author Gilles Moris <>
Sun, 18 Oct 2009 14:35:36 +0200
changeset 9615 f51d1822d6fd
parent 8986 7f349588665f
child 9923 c0b79fdfd214
child 10456 64a6a896e5fb
permissions -rw-r--r--
setup: refactor the version string to a subset of tag+tagdist-hash+date Here is an array summarizing the mercurial version string: [A] [B] [C] [D] [1] clone tag clean => tag [2] clone hash clean => latesttag+latesttagdistance-hash [3] clone tag dirty => tag+date [4] clone hash dirty => latesttag+latesttagdistance-hash+date [5] archive tag clean => tag [6] archive hash clean => latesttag+latesttagdistance-hash Column [A]: Mercurial built from an hg *archive* or hg *clone* working directory Column [B]: revision built has a *tag* or else default to the SHA1 *hash* Column [C]: working tree *clean* or *dirty* Column [D]: Mercurial version string Over the previous version: - row [5] did return just the node hash, now it returns the tag - prepend the latest tag and the distance to it to rows [2][4][6] - append also the date to row [3]; previously, it was just the tag - the version string is with an empty string to avoid possible TypeError exceptions during string manipulations - factorize the function to run hg commands; remove the error message as it is no more specific to the function. This scheme enables to have first part of the version strings that can be compared, whether it has been built from a tagged or untagged revision. The second part of the version adds a hash for untagged revisions and today's date if the working tree has local modifications. As the version string does not contain spaces or special characters, it should not break script parsing the 'hg version' command and should be usable for use in file names. The new code also ensure that the version string has exactly the same version string, whether it has been built from an archive or from a clone.

#compdef hg

# Zsh completion script for mercurial.  Rename this file to _hg and copy
# it into your zsh function path (/usr/share/zsh/site-functions for
# instance)
# If you do not want to install it globally, you can copy it somewhere
# else and add that directory to $fpath. This must be done before
# compinit is called. If the file is copied to ~/.zsh.d, your ~/.zshrc
# file could look like this:
# fpath=("$HOME/.zsh.d" $fpath)
# autoload -U compinit
# compinit
# Copyright (C) 2005, 2006 Steve Borho <>
# Copyright (C) 2006-9 Brendan Cully <>
# Permission is hereby granted, without written agreement and without
# licence or royalty fees, to use, copy, modify, and distribute this
# software and to distribute modified versions of this software for any
# purpose, provided that the above copyright notice and the following
# two paragraphs appear in all copies of this software.
# In no event shall the authors be liable to any party for direct,
# indirect, special, incidental, or consequential damages arising out of
# the use of this software and its documentation, even if the authors
# have been advised of the possibility of such damage.
# The authors specifically disclaim any warranties, including, but not
# limited to, the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for
# a particular purpose.  The software provided hereunder is on an "as
# is" basis, and the authors have no obligation to provide maintenance,
# support, updates, enhancements, or modifications.

emulate -LR zsh
setopt extendedglob

local curcontext="$curcontext" state line
typeset -A _hg_cmd_globals

_hg() {
  local cmd _hg_root
  integer i=2

  while (( i < $#words ))
    case "$words[$i]" in
        eval _hg_root="$words[$i+1]"
        _hg_cmd_globals+=("$words[$i]" "$_hg_root")
        (( i += 2 ))
        eval _hg_root="${words[$i]#-R}"
       (( i++ ))
        # pass along arguments to hg completer
        _hg_cmd_globals+=("$words[$i]" "$words[$i+1]")
        (( i += 2 ))
        # skip option
        (( i++ ))
    if [[ -z "$cmd" ]]
      (( CURRENT-- ))
    (( i++ ))

  if [[ -z "$cmd" ]]
    _arguments -s -w : $_hg_global_opts \
    ':mercurial command:_hg_commands'

  # resolve abbreviations and aliases
  if ! (( $+functions[_hg_cmd_${cmd}] ))
    local cmdexp
    (( $#_hg_cmd_list )) || _hg_get_commands

    if [[ $cmdexp == $_hg_cmd_list[(R)${cmd}*] ]]
      # might be nice to rewrite the command line with the expansion
    if [[ -n $_hg_alias_list[$cmd] ]]


  zstyle -s ":completion:$curcontext:" cache-policy update_policy

  if [[ -z "$update_policy" ]]
    zstyle ":completion:$curcontext:" cache-policy _hg_cache_policy

  if (( $+functions[_hg_cmd_${cmd}] ))
    # complete unknown commands normally
    _arguments -s -w : $_hg_global_opts \

