author "Mathieu Clabaut <>"
Wed, 12 Jul 2006 23:50:34 +0200
changeset 2603 f80057407c07
parent 2592 457846f400e8
child 2604 d93c23b31797
permissions -rw-r--r--
HGcommand.vim : doc integration

" vim600: set foldmethod=marker:
" Vim plugin to assist in working with HG-controlled files.
" Last Change:   2006/02/22
" Version:       1.76
" Maintainer:    Mathieu Clabaut <>
" License:       This file is placed in the public domain.
" Credits: {{{1
"                Bob Hiestand <> for the fabulous
"                cvscommand.vim from which this script was directly created by
"                means of sed commands and minor tweaks.

" Section: Documentation 
" Documentation should be available by ":help hgcommand" command, once the
" script has been copied in you .vim/plugin directory.
" You still can read the documentation at the end of this file. Locate it by
" searching the "hgcommand-contents" string (and set ft=help to have
" appropriate syntaxic coloration). 
" Section: Documentation : detail {{{1
" Provides functions to invoke various HG commands on the current file
" (either the current buffer, or, in the case of an directory buffer, the file
" on the current line).  The output of the commands is captured in a new
" scratch window.  For convenience, if the functions are invoked on a HG
" output window, the original file is used for the hg operation instead after
" the window is split.  This is primarily useful when running HGCommit and
" you need to see the changes made, so that HGDiff is usable and shows up in
" another window.
" Command documentation {{{2
" HGAdd           Performs "hg add" on the current file.
" HGAnnotate      Performs "hg annotate" on the current file.  If an
"                  argument is given, the argument is used as a revision
"                  number to display.  If not given an argument, it uses the
"                  most recent version of the file on the current branch.
"                  Additionally, if the current buffer is a HGAnnotate buffer
"                  already, the version number on the current line is used.
"                  If the 'HGCommandAnnotateParent' variable is set to a
"                  non-zero value, the version previous to the one on the
"                  current line is used instead.  This allows one to navigate
"                  back to examine the previous version of a line.
" HGCommit[!]     If called with arguments, this performs "hg commit" using
"                  the arguments as the log message.
"                  If '!' is used, an empty log message is committed.
"                  If called with no arguments, this is a two-step command.
"                  The first step opens a buffer to accept a log message.
"                  When that buffer is written, it is automatically closed and
"                  the file is committed using the information from that log
"                  message.  The commit can be abandoned if the log message
"                  buffer is deleted or wiped before being written.
" HGDiff          With no arguments, this performs "hg diff" on the current
"                  file.  With one argument, "hg diff" is performed on the
"                  current file against the specified revision.  With two
"                  arguments, hg diff is performed between the specified
"                  revisions of the current file.  This command uses the
"                  'HGCommandDiffOpt' variable to specify diff options.  If
"                  that variable does not exist, then 'wbBc' is assumed.  If
"                  you wish to have no options, then set it to the empty
"                  string.
" HGGotoOriginal  Returns the current window to the source buffer if the
"                  current buffer is a HG output buffer.
" HGLog           Performs "hg log" on the current file.
" HGRevert        Replaces the modified version of the current file with the
"                  most recent version from the repository.
" HGReview        Retrieves a particular version of the current file.  If no
"                  argument is given, the most recent version of the file on
"                  the current branch is retrieved.  The specified revision is
"                  retrieved into a new buffer.
" HGStatus        Performs "hg status" on the current file.
" HGUpdate        Performs "hg update" on the current file.
" HGVimDiff       With no arguments, this prompts the user for a revision and
"                  then uses vimdiff to display the differences between the
"                  current file and the specified revision.  If no revision is
"                  specified, the most recent version of the file on the
"                  current branch is used.  With one argument, that argument
"                  is used as the revision as above.  With two arguments, the
"                  differences between the two revisions is displayed using
"                  vimdiff.
"                  With either zero or one argument, the original buffer is used
"                  to perform the vimdiff.  When the other buffer is closed, the
"                  original buffer will be returned to normal mode.
"                  Once vimdiff mode is started using the above methods,
"                  additional vimdiff buffers may be added by passing a single
"                  version argument to the command.  There may be up to 4
"                  vimdiff buffers total.
"                  Using the 2-argument form of the command resets the vimdiff
"                  to only those 2 versions.  Additionally, invoking the
"                  command on a different file will close the previous vimdiff
"                  buffers.
" Mapping documentation: {{{2
" By default, a mapping is defined for each command.  User-provided mappings
" can be used instead by mapping to <Plug>CommandName, for instance:
" nnoremap ,ca <Plug>HGAdd
" The default mappings are as follow:
"   <Leader>hga HGAdd
"   <Leader>hgn HGAnnotate
"   <Leader>hgc HGCommit
"   <Leader>hgd HGDiff
"   <Leader>hgg HGGotoOriginal
"   <Leader>hgG HGGotoOriginal!
"   <Leader>hgl HGLog
"   <Leader>hgr HGReview
"   <Leader>hgs HGStatus
"   <Leader>hgu HGUpdate
"   <Leader>hgv HGVimDiff
" Options documentation: {{{2
" Several variables are checked by the script to determine behavior as follow:
" HGCommandAnnotateParent
"   This variable, if set to a non-zero value, causes the zero-argument form
"   of HGAnnotate when invoked on a HGAnnotate buffer to go to the version
"   previous to that displayed on the current line.  If not set, it defaults
"   to 0.
" HGCommandCommitOnWrite
"   This variable, if set to a non-zero value, causes the pending hg commit
"   to take place immediately as soon as the log message buffer is written.
"   If set to zero, only the HGCommit mapping will cause the pending commit
"   to occur.  If not set, it defaults to 1.
" HGCommandDeleteOnHide
"   This variable, if set to a non-zero value, causes the temporary HG result
"   buffers to automatically delete themselves when hidden.
" HGCommandDiffOpt
"   This variable, if set, determines the options passed to the diff command
"   of HG.  If not set, it defaults to 'wbBc'.
" HGCommandDiffSplit
"   This variable overrides the HGCommandSplit variable, but only for buffers
"   created with HGVimDiff.
" HGCommandEdit
"   This variable controls whether the original buffer is replaced ('edit') or
"   split ('split').  If not set, it defaults to 'edit'.
" HGCommandEnableBufferSetup
"   This variable, if set to a non-zero value, activates HG buffer management
"   mode.  This mode means that two buffer variables, 'HGRevision' and
"   'HGBranch', are set if the file is HG-controlled.  This is useful for
"   displaying version information in the status bar.
" HGCommandInteractive
"   This variable, if set to a non-zero value, causes appropriate functions (for
"   the moment, only HGReview) to query the user for a revision to use
"   instead of the current revision if none is specified.
" HGCommandNameMarker
"   This variable, if set, configures the special attention-getting characters
"   that appear on either side of the hg buffer type in the buffer name.
"   This has no effect unless 'HGCommandNameResultBuffers' is set to a true
"   value.  If not set, it defaults to '_'.  
" HGCommandNameResultBuffers
"   This variable, if set to a true value, causes the hg result buffers to be
"   named in the old way ('<source file name> _<hg command>_').  If not set
"   or set to a false value, the result buffer is nameless.
" HGCommandSplit
"   This variable controls the orientation of the various window splits that
"   may occur (such as with HGVimDiff, when using a HG command on a HG
"   command buffer, or when the 'HGCommandEdit' variable is set to 'split'.
"   If set to 'horizontal', the resulting windows will be on stacked on top of
"   one another.  If set to 'vertical', the resulting windows will be
"   side-by-side.  If not set, it defaults to 'horizontal' for all but
"   HGVimDiff windows.
" Event documentation {{{2
"   For additional customization, hgcommand.vim uses User event autocommand
"   hooks.  Each event is in the HGCommand group, and different patterns
"   match the various hooks.
"   For instance, the following could be added to the vimrc to provide a 'q'
"   mapping to quit a HG buffer:
"   augroup HGCommand
"     au HGCommand User HGBufferCreated silent! nmap <unique> <buffer> q :bwipeout<cr> 
"   augroup END
"   The following hooks are available:
"   HGBufferCreated           This event is fired just after a hg command
"                              result buffer is created and filled with the
"                              result of a hg command.  It is executed within
"                              the context of the new buffer.
"   HGBufferSetup             This event is fired just after HG buffer setup
"                              occurs, if enabled.
"   HGPluginInit              This event is fired when the HGCommand plugin
"                              first loads.
"   HGPluginFinish            This event is fired just after the HGCommand
"                              plugin loads.
"   HGVimDiffFinish           This event is fired just after the HGVimDiff
"                              command executes to allow customization of,
"                              for instance, window placement and focus.
" Section: Plugin header {{{1

