author Pierre-Yves David <pierre-yves.david@octobus.net>
Sun, 21 May 2017 15:35:21 +0200
changeset 32476 e5e31b0fc924
parent 23675 96529f81e2e9
child 44722 e5e5ee2b60e4
permissions -rw-r--r--
hidden: use _domainancestors to compute revs revealed by dynamic blocker The complexity of computing the revealed changesets is now 'O(revealed)'. This massively speeds up the computation on large repository. Moving it to the millisecond range. Below are timing from two Mozilla repositories with different contents: 1) mozilla repository with: * 400667 changesets * 35 hidden changesets (first rev-268334) * 288 visible drafts * obsolete working copy (dynamicblockers), Before: ! visible ! wall 0.030247 comb 0.030000 user 0.030000 sys 0.000000 (best of 100) After: ! visible ! wall 0.000585 comb 0.000000 user 0.000000 sys 0.000000 (best of 4221) The timing above include the computation of obsolete changeset: ! obsolete ! wall 0.000396 comb 0.000000 user 0.000000 sys 0.000000 (best of 6816) So adjusted time give 30ms before versus 0.2ms after. A 150x speedup. 2) mozilla repository with: * 405645 changesets * 4312 hidden changesets (first rev-326004) * 264 visible drafts * obsolete working copy (dynamicblockers), Before: ! visible ! wall 0.168658 comb 0.170000 user 0.170000 sys 0.000000 (best of 48) After ! visible ! wall 0.008612 comb 0.010000 user 0.010000 sys 0.000000 (best of 325) The timing above include the computation of obsolete changeset: ! obsolete ! wall 0.006408 comb 0.010000 user 0.010000 sys 0.000000 (best of 404) So adjusted time give 160ms before versus 2ms after. A 75x speedup.

#require cvs

Test config convert.cvsps.mergefrom config setting.
(Should test similar mergeto feature, but I don't understand it yet.)
Requires builtin cvsps.

  $ CVSROOT=`pwd`/cvsrepo
  $ export CVSROOT

  $ cvscall()
  > {
  >     cvs -f "$@"
  > }

output of 'cvs ci' varies unpredictably, so just discard it
XXX copied from test-convert-cvs-synthetic

  $ cvsci()
  > {
  >     sleep 1
  >     cvs -f ci "$@" > /dev/null
  > }

XXX copied from test-convert-cvs-synthetic

  $ cat <<EOF >> $HGRCPATH
  > [extensions]
  > convert =
  > [convert]
  > cvsps.cache = 0
  > cvsps.mergefrom = \[MERGE from (\S+)\]
  > EOF

create cvs repository with one project

  $ cvscall -q -d "$CVSROOT" init
  $ mkdir cvsrepo/proj

populate cvs repository

  $ cvscall -Q co proj
  $ cd proj
  $ touch file1
  $ cvscall -Q add file1
  $ cvsci -m"add file1 on trunk"
  cvs commit: Examining .

create two release branches

  $ cvscall -q tag -b v1_0
  T file1
  $ cvscall -q tag -b v1_1
  T file1

modify file1 on branch v1_0

  $ cvscall -Q update -rv1_0
  $ sleep 1
  $ echo "change" >> file1
  $ cvsci -m"add text"
  cvs commit: Examining .

make unrelated change on v1_1

  $ cvscall -Q update -rv1_1
  $ touch unrelated
  $ cvscall -Q add unrelated
  $ cvsci -m"unrelated change"
  cvs commit: Examining .

merge file1 to v1_1

  $ cvscall -Q update -jv1_0
  RCS file: $TESTTMP/cvsrepo/proj/file1,v
  retrieving revision 1.1
  retrieving revision
  Merging differences between 1.1 and into file1
  $ cvsci -m"add text [MERGE from v1_0]"
  cvs commit: Examining .

merge change to trunk

  $ cvscall -Q update -A
  $ cvscall -Q update -jv1_1
  RCS file: $TESTTMP/cvsrepo/proj/file1,v
  retrieving revision 1.1
  retrieving revision
  Merging differences between 1.1 and into file1
  $ cvsci -m"add text [MERGE from v1_1]"
  cvs commit: Examining .

