author David R. MacIver <david@drmaciver.com>
Wed, 24 Feb 2016 13:05:45 +0000
changeset 28255 f75f7d39cca3
parent 26421 4b0fc75f9403
child 43691 47ef023d0165
permissions -rwxr-xr-x
testing: generate tests operations using Hypothesis The idea of this patch is to expand the use of Hypothesis within Mercurial to use its concept of "stateful testing". The result is a test which runs a sequence of operations against a Mercurial repository. Each operation is given a set of allowed ways it can fail. Any other non-zero exit code is a test failure. At the end, the whole sequence is then reverified by generating a .t test and testing it again in pure mode (this is also useful for catching non-determinism bugs). This has proven reasonably effective at finding bugs, and has identified two problems in the shelve extension already (issue5113 and issue5112).

#!/usr/bin/env python
# An example hgweb CGI script, edit as necessary
# See also https://mercurial-scm.org/wiki/PublishingRepositories

# Path to repo or hgweb config to serve (see 'hg help hgweb')
config = "/path/to/repo/or/config"

# Uncomment and adjust if Mercurial is not installed system-wide
# (consult "installed modules" path from 'hg debuginstall'):
#import sys; sys.path.insert(0, "/path/to/python/lib")

# Uncomment to send python tracebacks to the browser if an error occurs:
#import cgitb; cgitb.enable()

from mercurial import demandimport; demandimport.enable()
from mercurial.hgweb import hgweb, wsgicgi
application = hgweb(config)