" loaded_hgcommand is set to 1 when the initialization begins, and 2 when it
" completes.  This allows various actions to only be taken by functions after
" system initialization.

if exists("loaded_hgcommand")
let loaded_hgcommand = 1

if v:version < 602
  echohl WarningMsg|echomsg "HGCommand 1.69 or later requires VIM 6.2 or later"|echohl None

" Section: Event group setup {{{1

augroup HGCommand
augroup END

" Section: Plugin initialization {{{1
silent do HGCommand User HGPluginInit

" Section: Script variable initialization {{{1

let s:HGCommandEditFileRunning = 0
unlet! s:vimDiffRestoreCmd
unlet! s:vimDiffSourceBuffer
unlet! s:vimDiffBufferCount
unlet! s:vimDiffScratchList

" Section: Utility functions {{{1

" Function: s:HGResolveLink() {{{2
" Fully resolve the given file name to remove shortcuts or symbolic links.

function! s:HGResolveLink(fileName)
  let resolved = resolve(a:fileName)
  if resolved != a:fileName
    let resolved = s:HGResolveLink(resolved)
  return resolved

" Function: s:HGChangeToCurrentFileDir() {{{2
" Go to the directory in which the current HG-controlled file is located.
" If this is a HG command buffer, first switch to the original file.

function! s:HGChangeToCurrentFileDir(fileName)
  let oldCwd=getcwd()
  let fileName=s:HGResolveLink(a:fileName)
  let newCwd=fnamemodify(fileName, ':h')
  if strlen(newCwd) > 0
    execute 'cd' escape(newCwd, ' ')
  return oldCwd

" Function: s:HGGetOption(name, default) {{{2
" Grab a user-specified option to override the default provided.  Options are
" searched in the window, buffer, then global spaces.

function! s:HGGetOption(name, default)
  if exists("s:" . a:name . "Override")
    execute "return s:".a:name."Override"
  elseif exists("w:" . a:name)
    execute "return w:".a:name
  elseif exists("b:" . a:name)
    execute "return b:".a:name
  elseif exists("g:" . a:name)
    execute "return g:".a:name
    return a:default

" Function: s:HGEditFile(name, origBuffNR) {{{2
" Wrapper around the 'edit' command to provide some helpful error text if the
" current buffer can't be abandoned.  If name is provided, it is used;
" otherwise, a nameless scratch buffer is used.
" Returns: 0 if successful, -1 if an error occurs.

function! s:HGEditFile(name, origBuffNR)
  "Name parameter will be pasted into expression.
  let name = escape(a:name, ' *?\')

  let editCommand = s:HGGetOption('HGCommandEdit', 'edit')
  if editCommand != 'edit'
    if s:HGGetOption('HGCommandSplit', 'horizontal') == 'horizontal'
      if name == ""
        let editCommand = 'rightbelow new'
        let editCommand = 'rightbelow split ' . name
      if name == ""
        let editCommand = 'vert rightbelow new'
        let editCommand = 'vert rightbelow split ' . name
    if name == ""
      let editCommand = 'enew'
      let editCommand = 'edit ' . name

  " Protect against useless buffer set-up
  let s:HGCommandEditFileRunning = s:HGCommandEditFileRunning + 1
    execute editCommand
    let s:HGCommandEditFileRunning = s:HGCommandEditFileRunning - 1

  let b:HGOrigBuffNR=a:origBuffNR
  let b:HGCommandEdit='split'

" Function: s:HGCreateCommandBuffer(cmd, cmdName, statusText, filename) {{{2
" Creates a new scratch buffer and captures the output from execution of the
" given command.  The name of the scratch buffer is returned.

function! s:HGCreateCommandBuffer(cmd, cmdName, statusText, origBuffNR)
  let fileName=bufname(a:origBuffNR)

  let resultBufferName=''

  if s:HGGetOption("HGCommandNameResultBuffers", 0)
    let nameMarker = s:HGGetOption("HGCommandNameMarker", '_')
    if strlen(a:statusText) > 0
      let bufName=a:cmdName . ' -- ' . a:statusText
      let bufName=a:cmdName
    let bufName=fileName . ' ' . nameMarker . bufName . nameMarker
    let counter=0
    let resultBufferName = bufName
    while buflisted(resultBufferName)
      let counter=counter + 1
      let resultBufferName=bufName . ' (' . counter . ')'

  let hgCommand = s:HGGetOption("HGCommandHGExec", "hg") . " " . a:cmd
  echomsg "DBG :".hgCommand
  let hgOut = system(hgCommand)
  " HACK:  diff command does not return proper error codes
  if v:shell_error && a:cmdName != 'hgdiff'
    if strlen(hgOut) == 0
      echoerr "HG command failed"
      echoerr "HG command failed:  " . hgOut
    return -1
  if strlen(hgOut) == 0
    " Handle case of no output.  In this case, it is important to check the
    " file status, especially since hg edit/unedit may change the attributes
    " of the file with no visible output.

    echomsg "No output from HG command"
    return -1

  if s:HGEditFile(resultBufferName, a:origBuffNR) == -1
    return -1

  set buftype=nofile
  set noswapfile
  set filetype=

  if s:HGGetOption("HGCommandDeleteOnHide", 0)
    set bufhidden=delete

  silent 0put=hgOut

  " The last command left a blank line at the end of the buffer.  If the
  " last line is folded (a side effect of the 'put') then the attempt to
  " remove the blank line will kill the last fold.
  " This could be fixed by explicitly detecting whether the last line is
  " within a fold, but I prefer to simply unfold the result buffer altogether.

  if has('folding')
    normal zR


  " Define the environment and execute user-defined hooks.

  let b:HGSourceFile=fileName
  let b:HGCommand=a:cmdName
  if a:statusText != ""
    let b:HGStatusText=a:statusText

  silent do HGCommand User HGBufferCreated
  return bufnr("%")

" Function: s:HGBufferCheck(hgBuffer) {{{2
" Attempts to locate the original file to which HG operations were applied
" for a given buffer.

function! s:HGBufferCheck(hgBuffer)
  let origBuffer = getbufvar(a:hgBuffer, "HGOrigBuffNR")
  if origBuffer
    if bufexists(origBuffer)
      return origBuffer
      " Original buffer no longer exists.
      return -1 
    " No original buffer
    return a:hgBuffer

" Function: s:HGCurrentBufferCheck() {{{2
" Attempts to locate the original file to which HG operations were applied
" for the current buffer.

function! s:HGCurrentBufferCheck()
  return s:HGBufferCheck(bufnr("%"))

" Function: s:HGToggleDeleteOnHide() {{{2
" Toggles on and off the delete-on-hide behavior of HG buffers

function! s:HGToggleDeleteOnHide()
  if exists("g:HGCommandDeleteOnHide")
    unlet g:HGCommandDeleteOnHide
    let g:HGCommandDeleteOnHide=1

" Function: s:HGDoCommand(hgcmd, cmdName, statusText) {{{2
" General skeleton for HG function execution.
" Returns: name of the new command buffer containing the command results

function! s:HGDoCommand(cmd, cmdName, statusText)
  let hgBufferCheck=s:HGCurrentBufferCheck()
  if hgBufferCheck == -1 
    echo "Original buffer no longer exists, aborting."
    return -1

  let fileName=bufname(hgBufferCheck)
  if isdirectory(fileName)
    let fileName=fileName . "/" . getline(".")
  let realFileName = fnamemodify(s:HGResolveLink(fileName), ':t')
  let oldCwd=s:HGChangeToCurrentFileDir(fileName)
     " TODO
    "if !filereadable('HG/Root')
      "throw fileName . ' is not a HG-controlled file.'
    let fullCmd = a:cmd . ' "' . realFileName . '"'
    "echomsg "DEBUG".fullCmd
    let resultBuffer=s:HGCreateCommandBuffer(fullCmd, a:cmdName, a:statusText, hgBufferCheck)
    return resultBuffer
    echoerr v:exception
    return -1
    execute 'cd' escape(oldCwd, ' ')