_hg_cache_policy() {
  typeset -a old

  # cache for a minute
  old=( "$1"(mm+10) )
  (( $#old )) && return 0

  return 1

_hg_get_commands() {
  typeset -ga _hg_cmd_list
  typeset -gA _hg_alias_list
  local hline cmd cmdalias

  _call_program hg hg debugcomplete -v | while read -A hline

    for cmdalias in $hline[2,-1]
      _hg_alias_list+=($cmdalias $cmd)

_hg_commands() {
  (( $#_hg_cmd_list )) || _hg_get_commands
  _describe -t commands 'mercurial command' _hg_cmd_list

_hg_revrange() {
  compset -P 1 '*:'
  _hg_tags "$@"

_hg_tags() {
  typeset -a tags
  local tag rev

  _hg_cmd tags | while read tag
    tags+=(${tag/ #    [0-9]#:*})
  (( $#tags )) && _describe -t tags 'tags' tags

# likely merge candidates
_hg_mergerevs() {
  typeset -a heads
  local myrev

  heads=(${(f)"$(_hg_cmd heads --template '{rev}\\n')"})
  # exclude own revision
  myrev=$(_hg_cmd log -r . --template '{rev}\\n')

  (( $#heads )) && _describe -t heads 'heads' heads

_hg_files() {
  if [[ -n "$_hg_root" ]]
    [[ -d "$_hg_root/.hg" ]] || return
    case "$_hg_root" in
        _files -W $_hg_root
        _files -W $PWD/$_hg_root

_hg_status() {
  [[ -d $PREFIX ]] || PREFIX=$PREFIX:h
  status_files=(${(ps:\0:)"$(_hg_cmd status -0n$1 ./$PREFIX)"})

_hg_unknown() {
  typeset -a status_files
  _hg_status u
  _wanted files expl 'unknown files' _multi_parts / status_files

_hg_missing() {
  typeset -a status_files
  _hg_status d
  _wanted files expl 'missing files' _multi_parts / status_files

_hg_modified() {
  typeset -a status_files
  _hg_status m
  _wanted files expl 'modified files' _multi_parts / status_files

_hg_resolve() {
  local rstate rpath

  [[ -d $PREFIX ]] || PREFIX=$PREFIX:h

  _hg_cmd resolve -l ./$PREFIX | while read rstate rpath
    [[ $rstate == 'R' ]] && resolved_files+=($rpath)
    [[ $rstate == 'U' ]] && unresolved_files+=($rpath)

_hg_resolved() {
  typeset -a resolved_files unresolved_files
  _wanted files expl 'resolved files' _multi_parts / resolved_files

_hg_unresolved() {
  typeset -a resolved_files unresolved_files
  _wanted files expl 'unresolved files' _multi_parts / unresolved_files

_hg_config() {
    typeset -a items
    items=(${${(%f)"$(_call_program hg hg showconfig)"}%%\=*})
    (( $#items )) && _describe -t config 'config item' items

_hg_addremove() {
  _alternative 'files:unknown files:_hg_unknown' \
    'files:missing files:_hg_missing'

_hg_ssh_urls() {
  if [[ -prefix */ ]]
    if zstyle -T ":completion:${curcontext}:files" remote-access
      local host=${PREFIX%%/*}
      typeset -a remdirs
      compset -p $(( $#host + 1 ))
      local rempath=${(M)PREFIX##*/}
      local cacheid="hg:${host}-${rempath//\//_}"
      compset -P '*/'
      if _cache_invalid "$cacheid" || ! _retrieve_cache "$cacheid"
        remdirs=(${${(M)${(f)"$(_call_program files ssh -a -x $host ls -1FL "${(q)rempath}")"}##*/}%/})
        _store_cache "$cacheid" remdirs
      _describe -t directories 'remote directory' remdirs -S/
      _message 'remote directory'
    if compset -P '*@'
      _hosts -S/
      _alternative 'hosts:remote host name:_hosts -S/' \
        'users:user:_users -S@'

_hg_urls() {
  if compset -P bundle://
  elif compset -P ssh://
  elif [[ -prefix *: ]]
    local expl
    compset -S '[^:]*'
    _wanted url-schemas expl 'URL schema' compadd -S '' - \
      http:// https:// ssh:// bundle://

