author Boris Feld <>
Fri, 07 Sep 2018 11:17:30 -0400
changeset 39494 e72130f58f5d
parent 38734 25880ddf9a86
child 42815 197e7326b8b8
permissions -rwxr-xr-x
snapshot: consider all snapshots in the parents' chains There are no reasons to only consider full snapshot as a possible base for an intermediate snapshot. Now that the basic principles have been set, we can start adding more levels of snapshots. We now consider all snapshots in the parent's chains (full or intermediate). This creates a chain of intermediate snapshots, each smaller than the previous one. # Effect On The Test Repository In the test repository, we can see a decrease in the revlog size and slightly shorter delta chain. However, that approach creates snapshots more frequently, increasing the risk of ending into problematic cases in very branchy repositories (not triggered by the test repository). The next changesets will remove that risk by adding logic that increases deltas reuse.

#!/usr/bin/env python2
from __future__ import absolute_import, print_function

import argparse
import json
import os
import subprocess
import sys

# Always load hg libraries from the hg we can find on $PATH.
hglib = json.loads(subprocess.check_output(
    ['hg', 'debuginstall', '-Tjson']))[0]['hgmodules']
sys.path.insert(0, os.path.dirname(hglib))

from mercurial import util

ap = argparse.ArgumentParser()
                help=("Be paranoid about how version numbers compare and "
                      "produce something that's more likely to sort "
ap.add_argument('--selftest', action='store_true', help='Run self-tests.')
ap.add_argument('versionfile', help='Path to a valid mercurial')

def paranoidver(ver):
    """Given an hg version produce something that distutils can sort.

    Some Mac package management systems use distutils code in order to
    figure out upgrades, which makes life difficult. The test case is
    a reduced version of code in the Munki tool used by some large
    organizations to centrally manage OS X packages, which is what
    inspired this kludge.

    >>> paranoidver('3.4')
    >>> paranoidver('3.4.2')
    >>> paranoidver('3.0-rc+10')
    >>> paranoidver('4.2+483-5d44d7d4076e')
    >>> paranoidver('4.2.1+598-48d1e1214d8c')
    >>> paranoidver('4.3-rc')
    >>> paranoidver('4.3')
    >>> from distutils import version
    >>> class LossyPaddedVersion(version.LooseVersion):
    ...     '''Subclass version.LooseVersion to compare things like
    ...     "10.6" and "10.6.0" as equal'''
    ...     def __init__(self, s):
    ...             self.parse(s)
    ...     def _pad(self, version_list, max_length):
    ...         'Pad a version list by adding extra 0 components to the end'
    ...         # copy the version_list so we don't modify it
    ...         cmp_list = list(version_list)
    ...         while len(cmp_list) < max_length:
    ...             cmp_list.append(0)
    ...         return cmp_list
    ...     def __cmp__(self, other):
    ...         if isinstance(other, str):
    ...             other = MunkiLooseVersion(other)
    ...         max_length = max(len(self.version), len(other.version))
    ...         self_cmp_version = self._pad(self.version, max_length)
    ...         other_cmp_version = self._pad(other.version, max_length)
    ...         return cmp(self_cmp_version, other_cmp_version)
    >>> def testver(older, newer):
    ...   o = LossyPaddedVersion(paranoidver(older))
    ...   n = LossyPaddedVersion(paranoidver(newer))
    ...   return o < n
    >>> testver('3.4', '3.5')
    >>> testver('3.4.0', '3.5-rc')
    >>> testver('3.4-rc', '3.5')
    >>> testver('3.4-rc+10-deadbeef', '3.5')
    >>> testver('3.4.2', '3.5-rc')
    >>> testver('3.4.2', '3.5-rc+10-deadbeef')
    >>> testver('4.2+483-5d44d7d4076e', '4.2.1+598-48d1e1214d8c')
    >>> testver('4.3-rc', '4.3')
    >>> testver('4.3', '4.3-rc')
    major, minor, micro, extra = util.versiontuple(ver, n=4)
    if micro is None:
        micro = 0
    if extra:
        if extra.startswith('rc'):
            if minor == 0:
                major -= 1
                minor = 9
                minor -= 1
            micro = 9999
            extra = '-' + extra
            extra = '+' + extra
        extra = ''
    return '%d.%d.%d%s' % (major, minor, micro, extra)

def main(argv):
    opts = ap.parse_args(argv[1:])
    if opts.selftest:
        import doctest
    with open(opts.versionfile) as f:
        for l in f:
            if l.startswith('version = b'):
                # version number is entire line minus the quotes
                ver = l[len('version = b') + 1:-2]
    if opts.paranoid:

if __name__ == '__main__':