author Matt Harbison <matt_harbison@yahoo.com>
Mon, 22 May 2017 21:45:02 -0400
changeset 32677 f840b2621cce
parent 30559 d83ca854fa21
child 40297 d33611280add
permissions -rw-r--r--
killdaemons: close pid file before killing processes With #serve enabled on Windows, I was getting occasional stacktraces like this: Errored test-hgweb-json.t: Traceback (most recent call last): File "./run-tests.py", line 724, in run self.tearDown() File "./run-tests.py", line 805, in tearDown killdaemons(entry) File "./run-tests.py", line 540, in killdaemons logfn=vlog) File "...\tests\killdaemons.py", line 94, in killdaemons os.unlink(pidfile) WindowsError: [Error 32] The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process: '...\\hgtests.zmpqj3\\child80\\daemon.pids' Adrian suggested using util.posixfile, which works. However, the 'mercurial' package isn't in sys.path when invoking run-tests.py, and it isn't clear that hacking[1] it in is a good thing (especially for test-run-tests.t, which uses an installation in a temp folder). I tried using ProcessMonitor to figure out what the other process is, but that monitoring slows things down to such a degree that the issue doesn't occur. I was ready to blame the virus scanner, but it happens without that too. Looking at the code, I don't see anything that would have the pid file open. But I was able to get through about 20 full test runs without an issue with this minor change, whereas before it was pretty certain to hit this at least once in two or three runs. [1] https://www.mercurial-scm.org/pipermail/mercurial-devel/2017-May/097907.html

"""test behavior of propertycache and unfiltered propertycache

The repoview overlay is quite complex. We test the behavior of
property cache of both localrepo and repoview to prevent

from __future__ import absolute_import, print_function
import os
import subprocess

from mercurial import (
    ui as uimod,

# create some special property cache that trace they call

calllog = []
def testcachedfoobar(repo):
    name = repo.filtername
    if name is None:
        name = ''
    val = len(name)
    return val

unficalllog = []
def testcachedunfifoobar(repo):
    name = repo.filtername
    if name is None:
        name = ''
    val = 100 + len(name)
    return val

#plug them on repo
localrepo.localrepository.testcachedfoobar = testcachedfoobar
localrepo.localrepository.testcachedunfifoobar = testcachedunfifoobar

# Create an empty repo and instantiate it. It is important to run
# these tests on the real object to detect regression.
repopath = os.path.join(os.environ['TESTTMP'], 'repo')
assert subprocess.call(['hg', 'init', repopath]) == 0
ui = uimod.ui.load()
repo = hg.repository(ui, path=repopath).unfiltered()

print('=== property cache ===')
print('calllog:', calllog)
print('cached value (unfiltered):',
    vars(repo).get('testcachedfoobar', 'NOCACHE'))

print('= first access on unfiltered, should do a call')
print('access:', repo.testcachedfoobar)
print('calllog:', calllog)
print('cached value (unfiltered):',
    vars(repo).get('testcachedfoobar', 'NOCACHE'))

print('= second access on unfiltered, should not do call')
print('access', repo.testcachedfoobar)
print('calllog:', calllog)
print('cached value (unfiltered):',
    vars(repo).get('testcachedfoobar', 'NOCACHE'))

print('= first access on "visible" view, should do a call')
visibleview = repo.filtered('visible')
print('cached value ("visible" view):',
    vars(visibleview).get('testcachedfoobar', 'NOCACHE'))
print('access:', visibleview.testcachedfoobar)
print('calllog:', calllog)
print('cached value (unfiltered):',
    vars(repo).get('testcachedfoobar', 'NOCACHE'))
print('cached value ("visible" view):',
    vars(visibleview).get('testcachedfoobar', 'NOCACHE'))

print('= second access on "visible view", should not do call')
print('access:', visibleview.testcachedfoobar)
print('calllog:', calllog)
print('cached value (unfiltered):',
    vars(repo).get('testcachedfoobar', 'NOCACHE'))
print('cached value ("visible" view):',
    vars(visibleview).get('testcachedfoobar', 'NOCACHE'))

print('= no effect on other view')
immutableview = repo.filtered('immutable')
print('cached value ("immutable" view):',
    vars(immutableview).get('testcachedfoobar', 'NOCACHE'))
print('access:', immutableview.testcachedfoobar)
print('calllog:', calllog)
print('cached value (unfiltered):',
    vars(repo).get('testcachedfoobar', 'NOCACHE'))
print('cached value ("visible" view):',
    vars(visibleview).get('testcachedfoobar', 'NOCACHE'))
print('cached value ("immutable" view):',
    vars(immutableview).get('testcachedfoobar', 'NOCACHE'))