_hg_paths() {
  typeset -a paths pnames
  _hg_cmd paths | while read -A pnames
  (( $#paths )) && _describe -t path-aliases 'repository alias' paths

_hg_remote() {
  _alternative 'path-aliases:repository alias:_hg_paths' \
    'directories:directory:_files -/' \

_hg_clone_dest() {
  _alternative 'directories:directory:_files -/' \

# Common options
    '(--repository -R)'{-R+,--repository}'[repository root directory]:repository:_files -/'
    '--cwd[change working directory]:new working directory:_files -/'
    '(--noninteractive -y)'{-y,--noninteractive}'[do not prompt, assume yes for any required answers]'
    '(--verbose -v)'{-v,--verbose}'[enable additional output]'
    '*--config[set/override config option]:defined config items:_hg_config'
    '(--quiet -q)'{-q,--quiet}'[suppress output]'
    '(--help -h)'{-h,--help}'[display help and exit]'
    '--debug[debug mode]'
    '--debugger[start debugger]'
    '--encoding[set the charset encoding (default: UTF8)]'
    '--encodingmode[set the charset encoding mode (default: strict)]'
    '--lsprof[print improved command execution profile]'
    '--traceback[print traceback on exception]'
    '--time[time how long the command takes]'
    '--version[output version information and exit]'

  '*'{-I+,--include}'[include names matching the given patterns]:dir:_files -W $(_hg_cmd root) -/'
  '*'{-X+,--exclude}'[exclude names matching the given patterns]:dir:_files -W $(_hg_cmd root) -/')

  '(--text -a)'{-a,--text}'[treat all files as text]'
  '(--git -g)'{-g,--git}'[use git extended diff format]'
  "--nodates[don't include dates in diff headers]")

  '(--dry-run -n)'{-n,--dry-run}'[do not perform actions, just print output]')

  '--style[display using template map file]:'
  '--template[display with template]:')

  '(-m --message -l --logfile --edit -e)'{-e,--edit}'[edit commit message]'
  '(-e --edit -l --logfile --message -m)'{-m+,--message}'[use <text> as commit message]:message:'
  '(-e --edit -m --message --logfile -l)'{-l+,--logfile}'[read the commit message from <file>]:log file:_files')

  '(--ssh -e)'{-e+,--ssh}'[specify ssh command to use]:'
  '--remotecmd[specify hg command to run on the remote side]:')

_hg_cmd() {
  _call_program hg hg --config ui.verbose=0 --config defaults."$1"= \
    "$_hg_cmd_globals[@]" "$@" 2> /dev/null

_hg_cmd_add() {
  _arguments -s -w : $_hg_global_opts $_hg_pat_opts $_hg_dryrun_opts \
  '*:unknown files:_hg_unknown'

_hg_cmd_addremove() {
  _arguments -s -w : $_hg_global_opts $_hg_pat_opts $_hg_dryrun_opts \
  '(--similarity -s)'{-s+,--similarity}'[guess renamed files by similarity (0<=s<=100)]:' \
  '*:unknown or missing files:_hg_addremove'

_hg_cmd_annotate() {
  _arguments -s -w : $_hg_global_opts $_hg_pat_opts \
  '(--rev -r)'{-r+,--rev}'[annotate the specified revision]:revision:_hg_tags' \
  '(--follow -f)'{-f,--follow}'[follow file copies and renames]' \
  '(--text -a)'{-a,--text}'[treat all files as text]' \
  '(--user -u)'{-u,--user}'[list the author]' \
  '(--date -d)'{-d,--date}'[list the date]' \
  '(--number -n)'{-n,--number}'[list the revision number (default)]' \
  '(--changeset -c)'{-c,--changeset}'[list the changeset]' \

_hg_cmd_archive() {
  _arguments -s -w : $_hg_global_opts $_hg_pat_opts \
  '--no-decode[do not pass files through decoders]' \
  '(--prefix -p)'{-p+,--prefix}'[directory prefix for files in archive]:' \
  '(--rev -r)'{-r+,--rev}'[revision to distribute]:revision:_hg_tags' \
  '(--type -t)'{-t+,--type}'[type of distribution to create]:archive type:(files tar tbz2 tgz uzip zip)' \

