Fri, 29 Nov 2019 17:29:06 +0100 rust-dirstate-status: add `walk_explicit` implementation, use `Matcher` trait
Raphaël Gomès <> [Fri, 29 Nov 2019 17:29:06 +0100] rev 43915
rust-dirstate-status: add `walk_explicit` implementation, use `Matcher` trait This is the first time we actually use the `Matcher` trait, still for a small subset of all matchers defined in Python. While I haven't yet actually measured the performance of this, I have tried to avoid any unnecessary allocations. This forces the use of heavy lifetimes annotations which I am not sure we can simplify, although I would be happy to be proven wrong. Differential Revision:
Fri, 29 Nov 2019 18:54:06 +0100 rust-matchers: add `FileMatcher` implementation
Raphaël Gomès <> [Fri, 29 Nov 2019 18:54:06 +0100] rev 43914
rust-matchers: add `FileMatcher` implementation Mercurial defines an `exactmatcher`, I find `FileMatcher` to be clearer, but am not opposed to using the old name. This change also switched the order of `assert_eq` arguments as it is clearer that way for most people. Differential Revision:
Thu, 12 Dec 2019 12:30:15 -0500 exchange: ensure all outgoing subrepo references are present before pushing
Matt Harbison <> [Thu, 12 Dec 2019 12:30:15 -0500] rev 43913
exchange: ensure all outgoing subrepo references are present before pushing We've run into occasional problems with people committing a repo, and then amending or rebasing in the subrepo. That makes it so that the revision in the parent can't be checked out, and the problem gets propagated on push. Mercurial already tries to defend against this sort of dangling reference by pushing *all* subrepo revisions first. This reuses the checks that trigger warnings in `hg verify` to bail on the push unless using `--force`. I thought about putting this on the server side, but at that point, all of the data has been transferred, only to bail out. Additionally, SCM Manager hosts subrepos in a location that isn't nested in the parent, so normal subrepo code would complain that the subrepo is missing when run on the server. Because the push command pushes subrepos before calling this exchange code, a subrepo will be pushed before the parent is verified. Not great, but no dangling references are exchanged, so it solves the problem. This code isn't in the loop that pushes the subrepos because: 1) the list of outgoing revisions is needed to limit the scope of the check 2) the loop only accesses the current revision, and therefore can miss subrepos that were dropped in previous commits 3) this code is called when pushing a subrepo, so the protection is recursive I'm not sure if there's a cheap check for the list of files in the outgoing bundle. If there is, that would provide a fast path to bypass this check for people not using subrepos (or if no subrepo changes were made). There's probably also room for verifying other references like tags. But since that doesn't break checkouts, it's much less of a problem. Differential Revision:
Thu, 05 Dec 2019 16:19:16 -0500 procutil: try and avoid angering CoreFoundation on macOS
Augie Fackler <> [Thu, 05 Dec 2019 16:19:16 -0500] rev 43912
procutil: try and avoid angering CoreFoundation on macOS We've seen failures like this: objc[57662]: +[__NSCFConstantString initialize] may have been in progress in another thread when fork() was called. objc[57662]: +[__NSCFConstantString initialize] may have been in progress in another thread when fork() was called. We cannot safely call it or ignore it in the fork() child process. Crashing instead. Set a breakpoint on objc_initializeAfterForkError to debug. I think this is due to forking off some background processes during `hg update` or similar. I don't have any conclusive proof this is the fork() call that's to blame, but it's the most likely one since the regular `hg update` codepath uses the other fork() invocation (via workers) and we don't get this report from non-Google macOS users. Ugh. Differential Revision:
Wed, 11 Dec 2019 17:35:29 +0100 nodetree: simplify a conditionnal in shortesthexnodeidprefix
Pierre-Yves David <> [Wed, 11 Dec 2019 17:35:29 +0100] rev 43911
nodetree: simplify a conditionnal in shortesthexnodeidprefix instead of try to catch some attribute error, we could just nicely look if the attribute will be available. This make the code simpler to follow and less error prone since we no longer rely on a wider attribute catching. Differential Revision:
Wed, 11 Dec 2019 15:06:09 -0800 config: close file even if we fail to read it
Martin von Zweigbergk <> [Wed, 11 Dec 2019 15:06:09 -0800] rev 43910
config: close file even if we fail to read it If we get an exception from, we would not close the file before this patch. This patch uses a context manager to make sure we close it. Differential Revision:
Wed, 11 Dec 2019 15:33:07 -0800 config: catch intended exception when failing to parse config
Martin von Zweigbergk <> [Wed, 11 Dec 2019 15:33:07 -0800] rev 43909
config: catch intended exception when failing to parse config When a new config parser was introduced in fca54469480e (ui: introduce new config parser, 2009-04-23), the reading side would raise a ConfigError which was then caught in the ui code. Then, in 2123aad24d56 (error: add new ParseError for various parsing errors, 2010-06-04), a ParseError was raised instead, but the call site was not updated. Let's start catching that ParseError. We still don't print it in a friendly way, but that's not worse than before. Differential Revision:
Wed, 11 Dec 2019 09:39:14 -0800 rust-hg-path: implement more readable custom Debug for HgPath{,Buf}
Martin von Zweigbergk <> [Wed, 11 Dec 2019 09:39:14 -0800] rev 43908
rust-hg-path: implement more readable custom Debug for HgPath{,Buf} The default prints the vector of bytes as a list of integers. I considered instead getting rid of the Debug trait, but we use the Debug format in lots of derived Debug instances, so we probably do want to implement it. Differential Revision:
Mon, 16 Dec 2019 15:58:47 -0800 util: implement sortdict.insert()
Martin von Zweigbergk <> [Mon, 16 Dec 2019 15:58:47 -0800] rev 43907
util: implement sortdict.insert() As flagged by pytype (reported via Matt Harbison, thanks). This was broken by bd0fd3ff9916 (util: rewrite sortdict using Python 2.7's OrderedDict, 2017-05-16). We actually call insert() on, but we clearly don't have test coverage of that an no users have reported it AFAIK. Differential Revision:
Mon, 16 Dec 2019 23:27:17 -0500 patch: make __repr__() return str
Matt Harbison <> [Mon, 16 Dec 2019 23:27:17 -0500] rev 43906
patch: make __repr__() return str Caught by pytype: line 969, in __repr__: Function bytes.join was called with the wrong arguments [wrong-arg-types] Expected: (self, iterable: Iterable[bytes]) Actually passed: (self, iterable: Iterator[str]) Differential Revision:
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