non-merged change on trunk

  $ echo "foo" > file2
  $ cvscall -Q add file2
  $ cvsci -m"add file2 on trunk" file2

this will create rev 1.3
change on trunk to backport

  $ echo "backport me" >> file1
  $ cvsci -m"add other text" file1
  $ cvscall log file1
  RCS file: $TESTTMP/cvsrepo/proj/file1,v
  Working file: file1
  head: 1.3
  locks: strict
  access list:
  symbolic names:
  keyword substitution: kv
  total revisions: 5;	selected revisions: 5
  revision 1.3
  date: * (glob)
  add other text
  revision 1.2
  date: * (glob)
  add text [MERGE from v1_1]
  revision 1.1
  date: * (glob)
  branches:  1.1.2;  1.1.4;
  add file1 on trunk
  date: * (glob)
  add text [MERGE from v1_0]
  date: * (glob)
  add text

XXX how many ways are there to spell "trunk" with CVS?
backport trunk change to v1_1

  $ cvscall -Q update -rv1_1
  $ cvscall -Q update -j1.2 -j1.3 file1
  RCS file: $TESTTMP/cvsrepo/proj/file1,v
  retrieving revision 1.2
  retrieving revision 1.3
  Merging differences between 1.2 and 1.3 into file1
  $ cvsci -m"add other text [MERGE from HEAD]" file1

fix bug on v1_1, merge to trunk with error

  $ cvscall -Q update -rv1_1
  $ echo "merge forward" >> file1
  $ cvscall -Q tag unmerged
  $ cvsci -m"fix file1"
  cvs commit: Examining .
  $ cvscall -Q update -A
  $ cvscall -Q update -junmerged -jv1_1
  RCS file: $TESTTMP/cvsrepo/proj/file1,v
  retrieving revision
  retrieving revision
  Merging differences between and into file1

note the typo in the commit log message

  $ cvsci -m"fix file1 [MERGE from v1-1]"
  cvs commit: Examining .
  $ cvs -Q tag -d unmerged

convert to hg

  $ cd ..
  $ hg convert proj proj.hg
  initializing destination proj.hg repository
  connecting to $TESTTMP/cvsrepo
  scanning source...
  collecting CVS rlog
  12 log entries
  creating changesets
  warning: CVS commit message references non-existent branch 'v1-1':
  fix file1 [MERGE from v1-1]
  10 changeset entries
  9 add file1 on trunk
  8 unrelated change
  7 add text
  6 add text [MERGE from v1_0]
  5 add text [MERGE from v1_1]
  4 add file2 on trunk
  3 add other text
  2 add other text [MERGE from HEAD]
  1 fix file1
  0 fix file1 [MERGE from v1-1]

complete log

  $ template="{rev}: '{branches}' {desc}\n"
  $ hg -R proj.hg log --template="$template"
  9: '' fix file1 [MERGE from v1-1]
  8: 'v1_1' fix file1
  7: 'v1_1' add other text [MERGE from HEAD]
  6: '' add other text
  5: '' add file2 on trunk
  4: '' add text [MERGE from v1_1]
  3: 'v1_1' add text [MERGE from v1_0]
  2: 'v1_0' add text
  1: 'v1_1' unrelated change
  0: '' add file1 on trunk

graphical log

  $ hg -R proj.hg log -G --template="$template"
  o  9: '' fix file1 [MERGE from v1-1]
  | o  8: 'v1_1' fix file1
  | |
  | o  7: 'v1_1' add other text [MERGE from HEAD]
  o |  6: '' add other text
  | |
  o |  5: '' add file2 on trunk
  | |
  o |  4: '' add text [MERGE from v1_1]
  | o    3: 'v1_1' add text [MERGE from v1_0]
  | |\
  +---o  2: 'v1_0' add text
  | |
  | o  1: 'v1_1' unrelated change
  o  0: '' add file1 on trunk