author Anton Shestakov <av6@dwimlabs.net>
Mon, 31 Jan 2022 18:13:00 +0300
changeset 48789 ef50a62eec40
parent 47377 26127236b229
permissions -rw-r--r--
obsolete: don't use os.stat in repo.obsstore.__nonzero__ if it's static HTTP If a repo is accessed via static HTTP, then we obviously can't use os.stat() to just peek at the file size. Let's download the entire file to check its size. Yes, this feels wasteful, but: 1. If we're cloning or pulling a repo from a static HTTP server, we need the contents of the obsstore anyway. 2. Implementing statichttpvfs.stat() that uses HEAD will result in one more request to a static-only HTTP server, which is already slow. Also parsing a response to a HEAD request to construct os.stat_result is pretty hacky. There's also a question of the remote server properly supporting HEAD method and reporting at least file size. 3. Implementing statichttpvfs.stat() that uses GET is pretty much the same thing as we do here, except we can't even cache the response easily, unlike simply accessing obsstore._data, which is @propertycache'd. Importing statichttprepo locally to avoid circular import. See also: 4507bc001365 and commit message of f8f2ecdde4b5. Differential Revision: https://phab.mercurial-scm.org/D12195

#require bzr

  $ . "$TESTDIR/bzr-definitions"

create and rename on the same file in the same step

  $ mkdir test-createandrename
  $ cd test-createandrename
  $ brz init -q source

test empty repo conversion (issue3233)

  $ hg convert source source-hg
  initializing destination source-hg repository
  scanning source...

back to the rename stuff

  $ cd source
  $ echo a > a
  $ echo c > c
  $ echo e > e
  $ brz add -q a c e
  $ brz commit -q -m 'Initial add: a, c, e'
  $ brz mv a b
  a => b
  $ brz mv c d
  c => d
  $ brz mv e f
  e => f
  $ echo a2 >> a
  $ mkdir e
  $ brz add -q a e
  $ brz commit -q -m 'rename a into b, create a, rename c into d'
  $ cd ..
  $ hg convert source source-hg
  scanning source...
  1 Initial add: a, c, e
  0 rename a into b, create a, rename c into d
  $ glog -R source-hg
  o  1@source "rename a into b, create a, rename c into d" files+: [b d f], files-: [c e], files: [a]
  o  0@source "Initial add: a, c, e" files+: [a c e], files-: [], files: []


  $ hg manifest -R source-hg -r tip

test --rev option

  $ hg convert -r 1 source source-1-hg
  initializing destination source-1-hg repository
  scanning source...
  0 Initial add: a, c, e
  $ glog -R source-1-hg
  o  0@source "Initial add: a, c, e" files+: [a c e], files-: [], files: []

test with filemap

  $ cat > filemap <<EOF
  > exclude a
  > EOF
  $ hg convert --filemap filemap source source-filemap-hg
  initializing destination source-filemap-hg repository
  scanning source...
  1 Initial add: a, c, e
  0 rename a into b, create a, rename c into d
  $ hg -R source-filemap-hg manifest -r tip

convert from lightweight checkout

  $ brz checkout --lightweight source source-light
  $ hg convert -s bzr source-light source-light-hg
  initializing destination source-light-hg repository
  warning: lightweight checkouts may cause conversion failures, try with a regular branch instead.
  $TESTTMP/test-createandrename/source-light does not look like a Bazaar repository
  abort: source-light: missing or unsupported repository

extract timestamps that look just like hg's {date|isodate}:
yyyy-mm-dd HH:MM zzzz (no seconds!)
compare timestamps

  $ cd source
  $ brz log | \
  >   sed '/timestamp/!d;s/.\{15\}\([0-9: -]\{16\}\):.. \(.[0-9]\{4\}\)/\1 \2/' \
  >   > ../bzr-timestamps
  $ cd ..
  $ hg -R source-hg log --template "{date|isodate}\n" > hg-timestamps
  $ cmp bzr-timestamps hg-timestamps || diff -u bzr-timestamps hg-timestamps
  $ cd ..


