author Pierre-Yves David <>
Tue, 20 Feb 2024 21:40:13 +0100
changeset 51406 f8bf1a8e9181
parent 50928 d718eddf01d9
permissions -rw-r--r--
phases: keep internal state as rev-num instead of node-id Node-id are expensive to work with, dealing with revision is much simple and faster. The fact we still used node-id here shows how few effort have been put into making the phase logic fast. We tend to no longer use node-id internally for about ten years. This has a large impact of repository with many draft roots. For example this Mozilla-try copy have ½ Million draft roots and `perf::unbundle` see a significant improvement. ### = mozilla-try-2023-03-22-zstd-sparse-revlog # = hg.perf.perf-unbundle # bin-env-vars.hg.flavor = no-rust # = default # benchmark.variants.issue6528 = disabled # benchmark.variants.revs = last-1 before:: 1.746791 seconds after:: 1.278379 seconds (-26.82%) # benchmark.variants.revs = last-10 before:: 3.145774 seconds after:: 2.103735 seconds (-33.13%) # benchmark.variants.revs = last-100 before:: 3.487635 seconds after:: 2.446749 seconds (-29.85%) # benchmark.variants.revs = last-1000 before:: 5.007568 seconds after:: 3.989923 seconds (-20.32%)

# - utility functions for rewriting changesets
# Copyright 2017 Octobus <>
# This software may be used and distributed according to the terms of the
# GNU General Public License version 2 or any later version.

import re

from .i18n import _
from .node import (

from . import (

NODE_RE = re.compile(br'\b[0-9a-f]{6,64}\b')

# set of extra entry that should survive a rebase-like operation, extensible by extensions
retained_extras_on_rebase = {

def preserve_extras_on_rebase(old_ctx, new_extra):
    """preserve the relevant `extra` entry from old_ctx on rebase-like operation"""
        (key, value)
        for key, value in old_ctx.extra().items()
        if key in retained_extras_on_rebase

def _formatrevs(repo, revs, maxrevs=4):
    """returns a string summarizing revisions in a decent size

    If there are few enough revisions, we list them all. Otherwise we display a
    summary of the form:

        1ea73414a91b and 5 others
    tonode = repo.changelog.node
    numrevs = len(revs)
    if numrevs < maxrevs:
        shorts = [node.short(tonode(r)) for r in revs]
        summary = b', '.join(shorts)
        first = revs.first()
        summary = _(b'%s and %d others')
        summary %= (node.short(tonode(first)), numrevs - 1)
    return summary

def precheck(repo, revs, action=b'rewrite', check_divergence=True):
    """check if revs can be rewritten
    action is used to control the error message.

    check_divergence allows skipping the divergence checks in cases like adding
    a prune marker (A, ()) to obsstore (which can't be diverging).

    Make sure this function is called after taking the lock.
    if nullrev in revs:
        msg = _(b"cannot %s the null revision") % action
        hint = _(b"no changeset checked out")
        raise error.InputError(msg, hint=hint)

    if any(hasattr(r, 'rev') for r in revs):
        repo.ui.develwarn(b"rewriteutil.precheck called with ctx not revs")
        revs = (r.rev() for r in revs)

    if len(repo[None].parents()) > 1:
        raise error.StateError(
            _(b"cannot %s changesets while merging") % action

    publicrevs = repo.revs(b'%ld and public()', revs)
    if publicrevs:
        summary = _formatrevs(repo, publicrevs)
        msg = _(b"cannot %s public changesets: %s") % (action, summary)
        hint = _(b"see 'hg help phases' for details")
        raise error.InputError(msg, hint=hint)

    newunstable = disallowednewunstable(repo, revs)
    if newunstable:
        hint = _(b"see 'hg help evolution.instability'")
        raise error.InputError(
            _(b"cannot %s changeset, as that will orphan %d descendants")
            % (action, len(newunstable)),

    if not check_divergence:

