Tue, 13 Oct 2015 12:25:43 -0700 localrepo: restore dirstate to one before rollbacking if not parent-gone
FUJIWARA Katsunori <foozy@lares.dti.ne.jp> [Tue, 13 Oct 2015 12:25:43 -0700] rev 26631
localrepo: restore dirstate to one before rollbacking if not parent-gone 'localrepository.rollback()' explicilty restores dirstate, only if at least one of current parents of the working directory is removed at rollbacking (a.k.a "parent-gone"). After DirstateTransactionPlan, 'dirstate.write()' will cause marking '.hg/dirstate' as a file to be restored at rollbacking. https://mercurial.selenic.com/wiki/DirstateTransactionPlan Then, 'transaction.rollback()' restores '.hg/dirstate' regardless of parents of the working directory at that time, and this causes unexpected dirstate changes if not "parent-gone" (e.g. "hg update" to another branch after "hg commit" or so, then "hg rollback"). To avoid such situation, this patch restores dirstate to one before rollbacking if not "parent-gone". before: b1. restore dirstate explicitly, if "parent-gone" after: a1. save dirstate before actual rollbacking via dirstateguard a2. restore dirstate via 'transaction.rollback()' a3. if "parent-gone" - discard backup (a1) - restore dirstate from 'undo.dirstate' a4. otherwise, restore dirstate from backup (a1) Even though restoring dirstate at (a3) after (a2) seems redundant, this patch keeps this existing code path, because: - it isn't ensured that 'dirstate.write()' was invoked at least once while transaction running If not, '.hg/dirstate' isn't restored at (a2). In addition to it, rude 3rd party extension invoking 'dirstate.write()' without 'repo' while transaction running (see subsequent patches for detail) may break consistency of a file backup-ed by transaction. - this patch mainly focuses on changes for DirstateTransactionPlan Restoring dirstate at (a3) itself should be cheaper enough than rollbacking itself. Redundancy will be removed in next step. Newly added test is almost meaningless at this point. It will be used to detect regression while implementing delayed dirstate write out.
Wed, 14 Oct 2015 02:40:04 +0900 parsers: make pack_dirstate take now in integer for consistency
FUJIWARA Katsunori <foozy@lares.dti.ne.jp> [Wed, 14 Oct 2015 02:40:04 +0900] rev 26630
parsers: make pack_dirstate take now in integer for consistency On recent OS, 'stat.st_mtime' has a double precision floating point value to represent nano seconds, but it is not wide enough for actual file timestamp: nowadays, only 52 - 32 = 20 bit width is available for decimal places in sec. Therefore, casting it to 'int' may cause unexpected result. See also changeset 13272104bb07 fixing issue4836 for detail. For example, changed file A may be treated as "clean" unexpectedly in steps below. "rounded now" is the value gotten by rounding via 'int(st.st_mtime)' or so. ---------------------+--------------------+------------------------ "now" | | timestamp of A (time_t) float rounded time_t| action | FS dirstate ------ ------- ------+--------------------+-------- --------------- N+.nnn N N | | --- --- | update file A | N | dirstate.normal(A) | N N+.999 N+1 N | | | dirstate.write() | N (*1) | : | | change file A | N | : | N+1.00 N+1 N+1 | | | "hg status" (*2) | N N ------ ------- ------+--------------------+-------- --------------- Timestamp N of A in dirstate isn't dropped at (*1), because "rounded now" is N+1 at that time, even if 'st_mtime' in 'time_t' is still N. Then, file A is unexpectedly treated as "clean" at (*2) in this case. For consistent handling of 'stat.st_mtime', this patch makes 'pack_dirstate()' take 'now' argument not in floating point but in integer. This patch makes 'PyArg_ParseTuple()' in 'pack_dirstate()' use format 'i' (= checking type mismatch or overflow), even though it is ensured that 'now' is in the range of 32bit signed integer by masking with '_rangemask' (= 0x7fffffff) on caller side. It should be cheaper enough than packing itself, and useful to detect that legacy code invokes 'pack_dirstate()' with 'now' in floating point value.
