author Mads Kiilerich <mads@kiilerich.com>
Tue, 29 Jun 2010 12:12:34 +0200
changeset 11488 f786fc4b8764
parent 10959 d1f4657f55e4
child 18054 b35e3364f94a
permissions -rw-r--r--
log: follow filenames through renames (issue647) In commands.log a displayer was initialized from cmdutil.show_changeset() with the initial matchfn (which designates the specified files which only is correct in the highest revision in the range). prep() is handed the correct list of files, but displayer.show() didn't use that list but keept using the original matchfn. The matchfn argument to cmdutil.show_changeset() wasn't specified in other places and is only used in .show(), so now we give the matchfn as an optional parameter to .show(). We do however still have to detect --patch and --stat from opts in show_changeset() and let it imply a matchall, but that can now be overruled with the new .show() matchfn parameter.

# highlight.py - highlight extension implementation file
#  Copyright 2007-2009 Adam Hupp <adam@hupp.org> and others
# This software may be used and distributed according to the terms of the
# GNU General Public License version 2 or any later version.
# The original module was split in an interface and an implementation
# file to defer pygments loading and speedup extension setup.

from mercurial import demandimport
demandimport.ignore.extend(['pkgutil', 'pkg_resources', '__main__'])
from mercurial import util, encoding

from pygments import highlight
from pygments.util import ClassNotFound
from pygments.lexers import guess_lexer, guess_lexer_for_filename, TextLexer
from pygments.formatters import HtmlFormatter

SYNTAX_CSS = ('\n<link rel="stylesheet" href="{url}highlightcss" '
              'type="text/css" />')

def pygmentize(field, fctx, style, tmpl):

    # append a <link ...> to the syntax highlighting css
    old_header = tmpl.load('header')
    if SYNTAX_CSS not in old_header:
        new_header =  old_header + SYNTAX_CSS
        tmpl.cache['header'] = new_header

    text = fctx.data()
    if util.binary(text):

    # Pygments is best used with Unicode strings:
    # <http://pygments.org/docs/unicode/>
    text = text.decode(encoding.encoding, 'replace')

    # To get multi-line strings right, we can't format line-by-line
        lexer = guess_lexer_for_filename(fctx.path(), text[:1024])
    except (ClassNotFound, ValueError):
            lexer = guess_lexer(text[:1024])
        except (ClassNotFound, ValueError):
            lexer = TextLexer()

    formatter = HtmlFormatter(style=style)

    colorized = highlight(text, lexer, formatter)
    # strip wrapping div
    colorized = colorized[:colorized.find('\n</pre>')]
    colorized = colorized[colorized.find('<pre>')+5:]
    coloriter = (s.encode(encoding.encoding, 'replace')
                 for s in colorized.splitlines())

    tmpl.filters['colorize'] = lambda x: coloriter.next()

    oldl = tmpl.cache[field]
    newl = oldl.replace('line|escape', 'line|colorize')
    tmpl.cache[field] = newl