# unfiltered property cache test
print('=== unfiltered property cache ===')
print('unficalllog:', unficalllog)
print('cached value (unfiltered):      ',
    vars(repo).get('testcachedunfifoobar', 'NOCACHE'))
print('cached value ("visible" view):  ',
    vars(visibleview).get('testcachedunfifoobar', 'NOCACHE'))
print('cached value ("immutable" view):',
    vars(immutableview).get('testcachedunfifoobar', 'NOCACHE'))

print('= first access on unfiltered, should do a call')
print('access (unfiltered):', repo.testcachedunfifoobar)
print('unficalllog:', unficalllog)
print('cached value (unfiltered):      ',
    vars(repo).get('testcachedunfifoobar', 'NOCACHE'))

print('= second access on unfiltered, should not do call')
print('access (unfiltered):', repo.testcachedunfifoobar)
print('unficalllog:', unficalllog)
print('cached value (unfiltered):      ',
    vars(repo).get('testcachedunfifoobar', 'NOCACHE'))

print('= access on view should use the unfiltered cache')
print('access (unfiltered):      ', repo.testcachedunfifoobar)
print('access ("visible" view):  ', visibleview.testcachedunfifoobar)
print('access ("immutable" view):', immutableview.testcachedunfifoobar)
print('unficalllog:', unficalllog)
print('cached value (unfiltered):      ',
    vars(repo).get('testcachedunfifoobar', 'NOCACHE'))
print('cached value ("visible" view):  ',
    vars(visibleview).get('testcachedunfifoobar', 'NOCACHE'))
print('cached value ("immutable" view):',
    vars(immutableview).get('testcachedunfifoobar', 'NOCACHE'))

print('= even if we clear the unfiltered cache')
del repo.__dict__['testcachedunfifoobar']
print('cached value (unfiltered):      ',
    vars(repo).get('testcachedunfifoobar', 'NOCACHE'))
print('cached value ("visible" view):  ',
    vars(visibleview).get('testcachedunfifoobar', 'NOCACHE'))
print('cached value ("immutable" view):',
    vars(immutableview).get('testcachedunfifoobar', 'NOCACHE'))
print('unficalllog:', unficalllog)
print('access ("visible" view):  ', visibleview.testcachedunfifoobar)
print('unficalllog:', unficalllog)
print('cached value (unfiltered):      ',
    vars(repo).get('testcachedunfifoobar', 'NOCACHE'))
print('cached value ("visible" view):  ',
    vars(visibleview).get('testcachedunfifoobar', 'NOCACHE'))
print('cached value ("immutable" view):',
    vars(immutableview).get('testcachedunfifoobar', 'NOCACHE'))
print('access ("immutable" view):', immutableview.testcachedunfifoobar)
print('unficalllog:', unficalllog)
print('cached value (unfiltered):      ',
    vars(repo).get('testcachedunfifoobar', 'NOCACHE'))
print('cached value ("visible" view):  ',
    vars(visibleview).get('testcachedunfifoobar', 'NOCACHE'))
print('cached value ("immutable" view):',
    vars(immutableview).get('testcachedunfifoobar', 'NOCACHE'))
print('access (unfiltered):      ', repo.testcachedunfifoobar)
print('unficalllog:', unficalllog)
print('cached value (unfiltered):      ',
    vars(repo).get('testcachedunfifoobar', 'NOCACHE'))
print('cached value ("visible" view):  ',
    vars(visibleview).get('testcachedunfifoobar', 'NOCACHE'))
print('cached value ("immutable" view):',
    vars(immutableview).get('testcachedunfifoobar', 'NOCACHE'))