config: move mergetools configuration from contrib to default configuration
authorMads Kiilerich <>
Sun, 19 Oct 2014 03:22:23 +0200
changeset 23143 cd0c51c07e5f
parent 23142 c4ce077588d0
child 23144 55325a327754
config: move mergetools configuration from contrib to default configuration The merge tool configuration is an essential part of a good initial user experience. 'make osx' installers and direct 'make' installation did not have merge tool configuration. Now they have. Note: The installer fixes for windows have been done blindly and might require additional changes.
--- a/contrib/mercurial.spec	Thu Sep 04 21:36:35 2014 +0200
+++ b/contrib/mercurial.spec	Sun Oct 19 03:22:23 2014 +0200
@@ -127,7 +127,6 @@
 install -m 644 contrib/mq.el $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{emacs_lispdir}/
 mkdir -p $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%{_sysconfdir}/mercurial/hgrc.d
-install -m 644 contrib/mergetools.hgrc $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_sysconfdir}/mercurial/hgrc.d/mergetools.rc
@@ -150,7 +149,6 @@
 %config(noreplace) %{_sysconfdir}/bash_completion.d/
 %dir %{_sysconfdir}/mercurial
 %dir %{_sysconfdir}/mercurial/hgrc.d
-%config(noreplace) %{_sysconfdir}/mercurial/hgrc.d/mergetools.rc
 %if "%{?withpython}"
--- a/contrib/mergetools.hgrc	Thu Sep 04 21:36:35 2014 +0200
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,135 +0,0 @@
-# Some default global settings for common merge tools
-kdiff3.args=--auto --L1 base --L2 local --L3 other $base $local $other -o $output
-kdiff3.diffargs=--L1 '$plabel1' --L2 '$clabel' $parent $child
-gvimdiff.args=--nofork -d -g -O $local $other $base
-gvimdiff.diffargs=--nofork -d -g -O $parent $child
-vimdiff.args=$local $other $base -c 'redraw | echomsg "hg merge conflict, type \":cq\" to abort vimdiff"'
-meld.args=--label='local' $local --label='merged' $base --label='other' $other -o $output
-meld.diffargs=-a --label='$plabel1' $parent --label='$clabel' $child
-tkdiff.args=$local $other -a $base -o $output
-tkdiff.diffargs=-L '$plabel1' $parent -L '$clabel' $child
-xxdiff.args=--show-merged-pane --exit-with-merge-status --title1 local --title2 base --title3 other --merged-filename $output --merge $local $base $other
-xxdiff.diffargs=--title1 '$plabel1' $parent --title2 '$clabel' $child
-diffmerge.regkey=Software\SourceGear\SourceGear DiffMerge\
-diffmerge.regkeyalt=Software\Wow6432Node\SourceGear\SourceGear DiffMerge\
-diffmerge.args=-nosplash -merge -title1=local -title2=merged -title3=other $local $base $other -result=$output
-diffmerge.diffargs=--nosplash --title1='$plabel1' --title2='$clabel' $parent $child
-p4merge.args=$base $local $other $output
-p4merge.diffargs=$parent $child
-p4mergeosx.executable = /Applications/
-p4mergeosx.args = $base $local $other $output
-p4mergeosx.gui = True
-p4mergeosx.diffargs=$parent $child
-tortoisemerge.args=/base:$base /mine:$local /theirs:$other /merged:$output
-tortoisemerge.diffargs=/base:$parent /mine:$child /basename:'$plabel1' /minename:'$clabel'
-ecmerge.args=$base $local $other --mode=merge3 --title0=base --title1=local --title2=other --to=$output
-ecmerge.regkey=Software\Elli\xc3\xa9 Computing\Merge
-ecmerge.regkeyalt=Software\Wow6432Node\Elli\xc3\xa9 Computing\Merge
-ecmerge.diffargs=$parent $child --mode=diff2 --title1='$plabel1' --title2='$clabel'
-# editmerge is a small script shipped in contrib.
