Thu, 03 May 2018 15:08:16 +0900 formatter: ditch namedtuple in favor of attr
Yuya Nishihara <> [Thu, 03 May 2018 15:08:16 +0900] rev 37839
formatter: ditch namedtuple in favor of attr
Sun, 29 Apr 2018 15:52:01 +0900 log: consume --stat/patch options at constructor of changesetprinter
Yuya Nishihara <> [Sun, 29 Apr 2018 15:52:01 +0900] rev 37838
log: consume --stat/patch options at constructor of changesetprinter The variable name, self.diffopts, was confusing. Let's split it to two booleans.
Sun, 29 Apr 2018 15:44:17 +0900 log: cache diffopts instance
Yuya Nishihara <> [Sun, 29 Apr 2018 15:44:17 +0900] rev 37837
log: cache diffopts instance It appears that calling patch.diff*opts() repeatedly has some cost. $ hg log -T '{rev}\n' -R mercurial --time > /dev/null (orig) time: real 4.430 secs (user 4.370+0.000 sys 0.050+0.000) (new) time: real 1.950 secs (user 1.880+0.000 sys 0.060+0.000) 'diffopts or {}' isn't necessary as patch.diff*opts() accepts opts=None.
Sat, 05 May 2018 18:06:45 -0700 merge with stable
Gregory Szorc <> [Sat, 05 May 2018 18:06:45 -0700] rev 37836
merge with stable
Sat, 05 May 2018 18:03:01 -0500 Added signature for changeset 6614cac550ae stable
Kevin Bullock <> [Sat, 05 May 2018 18:03:01 -0500] rev 37835
Added signature for changeset 6614cac550ae
Sat, 05 May 2018 18:02:59 -0500 Added tag 4.6 for changeset 6614cac550ae stable
Kevin Bullock <> [Sat, 05 May 2018 18:02:59 -0500] rev 37834
Added tag 4.6 for changeset 6614cac550ae
Thu, 30 Nov 2017 21:19:46 -0500 filelog: don't crash on invalid copy metadata (issue5748) stable 4.6
Gregory Szorc <> [Thu, 30 Nov 2017 21:19:46 -0500] rev 37833
filelog: don't crash on invalid copy metadata (issue5748) "copy" and "copyrev" are both supposed to appear next to each other. However, a user report demonstrated a crash that indicates that something in the wild is producing "copy" without "copyrev" (probably `hg convert`). While we should definitely fix the source of the bad metadata, the bad code causing the crash is already in the wild and who knows how many repositories are impacted. So let's be more defensive when accessing the file revision metadata.
Mon, 30 Apr 2018 15:32:11 -0700 httppeer: detect redirect to URL without query string (issue5860) stable
Gregory Szorc <> [Mon, 30 Apr 2018 15:32:11 -0700] rev 37832
httppeer: detect redirect to URL without query string (issue5860) 197d10e157ce subtly changed the HTTP peer's handling of HTTP redirects. Before that changeset, we instantiated an HTTP peer instance and performed the capabilities lookup with that instance. The old code had the following relevant properties: 1) The HTTP request layer would automatically follow HTTP redirects. 2) An encountered HTTP redirect would update a peer instance variable pointing to the repo URL. 3) The peer would automagically perform a "capabilities" command request if a caller requested capabilities but capabilities were not yet defined. The first HTTP request issued by a peer is for ?cmd=capabilities. If the server responds with an HTTP redirect to a ?cmd=capabilities URL, the HTTP request layer automatically followed it, retrieved a valid capabilities response, and the peer's base URL was updated automatically so subsequent requests used the proper URL. In other words, things "just worked." In the case where the server redirected to a URL without the ?cmd=capabilities query string, the HTTP request layer would follow the redirect and likely encounter HTML. The peer's base URL would be updated and the unexpected Content-Type would raise a RepoError. We would catch RepoError and immediately call between() (testing the case for pre 0.9.1 servers not supporting the "capabilities" command). e.g. try: inst._fetchcaps() except error.RepoError: inst.between([(nullid, nullid)]) between() would eventually call into _callstream(). And _callstream() made a call to self.capable('httpheader'). capable() would call self.capabilities(), which would see that no capabilities were set (because HTML was returned for that request) and call the "capabilities" command to fetch capabilities. Because the base URL had been updated from the redirect, this 2nd "capabilities" command would succeed and the client would immediately call "between," which would also succeed. The legacy handshake succeeded. Only because "capabilities" was successfully executed as a side effect did the peer recognize that it was talking to a modern server. In other words, this all appeared to work accidentally. After 197d10e157ce, we stopped calling the "capabilities" command on the peer instance. Instead, we made the request via a low-level opener, detected the redirect as part of response handling code, and passed the redirected URL into the constructed peer instance. For cases where the redirected URL included the query string, this "just worked." But for cases where the redirected URL stripped the query string, we threw RepoError and because we removed the "between" handshake fallback, we fell through to the "is a static HTTP repo" check and performed an HTTP request for .hg/requires. While 197d10e157ce was marked as backwards incompatible, the only intended backwards incompatible behavior was not performing the "between" fallback. It was not realized that the "between" command had the side-effect of recovering from an errant redirect that dropped the query string. This commit restores the previous behavior and allows clients to handle a redirect that drops the query string. In the case where the request is redirected and the query string is dropped, we raise a special case of RepoError. We then catch this special exception in the handshake code and perform another "capabilities" request against the redirected URL. If that works, all is well. Otherwise, we fall back to the "is a static HTTP repo" check. The new code is arguably better than before 197d10e157ce, as it is explicit about the expected behavior and we avoid performing a "between" request, saving a server round trip. Differential Revision:
Thu, 03 May 2018 14:43:25 +0900 hgweb: prevent triggering dummy href="#" handler stable
Yuya Nishihara <> [Thu, 03 May 2018 14:43:25 +0900] rev 37831
hgweb: prevent triggering dummy href="#" handler Follow up for the previous patch.
Wed, 02 May 2018 21:00:43 -0700 paper: add href="#" to links with click handlers stable
Gregory Szorc <> [Wed, 02 May 2018 21:00:43 -0700] rev 37830
paper: add href="#" to links with click handlers This restores the styling that was accidentally removed by the previous change to these files. Differential Revision:
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