_hg_cmd_backout() {
  _arguments -s -w : $_hg_global_opts $_hg_pat_opts \
    '--merge[merge with old dirstate parent after backout]' \
    '(--date -d)'{-d+,--date}'[record datecode as commit date]:date code:' \
    '--parent[parent to choose when backing out merge]' \
    '(--user -u)'{-u+,--user}'[record user as commiter]:user:' \
    '(--rev -r)'{-r+,--rev}'[revision]:revision:_hg_tags' \
    '(--message -m)'{-m+,--message}'[use <text> as commit message]:text:' \
    '(--logfile -l)'{-l+,--logfile}'[read commit message from <file>]:log file:_files -g \*.txt'

_hg_cmd_bisect() {
  _arguments -s -w : $_hg_global_opts \
  '(-)'{-r,--reset}'[reset bisect state]' \
  '(--good -g --bad -b --skip -s --reset -r)'{-g,--good}'[mark changeset good]'::revision:_hg_tags \
  '(--good -g --bad -b --skip -s --reset -r)'{-b,--bad}'[mark changeset bad]'::revision:_hg_tags \
  '(--good -g --bad -b --skip -s --reset -r)'{-s,--skip}'[skip testing changeset]' \
  '(--command -c --noupdate -U)'{-c+,--command}'[use command to check changeset state]':commands:_command_names \
  '(--command -c --noupdate -U)'{-U,--noupdate}'[do not update to target]'

_hg_cmd_branch() {
  _arguments -s -w : $_hg_global_opts \
  '(--force -f)'{-f,--force}'[set branch name even if it shadows an existing branch]' \
  '(--clean -C)'{-C,--clean}'[reset branch name to parent branch name]'

_hg_cmd_branches() {
  _arguments -s -w : $_hg_global_opts \
  '(--active -a)'{-a,--active}'[show only branches that have unmerge heads]'

_hg_cmd_bundle() {
  _arguments -s -w : $_hg_global_opts $_hg_remote_opts \
  '(--force -f)'{-f,--force}'[run even when remote repository is unrelated]' \
  '(2)*--base[a base changeset to specify instead of a destination]:revision:_hg_tags' \
  ':output file:_files' \
  ':destination repository:_files -/'

_hg_cmd_cat() {
  _arguments -s -w : $_hg_global_opts $_hg_pat_opts \
  '(--output -o)'{-o+,--output}'[print output to file with formatted name]:filespec:' \
  '(--rev -r)'{-r+,--rev}'[revision]:revision:_hg_tags' \

_hg_cmd_clone() {
  _arguments -s -w : $_hg_global_opts $_hg_remote_opts \
  '(--noupdate -U)'{-U,--noupdate}'[do not update the new working directory]' \
  '(--rev -r)'{-r+,--rev}'[a changeset you would like to have after cloning]:' \
  '--uncompressed[use uncompressed transfer (fast over LAN)]' \
  ':source repository:_hg_remote' \

_hg_cmd_commit() {
  _arguments -s -w : $_hg_global_opts $_hg_pat_opts \
  '(--addremove -A)'{-A,--addremove}'[mark new/missing files as added/removed before committing]' \
  '(--message -m)'{-m+,--message}'[use <text> as commit message]:text:' \
  '(--logfile -l)'{-l+,--logfile}'[read commit message from <file>]:log file:_files -g \*.txt' \
  '(--date -d)'{-d+,--date}'[record datecode as commit date]:date code:' \
  '(--user -u)'{-u+,--user}'[record user as commiter]:user:' \

_hg_cmd_copy() {
  _arguments -s -w : $_hg_global_opts $_hg_pat_opts $_hg_dryrun_opts \
  '(--after -A)'{-A,--after}'[record a copy that has already occurred]' \
  '(--force -f)'{-f,--force}'[forcibly copy over an existing managed file]' \

_hg_cmd_diff() {
  typeset -A opt_args
  _arguments -s -w : $_hg_global_opts $_hg_pat_opts $_hg_diff_opts \
  '*'{-r,--rev}'+[revision]:revision:_hg_revrange' \
  '(--show-function -p)'{-p,--show-function}'[show which function each change is in]' \
  '(--ignore-all-space -w)'{-w,--ignore-all-space}'[ignore white space when comparing lines]' \
  '(--ignore-space-change -b)'{-b,--ignore-space-change}'[ignore changes in the amount of white space]' \
  '(--ignore-blank-lines -B)'{-B,--ignore-blank-lines}'[ignore changes whose lines are all blank]' \

  if [[ $state == 'diff_files' ]]
    if [[ -n $opt_args[-r] ]]

