author Siddharth Agarwal <sid0@fb.com>
Wed, 03 Feb 2016 13:12:06 -0800
changeset 28022 e397b58c0563
parent 26614 ef1eb6df7071
child 28072 c3e9269d9602
permissions -rw-r--r--
rebase: respect checkunknown and checkignored in more cases checkunknown and checkignored are currently respected for updates and regular merges, but not for certain kinds of rebases. To be precise, they aren't respected for rebases when: (1) we're rebasing while currently on the destination commit, and (2) an untracked or ignored file F is currently in the working copy, and (3) the same file F is in a source commit, and (4) F has different contents in the source commit. This happens because rebases set force to True when calling merge.update. Setting force to True makes a lot of sense in general, but it turns out the force option is overloaded: there's a deprecated '--force' option in merge that allows you to merge in outstanding changes, including changes in untracked files. We use the 'mergeforce' parameter to tell those two cases apart. I think the behavior during rebases when checkunknown is 'abort' (the default) is wrong -- we should abort on or overwrite differing untracked files, not try to merge them in. However that currently breaks rebases by aborting in the middle -- we need better handling for that case before we can change the default.

Set vars:

  $ CONTRIBDIR="$TESTDIR/../contrib"

Prepare repo-a:

  $ hg init repo-a
  $ cd repo-a

  $ echo this is file a > a
  $ hg add a
  $ hg commit -m first

  $ echo adding to file a >> a
  $ hg commit -m second

  $ echo adding more to file a >> a
  $ hg commit -m third

  $ hg verify
  checking changesets
  checking manifests
  crosschecking files in changesets and manifests
  checking files
  1 files, 3 changesets, 3 total revisions

Dumping revlog of file a to stdout:

  $ python "$CONTRIBDIR/dumprevlog" .hg/store/data/a.i
  file: .hg/store/data/a.i
  node: 183d2312b35066fb6b3b449b84efc370d50993d0
  linkrev: 0
  parents: 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
  length: 15
  this is file a
  node: b1047953b6e6b633c0d8197eaa5116fbdfd3095b
  linkrev: 1
  parents: 183d2312b35066fb6b3b449b84efc370d50993d0 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
  length: 32
  this is file a
  adding to file a
  node: 8c4fd1f7129b8cdec6c7f58bf48fb5237a4030c1
  linkrev: 2
  parents: b1047953b6e6b633c0d8197eaa5116fbdfd3095b 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
  length: 54
  this is file a
  adding to file a
  adding more to file a

Dump all revlogs to file repo.dump:

  $ find .hg/store -name "*.i" | sort | xargs python "$CONTRIBDIR/dumprevlog" > ../repo.dump
  $ cd ..

Undumping into repo-b:

  $ hg init repo-b
  $ cd repo-b
  $ python "$CONTRIBDIR/undumprevlog" < ../repo.dump
  $ cd ..

Rebuild fncache with clone --pull:

  $ hg clone --pull -U repo-b repo-c
  requesting all changes
  adding changesets
  adding manifests
  adding file changes
  added 3 changesets with 3 changes to 1 files


  $ hg -R repo-c verify
  checking changesets
  checking manifests
  crosschecking files in changesets and manifests
  checking files
  1 files, 3 changesets, 3 total revisions

Compare repos:

  $ hg -R repo-c incoming repo-a
  comparing with repo-a
  searching for changes
  no changes found

  $ hg -R repo-a incoming repo-c
  comparing with repo-c
  searching for changes
  no changes found

Test simplemerge command:

  $ cp "$CONTRIBDIR/simplemerge" .
  $ echo base > base
  $ echo local > local
  $ cat base >> local
  $ cp local orig
  $ cat base > other
  $ echo other >> other

changing local directly

  $ python simplemerge local base other && echo "merge succeeded"
  merge succeeded
  $ cat local
  $ cp orig local

printing to stdout

  $ python simplemerge -p local base other


  $ cat local


  $ cp base conflict-local
  $ cp other conflict-other
  $ echo not other >> conflict-local
  $ echo end >> conflict-local
  $ echo end >> conflict-other

  $ python simplemerge -p conflict-local base conflict-other
  <<<<<<< conflict-local
  not other
  >>>>>>> conflict-other

1 label

  $ python simplemerge -p -L foo conflict-local base conflict-other
  <<<<<<< foo
  not other
  >>>>>>> conflict-other

2 labels

  $ python simplemerge -p -L foo -L bar conflict-local base conflict-other
  <<<<<<< foo
  not other
  >>>>>>> bar

3 labels

  $ python simplemerge -p -L foo -L bar -L base conflict-local base conflict-other
  <<<<<<< foo
  not other
  ||||||| base
  >>>>>>> bar

too many labels

  $ python simplemerge -p -L foo -L bar -L baz -L buz conflict-local base conflict-other
  abort: can only specify three labels.

binary file

  $ $PYTHON -c "f = file('binary-local', 'w'); f.write('\x00'); f.close()"
  $ cat orig >> binary-local
  $ python simplemerge -p binary-local base other
  warning: binary-local looks like a binary file.

binary file --text

  $ python simplemerge -a -p binary-local base other 2>&1
  warning: binary-local looks like a binary file.
  \x00local (esc)


  $ python simplemerge --help
  simplemerge [OPTS] LOCAL BASE OTHER
      Simple three-way file merge utility with a minimal feature set.
      Apply to LOCAL the changes necessary to go from BASE to OTHER.
      By default, LOCAL is overwritten with the results of this operation.
   -L --label       labels to use on conflict markers
   -a --text        treat all files as text
   -p --print       print results instead of overwriting LOCAL
      --no-minimal  no effect (DEPRECATED)
   -h --help        display help and exit
   -q --quiet       suppress output

wrong number of arguments

  $ python simplemerge
  simplemerge: wrong number of arguments
  simplemerge [OPTS] LOCAL BASE OTHER
      Simple three-way file merge utility with a minimal feature set.
      Apply to LOCAL the changes necessary to go from BASE to OTHER.
      By default, LOCAL is overwritten with the results of this operation.
   -L --label       labels to use on conflict markers
   -a --text        treat all files as text
   -p --print       print results instead of overwriting LOCAL
      --no-minimal  no effect (DEPRECATED)
   -h --help        display help and exit
   -q --quiet       suppress output

bad option

  $ python simplemerge --foo -p local base other
  simplemerge: option --foo not recognized
  simplemerge [OPTS] LOCAL BASE OTHER
      Simple three-way file merge utility with a minimal feature set.
      Apply to LOCAL the changes necessary to go from BASE to OTHER.
      By default, LOCAL is overwritten with the results of this operation.
   -L --label       labels to use on conflict markers
   -a --text        treat all files as text
   -p --print       print results instead of overwriting LOCAL
      --no-minimal  no effect (DEPRECATED)
   -h --help        display help and exit
   -q --quiet       suppress output