author Matt Harbison <matt_harbison@yahoo.com>
Fri, 24 Jan 2020 01:37:18 -0500
changeset 44153 e4344e463c0c
parent 26781 1aee2ab0f902
permissions -rwxr-xr-x
packaging: rename hgrc.d to defaultrc for Windows config files next to the exe The code and the help still says that it will read hgrc.d next to the executable. But this directory needs to exist to read the resource based config files. Otherwise even `hg version` errors out: $ /c/Program\ Files/Mercurial/hg.exe version Traceback (most recent call last): File "hg", line 43, in <module> File "mercurial\dispatch.pyc", line 110, in run File "mercurial\dispatch.pyc", line 226, in dispatch File "mercurial\ui.pyc", line 308, in load File "mercurial\rcutil.pyc", line 99, in rccomponents File "mercurial\rcutil.pyc", line 69, in default_rc_resources File "mercurial\utils\resourceutil.pyc", line 84, in contents WindowsError: [Error 3] The system cannot find the path specified: 'c:\\Program Files\\mercurial\\defaultrc\\*.*' Differential Revision: https://phab.mercurial-scm.org/D7981

# This is an example of using HGEDITOR to create of diff to review the
# changes while committing.

# If you want to pass your favourite editor some other parameters
# only for Mercurial, modify this:
case "${EDITOR}" in
        EDITOR="$EDITOR -nw"
        EDITOR="$EDITOR -f -o"

cleanup_exit() {
    rm -rf "$HGTMP"

# Remove temporary files even if we get interrupted
trap "cleanup_exit" 0 # normal exit
trap "exit 255" HUP INT QUIT ABRT TERM

HGTMP=$(mktemp -d ${TMPDIR-/tmp}/hgeditor.XXXXXX)
[ x$HGTMP != x -a -d $HGTMP ] || {
  echo "Could not create temporary directory! Exiting." 1>&2
  exit 1

    grep '^HG: changed' "$1" | cut -b 13- | while read changed; do
        "$HG" diff "$changed" >> "$HGTMP/diff"

cat "$1" > "$HGTMP/msg"

MD5=$(which md5sum 2>/dev/null) || \
    MD5=$(which md5 2>/dev/null)
[ -x "${MD5}" ] && CHECKSUM=`${MD5} "$HGTMP/msg"`
if [ -s "$HGTMP/diff" ]; then
    $EDITOR "$HGTMP/msg" "$HGTMP/diff" || exit $?
    $EDITOR "$HGTMP/msg" || exit $?
[ -x "${MD5}" ] && (echo "$CHECKSUM" | ${MD5} -c >/dev/null 2>&1 && exit 13)

mv "$HGTMP/msg" "$1"

exit $?