_hg_cmd_export() {
  _arguments -s -w : $_hg_global_opts $_hg_diff_opts \
  '(--outout -o)'{-o+,--output}'[print output to file with formatted name]:filespec:' \
  '--switch-parent[diff against the second parent]' \

_hg_cmd_grep() {
  _arguments -s -w : $_hg_global_opts $_hg_pat_opts \
  '(--print0 -0)'{-0,--print0}'[end filenames with NUL]' \
  '--all[print all revisions with matches]' \
  '(--follow -f)'{-f,--follow}'[follow changeset or file history]' \
  '(--ignore-case -i)'{-i,--ignore-case}'[ignore case when matching]' \
  '(--files-with-matches -l)'{-l,--files-with-matches}'[print only filenames and revs that match]' \
  '(--line-number -n)'{-n,--line-number}'[print matching line numbers]' \
  '*'{-r+,--rev}'[search in given revision range]:revision:_hg_revrange' \
  '(--user -u)'{-u,--user}'[print user who committed change]' \
  '1:search pattern:' \

_hg_cmd_heads() {
  _arguments -s -w : $_hg_global_opts $_hg_style_opts \
  '(--rev -r)'{-r+,--rev}'[show only heads which are descendants of rev]:revision:_hg_tags'

_hg_cmd_help() {
  _arguments -s -w : $_hg_global_opts \
  '*:mercurial command:_hg_commands'

_hg_cmd_identify() {
  _arguments -s -w : $_hg_global_opts \
  '(--rev -r)'{-r+,--rev}'[identify the specified rev]:revision:_hg_tags' \
  '(--num -n)'{-n+,--num}'[show local revision number]' \
  '(--id -i)'{-i+,--id}'[show global revision id]' \
  '(--branch -b)'{-b+,--branch}'[show branch]' \
  '(--tags -t)'{-t+,--tags}'[show tags]'

_hg_cmd_import() {
  _arguments -s -w : $_hg_global_opts \
  '(--strip -p)'{-p+,--strip}'[directory strip option for patch (default: 1)]:count:' \
  '(--message -m)'{-m+,--message}'[use <text> as commit message]:text:' \
  '(--force -f)'{-f,--force}'[skip check for outstanding uncommitted changes]' \

_hg_cmd_incoming() {
  _arguments -s -w : $_hg_global_opts $_hg_remote_opts $_hg_style_opts \
  '(--no-merges -M)'{-M,--no-merges}'[do not show merge revisions]' \
  '(--force -f)'{-f,--force}'[run even when the remote repository is unrelated]' \
  '(--patch -p)'{-p,--patch}'[show patch]' \
  '(--rev -r)'{-r+,--rev}'[a specific revision up to which you would like to pull]:revision:_hg_tags' \
  '(--newest-first -n)'{-n,--newest-first}'[show newest record first]' \
  '--bundle[file to store the bundles into]:bundle file:_files' \

_hg_cmd_init() {
  _arguments -s -w : $_hg_global_opts $_hg_remote_opts \
  ':dir:_files -/'

_hg_cmd_locate() {
  _arguments -s -w : $_hg_global_opts $_hg_pat_opts \
  '(--rev -r)'{-r+,--rev}'[search repository as it stood at revision]:revision:_hg_tags' \
  '(--print0 -0)'{-0,--print0}'[end filenames with NUL, for use with xargs]' \
  '(--fullpath -f)'{-f,--fullpath}'[print complete paths]' \
  '*:search pattern:_hg_files'

_hg_cmd_log() {
  _arguments -s -w : $_hg_global_opts $_hg_pat_opts $_hg_style_opts \
  '(--follow --follow-first -f)'{-f,--follow}'[follow changeset or history]' \
  '(-f --follow)--follow-first[only follow the first parent of merge changesets]' \
  '(--copies -C)'{-C,--copies}'[show copied files]' \
  '(--keyword -k)'{-k+,--keyword}'[search for a keyword]:' \
  '(--limit -l)'{-l+,--limit}'[limit number of changes displayed]:' \
  '*'{-r,--rev}'[show the specified revision or range]:revision:_hg_revrange' \
  '(--no-merges -M)'{-M,--no-merges}'[do not show merges]' \
  '(--only-merges -m)'{-m,--only-merges}'[show only merges]' \
  '(--patch -p)'{-p,--patch}'[show patch]' \
  '(--prune -P)'{-P+,--prune}'[do not display revision or any of its ancestors]:revision:_hg_tags' \

