )
   298 			end
   299 			if text ~= '' then
   300 				print ( 'List of incoming streams:' .. text )
   301 			else
   302 				print ( 'No streams' )
   303 			end
   304 		end
   305 	end, true, { "send", "accept", "reject" } )
   308 commands_help['ibb'] = "[[-t target_jid] send filename | accept sid filename | reject sid]\n\nRequests, accepts or rejects sending file via in-band bytestream."
   310 hooks_d['hook-post-connect'].ibb =
   311 	function ( args )
   312 		lm.connection.bless( main.connection () ):handler ( ibb_incoming_iq_handler, 'iq', 'normal' )
   313 		ibb_handler_registered = true
   314 		hooks_d['hook-post-connect'].ibb = nil
   315 		hooks_d['hook-quit'].ibb =
   316 			function ( args )
   317 				if ibb_handler_registered then
   318 					lm.connection.bless( main.connection () ):handler ( ibb_incoming_iq_handler, 'iq' )
   319 				end
   320 			end
   321 	end
   323 main.add_feature ( 'http://jabber.org/protocol/ibb' )
   325 -- vim: se ts=4: --