author Pierre-Yves David <pierre-yves.david@octobus.net>
Tue, 18 Apr 2023 01:23:27 +0200
changeset 50424 f952be90b051
parent 48946 642e31cb55f0
permissions -rw-r--r--
revlog-split: make sure the self._indexfile attribut is reset (issue6811) Before this change, after a transaction committing a file split, a revlog object would have its `self._indexfile` attribute desynchronised from the actual file storing the data. If that same object is reused (as we do for the manifest during clone bundles), this lead to the data being writting in the wrong location and the repository to go corrupt. We not properly reset the attribut when applicable and everything is back in working order.

from mercurial import extensions

def genwrapper(x):
    def f(orig, *args, **kwds):
        return [x] + orig(*args, **kwds)

    f.x = x
    return f

def getid(wrapper):
    return getattr(wrapper, 'x', '-')

wrappers = [genwrapper(i) for i in range(5)]

class dummyclass:
    def getstack(self):
        return ['orig']

dummy = dummyclass()

def batchwrap(wrappers):
    for w in wrappers:
        extensions.wrapfunction(dummy, 'getstack', w)
        print('wrap %d: %s' % (getid(w), dummy.getstack()))

def batchunwrap(wrappers):
    for w in wrappers:
        result = None
            result = extensions.unwrapfunction(dummy, 'getstack', w)
            msg = str(dummy.getstack())
        except (ValueError, IndexError) as e:
            msg = e.__class__.__name__
        print('unwrap %s: %s: %s' % (getid(w), getid(result), msg))

batchwrap(wrappers + [wrappers[0]])
        (wrappers[i] if i is not None and i >= 0 else None)
        for i in [3, None, 0, 4, 0, 2, 1, None]

wrap0 = extensions.wrappedfunction(dummy, 'getstack', wrappers[0])
wrap1 = extensions.wrappedfunction(dummy, 'getstack', wrappers[1])

# Use them in a different order from how they were created to check that
# the wrapping happens in __enter__, not in __init__
print('context manager', dummy.getstack())
with wrap1:
    print('context manager', dummy.getstack())
    with wrap0:
        print('context manager', dummy.getstack())
        # Bad programmer forgets to unwrap the function, but the context
        # managers still unwrap their wrappings.
        extensions.wrapfunction(dummy, 'getstack', wrappers[2])
        print('context manager', dummy.getstack())
    print('context manager', dummy.getstack())
print('context manager', dummy.getstack())

# Wrap callable object which has no __name__
class callableobj:
    def __call__(self):
        return ['orig']

dummy.cobj = callableobj()
extensions.wrapfunction(dummy, 'cobj', wrappers[0])
print('wrap callable object', dummy.cobj())