_hg_cmd_manifest() {
  _arguments -s -w : $_hg_global_opts \

_hg_cmd_merge() {
  _arguments -s -w : $_hg_global_opts \
  '(--force -f)'{-f,--force}'[force a merge with outstanding changes]' \
  '(--rev -r 1)'{-r,--rev}'[revision to merge]:revision:_hg_mergerevs' \
  '(--preview -P)'{-P,--preview}'[review revisions to merge (no merge is performed)]' \

_hg_cmd_outgoing() {
  _arguments -s -w : $_hg_global_opts $_hg_remote_opts $_hg_style_opts \
  '(--no-merges -M)'{-M,--no-merges}'[do not show merge revisions]' \
  '(--force -f)'{-f,--force}'[run even when the remote repository is unrelated]' \
  '(--patch -p)'{-p,--patch}'[show patch]' \
  '(--rev -r)'{-r+,--rev}'[a specific revision you would like to push]' \
  '(--newest-first -n)'{-n,--newest-first}'[show newest record first]' \

_hg_cmd_parents() {
  _arguments -s -w : $_hg_global_opts $_hg_style_opts \
  '(--rev -r)'{-r+,--rev}'[show parents of the specified rev]:revision:_hg_tags' \
  ':last modified file:_hg_files'

_hg_cmd_paths() {
  _arguments -s -w : $_hg_global_opts \

_hg_cmd_pull() {
  _arguments -s -w : $_hg_global_opts $_hg_remote_opts \
  '(--force -f)'{-f,--force}'[run even when the remote repository is unrelated]' \
  '(--update -u)'{-u,--update}'[update to new tip if changesets were pulled]' \
  '(--rev -r)'{-r+,--rev}'[a specific revision up to which you would like to pull]:revision:' \

_hg_cmd_push() {
  _arguments -s -w : $_hg_global_opts $_hg_remote_opts \
  '(--force -f)'{-f,--force}'[force push]' \
  '(--rev -r)'{-r+,--rev}'[a specific revision you would like to push]:revision:_hg_tags' \

_hg_cmd_remove() {
  _arguments -s -w : $_hg_global_opts $_hg_pat_opts \
  '(--after -A)'{-A,--after}'[record remove that has already occurred]' \
  '(--force -f)'{-f,--force}'[remove file even if modified]' \

_hg_cmd_rename() {
  _arguments -s -w : $_hg_global_opts $_hg_pat_opts $_hg_dryrun_opts \
  '(--after -A)'{-A,--after}'[record a rename that has already occurred]' \
  '(--force -f)'{-f,--force}'[forcibly copy over an existing managed file]' \

_hg_cmd_resolve() {
  local context state line
  typeset -A opt_args

  _arguments -s -w : $_hg_global_opts \
  '(--list -l --mark -m --unmark -u)'{-l,--list}'[list state of files needing merge]:*:merged files:->resolve_files' \
  '(--mark -m --list -l --unmark -u)'{-m,--mark}'[mark files as resolved]:*:unresolved files:_hg_unresolved' \
  '(--unmark -u --list -l --mark -m)'{-u,--unmark}'[unmark files as resolved]:*:resolved files:_hg_resolved' \

  if [[ $state == 'resolve_files' ]]
    _alternative 'files:resolved files:_hg_resolved' \
      'files:unresolved files:_hg_unresolved'

_hg_cmd_revert() {
  local context state line
  typeset -A opt_args

  _arguments -s -w : $_hg_global_opts $_hg_pat_opts $_hg_dryrun_opts \
  '(--all -a :)'{-a,--all}'[revert all changes when no arguments given]' \
  '(--rev -r)'{-r+,--rev}'[revision to revert to]:revision:_hg_tags' \
  '--no-backup[do not save backup copies of files]' \

  if [[ $state == 'diff_files' ]]
    if [[ -n $opt_args[-r] ]]
      typeset -a status_files
      _hg_status mard
      _wanted files expl 'modified, added, removed or deleted file' _multi_parts / status_files