" Function: s:HGGetStatusVars(revision, branch, repository) {{{2
" Obtains a HG revision number and branch name.  The 'revisionVar',
" 'branchVar'and 'repositoryVar' arguments, if non-empty, contain the names of variables to hold
" the corresponding results.
" Returns: string to be exec'd that sets the multiple return values.

function! s:HGGetStatusVars(revisionVar, branchVar, repositoryVar)
  let hgBufferCheck=s:HGCurrentBufferCheck()
  if hgBufferCheck == -1 
    return ""
  let fileName=bufname(hgBufferCheck)
  let realFileName = fnamemodify(s:HGResolveLink(fileName), ':t')
  let oldCwd=s:HGChangeToCurrentFileDir(fileName)
    "if !filereadable('HG/Root')
      "return ""
    let hgCommand = s:HGGetOption("HGCommandHGExec", "hg") . " status -mardui " . fileName
    let statustext=system(hgCommand)
      return ""
    if match(statustext, '^[?I]') >= 0 
      let revision="NEW"
    elseif match(statustext, '^[R]') >= 0 
      let revision="REMOVED"
    elseif match(statustext, '^[D]') >= 0 
      let revision="DELETED"
    elseif match(statustext, '^[A]') >= 0 
      let revision="ADDED"

    let hgCommand = s:HGGetOption("HGCommandHGExec", "hg") . " parents -b  " 
    let statustext=system(hgCommand)
        return ""
    if exists('revision')
      let returnExpression = "let " . a:revisionVar . "='" . revision . "'"
      let revision=substitute(statustext, '^changeset:\s*\(\d\+\):.*\_$\_.*$', '\1', "")
      let returnExpression = "let " . a:revisionVar . "='" . revision . "'"

    if a:branchVar != "" && match(statustext, '^\_.*\_^branch:') >= 0
      let branch=substitute(statustext, '^\_.*\_^branch:\s*\(\S\+\)\n\_.*$', '\1', "")
      let returnExpression=returnExpression . " | let " . a:branchVar . "='" . branch . "'"
    if a:repositoryVar != ""
      let hgCommand = s:HGGetOption("HGCommandHGExec", "hg") . " root  " 
      let roottext=system(hgCommand)
      let repository=substitute(roottext,'^.*/\([^/\n\r]*\)\n\_.*$','\1','')
      let returnExpression=returnExpression . " | let " . a:repositoryVar . "='" . repository . "'"

    return returnExpression
    execute 'cd' escape(oldCwd, ' ')

" Function: s:HGSetupBuffer() {{{2
" Attempts to set the b:HGBranch, b:HGRevision and b:HGRepository variables.

function! s:HGSetupBuffer()
  if (exists("b:HGBufferSetup") && b:HGBufferSetup)
    " This buffer is already set up.

  if !s:HGGetOption("HGCommandEnableBufferSetup", 0)
        \ || @% == ""
        \ || s:HGCommandEditFileRunning > 0
        \ || exists("b:HGOrigBuffNR")
    unlet! b:HGRevision
    unlet! b:HGBranch
    unlet! b:HGRepository

  if !filereadable(expand("%"))
    return -1

  let revision=""
  let branch=""
  let repository=""

  exec s:HGGetStatusVars('revision', 'branch', 'repository')
  "echomsg "DBG ".revision."#".branch."#".repository
  if revision != ""
    let b:HGRevision=revision
    unlet! b:HGRevision
  if branch != ""
    let b:HGBranch=branch
    unlet! b:HGBranch
  if repository != ""
     let b:HGRepository=repository
     unlet! b:HGRepository
  silent do HGCommand User HGBufferSetup
  let b:HGBufferSetup=1

" Function: s:HGMarkOrigBufferForSetup(hgbuffer) {{{2
" Resets the buffer setup state of the original buffer for a given HG buffer.
" Returns:  The HG buffer number in a passthrough mode.

function! s:HGMarkOrigBufferForSetup(hgBuffer)
  if a:hgBuffer != -1
    let origBuffer = s:HGBufferCheck(a:hgBuffer)
    "This should never not work, but I'm paranoid
    if origBuffer != a:hgBuffer
      call setbufvar(origBuffer, "HGBufferSetup", 0)
  return a:hgBuffer

" Function: s:HGOverrideOption(option, [value]) {{{2
" Provides a temporary override for the given HG option.  If no value is
" passed, the override is disabled.

function! s:HGOverrideOption(option, ...)
  if a:0 == 0
    unlet! s:{a:option}Override
    let s:{a:option}Override = a:1

" Function: s:HGWipeoutCommandBuffers() {{{2
" Clears all current HG buffers of the specified type for a given source.

function! s:HGWipeoutCommandBuffers(originalBuffer, hgCommand)
  let buffer = 1
  while buffer <= bufnr('$')
    if getbufvar(buffer, 'HGOrigBuffNR') == a:originalBuffer
      if getbufvar(buffer, 'HGCommand') == a:hgCommand
        execute 'bw' buffer
    let buffer = buffer + 1

" Function: s:HGInstallDocumentation(full_name, revision)              {{{2
"   Install help documentation.
" Arguments:
"   full_name: Full name of this vim plugin script, including path name.
"   revision:  Revision of the vim script. #version# mark in the document file
"              will be replaced with this string with 'v' prefix.
" Return:
"   1 if new document installed, 0 otherwise.
" Note: Cleaned and generalized by guo-peng Wen

function! s:HGInstallDocumentation(full_name, revision)
    " Name of the document path based on the system we use:
    if (has("unix"))
        " On UNIX like system, using forward slash:
        let l:slash_char = '/'
        let l:mkdir_cmd  = ':silent !mkdir -p '
        " On M$ system, use backslash. Also mkdir syntax is different.
        " This should only work on W2K and up.
        let l:slash_char = '\'
        let l:mkdir_cmd  = ':silent !mkdir '

    let l:doc_path = l:slash_char . 'doc'
    let l:doc_home = l:slash_char . '.vim' . l:slash_char . 'doc'

    " Figure out document path based on full name of this script:
    let l:vim_plugin_path = fnamemodify(a:full_name, ':h')
    let l:vim_doc_path    = fnamemodify(a:full_name, ':h:h') . l:doc_path
    if (!(filewritable(l:vim_doc_path) == 2))
        echomsg "Doc path: " . l:vim_doc_path
        execute l:mkdir_cmd . '"' . l:vim_doc_path . '"'
        if (!(filewritable(l:vim_doc_path) == 2))
            " Try a default configuration in user home:
            let l:vim_doc_path = expand("~") . l:doc_home
            if (!(filewritable(l:vim_doc_path) == 2))
                execute l:mkdir_cmd . '"' . l:vim_doc_path . '"'
                if (!(filewritable(l:vim_doc_path) == 2))
                    " Put a warning:
                    echomsg "Unable to open documentation directory"
                    echomsg " type :help add-local-help for more informations."
                    return 0

    " Exit if we have problem to access the document directory:
    if (!isdirectory(l:vim_plugin_path)
        \ || !isdirectory(l:vim_doc_path)
        \ || filewritable(l:vim_doc_path) != 2)
        return 0

    " Full name of script and documentation file:
    let l:script_name = fnamemodify(a:full_name, ':t')
    let l:doc_name    = fnamemodify(a:full_name, ':t:r') . '.txt'
    let l:plugin_file = l:vim_plugin_path . l:slash_char . l:script_name
    let l:doc_file    = l:vim_doc_path    . l:slash_char . l:doc_name

    " Bail out if document file is still up to date:
    if (filereadable(l:doc_file)  &&
        \ getftime(l:plugin_file) < getftime(l:doc_file))
        return 0

    " Prepare window position restoring command:
    if (strlen(@%))
        let l:go_back = 'b ' . bufnr("%")
        let l:go_back = 'enew!'