Tue, 29 Sep 2015 00:18:49 -0700 destupdate: include the 'check' logic
Pierre-Yves David <pierre-yves.david@fb.com> [Tue, 29 Sep 2015 00:18:49 -0700] rev 26629
destupdate: include the 'check' logic After moving logic from 'merge.update' into 'destutil.destupdate', we are now moving logic from 'command.update' in 'destutil.destupdate'. This will make the function actually useful in predicting (and altering) the update behavior.
Mon, 05 Oct 2015 03:50:47 -0700 destupdate: move the check related to the "clean" logic in the function
Pierre-Yves David <pierre-yves.david@fb.com> [Mon, 05 Oct 2015 03:50:47 -0700] rev 26628
destupdate: move the check related to the "clean" logic in the function We want this function to exactly predict the behavior for update. Moreover, we would like to remove all high level behavior logic out of the merge module so this is a step forward. Now that the 'destupdate' function both compute and validate the destination, we can directly use it at the command level, ensuring that the 'hg update' command never call 'merge.update' without a defined destination. This is a first (but significant) step toward having 'merge.update' always feed with a properly validated destination and free of high level logic.
Mon, 12 Oct 2015 19:22:34 +0200 largefiles: better handling of merge of largefiles that not are available
Mads Kiilerich <madski@unity3d.com> [Mon, 12 Oct 2015 19:22:34 +0200] rev 26627
largefiles: better handling of merge of largefiles that not are available Before, when merging revisions with missing largefiles, the missing largefiles would be fetched as a part of the merge. If that failed (for example because the main repository temporarily was unavailable), the largefile would be left missing. However, the next commit would abort and (seemed to) fail when markcommitted tried to mark the standin file as normal and thus had to hash the largefile that didn't exist. (Actually, the commit would succeed but the largefile update that follows right after the commit transaction would abort - quite confusing.) To fix that, make sure that synclfdirstate only marks files as normal if they actually exist.
Sun, 11 Oct 2015 22:13:03 -0700 patchbomb: check that targets exist at the publicurl
Pierre-Yves David <pierre-yves.david@fb.com> [Sun, 11 Oct 2015 22:13:03 -0700] rev 26626
patchbomb: check that targets exist at the publicurl Advertising that the patch are available to be pulled requires that to be true. So we check revision availability on the remote before sending any email.
Mon, 12 Oct 2015 20:13:12 +0200 windows: read all global config files, not just the first (issue4491) (BC)
Mads Kiilerich <madski@unity3d.com> [Mon, 12 Oct 2015 20:13:12 +0200] rev 26625
windows: read all global config files, not just the first (issue4491) (BC) On windows, hgrc.d/*.rc would not be read if mercurial.ini was found. That was far from obvious from the documentation and different from the behavior on posix systems. As a consequence of this, TortoiseHg cacert configuration placed in hgrc.d would not be read if an old global mercurial.ini still existed. "hg config -g" could also crash when no global configuration files could be found. Instead, make windows behave like posix and read all global configuration files. The documentation was in a way right that individual config settings in the global Mercurial.ini would override settings from for example .hgrc.d\*.rc, but only because the .d files not would be read at all if a Mercurial.ini was found. The ordering in the documentation is thus changed to match the code.
Fri, 09 Oct 2015 14:48:59 -0700 strip: factor out revset calculation for strip -B
Ryan McElroy <rmcelroy@fb.com> [Fri, 09 Oct 2015 14:48:59 -0700] rev 26624
strip: factor out revset calculation for strip -B This will allow reusing it in evolve and overriding it in other extensions.