_hg_cmd_serve() {
  _arguments -s -w : $_hg_global_opts \
  '(--accesslog -A)'{-A+,--accesslog}'[name of access log file]:log file:_files' \
  '(--errorlog -E)'{-E+,--errorlog}'[name of error log file]:log file:_files' \
  '(--daemon -d)'{-d,--daemon}'[run server in background]' \
  '(--port -p)'{-p+,--port}'[listen port]:listen port:' \
  '(--address -a)'{-a+,--address}'[interface address]:interface address:' \
  '(--name -n)'{-n+,--name}'[name to show in web pages]:repository name:' \
  '(--templates -t)'{-t,--templates}'[web template directory]:template dir:_files -/' \
  '--style[web template style]:style' \
  '--stdio[for remote clients]' \
  '(--ipv6 -6)'{-6,--ipv6}'[use IPv6 in addition to IPv4]'

_hg_cmd_showconfig() {
  _arguments -s -w : $_hg_global_opts \
  '(--untrusted -u)'{-u+,--untrusted}'[show untrusted configuration options]' \
  ':config item:_hg_config'

_hg_cmd_status() {
  _arguments -s -w : $_hg_global_opts $_hg_pat_opts \
  '(--all -A)'{-A,--all}'[show status of all files]' \
  '(--modified -m)'{-m,--modified}'[show only modified files]' \
  '(--added -a)'{-a,--added}'[show only added files]' \
  '(--removed -r)'{-r,--removed}'[show only removed files]' \
  '(--deleted -d)'{-d,--deleted}'[show only deleted (but tracked) files]' \
  '(--clean -c)'{-c,--clean}'[show only files without changes]' \
  '(--unknown -u)'{-u,--unknown}'[show only unknown files]' \
  '(--ignored -i)'{-i,--ignored}'[show ignored files]' \
  '(--no-status -n)'{-n,--no-status}'[hide status prefix]' \
  '(--copies -C)'{-C,--copies}'[show source of copied files]' \
  '(--print0 -0)'{-0,--print0}'[end filenames with NUL, for use with xargs]' \
  '--rev[show difference from revision]:revision:_hg_tags' \

_hg_cmd_tag() {
  _arguments -s -w : $_hg_global_opts \
  '(--local -l)'{-l,--local}'[make the tag local]' \
  '(--message -m)'{-m+,--message}'[message for tag commit log entry]:message:' \
  '(--date -d)'{-d+,--date}'[record datecode as commit date]:date code:' \
  '(--user -u)'{-u+,--user}'[record user as commiter]:user:' \
  '(--rev -r)'{-r+,--rev}'[revision to tag]:revision:_hg_tags' \
  ':tag name:'

_hg_cmd_tip() {
  _arguments -s -w : $_hg_global_opts $_hg_style_opts \
  '(--patch -p)'{-p,--patch}'[show patch]'

_hg_cmd_unbundle() {
  _arguments -s -w : $_hg_global_opts \
  '(--update -u)'{-u,--update}'[update to new tip if changesets were unbundled]' \

_hg_cmd_update() {
  _arguments -s -w : $_hg_global_opts \
  '(--clean -C)'{-C,--clean}'[overwrite locally modified files]' \
  '(--rev -r)'{-r+,--rev}'[revision]:revision:_hg_tags' \

_hg_cmd_view() {
  _arguments -s -w : $_hg_global_opts \
  '(--limit -l)'{-l+,--limit}'[limit number of changes displayed]:' \
  ':revision range:_hg_tags'

# MQ
_hg_qseries() {
  typeset -a patches
  patches=(${(f)"$(_hg_cmd qseries)"})
  (( $#patches )) && _describe -t hg-patches 'patches' patches

_hg_qapplied() {
  typeset -a patches
  patches=(${(f)"$(_hg_cmd qapplied)"})
  if (( $#patches ))
    patches+=(qbase qtip)
    _describe -t hg-applied-patches 'applied patches' patches

_hg_qunapplied() {
  typeset -a patches
  patches=(${(f)"$(_hg_cmd qunapplied)"})
  (( $#patches )) && _describe -t hg-unapplied-patches 'unapplied patches' patches

# unapplied, including guarded patches
_hg_qdeletable() {
  typeset -a unapplied
  unapplied=(${(f)"$(_hg_cmd qseries)"})
  for p in $(_hg_cmd qapplied)

  (( $#unapplied )) && _describe -t hg-allunapplied-patches 'all unapplied patches' unapplied

_hg_qguards() {
  typeset -a guards
  local guard
  compset -P "+|-"
  _hg_cmd qselect -s | while read guard
  (( $#guards )) && _describe -t hg-guards 'guards' guards

  '(--summary -s)'{-s,--summary}'[print first line of patch header]')

