author Pierre-Yves David <>
Thu, 03 Feb 2022 18:14:11 +0100
changeset 48716 f1eb77dceb36
parent 46819 d4ba4d51f85f
child 48875 6000f5b25c9b
permissions -rw-r--r--
narrow: allow merging non-conflicting change outside of the narrow spec We use the mergestate to carry information about these merge action and reprocess them at commit time to apply the necessary update. The dirstate itself is never affected and remains "pure", with content only in the narrow-spec. This file involved in such merge are therefor not listed in `hg status`. The current testing is based on a modification of the previous testing, that refused to do such merges. As a result it is a bit simple and more extensive code and testing testing will have to be introduced later. I am planning to do this extra testing, soon. In addition, this only works for flat manifest. Support for tree manifest will need more work. I am not currently planning to do this work. Differential Revision:

# - internationalization support for mercurial
# Copyright 2005, 2006 Olivia Mackall <>
# This software may be used and distributed according to the terms of the
# GNU General Public License version 2 or any later version.

from __future__ import absolute_import

import gettext as gettextmod
import locale
import os
import sys

from .pycompat import getattr
from .utils import resourceutil
from . import (

if pycompat.TYPE_CHECKING:
    from typing import (

# modelled after templater.templatepath:
if getattr(sys, 'frozen', None) is not None:
    module = pycompat.sysexecutable
    module = pycompat.fsencode(__file__)

_languages = None
if (
    and b'LANGUAGE' not in encoding.environ
    and b'LC_ALL' not in encoding.environ
    and b'LC_MESSAGES' not in encoding.environ
    and b'LANG' not in encoding.environ
    # Try to detect UI language by "User Interface Language Management" API
    # if no locale variables are set. Note that locale.getdefaultlocale()
    # uses GetLocaleInfo(), which may be different from UI language.
    # (See )
        import ctypes

        # pytype: disable=module-attr
        langid = ctypes.windll.kernel32.GetUserDefaultUILanguage()
        # pytype: enable=module-attr

        _languages = [locale.windows_locale[langid]]
    except (ImportError, AttributeError, KeyError):
        # ctypes not found or unknown langid

datapath = pycompat.fsdecode(resourceutil.datapath)
localedir = os.path.join(datapath, 'locale')
t = gettextmod.translation('hg', localedir, _languages, fallback=True)
    _ugettext = t.ugettext  # pytype: disable=attribute-error
except AttributeError:
    _ugettext = t.gettext

_msgcache = {}  # encoding: {message: translation}

def gettext(message):
    # type: (bytes) -> bytes
    """Translate message.

    The message is looked up in the catalog to get a Unicode string,
    which is encoded in the local encoding before being returned.

    Important: message is restricted to characters in the encoding
    given by sys.getdefaultencoding() which is most likely 'ascii'.
    # If message is None, t.ugettext will return u'None' as the
    # translation whereas our callers expect us to return None.
    if message is None or not _ugettext:
        return message

    cache = _msgcache.setdefault(encoding.encoding, {})
    if message not in cache:
        if type(message) is pycompat.unicode:
            # goofy unicode docstrings in test
            paragraphs = message.split(u'\n\n')  # type: List[pycompat.unicode]
            # should be ascii, but we have unicode docstrings in test, which
            # are converted to utf-8 bytes on Python 3.
            paragraphs = [p.decode("utf-8") for p in message.split(b'\n\n')]
        # Be careful not to translate the empty string -- it holds the
        # meta data of the .po file.
        u = u'\n\n'.join([p and _ugettext(p) or u'' for p in paragraphs])
            # encoding.tolocal cannot be used since it will first try to
            # decode the Unicode string. Calling u.decode(enc) really
            # means u.encode(sys.getdefaultencoding()).decode(enc). Since
            # the Python encoding defaults to 'ascii', this fails if the
            # translated string use non-ASCII characters.
            encodingstr = pycompat.sysstr(encoding.encoding)
            cache[message] = u.encode(encodingstr, "replace")
        except LookupError:
            # An unknown encoding results in a LookupError.
            cache[message] = message
    return cache[message]

def _plain():
    if (
        b'HGPLAIN' not in encoding.environ
        and b'HGPLAINEXCEPT' not in encoding.environ
        return False
    exceptions = encoding.environ.get(b'HGPLAINEXCEPT', b'').strip().split(b',')
    return b'i18n' not in exceptions

if _plain():
    _ = lambda message: message  # type: Callable[[bytes], bytes]
    _ = gettext