author Matt Harbison <matt_harbison@yahoo.com>
Fri, 24 Jan 2020 01:37:18 -0500
changeset 44153 e4344e463c0c
parent 43076 2372284d9457
child 46400 7525e77b5eac
permissions -rw-r--r--
packaging: rename hgrc.d to defaultrc for Windows config files next to the exe The code and the help still says that it will read hgrc.d next to the executable. But this directory needs to exist to read the resource based config files. Otherwise even `hg version` errors out: $ /c/Program\ Files/Mercurial/hg.exe version Traceback (most recent call last): File "hg", line 43, in <module> File "mercurial\dispatch.pyc", line 110, in run File "mercurial\dispatch.pyc", line 226, in dispatch File "mercurial\ui.pyc", line 308, in load File "mercurial\rcutil.pyc", line 99, in rccomponents File "mercurial\rcutil.pyc", line 69, in default_rc_resources File "mercurial\utils\resourceutil.pyc", line 84, in contents WindowsError: [Error 3] The system cannot find the path specified: 'c:\\Program Files\\mercurial\\defaultrc\\*.*' Differential Revision: https://phab.mercurial-scm.org/D7981

# Read the output of a "svn log --xml" command on stdin, parse it and
# print a subset of attributes common to all svn versions tested by
# hg.
from __future__ import absolute_import
import sys
import xml.dom.minidom

def xmltext(e):
    return ''.join(c.data for c in e.childNodes if c.nodeType == c.TEXT_NODE)

def parseentry(entry):
    e = {}
    e['revision'] = entry.getAttribute('revision')
    e['author'] = xmltext(entry.getElementsByTagName('author')[0])
    e['msg'] = xmltext(entry.getElementsByTagName('msg')[0])
    e['paths'] = []
    paths = entry.getElementsByTagName('paths')
    if paths:
        paths = paths[0]
        for p in paths.getElementsByTagName('path'):
            action = p.getAttribute('action').encode('utf-8')
            path = xmltext(p).encode('utf-8')
            frompath = p.getAttribute('copyfrom-path').encode('utf-8')
            fromrev = p.getAttribute('copyfrom-rev').encode('utf-8')
            e['paths'].append((path, action, frompath, fromrev))
    return e

def parselog(data):
    entries = []
    doc = xml.dom.minidom.parseString(data)
    for e in doc.getElementsByTagName('logentry'):
    return entries

def printentries(entries):
        fp = sys.stdout.buffer
    except AttributeError:
        fp = sys.stdout
    for e in entries:
        for k in ('revision', 'author', 'msg'):
            fp.write(('%s: %s\n' % (k, e[k])).encode('utf-8'))
        for path, action, fpath, frev in sorted(e['paths']):
            frominfo = b''
            if frev:
                frominfo = b' (from %s@%s)' % (fpath, frev)
            p = b' %s %s%s\n' % (action, path, frominfo)

if __name__ == '__main__':
    data = sys.stdin.read()
    entries = parselog(data)