author Pierre-Yves David <pierre-yves.david@octobus.net>
Thu, 07 Mar 2024 10:55:22 +0100
changeset 51531 f85f23f1479b
parent 45826 21733e8c924f
permissions -rw-r--r--
branchcache: skip entries that are topological heads in the on disk file In the majority of cases, topological heads are also branch heads. We have efficient way to get the topological heads and efficient way to retrieve their branch information. So there is little value in putting them in the branch cache file explicitly. On the contrary, writing them explicitly tend to create very large cache file that are inefficient to read and update. So the branch cache v3 format is no longer including them. This changeset focus on the format aspect and have no focus on the performance aspect. We will cover that later.

  $ cat >> $HGRCPATH <<EOF
  > [extensions]
  > rebase=
  > [alias]
  > tglog = log -G --template "{rev}: {node|short} '{desc}'\n"
  > [extensions]
  > drawdag=$TESTDIR/drawdag.py
  > EOF

Rebasing D onto B detaching from C (one commit):

  $ hg init a1
  $ cd a1

  $ hg debugdrawdag <<EOF
  > D
  > |
  > C B
  > |/
  > A
  > EOF
  $ hg phase --force --secret D

  $ hg rebase -s D -d B
  rebasing 3:e7b3f00ed42e D tip "D"
  saved backup bundle to $TESTTMP/a1/.hg/strip-backup/e7b3f00ed42e-6f368371-rebase.hg

  $ hg log -G --template "{rev}:{phase} '{desc}' {branches}\n"
  o  3:secret 'D'
  | o  2:draft 'C'
  | |
  o |  1:draft 'B'
  o  0:draft 'A'
  $ hg manifest --rev tip

  $ cd ..

Rebasing D onto B detaching from C (two commits):

  $ hg init a2
  $ cd a2

  $ hg debugdrawdag <<EOF
  > E
  > |
  > D
  > |
  > C B
  > |/
  > A
  > EOF

  $ hg rebase -s D -d B
  rebasing 3:e7b3f00ed42e D "D"
  rebasing 4:69a34c08022a E tip "E"
  saved backup bundle to $TESTTMP/a2/.hg/strip-backup/e7b3f00ed42e-a2ec7cea-rebase.hg

  $ hg tglog
  o  4: ee79e0744528 'E'
  o  3: 10530e1d72d9 'D'
  | o  2: dc0947a82db8 'C'
  | |
  o |  1: 112478962961 'B'
  o  0: 426bada5c675 'A'
  $ hg manifest --rev tip

  $ cd ..

Rebasing C onto B using detach (same as not using it):

  $ hg init a3
  $ cd a3

  $ hg debugdrawdag <<EOF
  > D
  > |
  > C B
  > |/
  > A
  > EOF

  $ hg rebase -s C -d B
  rebasing 2:dc0947a82db8 C "C"
  rebasing 3:e7b3f00ed42e D tip "D"
  saved backup bundle to $TESTTMP/a3/.hg/strip-backup/dc0947a82db8-b8481714-rebase.hg

  $ hg tglog
  o  3: 7375f3dbfb0f 'D'
  o  2: bbfdd6cb49aa 'C'
  o  1: 112478962961 'B'
  o  0: 426bada5c675 'A'
  $ hg manifest --rev tip

  $ cd ..

Rebasing D onto B detaching from C and collapsing:

  $ hg init a4
  $ cd a4

  $ hg debugdrawdag <<EOF
  > E
  > |
  > D
  > |
  > C B
  > |/
  > A
  > EOF
  $ hg phase --force --secret E

  $ hg rebase --collapse -s D -d B
  rebasing 3:e7b3f00ed42e D "D"
  rebasing 4:69a34c08022a E tip "E"
  saved backup bundle to $TESTTMP/a4/.hg/strip-backup/e7b3f00ed42e-a2ec7cea-rebase.hg

  $ hg  log -G --template "{rev}:{phase} '{desc}' {branches}\n"
  o  3:secret 'Collapsed revision
  |  * D
  |  * E'
  | o  2:draft 'C'
  | |
  o |  1:draft 'B'
  o  0:draft 'A'
  $ hg manifest --rev tip

  $ cd ..