    " Create a new buffer & read in the plugin file (me):
    setl nomodeline
    exe 'enew!'
    exe 'r ' . l:plugin_file

    setl modeline
    let l:buf = bufnr("%")
    setl noswapfile modifiable

    norm zR
    norm gg

    " Delete from first line to a line starts with
    " === START_DOC
    1,/^=\{3,}\s\+START_DOC\C/ d

    " Delete from a line starts with
    " === END_DOC
    " to the end of the documents:
    /^=\{3,}\s\+END_DOC\C/,$ d

    " Remove fold marks:
    %s/{\{3}[1-9]/    /

    " Add modeline for help doc: the modeline string is mangled intentionally
    " to avoid it be recognized by VIM:
    call append(line('$'), '')
    call append(line('$'), ' v' . 'im:tw=78:ts=8:ft=help:norl:')

    " Replace revision:
    exe "normal :1s/#version#/ v" . a:revision . "/\<CR>"

    " Save the help document:
    exe 'w! ' . l:doc_file
    exe l:go_back
    exe 'bw ' . l:buf

    " Build help tags:
    exe 'helptags ' . l:vim_doc_path

    return 1

" Section: Public functions {{{1

" Function: HGGetRevision() {{{2
" Global function for retrieving the current buffer's HG revision number.
" Returns: Revision number or an empty string if an error occurs.

function! HGGetRevision()
  let revision=""
  exec s:HGGetStatusVars('revision', '', '')
  return revision

" Function: HGDisableBufferSetup() {{{2
" Global function for deactivating the buffer autovariables.

function! HGDisableBufferSetup()
  let g:HGCommandEnableBufferSetup=0
  silent! augroup! HGCommandPlugin

" Function: HGEnableBufferSetup() {{{2
" Global function for activating the buffer autovariables.

function! HGEnableBufferSetup()
  let g:HGCommandEnableBufferSetup=1
  augroup HGCommandPlugin
    au BufEnter * call s:HGSetupBuffer()
  augroup END

  " Only auto-load if the plugin is fully loaded.  This gives other plugins a
  " chance to run.
  if g:loaded_hgcommand == 2
    call s:HGSetupBuffer()

" Function: HGGetStatusLine() {{{2
" Default (sample) status line entry for HG files.  This is only useful if
" HG-managed buffer mode is on (see the HGCommandEnableBufferSetup variable
" for how to do this).

function! HGGetStatusLine()
  if exists('b:HGSourceFile')
    " This is a result buffer
    let value='[' . b:HGCommand . ' ' . b:HGSourceFile
    if exists('b:HGStatusText')
      let value=value . ' ' . b:HGStatusText
    let value = value . ']'
    return value

  if exists('b:HGRevision')
        \ && b:HGRevision != ''
        \ && exists('b:HGBranch')
        \ && b:HGBranch != ''
        \ && exists('b:HGRepository')
        \ && b:HGRepository != ''
        \ && exists('g:HGCommandEnableBufferSetup')
        \ && g:HGCommandEnableBufferSetup
   return '[HG ' . b:HGRepository . '/' . b:HGBranch .'/' . b:HGRevision . ']'
    return ''

" Section: HG command functions {{{1

" Function: s:HGAdd() {{{2
function! s:HGAdd()
  return s:HGMarkOrigBufferForSetup(s:HGDoCommand('add', 'hgadd', ''))

" Function: s:HGAnnotate(...) {{{2
function! s:HGAnnotate(...)
  if a:0 == 0
    if &filetype == "HGAnnotate"
      " This is a HGAnnotate buffer.  Perform annotation of the version
      " indicated by the current line.
      let revision = substitute(getline("."),'\(^[0-9]*\):.*','\1','')
      if s:HGGetOption('HGCommandAnnotateParent', 0) != 0 && revision > 0
        let revision = revision - 1
      let revision=HGGetRevision()
      if revision == ""
        echoerr "Unable to obtain HG version information."
        return -1
    let revision=a:1

  if revision == "NEW"
    echo "No annotatation available for new file."
    return -1

  let resultBuffer=s:HGDoCommand('annotate -ndu -r ' . revision, 'hgannotate', revision) 
  echomsg "DBG: ".resultBuffer
  if resultBuffer !=  -1
    set filetype=HGAnnotate

  return resultBuffer

" Function: s:HGCommit() {{{2
function! s:HGCommit(...)
  " Handle the commit message being specified.  If a message is supplied, it
  " is used; if bang is supplied, an empty message is used; otherwise, the
  " user is provided a buffer from which to edit the commit message.
  if a:2 != "" || a:1 == "!"
    return s:HGMarkOrigBufferForSetup(s:HGDoCommand('commit -m "' . a:2 . '"', 'hgcommit', ''))

  let hgBufferCheck=s:HGCurrentBufferCheck()
  if hgBufferCheck ==  -1
    echo "Original buffer no longer exists, aborting."
    return -1

  " Protect against windows' backslashes in paths.  They confuse exec'd
  " commands.

  let shellSlashBak = &shellslash
    set shellslash

    let messageFileName = tempname()

    let fileName=bufname(hgBufferCheck)
    let realFilePath=s:HGResolveLink(fileName)
    let newCwd=fnamemodify(realFilePath, ':h')
    if strlen(newCwd) == 0
      " Account for autochdir being in effect, which will make this blank, but
      " we know we'll be in the current directory for the original file.
      let newCwd = getcwd()

    let realFileName=fnamemodify(realFilePath, ':t')

    if s:HGEditFile(messageFileName, hgBufferCheck) == -1

    " Protect against case and backslash issues in Windows.
    let autoPattern = '\c' . messageFileName

    " Ensure existance of group
    augroup HGCommit
    augroup END

    execute 'au HGCommit BufDelete' autoPattern 'call delete("' . messageFileName . '")'
    execute 'au HGCommit BufDelete' autoPattern 'au! HGCommit * ' autoPattern

    " Create a commit mapping.  The mapping must clear all autocommands in case
    " it is invoked when HGCommandCommitOnWrite is active, as well as to not
    " invoke the buffer deletion autocommand.

    execute 'nnoremap <silent> <buffer> <Plug>HGCommit '.
          \ ':au! HGCommit * ' . autoPattern . '<CR>'.
          \ ':g/^HG:/d<CR>'.
          \ ':update<CR>'.
          \ ':call <SID>HGFinishCommit("' . messageFileName . '",' .
          \                             '"' . newCwd . '",' .
          \                             '"' . realFileName . '",' .
          \                             hgBufferCheck . ')<CR>'

    silent 0put ='HG: ----------------------------------------------------------------------'
    silent put =\"HG: Enter Log.  Lines beginning with `HG:' are removed automatically\"
    silent put ='HG: Type <leader>cc (or your own <Plug>HGCommit mapping)'

    if s:HGGetOption('HGCommandCommitOnWrite', 1) == 1
      execute 'au HGCommit BufWritePre' autoPattern 'g/^HG:/d'
      execute 'au HGCommit BufWritePost' autoPattern 'call s:HGFinishCommit("' . messageFileName . '", "' . newCwd . '", "' . realFileName . '", ' . hgBufferCheck . ') | au! * ' autoPattern
      silent put ='HG: or write this buffer'

    silent put ='HG: to finish this commit operation'
    silent put ='HG: ----------------------------------------------------------------------'
    let b:HGSourceFile=fileName
    let b:HGCommand='HGCommit'
    set filetype=hg
    let &shellslash = shellSlashBak


" Function: s:HGDiff(...) {{{2
function! s:HGDiff(...)
  if a:0 == 1
    let revOptions = '-r' . a:1
    let caption = a:1 . ' -> current'
  elseif a:0 == 2
    let revOptions = '-r' . a:1 . ' -r' . a:2
    let caption = a:1 . ' -> ' . a:2
    let revOptions = ''
    let caption = ''

  let hgdiffopt=s:HGGetOption('HGCommandDiffOpt', 'w')

  if hgdiffopt == ""
    let diffoptionstring=""
    let diffoptionstring=" -" . hgdiffopt . " "

  let resultBuffer = s:HGDoCommand('diff ' . diffoptionstring . revOptions , 'hgdiff', caption)
  if resultBuffer != -1 
    set filetype=diff
  return resultBuffer

" Function: s:HGGotoOriginal(["!]) {{{2
function! s:HGGotoOriginal(...)
  let origBuffNR = s:HGCurrentBufferCheck()
  if origBuffNR > 0
    let origWinNR = bufwinnr(origBuffNR)
    if origWinNR == -1
      execute 'buffer' origBuffNR
      execute origWinNR . 'wincmd w'
    if a:0 == 1
      if a:1 == "!"
        let buffnr = 1
        let buffmaxnr = bufnr("$")
        while buffnr <= buffmaxnr
          if getbufvar(buffnr, "HGOrigBuffNR") == origBuffNR
            execute "bw" buffnr
          let buffnr = buffnr + 1