    if not obsolete.isenabled(repo, obsolete.allowdivergenceopt):
        new_divergence = _find_new_divergence(repo, revs)
        if new_divergence:
            local_ctx, other_ctx, base_ctx = new_divergence
            msg = _(
                b'cannot %s %s, as that creates content-divergence with %s'
            ) % (
            if local_ctx.rev() != base_ctx.rev():
                msg += _(b', from %s') % base_ctx
            if repo.ui.verbose:
                if local_ctx.rev() != base_ctx.rev():
                    msg += _(
                        b'\n    changeset %s is a successor of ' b'changeset %s'
                    ) % (local_ctx, base_ctx)
                msg += _(
                    b'\n    changeset %s already has a successor in '
                    b'changeset %s\n'
                    b'    rewriting changeset %s would create '
                    b'    set experimental.evolution.allowdivergence=True to '
                    b'skip this check'
                ) % (base_ctx, other_ctx, local_ctx)
                raise error.InputError(
                        b"see 'hg help evolution.instability' for details on content-divergence"
                raise error.InputError(
                        b"add --verbose for details or see "
                        b"'hg help evolution.instability'"

def disallowednewunstable(repo, revs):
    """Checks whether editing the revs will create new unstable changesets and
    are we allowed to create them.

    To allow new unstable changesets, set the config:
    allowunstable = obsolete.isenabled(repo, obsolete.allowunstableopt)
    if allowunstable:
        return revset.baseset()
    return repo.revs(b"(%ld::) - %ld", revs, revs)

def _find_new_divergence(repo, revs):
    obsrevs = repo.revs(b'%ld and obsolete()', revs)
    for r in obsrevs:
        div = find_new_divergence_from(repo, repo[r])
        if div:
            return (repo[r], repo[div[0]], repo.unfiltered()[div[1]])
    return None

def find_new_divergence_from(repo, ctx):
    """return divergent revision if rewriting an obsolete cset (ctx) will
    create divergence

    Returns (<other node>, <common ancestor node>) or None
    if not ctx.obsolete():
        return None
    # We need to check two cases that can cause divergence:
    # case 1: the rev being rewritten has a non-obsolete successor (easily
    #     detected by successorssets)
    sset = obsutil.successorssets(repo, ctx.node())
    if sset:
        return (sset[0][0], ctx.node())
        # case 2: one of the precursors of the rev being revived has a
        #     non-obsolete successor (we need divergentsets for this)
        divsets = obsutil.divergentsets(repo, ctx)
        if divsets:
            nsuccset = divsets[0][b'divergentnodes']
            prec = divsets[0][b'commonpredecessor']
            return (nsuccset[0], prec)
        return None

def skip_empty_successor(ui, command):
    empty_successor = ui.config(b'rewrite', b'empty-successor')
    if empty_successor == b'skip':
        return True
    elif empty_successor == b'keep':
        return False
        raise error.ConfigError(
                b"%s doesn't know how to handle config "
                b"rewrite.empty-successor=%s (only 'skip' and 'keep' are "
            % (command, empty_successor)

def update_hash_refs(repo, commitmsg, pending=None):
    """Replace all obsolete commit hashes in the message with the current hash.

    If the obsolete commit was split or is divergent, the hash is not replaced
    as there's no way to know which successor to choose.

    For commands that update a series of commits in the current transaction, the
    new obsolete markers can be considered by setting ``pending`` to a mapping
    of ``pending[oldnode] = [successor_node1, successor_node2,..]``.
    if not pending:
        pending = {}
    cache = {}
    hashes = re.findall(NODE_RE, commitmsg)
    unfi = repo.unfiltered()
    for h in hashes:
            fullnode = scmutil.resolvehexnodeidprefix(unfi, h)
        except (error.WdirUnsupported, error.AmbiguousPrefixLookupError):
            # Someone has an fffff... or some other prefix that's ambiguous in a
            # commit message we're rewriting. Don't try rewriting that.
        if fullnode is None:
        ctx = unfi[fullnode]
        if not ctx.obsolete():
            successors = pending.get(fullnode)
            if successors is None:
            # obsutil.successorssets() returns a list of list of nodes
            successors = [successors]
            successors = obsutil.successorssets(repo, ctx.node(), cache=cache)

        # We can't make any assumptions about how to update the hash if the
        # cset in question was split or diverged.
        if len(successors) == 1 and len(successors[0]) == 1:
            successor = successors[0][0]
            if successor is not None:
                newhash = hex(successor)
                commitmsg = commitmsg.replace(h, newhash[: len(h)])
                        b'The stale commit message reference to %s could '
                        b'not be updated\n(The referenced commit was dropped)\n'
                    % h
                    b'The stale commit message reference to %s could '
                    b'not be updated\n'
                % h

    return commitmsg