author Pierre-Yves David <pierre-yves.david@octobus.net>
Sun, 21 May 2017 15:35:21 +0200
changeset 32476 e5e31b0fc924
parent 32466 12e241b2713c
child 32500 369c2d5eeea3
permissions -rw-r--r--
hidden: use _domainancestors to compute revs revealed by dynamic blocker The complexity of computing the revealed changesets is now 'O(revealed)'. This massively speeds up the computation on large repository. Moving it to the millisecond range. Below are timing from two Mozilla repositories with different contents: 1) mozilla repository with: * 400667 changesets * 35 hidden changesets (first rev-268334) * 288 visible drafts * obsolete working copy (dynamicblockers), Before: ! visible ! wall 0.030247 comb 0.030000 user 0.030000 sys 0.000000 (best of 100) After: ! visible ! wall 0.000585 comb 0.000000 user 0.000000 sys 0.000000 (best of 4221) The timing above include the computation of obsolete changeset: ! obsolete ! wall 0.000396 comb 0.000000 user 0.000000 sys 0.000000 (best of 6816) So adjusted time give 30ms before versus 0.2ms after. A 150x speedup. 2) mozilla repository with: * 405645 changesets * 4312 hidden changesets (first rev-326004) * 264 visible drafts * obsolete working copy (dynamicblockers), Before: ! visible ! wall 0.168658 comb 0.170000 user 0.170000 sys 0.000000 (best of 48) After ! visible ! wall 0.008612 comb 0.010000 user 0.010000 sys 0.000000 (best of 325) The timing above include the computation of obsolete changeset: ! obsolete ! wall 0.006408 comb 0.010000 user 0.010000 sys 0.000000 (best of 404) So adjusted time give 160ms before versus 2ms after. A 75x speedup.

  $ hg init ignorerepo
  $ cd ignorerepo

Issue562: .hgignore requires newline at end:

  $ touch foo
  $ touch bar
  $ touch baz
  $ cat > makeignore.py <<EOF
  > f = open(".hgignore", "w")
  > f.write("ignore\n")
  > f.write("foo\n")
  > # No EOL here
  > f.write("bar")
  > f.close()
  > EOF

  $ python makeignore.py

Should display baz only:

  $ hg status
  ? baz

  $ rm foo bar baz .hgignore makeignore.py

  $ touch a.o
  $ touch a.c
  $ touch syntax
  $ mkdir dir
  $ touch dir/a.o
  $ touch dir/b.o
  $ touch dir/c.o

  $ hg add dir/a.o
  $ hg commit -m 0
  $ hg add dir/b.o

  $ hg status
  A dir/b.o
  ? a.c
  ? a.o
  ? dir/c.o
  ? syntax

  $ echo "*.o" > .hgignore
  $ hg status
  abort: $TESTTMP/ignorerepo/.hgignore: invalid pattern (relre): *.o (glob)

  $ echo ".*\.o" > .hgignore
  $ hg status
  A dir/b.o
  ? .hgignore
  ? a.c
  ? syntax

Ensure that comments work:

  $ touch 'foo#bar' 'quux#'
#if no-windows
  $ touch 'baz\#wat'
  $ cat <<'EOF' >> .hgignore
  > # full-line comment
  >   # whitespace-only comment line
  > syntax# pattern, no whitespace, then comment
  > a.c  # pattern, then whitespace, then comment
  > baz\\# # escaped comment character
  > foo\#b # escaped comment character
  > quux\## escaped comment character at end of name
  > EOF
  $ hg status
  A dir/b.o
  ? .hgignore
  $ rm 'foo#bar' 'quux#'
#if no-windows
  $ rm 'baz\#wat'

Check it does not ignore the current directory '.':

  $ echo "^\." > .hgignore
  $ hg status
  A dir/b.o
  ? a.c
  ? a.o
  ? dir/c.o
  ? syntax

Test that patterns from ui.ignore options are read:

  $ echo > .hgignore
  $ cat >> $HGRCPATH << EOF
  > [ui]
  > ignore.other = $TESTTMP/ignorerepo/.hg/testhgignore
  > EOF
  $ echo "glob:**.o" > .hg/testhgignore
  $ hg status
  A dir/b.o
  ? .hgignore
  ? a.c
  ? syntax

empty out testhgignore
  $ echo > .hg/testhgignore

Test relative ignore path (issue4473):

  $ cat >> $HGRCPATH << EOF
  > [ui]
  > ignore.relative = .hg/testhgignorerel
  > EOF
  $ echo "glob:*.o" > .hg/testhgignorerel
  $ cd dir
  $ hg status
  A dir/b.o
  ? .hgignore
  ? a.c
  ? syntax

  $ cd ..
  $ echo > .hg/testhgignorerel
  $ echo "syntax: glob" > .hgignore
  $ echo "re:.*\.o" >> .hgignore
  $ hg status
  A dir/b.o
  ? .hgignore
  ? a.c
  ? syntax