" Function: s:HGFinishCommit(messageFile, targetDir, targetFile) {{{2
function! s:HGFinishCommit(messageFile, targetDir, targetFile, origBuffNR)
  if filereadable(a:messageFile)
    let oldCwd=getcwd()
    if strlen(a:targetDir) > 0
      execute 'cd' escape(a:targetDir, ' ')
    let resultBuffer=s:HGCreateCommandBuffer('commit -F "' . a:messageFile . '" "'. a:targetFile . '"', 'hgcommit', '', a:origBuffNR)
    execute 'cd' escape(oldCwd, ' ')
    execute 'bw' escape(a:messageFile, ' *?\')
    silent execute 'call delete("' . a:messageFile . '")'
    return s:HGMarkOrigBufferForSetup(resultBuffer)
    echoerr "Can't read message file; no commit is possible."
    return -1

" Function: s:HGLog() {{{2
function! s:HGLog(...)
  if a:0 == 0
    let versionOption = ""
    let caption = ''
    let versionOption=" -r" . a:1
    let caption = a:1

  let resultBuffer=s:HGDoCommand('log' . versionOption, 'hglog', caption)
  if resultBuffer != ""
    set filetype=rcslog
  return resultBuffer

" Function: s:HGRevert() {{{2
function! s:HGRevert()
  return s:HGMarkOrigBufferForSetup(s:HGDoCommand('revert', 'hgrevert', ''))

" Function: s:HGReview(...) {{{2
function! s:HGReview(...)
  if a:0 == 0
    let versiontag=""
    if s:HGGetOption('HGCommandInteractive', 0)
      let versiontag=input('Revision:  ')
    if versiontag == ""
      let versiontag="(current)"
      let versionOption=""
      let versionOption=" -r " . versiontag . " "
    let versiontag=a:1
    let versionOption=" -r " . versiontag . " "

  let resultBuffer = s:HGDoCommand('cat' . versionOption, 'hgreview', versiontag)
  if resultBuffer > 0
    let &filetype=getbufvar(b:HGOrigBuffNR, '&filetype')

  return resultBuffer

" Function: s:HGStatus() {{{2
function! s:HGStatus()
  return s:HGDoCommand('status', 'hgstatus', '')

" Function: s:HGUpdate() {{{2
function! s:HGUpdate()
  return s:HGMarkOrigBufferForSetup(s:HGDoCommand('update', 'update', ''))

" Function: s:HGVimDiff(...) {{{2
function! s:HGVimDiff(...)
  let originalBuffer = s:HGCurrentBufferCheck()
  let s:HGCommandEditFileRunning = s:HGCommandEditFileRunning + 1
    " If there's already a VimDiff'ed window, restore it.
    " There may only be one HGVimDiff original window at a time.

    if exists("s:vimDiffSourceBuffer") && s:vimDiffSourceBuffer != originalBuffer
      " Clear the existing vimdiff setup by removing the result buffers.
      call s:HGWipeoutCommandBuffers(s:vimDiffSourceBuffer, 'vimdiff')

    " Split and diff
    if(a:0 == 2)
      " Reset the vimdiff system, as 2 explicit versions were provided.
      if exists('s:vimDiffSourceBuffer')
        call s:HGWipeoutCommandBuffers(s:vimDiffSourceBuffer, 'vimdiff')
      let resultBuffer = s:HGReview(a:1)
      if resultBuffer < 0
        echomsg "Can't open HG revision " . a:1
        return resultBuffer
      let b:HGCommand = 'vimdiff'
      let s:vimDiffBufferCount = 1
      let s:vimDiffScratchList = '{'. resultBuffer . '}'
      " If no split method is defined, cheat, and set it to vertical.
        call s:HGOverrideOption('HGCommandSplit', s:HGGetOption('HGCommandDiffSplit', s:HGGetOption('HGCommandSplit', 'vertical')))
        let resultBuffer=s:HGReview(a:2)
        call s:HGOverrideOption('HGCommandSplit')
      if resultBuffer < 0
        echomsg "Can't open HG revision " . a:1
        return resultBuffer
      let b:HGCommand = 'vimdiff'
      let s:vimDiffBufferCount = 2
      let s:vimDiffScratchList = s:vimDiffScratchList . '{'. resultBuffer . '}'
      " Add new buffer
        " Force splitting behavior, otherwise why use vimdiff?
        call s:HGOverrideOption("HGCommandEdit", "split")
        call s:HGOverrideOption("HGCommandSplit", s:HGGetOption('HGCommandDiffSplit', s:HGGetOption('HGCommandSplit', 'vertical')))
        if(a:0 == 0)
          let resultBuffer=s:HGReview()
          let resultBuffer=s:HGReview(a:1)
        call s:HGOverrideOption("HGCommandEdit")
        call s:HGOverrideOption("HGCommandSplit")
      if resultBuffer < 0
        echomsg "Can't open current HG revision"
        return resultBuffer
      let b:HGCommand = 'vimdiff'

      if !exists('s:vimDiffBufferCount')
        " New instance of vimdiff.
        let s:vimDiffBufferCount = 2
        let s:vimDiffScratchList = '{' . resultBuffer . '}'

        " This could have been invoked on a HG result buffer, not the
        " original buffer.
        wincmd W
        execute 'buffer' originalBuffer
        " Store info for later original buffer restore
        let s:vimDiffRestoreCmd = 
              \    "call setbufvar(".originalBuffer.", \"&diff\", ".getbufvar(originalBuffer, '&diff').")"
              \ . "|call setbufvar(".originalBuffer.", \"&foldcolumn\", ".getbufvar(originalBuffer, '&foldcolumn').")"
              \ . "|call setbufvar(".originalBuffer.", \"&foldenable\", ".getbufvar(originalBuffer, '&foldenable').")"
              \ . "|call setbufvar(".originalBuffer.", \"&foldmethod\", '".getbufvar(originalBuffer, '&foldmethod')."')"
              \ . "|call setbufvar(".originalBuffer.", \"&scrollbind\", ".getbufvar(originalBuffer, '&scrollbind').")"
              \ . "|call setbufvar(".originalBuffer.", \"&wrap\", ".getbufvar(originalBuffer, '&wrap').")"
              \ . "|if &foldmethod=='manual'|execute 'normal zE'|endif"
        wincmd w
        " Adding a window to an existing vimdiff
        let s:vimDiffBufferCount = s:vimDiffBufferCount + 1
        let s:vimDiffScratchList = s:vimDiffScratchList . '{' . resultBuffer . '}'

    let s:vimDiffSourceBuffer = originalBuffer

    " Avoid executing the modeline in the current buffer after the autocommand.

    let currentBuffer = bufnr('%')
    let saveModeline = getbufvar(currentBuffer, '&modeline')
      call setbufvar(currentBuffer, '&modeline', 0)
      silent do HGCommand User HGVimDiffFinish
      call setbufvar(currentBuffer, '&modeline', saveModeline)
    return resultBuffer
    let s:HGCommandEditFileRunning = s:HGCommandEditFileRunning - 1

" Section: Command definitions {{{1
" Section: Primary commands {{{2
com! HGAdd call s:HGAdd()
com! -nargs=? HGAnnotate call s:HGAnnotate(<f-args>)
com! -bang -nargs=? HGCommit call s:HGCommit(<q-bang>, <q-args>)
com! -nargs=* HGDiff call s:HGDiff(<f-args>)
com! -bang HGGotoOriginal call s:HGGotoOriginal(<q-bang>)
com! -nargs=? HGLog call s:HGLog(<f-args>)
com! HGRevert call s:HGRevert()
com! -nargs=? HGReview call s:HGReview(<f-args>)
com! HGStatus call s:HGStatus()
com! HGUpdate call s:HGUpdate()
com! -nargs=* HGVimDiff call s:HGVimDiff(<f-args>)

" Section: HG buffer management commands {{{2
com! HGDisableBufferSetup call HGDisableBufferSetup()
com! HGEnableBufferSetup call HGEnableBufferSetup()

" Allow reloading hgcommand.vim
com! HGReload unlet! loaded_hgcommand | runtime plugin/hgcommand.vim