Rebasing across null as ancestor
  $ hg init a5
  $ cd a5

  $ hg debugdrawdag <<EOF
  > E
  > |
  > D
  > |
  > C
  > |
  > A B
  > EOF

  $ hg rebase -s C -d B
  rebasing 2:dc0947a82db8 C "C"
  rebasing 3:e7b3f00ed42e D "D"
  rebasing 4:69a34c08022a E tip "E"
  saved backup bundle to $TESTTMP/a5/.hg/strip-backup/dc0947a82db8-3eefec98-rebase.hg

  $ hg tglog
  o  4: e3d0c70d606d 'E'
  o  3: e9153d36a1af 'D'
  o  2: a7ac28b870a8 'C'
  o  1: fc2b737bb2e5 'B'
  o  0: 426bada5c675 'A'
  $ hg rebase -d 1 -s 3
  rebasing 3:e9153d36a1af "D"
  rebasing 4:e3d0c70d606d tip "E"
  saved backup bundle to $TESTTMP/a5/.hg/strip-backup/e9153d36a1af-db7388ed-rebase.hg
  $ hg tglog
  o  4: 2c24e540eccd 'E'
  o  3: 73f786ed52ff 'D'
  | o  2: a7ac28b870a8 'C'
  o  1: fc2b737bb2e5 'B'
  o  0: 426bada5c675 'A'
  $ cd ..

Verify that target is not selected as external rev (issue3085)

  $ hg init a6
  $ cd a6

  $ hg debugdrawdag <<EOF
  > H
  > | G
  > |/|
  > F E
  > |/
  > A
  > EOF
  $ hg up -q G

  $ echo "I" >> E
  $ hg ci -m "I"
  $ hg tag --local I
  $ hg merge H
  1 files updated, 0 files merged, 0 files removed, 0 files unresolved
  (branch merge, don't forget to commit)
  $ hg ci -m "Merge"
  $ echo "J" >> F
  $ hg ci -m "J"
  $ hg tglog
  @  7: c6aaf0d259c0 'J'
  o    6: 0cfbc7e8faaf 'Merge'
  | o  5: b92d164ad3cb 'I'
  | |
  o |  4: 4ea5b230dea3 'H'
  | |
  | o  3: c6001eacfde5 'G'
  o |  2: 8908a377a434 'F'
  | |
  | o  1: 7fb047a69f22 'E'
  o  0: 426bada5c675 'A'
  $ hg rebase -s I -d H --collapse --config ui.merge=internal:other
  rebasing 5:b92d164ad3cb I "I"
  rebasing 6:0cfbc7e8faaf "Merge"
  rebasing 7:c6aaf0d259c0 tip "J"
  saved backup bundle to $TESTTMP/a6/.hg/strip-backup/b92d164ad3cb-88fd7ab7-rebase.hg

  $ hg tglog
  @  5: 65079693dac4 'Collapsed revision
  |  * I
  |  * Merge
  |  * J'
  o  4: 4ea5b230dea3 'H'
  | o  3: c6001eacfde5 'G'
  o |  2: 8908a377a434 'F'
  | |
  | o  1: 7fb047a69f22 'E'
  o  0: 426bada5c675 'A'

  $ hg log --rev tip
  changeset:   5:65079693dac4
  tag:         tip
  user:        test
  date:        Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
  summary:     Collapsed revision

  $ cd ..

Ensure --continue restores a correct state (issue3046) and phase:
  $ hg init a7
  $ cd a7

  $ hg debugdrawdag <<EOF
  > C B
  > |/
  > A
  > EOF
  $ hg up -q C
  $ echo 'B2' > B
  $ hg ci -A -m 'B2'
  adding B
  $ hg phase --force --secret .
  $ hg rebase -s . -d B --config ui.merge=internal:merge
  rebasing 3:17b4880d2402 tip "B2"
  merging B
  warning: conflicts while merging B! (edit, then use 'hg resolve --mark')
  unresolved conflicts (see 'hg resolve', then 'hg rebase --continue')
  $ hg resolve --all -t internal:local
  (no more unresolved files)
  continue: hg rebase --continue
  $ hg rebase -c
  rebasing 3:17b4880d2402 tip "B2"
  note: not rebasing 3:17b4880d2402 tip "B2", its destination already has all its changes
  saved backup bundle to $TESTTMP/a7/.hg/strip-backup/17b4880d2402-1ae1f6cc-rebase.hg
  $ hg  log -G --template "{rev}:{phase} '{desc}' {branches}\n"
  o  2:draft 'C'
  | @  1:draft 'B'
  o  0:draft 'A'

  $ cd ..