  $ echo "syntax: invalid" > .hgignore
  $ hg status
  $TESTTMP/ignorerepo/.hgignore: ignoring invalid syntax 'invalid' (glob)
  A dir/b.o
  ? .hgignore
  ? a.c
  ? a.o
  ? dir/c.o
  ? syntax

  $ echo "syntax: glob" > .hgignore
  $ echo "*.o" >> .hgignore
  $ hg status
  A dir/b.o
  ? .hgignore
  ? a.c
  ? syntax

  $ echo "relglob:syntax*" > .hgignore
  $ hg status
  A dir/b.o
  ? .hgignore
  ? a.c
  ? a.o
  ? dir/c.o

  $ echo "relglob:*" > .hgignore
  $ hg status
  A dir/b.o

  $ cd dir
  $ hg status .
  A b.o

  $ hg debugignore
  <matcher files=[], patterns=None, includes='(?:(?:|.*/)[^/]*(?:/|$))'>

  $ hg debugignore b.o
  b.o is ignored
  (ignore rule in $TESTTMP/ignorerepo/.hgignore, line 1: '*') (glob)

  $ cd ..

Check patterns that match only the directory

  $ echo "^dir\$" > .hgignore
  $ hg status
  A dir/b.o
  ? .hgignore
  ? a.c
  ? a.o
  ? syntax

Check recursive glob pattern matches no directories (dir/**/c.o matches dir/c.o)

  $ echo "syntax: glob" > .hgignore
  $ echo "dir/**/c.o" >> .hgignore
  $ touch dir/c.o
  $ mkdir dir/subdir
  $ touch dir/subdir/c.o
  $ hg status
  A dir/b.o
  ? .hgignore
  ? a.c
  ? a.o
  ? syntax
  $ hg debugignore a.c
  a.c is not ignored
  $ hg debugignore dir/c.o
  dir/c.o is ignored
  (ignore rule in $TESTTMP/ignorerepo/.hgignore, line 2: 'dir/**/c.o') (glob)

Check using 'include:' in ignore file

  $ hg purge --all --config extensions.purge=
  $ touch foo.included

  $ echo ".*.included" > otherignore
  $ hg status -I "include:otherignore"
  ? foo.included

  $ echo "include:otherignore" >> .hgignore
  $ hg status
  A dir/b.o
  ? .hgignore
  ? otherignore

Check recursive uses of 'include:'

  $ echo "include:nested/ignore" >> otherignore
  $ mkdir nested
  $ echo "glob:*ignore" > nested/ignore
  $ hg status
  A dir/b.o

  $ cp otherignore goodignore
  $ echo "include:badignore" >> otherignore
  $ hg status
  skipping unreadable pattern file 'badignore': No such file or directory
  A dir/b.o

  $ mv goodignore otherignore

Check using 'include:' while in a non-root directory

  $ cd ..
  $ hg -R ignorerepo status
  A dir/b.o
  $ cd ignorerepo

Check including subincludes

  $ hg revert -q --all
  $ hg purge --all --config extensions.purge=
  $ echo ".hgignore" > .hgignore
  $ mkdir dir1 dir2
  $ touch dir1/file1 dir1/file2 dir2/file1 dir2/file2
  $ echo "subinclude:dir2/.hgignore" >> .hgignore
  $ echo "glob:file*2" > dir2/.hgignore
  $ hg status
  ? dir1/file1
  ? dir1/file2
  ? dir2/file1

Check including subincludes with regexs

  $ echo "subinclude:dir1/.hgignore" >> .hgignore
  $ echo "regexp:f.le1" > dir1/.hgignore

  $ hg status
  ? dir1/file2
  ? dir2/file1

Check multiple levels of sub-ignores

  $ mkdir dir1/subdir
  $ touch dir1/subdir/subfile1 dir1/subdir/subfile3 dir1/subdir/subfile4
  $ echo "subinclude:subdir/.hgignore" >> dir1/.hgignore
  $ echo "glob:subfil*3" >> dir1/subdir/.hgignore

  $ hg status
  ? dir1/file2
  ? dir1/subdir/subfile4
  ? dir2/file1

Check include subignore at the same level

  $ mv dir1/subdir/.hgignore dir1/.hgignoretwo
  $ echo "regexp:f.le1" > dir1/.hgignore
  $ echo "subinclude:.hgignoretwo" >> dir1/.hgignore
  $ echo "glob:file*2" > dir1/.hgignoretwo

  $ hg status | grep file2
  $ hg debugignore dir1/file2
  dir1/file2 is ignored
  (ignore rule in dir2/.hgignore, line 1: 'file*2')

#if windows

Windows paths are accepted on input

  $ rm dir1/.hgignore
  $ echo "dir1/file*" >> .hgignore
  $ hg debugignore "dir1\file2"
  dir1\file2 is ignored
  (ignore rule in $TESTTMP\ignorerepo\.hgignore, line 4: 'dir1/file*')
  $ hg up -qC .