" Section: Plugin command mappings {{{1
nnoremap <silent> <Plug>HGAdd :HGAdd<CR>
nnoremap <silent> <Plug>HGAnnotate :HGAnnotate<CR>
nnoremap <silent> <Plug>HGCommit :HGCommit<CR>
nnoremap <silent> <Plug>HGDiff :HGDiff<CR>
nnoremap <silent> <Plug>HGGotoOriginal :HGGotoOriginal<CR>
nnoremap <silent> <Plug>HGClearAndGotoOriginal :HGGotoOriginal!<CR>
nnoremap <silent> <Plug>HGLog :HGLog<CR>
nnoremap <silent> <Plug>HGRevert :HGRevert<CR>
nnoremap <silent> <Plug>HGReview :HGReview<CR>
nnoremap <silent> <Plug>HGStatus :HGStatus<CR>
nnoremap <silent> <Plug>HGUpdate :HGUpdate<CR>
nnoremap <silent> <Plug>HGVimDiff :HGVimDiff<CR>
nnoremap <silent> <Plug>HGWatchers :HGWatchers<CR>
nnoremap <silent> <Plug>HGWatchAdd :HGWatchAdd<CR>
nnoremap <silent> <Plug>HGWatchOn :HGWatchOn<CR>
nnoremap <silent> <Plug>HGWatchOff :HGWatchOff<CR>
nnoremap <silent> <Plug>HGWatchRemove :HGWatchRemove<CR>

" Section: Default mappings {{{1
if !hasmapto('<Plug>HGAdd')
  nmap <unique> <Leader>hga <Plug>HGAdd
if !hasmapto('<Plug>HGAnnotate')
  nmap <unique> <Leader>hgn <Plug>HGAnnotate
if !hasmapto('<Plug>HGClearAndGotoOriginal')
  nmap <unique> <Leader>hgG <Plug>HGClearAndGotoOriginal
if !hasmapto('<Plug>HGCommit')
  nmap <unique> <Leader>hgc <Plug>HGCommit
if !hasmapto('<Plug>HGDiff')
  nmap <unique> <Leader>hgd <Plug>HGDiff
if !hasmapto('<Plug>HGGotoOriginal')
  nmap <unique> <Leader>hgg <Plug>HGGotoOriginal
if !hasmapto('<Plug>HGLog')
  nmap <unique> <Leader>hgl <Plug>HGLog
if !hasmapto('<Plug>HGRevert')
  nmap <unique> <Leader>hgq <Plug>HGRevert
if !hasmapto('<Plug>HGReview')
  nmap <unique> <Leader>hgr <Plug>HGReview
if !hasmapto('<Plug>HGStatus')
  nmap <unique> <Leader>hgs <Plug>HGStatus
if !hasmapto('<Plug>HGUpdate')
  nmap <unique> <Leader>hgu <Plug>HGUpdate
if !hasmapto('<Plug>HGVimDiff')
  nmap <unique> <Leader>hgv <Plug>HGVimDiff

" Section: Menu items {{{1
silent! aunmenu Plugin.HG
amenu <silent> &Plugin.HG.&Add        <Plug>HGAdd
amenu <silent> &Plugin.HG.A&nnotate   <Plug>HGAnnotate
amenu <silent> &Plugin.HG.&Commit     <Plug>HGCommit
amenu <silent> &Plugin.HG.&Diff       <Plug>HGDiff
amenu <silent> &Plugin.HG.&Log        <Plug>HGLog
amenu <silent> &Plugin.HG.Revert      <Plug>HGRevert
amenu <silent> &Plugin.HG.&Review     <Plug>HGReview
amenu <silent> &Plugin.HG.&Status     <Plug>HGStatus
amenu <silent> &Plugin.HG.&Update     <Plug>HGUpdate
amenu <silent> &Plugin.HG.&VimDiff    <Plug>HGVimDiff
amenu <silent> &Plugin.HG.&Watchers   <Plug>HGWatchers
amenu <silent> &Plugin.HG.WatchAdd    <Plug>HGWatchAdd
amenu <silent> &Plugin.HG.WatchOn     <Plug>HGWatchOn
amenu <silent> &Plugin.HG.WatchOff    <Plug>HGWatchOff
amenu <silent> &Plugin.HG.WatchRemove <Plug>HGWatchRemove

" Section: Autocommands to restore vimdiff state {{{1
function! s:HGVimDiffRestore(vimDiffBuff)
  let s:HGCommandEditFileRunning = s:HGCommandEditFileRunning + 1
    if exists("s:vimDiffSourceBuffer")
      if a:vimDiffBuff == s:vimDiffSourceBuffer
        " Original file is being removed.
        unlet! s:vimDiffSourceBuffer
        unlet! s:vimDiffBufferCount
        unlet! s:vimDiffRestoreCmd
        unlet! s:vimDiffScratchList
      elseif match(s:vimDiffScratchList, '{' . a:vimDiffBuff . '}') >= 0
        let s:vimDiffScratchList = substitute(s:vimDiffScratchList, '{' . a:vimDiffBuff . '}', '', '')
        let s:vimDiffBufferCount = s:vimDiffBufferCount - 1
        if s:vimDiffBufferCount == 1 && exists('s:vimDiffRestoreCmd')
          " All scratch buffers are gone, reset the original.
          " Only restore if the source buffer is still in Diff mode

          let sourceWinNR=bufwinnr(s:vimDiffSourceBuffer)
          if sourceWinNR != -1
            " The buffer is visible in at least one window
            let currentWinNR = winnr()
            while winbufnr(sourceWinNR) != -1
              if winbufnr(sourceWinNR) == s:vimDiffSourceBuffer
                execute sourceWinNR . 'wincmd w'
                if getwinvar('', "&diff")
                  execute s:vimDiffRestoreCmd
              let sourceWinNR = sourceWinNR + 1
            execute currentWinNR . 'wincmd w'
            " The buffer is hidden.  It must be visible in order to set the
            " diff option.
            let currentBufNR = bufnr('')
            execute "hide buffer" s:vimDiffSourceBuffer
            if getwinvar('', "&diff")
              execute s:vimDiffRestoreCmd
            execute "hide buffer" currentBufNR

          unlet s:vimDiffRestoreCmd
          unlet s:vimDiffSourceBuffer
          unlet s:vimDiffBufferCount
          unlet s:vimDiffScratchList
        elseif s:vimDiffBufferCount == 0
          " All buffers are gone.
          unlet s:vimDiffSourceBuffer
          unlet s:vimDiffBufferCount
          unlet s:vimDiffScratchList
    let s:HGCommandEditFileRunning = s:HGCommandEditFileRunning - 1

augroup HGVimDiffRestore
  au BufUnload * call s:HGVimDiffRestore(expand("<abuf>"))
augroup END

" Section: Optional activation of buffer management {{{1

if s:HGGetOption('HGCommandEnableBufferSetup', 0)
  call HGEnableBufferSetup()

" Section: Doc installation {{{1
  let s:revision="0.1"
  silent! let s:install_status =
      \ s:HGInstallDocumentation(expand('<sfile>:p'), s:revision)
  if (s:install_status == 1)
      echom expand("<sfile>:t:r") . ' v' . s:revision .
		\ ': Help-documentation installed.'

" Section: Plugin completion {{{1

let loaded_hgcommand=2
silent do HGCommand User HGPluginFinish
" vim:se expandtab sts=2 sw=2:

" Section: Documentation content                                          {{{1
*hgcommand.txt*	  Mercurial vim integration		             #version#


Author:  Mathieu Clabaut <>
Credits:  Bob Hiestand <>
   Mercurial (noted Hg) is a fast, lightweight Source Control Management
   system designed for efficient handling of very large distributed projects.

1. Contents						*hgcommand-contents*

	Installation		: |hgcommand-install|
        HGCommand Intro	        : |hgcommand|
	HGCommand Manual	: |hgcommand-manual|
	Customization		: |hgcommand-customize|
	SSH "integration"	: |hgcommand-ssh|
	Bugs			: |hgcommand-bugs|

2. HGCommand Installation				

   In order to install the plugin, place the hgcommand.vim file into a plugin' 
   directory in your runtime path (please see |add-global-plugin| and 

   HGCommand may be customized by setting variables, creating maps, and 
   specifying event handlers.  Please see |hgcommand-customize| for more

   The help file is automagically generated when the |vimspell| script is 
   loaded for the first time.


