Sat, 19 May 2018 00:21:59 +0530 py3: fix kwargs handling in qgurad in hgext/
Pulkit Goyal <> [Sat, 19 May 2018 00:21:59 +0530] rev 38049
py3: fix kwargs handling in qgurad in hgext/ # skip-blame because just r'' prefixes Differential Revision:
Sat, 19 May 2018 00:19:56 +0530 py3: use .startswith() instead of bytes[0]
Pulkit Goyal <> [Sat, 19 May 2018 00:19:56 +0530] rev 38048
py3: use .startswith() instead of bytes[0] bytes[0] returns the ascii value of character at 0 index. Differential Revision:
Thu, 17 May 2018 23:11:24 -0700 crecord: fallback to text mode if diffs are too big for curses mode
Kyle Lippincott <> [Thu, 17 May 2018 23:11:24 -0700] rev 38047
crecord: fallback to text mode if diffs are too big for curses mode crecord uses curses.newpad to create a region that we can then scroll around in by moving the main 'screen' as a veiwport into the (probably larger than the actual screen) pad. Internally, at least in ncurses, pads are implemented using windows, which have their dimensions limited to a certain size. Depending on compilation options for ncurses, this size might be pretty small: (signed) short, or it might be larger ((signed) int). crecord wants to have enough room to have all of the contents of the main area of the chunkselector in the pad; this means that the full size with everything expanded must be less than these (undocumented, afaict) limits. It's not easy to write tests for this because the limits are platform- and installation- dependent and undocumented / unqueryable, as far as I can tell. Differential Revision:
Thu, 17 May 2018 15:33:28 -0700 narrow: filter copies in core
Martin von Zweigbergk <> [Thu, 17 May 2018 15:33:28 -0700] rev 38046
narrow: filter copies in core Differential Revision:
Thu, 17 May 2018 15:25:52 -0700 narrow: filter set of files to check for case-folding to core
Martin von Zweigbergk <> [Thu, 17 May 2018 15:25:52 -0700] rev 38045
narrow: filter set of files to check for case-folding to core Differential Revision:
Thu, 17 May 2018 15:12:48 -0700 narrow: filter merge actions in core
Martin von Zweigbergk <> [Thu, 17 May 2018 15:12:48 -0700] rev 38044
narrow: filter merge actions in core Part of the ongoing effort to move narrow into core. Differential Revision:
Thu, 17 May 2018 12:23:38 -0700 hgweb: extract code for emitting multiple changelist records
Gregory Szorc <> [Thu, 17 May 2018 12:23:38 -0700] rev 38043
hgweb: extract code for emitting multiple changelist records changelistentry() exists so extensions can easily monkeypatch the function to add additional metadata. In at least one case at Mozilla, we have an extension doing this where performance would greatly benefit if we were able to "batch fetch" metadata for all revisions that will eventually have their data set. By extracting the logic for "obtain records for N revisions" into a standalone function, we make it possible for a monkeypatched function to more efficiently bulk fetch data for N revisions. Differential Revision:
Wed, 16 May 2018 22:44:27 -0400 phabricator: register config settings
Matt Harbison <> [Wed, 16 May 2018 22:44:27 -0400] rev 38042
phabricator: register config settings I didn't bother registering the deprecated phabricator.auth.*, and I'm not sure if the two flagged as 'developer config' should be moved to [devel] (or why there's a distinction between `repophid` and `callsign`).
Wed, 16 May 2018 14:11:41 -0600 filemerge: support specifying a python function to custom merge-tools
hindlemail <> [Wed, 16 May 2018 14:11:41 -0600] rev 38041
filemerge: support specifying a python function to custom merge-tools Eliminates the need to specify a python executable, which may not exist on system. Additionally launching script inprocess aids portability on systems that can't execute python via the shell. Example usage "merge-tools.myTool.executable=python:c:\" where contains a function: "def mergefn(ui, repo, args, **kwargs):" where args is list of args passed to merge tool. (by default, expanded: $local $base $other) Invoking the specified python function was done by exposing and invoking (hook._pythonhook -> hook.pythonhook)
Thu, 24 May 2018 21:54:31 +0900 help: correct signature of separate() template function stable
Yuya Nishihara <> [Thu, 24 May 2018 21:54:31 +0900] rev 38040
help: correct signature of separate() template function Without the dots, it looked as if separate() would take a list of arguments.
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