author Martin von Zweigbergk <>
Wed, 25 Apr 2018 09:24:07 -0700
changeset 37819 ee3d58b4a47f
parent 29007 78074575df2e
permissions -rwxr-xr-x
revlog: make pure version of _partialmatch() support 40-byte hex nodeids Without this patch, test-histedit-arguments.t would fail when run with --pure. It turned out to be because the pure version of _partialmatch() does not support full 40-byte hex nodeids. When histedit's instructions include things like "pick tip", it resolves the "tip" revision early to a full nodeid (but plain hex nodeid prefixes are not resolved to full nodeids). Then the nodeid (full or not) is looked up using to a full nodeid later. This step is what fails in pure mode. It has been failing since my c4131138eadb (histedit: look up partial nodeid as partial nodeid, 2018-04-06). I haven't verified, but I suspect histedit instructions like "pick <full hex nodeid>" would have been failing before my commit too, though. The fix is trivial: change a "< 40" to "<= 40". Differential Revision:

#!/bin/bash -eu

. $(dirname $0)/
. $(dirname $0)/

BUILDDIR=$(dirname $0)
export ROOTDIR=$(cd $BUILDDIR/.. > /dev/null; pwd)


shift; shift # extra params are passed to build process


initcontainer $PLATFORM

# debuild only appears to be able to save built debs etc to .., so we
# have to share the .. of the current directory with the docker
# container and hope it's writable. Whee.
dn=$(basename $PWD)

if [ $(uname) = "Darwin" ] ; then
    $DOCKER run -u $DBUILDUSER --rm -v $PWD/..:/mnt $CONTAINER \
            sh -c "cd /mnt/$dn && make clean && make local"
$DOCKER run -u $DBUILDUSER --rm -v $PWD/..:/mnt $CONTAINER \
  sh -c "cd /mnt/$dn && DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS='${DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS:=}' contrib/builddeb --build --distid $DISTID --codename $CODENAME $@"
contrib/builddeb --cleanup --distid $DISTID --codename $CODENAME
if [ $(uname) = "Darwin" ] ; then
    $DOCKER run -u $DBUILDUSER --rm -v $PWD/..:/mnt $CONTAINER \
            sh -c "cd /mnt/$dn && make clean"