_hg_cmd_qapplied() {
  _arguments -s -w : $_hg_global_opts $_hg_qseries_opts

_hg_cmd_qdelete() {
  _arguments -s -w : $_hg_global_opts \
  '(--keep -k)'{-k,--keep}'[keep patch file]' \
  '*'{-r+,--rev}'[stop managing a revision]:applied patch:_hg_revrange' \
  '*:unapplied patch:_hg_qdeletable'

_hg_cmd_qdiff() {
  _arguments -s -w : $_hg_global_opts $_hg_pat_opts \

_hg_cmd_qfold() {
  _arguments -s -w : $_hg_global_opts $_h_commit_opts \
  '(--keep,-k)'{-k,--keep}'[keep folded patch files]' \
  '*:unapplied patch:_hg_qunapplied'

_hg_cmd_qgoto() {
  _arguments -s -w : $_hg_global_opts \
  '(--force -f)'{-f,--force}'[overwrite any local changes]' \

_hg_cmd_qguard() {
  _arguments -s -w : $_hg_global_opts \
  '(--list -l)'{-l,--list}'[list all patches and guards]' \
  '(--none -n)'{-n,--none}'[drop all guards]' \
  ':patch:_hg_qseries' \

_hg_cmd_qheader() {
  _arguments -s -w : $_hg_global_opts \

_hg_cmd_qimport() {
  _arguments -s -w : $_hg_global_opts \
  '(--existing -e)'{-e,--existing}'[import file in patch dir]' \
  '(--name -n 2)'{-n+,--name}'[patch file name]:name:' \
  '(--force -f)'{-f,--force}'[overwrite existing files]' \
  '*'{-r+,--rev}'[place existing revisions under mq control]:revision:_hg_revrange' \

_hg_cmd_qnew() {
  _arguments -s -w : $_hg_global_opts $_hg_commit_opts \
  '(--force -f)'{-f,--force}'[import uncommitted changes into patch]' \

_hg_cmd_qnext() {
  _arguments -s -w : $_hg_global_opts $_hg_qseries_opts

_hg_cmd_qpop() {
  _arguments -s -w : $_hg_global_opts \
  '(--all -a :)'{-a,--all}'[pop all patches]' \
  '(--name -n)'{-n+,--name}'[queue name to pop]:' \
  '(--force -f)'{-f,--force}'[forget any local changes]' \

_hg_cmd_qprev() {
  _arguments -s -w : $_hg_global_opts $_hg_qseries_opts

_hg_cmd_qpush() {
  _arguments -s -w : $_hg_global_opts \
  '(--all -a :)'{-a,--all}'[apply all patches]' \
  '(--list -l)'{-l,--list}'[list patch name in commit text]' \
  '(--merge -m)'{-m+,--merge}'[merge from another queue]:' \
  '(--name -n)'{-n+,--name}'[merge queue name]:' \
  '(--force -f)'{-f,--force}'[apply if the patch has rejects]' \

_hg_cmd_qrefresh() {
  _arguments -s -w : $_hg_global_opts $_hg_pat_opts $_hg_commit_opts \
  '(--git -g)'{-g,--git}'[use git extended diff format]' \
  '(--short -s)'{-s,--short}'[short refresh]' \

_hg_cmd_qrename() {
  _arguments -s -w : $_hg_global_opts \
  ':patch:_hg_qseries' \

_hg_cmd_qselect() {
  _arguments -s -w : $_hg_global_opts \
  '(--none -n :)'{-n,--none}'[disable all guards]' \
  '(--series -s :)'{-s,--series}'[list all guards in series file]' \
  '--pop[pop to before first guarded applied patch]' \
  '--reapply[pop and reapply patches]' \

_hg_cmd_qseries() {
  _arguments -s -w : $_hg_global_opts $_hg_qseries_opts \
  '(--missing -m)'{-m,--missing}'[print patches not in series]'

_hg_cmd_qunapplied() {
  _arguments -s -w : $_hg_global_opts $_hg_qseries_opts

_hg_cmd_qtop() {
  _arguments -s -w : $_hg_global_opts $_hg_qseries_opts

_hg_cmd_strip() {
  _arguments -s -w : $_hg_global_opts \
  '(--force -f)'{-f,--force}'[force multi-head removal]' \
  '(--backup -b)'{-b,--backup}'[bundle unrelated changesets]' \
  '(--nobackup -n)'{-n,--nobackup}'[no backups]' \

_hg "$@"