  $ mkdir test-merge
  $ cd test-merge
  $ cat > helper.py <<EOF
  > import sys
  > from breezy import workingtree
  > import breezy.bzr.bzrdir
  > wt = workingtree.WorkingTree.open('.')
  > message, stamp = sys.argv[1:]
  > wt.commit(message, timestamp=int(stamp))
  > EOF
  $ brz init -q source
  $ cd source
  $ echo content > a
  $ echo content2 > b
  $ brz add -q a b
  $ brz commit -q -m 'Initial add'
  $ cd ..
  $ brz branch -q source source-improve
  $ cd source
  $ echo more >> a
  $ "$PYTHON" ../helper.py 'Editing a' 100
  $ cd ../source-improve
  $ echo content3 >> b
  $ "$PYTHON" ../helper.py 'Editing b' 200
  $ cd ../source
  $ brz merge -q ../source-improve
  $ brz commit -q -m 'Merged improve branch'
  $ cd ..
  $ hg convert --datesort source source-hg
  initializing destination source-hg repository
  scanning source...
  3 Initial add
  2 Editing a
  1 Editing b
  0 Merged improve branch
  $ glog -R source-hg
  o    3@source "Merged improve branch" files+: [], files-: [], files: []
  | o  2@source-improve "Editing b" files+: [], files-: [], files: [b]
  | |
  o |  1@source "Editing a" files+: [], files-: [], files: [a]
  o  0@source "Initial add" files+: [a b], files-: [], files: []
  $ cd ..

#if symlink execbit

symlinks and executable files

  $ mkdir test-symlinks
  $ cd test-symlinks
  $ brz init -q source
  $ cd source
  $ touch program
  $ chmod +x program
  $ ln -s program altname
  $ mkdir d
  $ echo a > d/a
  $ ln -s a syma
  $ brz add -q altname program syma d/a
  $ brz commit -q -m 'Initial setup'
  $ touch newprog
  $ chmod +x newprog
  $ rm altname
  $ ln -s newprog altname
  $ chmod -x program
  $ brz add -q newprog
  $ brz commit -q -m 'Symlink changed, x bits changed'
  $ cd ..
  $ hg convert source source-hg
  initializing destination source-hg repository
  scanning source...
  1 Initial setup
  0 Symlink changed, x bits changed
  $ manifest source-hg 0
  % manifest of 0
  644 @ altname
  644   d/a
  755 * program
  644 @ syma
  $ manifest source-hg tip
  % manifest of tip
  644 @ altname
  644   d/a
  755 * newprog
  644   program
  644 @ syma

test the symlinks can be recreated

  $ cd source-hg
  $ hg up
  5 files updated, 0 files merged, 0 files removed, 0 files unresolved
  $ hg cat syma; echo
  $ cd ../..


Multiple branches

  $ brz init-repo -q --no-trees repo
  $ brz init -q repo/trunk
  $ brz co repo/trunk repo-trunk
  $ cd repo-trunk
  $ echo a > a
  $ brz add -q a
  $ brz ci -qm adda
  $ brz tag trunk-tag
  Created tag trunk-tag.
  $ brz switch -b branch
  Tree is up to date at revision 1.
  Switched to branch*repo/branch/ (glob)
  $ echo b > b
  $ brz add -q b
  $ brz ci -qm addb
  $ brz tag branch-tag
  Created tag branch-tag.
  $ brz switch --force ../repo/trunk
  Updated to revision 1.
  Switched to branch*/repo/trunk/ (glob)
  $ echo a >> a
  $ brz ci -qm changea
  $ cd ..
  $ hg convert --datesort repo repo-bzr
  initializing destination repo-bzr repository
  scanning source...
  2 adda
  1 addb
  0 changea
  updating tags
  $ (cd repo-bzr; glog)
  o  3@default "update tags" files+: [.hgtags], files-: [], files: []
  o  2@default "changea" files+: [], files-: [], files: [a]
  | o  1@branch "addb" files+: [b], files-: [], files: []
  o  0@default "adda" files+: [a], files-: [], files: []

Test tags (converted identifiers are not stable because bzr ones are
not and get incorporated in extra fields).

  $ hg -R repo-bzr tags
  tip                                3:* (glob)
  branch-tag                         1:* (glob)
  trunk-tag                          0:* (glob)

Nested repositories (issue3254)

  $ brz init-repo -q --no-trees repo/inner
  $ brz init -q repo/inner/trunk
  $ brz co repo/inner/trunk inner-trunk
  $ cd inner-trunk
  $ echo b > b
  $ brz add -q b
  $ brz ci -qm addb
  $ cd ..
  $ hg convert --datesort repo noinner-bzr
  initializing destination noinner-bzr repository
  scanning source...
  2 adda
  1 addb
  0 changea
  updating tags