3. HGCommand Intro					*hgcommand*

The HGCommand plugin provides global ex commands for manipulating
HG-controlled source files.  In general, each command operates on the current
buffer and accomplishes a separate hg function, such as update, commit, log,
and others (please see |hgcommand-commands| for a list of all available
commands).  The results of each operation are displayed in a scratch buffer.
Several buffer variables are defined for those scratch buffers (please see

The notion of "current file" means either the current buffer, or, in the case
of a directory buffer, the file on the current line within the buffer.

For convenience, any HGCommand invoked on a HGCommand scratch buffer acts as
though it was invoked on the original file and splits the screen so that the
output appears in a new window.

Many of the commands accept revisions as arguments.  By default, most operate
on the most recent revision on the current branch if no revision is specified
(though see |HGCommandInteractive| to prompt instead).

Each HGCommand is mapped to a key sequence starting with the <Leader>
keystroke.  The default mappings may be overridden by supplying different
mappings before the plugin is loaded, such as in the vimrc, in the standard
fashion for plugin mappings.  For examples, please see

The HGCommand plugin may be configured in several ways.  For more details,
please see |hgcommand-customize|.


4. HGCommand Manual					*hgcommand-manual*

4.1 HGCommand commands					*hgcommand-commands*

HGCommand defines the following commands:


:HGAdd							*:HGAdd*

This command performs "hg add" on the current file.  Please note, this does
not commit the newly-added file.

:HGAnnotate						*:HGAnnotate*

This command performs "hg annotate" on the current file.  If an argument is
given, the argument is used as a revision number to display.  If not given an
argument, it uses the most recent version of the file on the current branch.
Additionally, if the current buffer is a HGAnnotate buffer already, the
version number on the current line is used.

If the |HGCommandAnnotateParent| variable is set to a non-zero value, the
version previous to the one on the current line is used instead.  This allows
one to navigate back to examine the previous version of a line.

The filetype of the HGCommand scratch buffer is set to 'HGAnnotate', to take
advantage of the bundled syntax file.

:HGCommit[!]						*:HGCommit*

If called with arguments, this performs "hg commit" using the arguments as
the log message.

If '!' is used with no arguments, an empty log message is committed.

If called with no arguments, this is a two-step command.  The first step opens
a buffer to accept a log message.  When that buffer is written, it is
automatically closed and the file is committed using the information from that
log message.  The commit can be abandoned if the log message buffer is deleted
or wiped before being written.

Alternatively, the mapping that is used to invoke :HGCommit (by default
<Leader>hgc) can be used in the log message buffer to immediately commit.  
is useful if the |HGCommandCommitOnWrite| variable is set to 0 to disable the
normal commit-on-write behavior.

:HGDiff						*:HGDiff*

With no arguments, this performs "hg diff" on the current file against the
current repository version.

With one argument, "hg diff" is performed on the current file against the
specified revision.

With two arguments, hg diff is performed between the specified
revisions of the current file.

This command uses the 'HGCommandDiffOpt' variable to specify diff options.
If that variable does not exist, then 'wbBc' is assumed.  If you wish to have
no options, then set it to the empty string.

This command performs "hg edit" on the current file.

:HGGotoOriginal					*:HGGotoOriginal*

This command returns the current window to the source buffer, if the current
buffer is a HG command output buffer.


Like ":HGGotoOriginal" but also executes :bufwipeout on all HG command
output buffers for the source buffer.

:HGLog							*:HGLog*

Performs "hg log" on the current file.

If an argument is given, it is passed as an argument to the "-r" option of
"hg log".

:HGRevert						*:HGRevert*

Replaces the current file with the most recent version from the repository in
order to wipe out any undesired changes.

:HGReview						*:HGReview*

Retrieves a particular version of the current file.  If no argument is given,
the most recent version of the file on the current branch is retrieved.
Otherwise, the specified version is retrieved.

:HGStatus						*:HGStatus*

Performs "hg status" on the current file.

:HGUnedit						*:HGUnedit*

Performs "hg unedit" on the current file.  Again, yes, the output buffer here
is basically useless.

:HGUpdate						*:HGUpdate*

Performs "hg update" on the current file.  This intentionally does not
automatically reload the current buffer, though vim should prompt the user to
do so if the underlying file is altered by this command.

:HGVimDiff						*:HGVimDiff*

With no arguments, this prompts the user for a revision and then uses vimdiff
to display the differences between the current file and the specified
revision.  If no revision is specified, the most recent version of the file on
the current branch is used.

With one argument, that argument is used as the revision as above.  With two
arguments, the differences between the two revisions is displayed using

With either zero or one argument, the original buffer is used to perform the
vimdiff.  When the other buffer is closed, the original buffer will be
returned to normal mode.

Once vimdiff mode is started using the above methods, additional vimdiff
buffers may be added by passing a single version argument to the command.
There may be up to 4 vimdiff buffers total.

Using the 2-argument form of the command resets the vimdiff to only those 2
versions.  Additionally, invoking the command on a different file will close
the previous vimdiff buffers.

4.2 Mappings						*hgcommand-mappings*

By default, a mapping is defined for each command.  These mappings execute the
default (no-argument) form of each command.

<Leader>hga HGAdd
<Leader>hgn HGAnnotate
<Leader>hgc HGCommit
<Leader>hgd HGDiff
<Leader>hgg HGGotoOriginal
<Leader>hgG HGGotoOriginal!
<Leader>hgl HGLog
<Leader>hgr HGReview
<Leader>hgs HGStatus
<Leader>hgt HGUnedit
<Leader>hgu HGUpdate
<Leader>hgv HGVimDiff


The default mappings can be overriden by user-provided instead by mapping to
<Plug>CommandName.  This is especially useful when these mappings collide with
other existing mappings (vim will warn of this during plugin initialization,
but will not clobber the existing mappings).

For instance, to override the default mapping for :HGAdd to set it to '\add',
add the following to the vimrc:

nmap \add <Plug>HGAdd

4.3 Automatic buffer variables			*hgcommand-buffer-variables*

Several buffer variables are defined in each HGCommand result buffer.	These
may be useful for additional customization in callbacks defined in the event
handlers (please see |hgcommand-events|).

The following variables are automatically defined:

b:hgOrigBuffNR						*b:hgOrigBuffNR*

This variable is set to the buffer number of the source file.

b:hgcmd						*b:hgcmd*

This variable is set to the name of the hg command that created the result

5. Configuration and customization			*hgcommand-customize*

The HGCommand plugin can be configured in two ways:  by setting configuration
variables (see |hgcommand-options|) or by defining HGCommand event handlers
(see |hgcommand-events|).  Additionally, the HGCommand plugin provides
several option for naming the HG result buffers (see |hgcommand-naming|) and
supported a customized status line (see |hgcommand-statusline| and

5.1 HGCommand configuration variables			*hgcommand-options*

Several variables affect the plugin's behavior.  These variables are checked
at time of execution, and may be defined at the window, buffer, or global
level and are checked in that order of precedence.

The following variables are available:


HGCommandAnnotateParent			*HGCommandAnnotateParent*

This variable, if set to a non-zero value, causes the zero-argument form of
HGAnnotate when invoked on a HGAnnotate buffer to go to the version previous
to that displayed on the current line.  If not set, it defaults to 0.

HGCommandCommitOnWrite				*HGCommandCommitOnWrite*

This variable, if set to a non-zero value, causes the pending hg commit
to take place immediately as soon as the log message buffer is written.
If set to zero, only the HGCommit mapping will cause the pending commit to
occur.	If not set, it defaults to 1.

HGCommandHGExec				*HGCommandHGExec*

This variable controls the executable used for all HG commands  If not set,
it defaults to "hg".

HGCommandDeleteOnHide				*HGCommandDeleteOnHide*

This variable, if set to a non-zero value, causes the temporary HG result
buffers to automatically delete themselves when hidden.

HGCommandDiffOpt				*HGCommandDiffOpt*

This variable, if set, determines the options passed to the diff command of
HG.  If not set, it defaults to 'wbBc'.

HGCommandDiffSplit				*HGCommandDiffSplit*

This variable overrides the |HGCommandSplit| variable, but only for buffers
created with |:HGVimDiff|.

HGCommandEdit					*HGCommandEdit*

This variable controls whether the original buffer is replaced ('edit') or
split ('split').  If not set, it defaults to 'edit'.

