author Pierre-Yves David <>
Thu, 07 Mar 2024 01:35:43 +0100
changeset 51530 fc710c993ec9
parent 46885 fc8a5c9ecee0
permissions -rw-r--r--
branchcache: simplify the branch rev cache test We don't need that many content dump and this gets in the way in change in access pattern (e.g. accessing revision in a different order change the order of branches in the "names" file). So we simplify this test in advance.

@echo off
rem Windows Driver script for Mercurial

set HG=%~f0


rem Use a full path to Python (relative to this script) if it exists,
rem as the standard Python install does not put python.exe on the PATH...
rem Otherwise, expect that python.exe can be found on the PATH.
rem %~dp0 is the directory of this script

if exist "%~dp0..\python.exe" (
    "%~dp0..\python" "%~dp0hg" %*
) else (
    python "%~dp0hg" %*

exit /b %ERRORLEVEL%