author Pierre-Yves David <pierre-yves.david@octobus.net>
Sun, 25 Feb 2024 23:31:50 +0100
changeset 51523 ef369d16965d
parent 48875 6000f5b25c9b
permissions -rw-r--r--
branchcache: cleanup the final key generation after update A lot of duplicated work seemed to be done, as we already update the tiprev and tipnode when needed right before. So we simplify that part to focus on the filtered hash. See inline comment for details.

# Import something from Mercurial, so the module loader gets initialized.
from mercurial import pycompat

del pycompat  # unused for now

from hgext.lfs import pointer

def tryparse(text):
    r = {}
        r = pointer.deserialize(text)
    except Exception as ex:
        print((b'%s' % ex).decode('ascii'))
    if r:
        text2 = r.serialize()
        if text2 != text:
            print('reconstructed text differs')
    return r

t = (
    b'version https://git-lfs.github.com/spec/v1\n'
    b'oid sha256:4d7a214614ab2935c943f9e0ff69d22eadbb8f32b1'
    b'size 12345\n'
    b'x-foo extra-information\n'

tryparse(t.replace(b'git-lfs', b'unknown'))
tryparse(t.replace(b'v1\n', b'v1\n\n'))
tryparse(t.replace(b'sha256', b'ahs256'))
tryparse(t.replace(b'sha256:', b''))
tryparse(t.replace(b'12345', b'0x12345'))
tryparse(t.replace(b'extra-information', b'extra\0information'))
tryparse(t.replace(b'extra-information', b'extra\ninformation'))
tryparse(t.replace(b'x-foo', b'x_foo'))
tryparse(t.replace(b'oid', b'blobid'))
tryparse(t.replace(b'size', b'size-bytes').replace(b'oid', b'object-id'))