Fri, 09 Oct 2015 11:22:01 -0700 clonebundles: support for seeding clones from pre-generated bundles
Gregory Szorc <gregory.szorc@gmail.com> [Fri, 09 Oct 2015 11:22:01 -0700] rev 26623
clonebundles: support for seeding clones from pre-generated bundles Cloning can be an expensive operation for servers because the server generates a bundle from existing repository data at request time. For a large repository like mozilla-central, this consumes 4+ minutes of CPU time on the server. It also results in significant network utilization. Multiplied by hundreds or even thousands of clients and the ensuing load can result in difficulties scaling the Mercurial server. Despite generation of bundles being deterministic until the next changeset is added, the generation of bundles to service a clone request is not cached. Each clone thus performs redundant work. This is wasteful. This patch introduces the "clonebundles" extension and related client-side functionality to help alleviate this deficiency. The client-side feature is behind an experimental flag and is not enabled by default. It works as follows: 1) Server operator generates a bundle and makes it available on a server (likely HTTP). 2) Server operator defines the URL of a bundle file in a .hg/clonebundles.manifest file. 3) Client `hg clone`ing sees the server is advertising bundle URLs. 4) Client fetches and applies the advertised bundle. 5) Client performs equivalent of `hg pull` to fetch changes made since the bundle was created. Essentially, the server performs the expensive work of generating a bundle once and all subsequent clones fetch a static file from somewhere. Scaling static file serving is a much more manageable problem than scaling a Python application like Mercurial. Assuming your repository grows less than 1% per day, the end result is 99+% of CPU and network load from clones is eliminated, allowing Mercurial servers to scale more easily. Serving static files also means data can be transferred to clients as fast as they can consume it, rather than as fast as servers can generate it. This makes clones faster. Mozilla has implemented similar functionality of this patch on hg.mozilla.org using a custom extension. We are hosting bundle files in Amazon S3 and CloudFront (a CDN) and have successfully offloaded >1 TB/day in data transfer from hg.mozilla.org, freeing up significant bandwidth and CPU resources. The positive impact has been stellar and I believe it has proved its value to be included in Mercurial core. I feel it is important for the client-side support to be enabled in core by default because it means that clients will get faster, more reliable clones and will enable server operators to reduce load without requiring any client-side configuration changes (assuming clients are up to date, of course). The scope of this feature is narrowly and specifically tailored to cloning, despite "serve pulls from pre-generated bundles" being a valid and useful feature. I would eventually like for Mercurial servers to support transferring *all* repository data via statically hosted files. You could imagine a server that siphons all pushed data to bundle files and instructs clients to apply a stream of bundles to reconstruct all repository data. This feature, while useful and powerful, is significantly more work to implement because it requires the server component have awareness of discovery and a mapping of which changesets are in which files. Full, clone bundles, by contrast, are much simpler. The wire protocol command is named "clonebundles" instead of something more generic like "staticbundles" to leave the door open for a new, more powerful and more generic server-side component with minimal backwards compatibility implications. The name "bundleclone" is used by Mozilla's extension and would cause problems since there are subtle differences in Mozilla's extension. Mozilla's experience with this idea has taught us that some form of "content negotiation" is required. Not all clients will support all bundle formats or even URLs (advanced TLS requirements, etc). To ensure the highest uptake possible, a server needs to advertise multiple versions of bundles and clients need to be able to choose the most appropriate from that list one. The "attributes" in each server-advertised entry facilitate this filtering and sorting. Their use will become apparent in subsequent patches. Initial inspiration and credit for the idea of cloning from static files belongs to Augie Fackler and his "lookaside clone" extension proof of concept.
Tue, 29 Sep 2015 16:17:32 -0700 sslutil: expose attribute indicating whether SNI is supported
Gregory Szorc <gregory.szorc@gmail.com> [Tue, 29 Sep 2015 16:17:32 -0700] rev 26622
sslutil: expose attribute indicating whether SNI is supported This will be used so clone bundles can advertise whether URLs require SNI. This will be explained more in a subsequent patch.
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