-# It needs this config otherwise it behaves the same as internal:local
-filemerge.args=-left $other -right $local -ancestor $base -merge $output
-; Windows version of Beyond Compare
-beyondcompare3.args=$local $other $base $output /ro /lefttitle=local /centertitle=base /righttitle=other /automerge /reviewconflicts /solo
-beyondcompare3.regkey=Software\Scooter Software\Beyond Compare 3
-beyondcompare3.diffargs=/lro /lefttitle='$plabel1' /righttitle='$clabel' /solo /expandall $parent $child
-; Linux version of Beyond Compare
-bcompare.args=$local $other $base -mergeoutput=$output -ro -lefttitle=parent1 -centertitle=base -righttitle=parent2 -outputtitle=merged -automerge -reviewconflicts -solo
-bcompare.diffargs=-lro -lefttitle='$plabel1' -righttitle='$clabel' -solo -expandall $parent $child
-winmerge.args=/e /x /wl /ub /dl other /dr local $other $local $output
-winmerge.diffargs=/r /e /x /ub /wl /dl '$plabel1' /dr '$clabel' $parent $child
-araxis.args=/3 /a2 /wait /merge /title1:"Other" /title2:"Base" /title3:"Local :"$local $other $base $local $output
-araxis.diffargs=/2 /wait /title1:"$plabel1" /title2:"$clabel" $parent $child
-diffuse.args=$local $base $other
-diffuse.diffargs=$parent $child
-UltraCompare.regkey=Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\App Paths\UC.exe
-UltraCompare.regkeyalt=Software\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\App Paths\UC.exe
-UltraCompare.args = $base $local $other -title1 base -title3 other
-UltraCompare.priority = -2
-UltraCompare.gui = True
-UltraCompare.binary = True
-UltraCompare.check = conflicts,changed
-UltraCompare.diffargs=$child $parent -title1 $clabel -title2 $plabel1
--- a/contrib/win32/mercurial.iss	Thu Sep 04 21:36:35 2014 +0200
+++ b/contrib/win32/mercurial.iss	Sun Oct 19 03:22:23 2014 +0200
@@ -67,7 +67,6 @@
 Source: contrib\hgweb.fcgi; DestDir: {app}/Contrib
 Source: contrib\hgweb.wsgi; DestDir: {app}/Contrib
 Source: contrib\win32\ReadMe.html; DestDir: {app}; Flags: isreadme
-Source: contrib\mergetools.hgrc; DestDir: {tmp};
 Source: contrib\win32\mercurial.ini; DestDir: {app}; DestName: Mercurial.ini; Check: CheckFile; AfterInstall: ConcatenateFiles;
 Source: contrib\win32\postinstall.txt; DestDir: {app}; DestName: ReleaseNotes.txt
 Source: dist\hg.exe; DestDir: {app}; AfterInstall: Touch('{app}\hg.exe.local')
@@ -86,6 +85,7 @@
 Source: doc\*.html; DestDir: {app}\Docs
 Source: doc\style.css; DestDir: {app}\Docs
 Source: mercurial\help\*.txt; DestDir: {app}\help
+Source: mercurial\default-hgrc.d\*.rc; DestDir: {app}\default-hgrc.d
 Source: mercurial\locale\*.*; DestDir: {app}\locale; Flags: recursesubdirs createallsubdirs skipifsourcedoesntexist
 Source: mercurial\templates\*.*; DestDir: {app}\Templates; Flags: recursesubdirs createallsubdirs
 Source: CONTRIBUTORS; DestDir: {app}; DestName: Contributors.txt
--- a/contrib/wix/mercurial.wxs	Thu Sep 04 21:36:35 2014 +0200
+++ b/contrib/wix/mercurial.wxs	Sun Oct 19 03:22:23 2014 +0200
@@ -79,7 +79,7 @@
                     ReadOnly='yes' KeyPath='yes'/>
             <Component Id='mergetools.rc' Guid='$(var.mergetools.rc.guid)' Win64='$(var.IsX64)'>
-              <File Id='mergetools.rc' Name='MergeTools.rc' Source='contrib\mergetools.hgrc'
+              <File Id='mergetools.rc' Name='MergeTools.rc' Source='mercurial\default-hgrc.d\mergetools.rc'
                     ReadOnly='yes' KeyPath='yes'/>
             <Component Id='paths.rc' Guid='$(var.paths.rc.guid)' Win64='$(var.IsX64)'>
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/mercurial/default.d/mergetools.rc	Sun Oct 19 03:22:23 2014 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,135 @@
