author Pierre-Yves David <pierre-yves.david@octobus.net>
Thu, 07 Mar 2024 10:55:22 +0100
changeset 51531 f85f23f1479b
parent 48876 42d2b31cee0b
permissions -rw-r--r--
branchcache: skip entries that are topological heads in the on disk file In the majority of cases, topological heads are also branch heads. We have efficient way to get the topological heads and efficient way to retrieve their branch information. So there is little value in putting them in the branch cache file explicitly. On the contrary, writing them explicitly tend to create very large cache file that are inefficient to read and update. So the branch cache v3 format is no longer including them. This changeset focus on the format aspect and have no focus on the performance aspect. We will cover that later.

mock bugzilla driver for testing template output:

  $ cat <<EOF > bzmock.py
  > from mercurial import extensions
  > from mercurial import pycompat
  > from mercurial import registrar
  > from mercurial.utils import stringutil
  > configtable = {}
  > configitem = registrar.configitem(configtable)
  > configitem(b'bugzilla', b'mocklog',
  >     default=None,
  > )
  > def extsetup(ui):
  >     bugzilla = extensions.find(b'bugzilla')
  >     class bzmock(bugzilla.bzaccess):
  >         def __init__(self, ui):
  >             super(bzmock, self).__init__(ui)
  >             self._logfile = ui.config(b'bugzilla', b'mocklog')
  >         def updatebug(self, bugid, newstate, text, committer):
  >             with open(pycompat.fsdecode(self._logfile), 'ab') as f:
  >                 f.write(b'update bugid=%s, newstate=%s, committer=%s\n'
  >                         % (stringutil.pprint(bugid),
  >                            stringutil.pprint(newstate),
  >                            stringutil.pprint(committer)))
  >                 f.write(b'----\n' + text + b'\n----\n')
  >         def notify(self, bugs, committer):
  >             with open(pycompat.fsdecode(self._logfile), 'ab') as f:
  >                 f.write(b'notify bugs=%s, committer=%s\n'
  >                         % (stringutil.pprint(bugs),
  >                            stringutil.pprint(committer)))
  >     bugzilla.bugzilla._versions[b'mock'] = bzmock
  > EOF

set up mock repository:

  $ hg init mockremote
  $ cat <<EOF > mockremote/.hg/hgrc
  > [extensions]
  > bugzilla =
  > bzmock = $TESTTMP/bzmock.py
  > [bugzilla]
  > version = mock
  > mocklog = $TESTTMP/bzmock.log
  > [hooks]
  > incoming.bugzilla = python:hgext.bugzilla.hook
  > [web]
  > baseurl=http://example.org/hg
  > %include $TESTTMP/bzstyle.hgrc
  > EOF

  $ hg clone -q mockremote mocklocal

push with default template:

  $ echo '[bugzilla]' > bzstyle.hgrc
  $ echo foo > mocklocal/foo
  $ hg ci -R mocklocal -Aqm 'Fixes bug 123'
  $ hg -R mocklocal push -q
  $ cat bzmock.log && rm bzmock.log
  update bugid=123, newstate={}, committer='test'
  changeset 7875a8342c6f in repo $TESTTMP/mockremote refers to bug 123.
  	Fixes bug 123
  notify bugs={123: {}}, committer='test'

push with style:

  $ cat <<EOF > bzstyle.map
  > changeset = "{node|short} refers to bug {bug}."
  > EOF
  $ echo "style = $TESTTMP/bzstyle.map" >> bzstyle.hgrc
  $ echo foo >> mocklocal/foo
  $ hg ci -R mocklocal -qm 'Fixes bug 456'
  $ hg -R mocklocal push -q
  $ cat bzmock.log && rm bzmock.log
  update bugid=456, newstate={}, committer='test'
  2808b172464b refers to bug 456.
  notify bugs={456: {}}, committer='test'

push with template (overrides style):

  $ cat <<EOF >> bzstyle.hgrc
  > template = Changeset {node|short} in {root|basename}.
  >            {hgweb}/rev/{node|short}\n
  >            {desc}
  > EOF
  $ echo foo >> mocklocal/foo
  $ hg ci -R mocklocal -qm 'Fixes bug 789'
  $ hg -R mocklocal push -q
  $ cat bzmock.log && rm bzmock.log
  update bugid=789, newstate={}, committer='test'
  Changeset a770f3e409f2 in mockremote.
  Fixes bug 789
  notify bugs={789: {}}, committer='test'