HGCommandEnableBufferSetup			*HGCommandEnableBufferSetup*

This variable, if set to a non-zero value, activates HG buffer management
mode see (|hgcommand-buffer-management|).  This mode means that two buffer
variables, 'HGRevision' and 'HGBranch', are set if the file is
HG-controlled.  This is useful for displaying version information in the
status bar.

HGCommandInteractive				*HGCommandInteractive*

This variable, if set to a non-zero value, causes appropriate commands (for
the moment, only |:HGReview|) to query the user for a revision to use instead
of the current revision if none is specified.

HGCommandNameMarker				*HGCommandNameMarker*

This variable, if set, configures the special attention-getting characters
that appear on either side of the hg buffer type in the buffer name.  This
has no effect unless |HGCommandNameResultBuffers| is set to a true value.  If
not set, it defaults to '_'.  

HGCommandNameResultBuffers			*HGCommandNameResultBuffers*

This variable, if set to a true value, causes the hg result buffers to be
named in the old way ('<source file name> _<hg command>_').  If not set
or set to a false value, the result buffer is nameless.

HGCommandSplit					*HGCommandSplit*

This variable controls the orientation of the various window splits that
may occur (such as with HGVimDiff, when using a HG command on a HG
command buffer, or when the |HGCommandEdit| variable is set to 'split'.
If set to 'horizontal', the resulting windows will be on stacked on top of
one another.  If set to 'vertical', the resulting windows will be
side-by-side.  If not set, it defaults to 'horizontal' for all but
HGVimDiff windows.

5.2 HGCommand events				*hgcommand-events*

For additional customization, HGCommand can trigger user-defined events.
Event handlers are provided by defining User event autocommands (see
|autocommand|, |User|) in the HGCommand group with patterns matching the
event name.

For instance, the following could be added to the vimrc to provide a 'q'
mapping to quit a HGCommand scratch buffer:

augroup HGCommand
  au HGCommand User HGBufferCreated silent! nmap <unique> <buffer> q: bwipeout<cr>
augroup END

The following hooks are available:

HGBufferCreated		This event is fired just after a hg command
				result buffer is created and filled with the
				result of a hg command.  It is executed within
				the context of the HG command buffer.  The
				HGCommand buffer variables may be useful for
				handlers of this event (please see

HGBufferSetup			This event is fired just after HG buffer setup
				occurs, if enabled.

HGPluginInit			This event is fired when the HGCommand plugin
				first loads.

HGPluginFinish			This event is fired just after the HGCommand
				plugin loads.

HGVimDiffFinish		This event is fired just after the HGVimDiff
				command executes to allow customization of,
				for instance, window placement and focus.

5.3 HGCommand buffer naming				*hgcommand-naming*

By default, the buffers containing the result of HG commands are nameless
scratch buffers.  It is intended that buffer variables of those buffers be
used to customize the statusline option so that the user may fully control the
display of result buffers.

If the old-style naming is desired, please enable the
|HGCommandNameResultBuffers| variable.  Then, each result buffer will receive
a unique name that includes the source file name, the HG command, and any
extra data (such as revision numbers) that were part of the command.

5.4 HGCommand status line support			*hgcommand-statusline*

It is intended that the user will customize the |'statusline'| option to
include HG result buffer attributes.  A sample function that may be used in
the |'statusline'| option is provided by the plugin, HGGetStatusLine().  In
order to use that function in the status line, do something like the

set statusline=%<%f\ %{HGGetStatusLine()}\ %h%m%r%=%l,%c%V\ %P

of which %{HGGetStatusLine()} is the relevant portion.

The sample HGGetStatusLine() function handles both HG result buffers and
HG-managed files if HGCommand buffer management is enabled (please see

5.5 HGCommand buffer management		*hgcommand-buffer-management*

The HGCommand plugin can operate in buffer management mode, which means that
it attempts to set two buffer variables ('HGRevision' and 'HGBranch') upon
entry into a buffer.  This is rather slow because it means that 'hg status'
will be invoked at each entry into a buffer (during the |BufEnter|

This mode is disabled by default.  In order to enable it, set the
|HGCommandEnableBufferSetup| variable to a true (non-zero) value.  Enabling
this mode simply provides the buffer variables mentioned above.  The user must
explicitly include those in the |'statusline'| option if they are to appear in
the status line (but see |hgcommand-statusline| for a simple way to do that).


6. SSH "integration"					*hgcommand-ssh*

The following instructions are intended for use in integrating the
hgcommand.vim plugin with an SSH-based HG environment.

Familiarity with SSH and HG are assumed.

These instructions assume that the intent is to have a message box pop up in
order to allow the user to enter a passphrase.  If, instead, the user is
comfortable using certificate-based authentication, then only instructions
6.1.1 and 6.1.2 (and optionally 6.1.4) need to be followed; ssh should then
work transparently.

6.1 Environment settings				*hgcommand-ssh-env*

6.1.1 HGROOT should be set to something like:


6.1.2 HG_RSH should be set to:


	Together, those settings tell HG to use ssh as the transport when
	performing HG calls.

6.1.3 SSH_ASKPASS should be set to the password-dialog program.  In my case,
	running gnome, it's set to:


	This tells SSH how to get passwords if no input is available.

6.1.4 OPTIONAL.  You may need to set SSH_SERVER to the location of the hg
	executable on the remote (server) machine.

6.2 HG wrapper program				*hgcommand-ssh-wrapper*

Now you need to convince SSH to use the password-dialog program.  This means
you need to execute SSH (and therefore HG) without standard input.  The
following script is a simple perl wrapper that dissasociates the HG command
from the current terminal.  Specific steps to do this may vary from system to
system; the following example works for me on linux.

#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use strict;
use POSIX qw(setsid);
open STDIN, '/dev/null';
fork and do {wait; exit;};
exec('hg', @ARGV);

6.3 Configuring hgcommand.vim			*hgcommand-ssh-config*

At this point, you should be able to use your wrapper script to invoke HG with
various commands, and get the password dialog.  All that's left is to make HG
use your newly-created wrapper script.

6.3.1 Tell hgcommand.vim what HG executable to use.  The easiest way to do this
	is globally, by putting the following in your .vimrc:

	let HGCommandHGExec=/path/to/hg/wrapper/script

6.4 Where to go from here			*hgcommand-ssh-other*

The script given above works even when non-SSH HG connections are used,
except possibly when interactively entering the message for HG commit log
(depending on the editor you use... VIM works fine).  Since the hgcommand.vim
plugin handles that message without a terminal, the wrapper script can be used
all the time.

This allows mixed-mode operation, where some work is done with SSH-based HG
repositories, and others with pserver or local access.

It is possible, though beyond the scope of the plugin, to dynamically set the
HG executable based on the HGROOT for the file being edited.  The user
events provided (such as HGBufferCreated and HGBufferSetup) can be used to
set a buffer-local value (b:HGCommandHGExec) to override the HG executable
on a file-by-file basis.  Alternatively, much the same can be done (less
automatically) by the various project-oriented plugins out there.

It is highly recommended for ease-of-use that certificates with no passphrase
or ssh-agent are employed so that the user is not given the password prompt
too often.

9. Tips							*hgcommand-tips*

9.1 Split window annotation, by Michael Anderson

:nmap <Leader>hgN :vs<CR><C-w>h<Leader>hgn:vertical res 40<CR>
                 \ggdddd:set scb<CR>:set nowrap<CR><C-w>lgg:set scb<CR>
                 \:set nowrap<CR>

This splits the buffer vertically, puts an annotation on the left (minus the
header) with the width set to 40. An editable/normal copy is placed on the
right.  The two versions are scroll locked so they  move as one. and wrapping
is turned off so that the lines line up correctly. The advantages are...

1) You get a versioning on the right.
2) You can still edit your own code.
3) Your own code still has syntax highlighting.


8. Known bugs						*hgcommand-bugs*

Please let me know if you run across any.

HGVimDiff, when using the original (real) source buffer as one of the diff
buffers, uses some hacks to try to restore the state of the original buffer
when the scratch buffer containing the other version is destroyed.  There may
still be bugs in here, depending on many configuration details.

" v im:tw=78:ts=8:ft=help:norl:
" vim600: set foldmethod=marker  tabstop=8 shiftwidth=2 softtabstop=2 smartindent smarttab  :