+# Some default global settings for common merge tools
+kdiff3.args=--auto --L1 base --L2 local --L3 other $base $local $other -o $output
+kdiff3.diffargs=--L1 '$plabel1' --L2 '$clabel' $parent $child
+gvimdiff.args=--nofork -d -g -O $local $other $base
+gvimdiff.diffargs=--nofork -d -g -O $parent $child
+vimdiff.args=$local $other $base -c 'redraw | echomsg "hg merge conflict, type \":cq\" to abort vimdiff"'
+meld.args=--label='local' $local --label='merged' $base --label='other' $other -o $output
+meld.diffargs=-a --label='$plabel1' $parent --label='$clabel' $child
+tkdiff.args=$local $other -a $base -o $output
+tkdiff.diffargs=-L '$plabel1' $parent -L '$clabel' $child
+xxdiff.args=--show-merged-pane --exit-with-merge-status --title1 local --title2 base --title3 other --merged-filename $output --merge $local $base $other
+xxdiff.diffargs=--title1 '$plabel1' $parent --title2 '$clabel' $child
+diffmerge.regkey=Software\SourceGear\SourceGear DiffMerge\
+diffmerge.regkeyalt=Software\Wow6432Node\SourceGear\SourceGear DiffMerge\
+diffmerge.args=-nosplash -merge -title1=local -title2=merged -title3=other $local $base $other -result=$output
+diffmerge.diffargs=--nosplash --title1='$plabel1' --title2='$clabel' $parent $child
+p4merge.args=$base $local $other $output
+p4merge.diffargs=$parent $child
+p4mergeosx.executable = /Applications/
+p4mergeosx.args = $base $local $other $output
+p4mergeosx.gui = True
+p4mergeosx.diffargs=$parent $child
+tortoisemerge.args=/base:$base /mine:$local /theirs:$other /merged:$output
+tortoisemerge.diffargs=/base:$parent /mine:$child /basename:'$plabel1' /minename:'$clabel'
+ecmerge.args=$base $local $other --mode=merge3 --title0=base --title1=local --title2=other --to=$output
+ecmerge.regkey=Software\Elli\xc3\xa9 Computing\Merge
+ecmerge.regkeyalt=Software\Wow6432Node\Elli\xc3\xa9 Computing\Merge
+ecmerge.diffargs=$parent $child --mode=diff2 --title1='$plabel1' --title2='$clabel'
+# editmerge is a small script shipped in contrib.
+# It needs this config otherwise it behaves the same as internal:local
+filemerge.args=-left $other -right $local -ancestor $base -merge $output
+; Windows version of Beyond Compare
+beyondcompare3.args=$local $other $base $output /ro /lefttitle=local /centertitle=base /righttitle=other /automerge /reviewconflicts /solo
+beyondcompare3.regkey=Software\Scooter Software\Beyond Compare 3
+beyondcompare3.diffargs=/lro /lefttitle='$plabel1' /righttitle='$clabel' /solo /expandall $parent $child
+; Linux version of Beyond Compare
+bcompare.args=$local $other $base -mergeoutput=$output -ro -lefttitle=parent1 -centertitle=base -righttitle=parent2 -outputtitle=merged -automerge -reviewconflicts -solo
+bcompare.diffargs=-lro -lefttitle='$plabel1' -righttitle='$clabel' -solo -expandall $parent $child
+winmerge.args=/e /x /wl /ub /dl other /dr local $other $local $output
+winmerge.diffargs=/r /e /x /ub /wl /dl '$plabel1' /dr '$clabel' $parent $child
+araxis.args=/3 /a2 /wait /merge /title1:"Other" /title2:"Base" /title3:"Local :"$local $other $base $local $output
+araxis.diffargs=/2 /wait /title1:"$plabel1" /title2:"$clabel" $parent $child
+diffuse.args=$local $base $other
+diffuse.diffargs=$parent $child
+UltraCompare.regkey=Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\App Paths\UC.exe
+UltraCompare.regkeyalt=Software\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\App Paths\UC.exe
+UltraCompare.args = $base $local $other -title1 base -title3 other
+UltraCompare.priority = -2
+UltraCompare.gui = True
+UltraCompare.binary = True
+UltraCompare.check = conflicts,changed
+UltraCompare.diffargs=$child $parent -title1 $clabel -title2 $plabel1