author Pierre-Yves David <pierre-yves.david@octobus.net>
Fri, 05 Apr 2024 11:05:54 +0200
changeset 51576 de5bf3fe0233
parent 47921 0c92cd9286ee
permissions -rw-r--r--
revset: stop serializing node when using "%ln" Turning hundred of thousand of node from node to hex and back can be slow… what about we stop doing it? In many case were we are using node id we should be using revision id. However this is not a good reason to have a stupidly slow implementation of "%ln". This caught my attention again because the phase discovery during push make an extensive use of "%ln" or huge set. In absolute, that phase discovery probably should use "%ld" and need to improves its algorithmic complexity, but improving "%ln" seems simple and long overdue. This greatly speeds up `hg push` on repository with many drafts. Here are some relevant poulpe benchmarks: ### data-env-vars.name = mozilla-try-2023-03-22-zstd-sparse-revlog # benchmark.name = hg.command.push # bin-env-vars.hg.flavor = default # bin-env-vars.hg.py-re2-module = default # benchmark.variants.explicit-rev = all-out-heads # benchmark.variants.issue6528 = disabled # benchmark.variants.protocol = ssh # benchmark.variants.reuse-external-delta-parent = default ## benchmark.variants.revs = any-1-extra-rev before: 44.235070 after: 20.416329 (-53.85%, -23.82) ## benchmark.variants.revs = any-100-extra-rev before: 49.234697 after: 26.519829 (-46.14%, -22.71) ### benchmark.name = hg.command.bundle # bin-env-vars.hg.flavor = default # bin-env-vars.hg.py-re2-module = default # benchmark.variants.revs = all # benchmark.variants.type = none-streamv2 ## data-env-vars.name = heptapod-public-2024-03-25-zstd-sparse-revlog before: 10.138396 after: 7.750458 (-23.55%, -2.39) ## data-env-vars.name = mercurial-public-2024-03-22-zstd-sparse-revlog before: 1.263859 after: 0.700229 (-44.60%, -0.56) ## data-env-vars.name = mozilla-try-2023-03-22-zstd-sparse-revlog before: 399.484481 after: 346.5089 (-13.26%, -52.98) ## data-env-vars.name = pypy-2024-03-22-zstd-sparse-revlog before: 4.540080 after: 3.401700 (-25.07%, -1.14) ## data-env-vars.name = tryton-public-2024-03-22-zstd-sparse-revlog before: 2.975765 after: 1.870798 (-37.13%, -1.10)

  $ cat >> $HGRCPATH << EOF
  > [extensions]
  > fastannotate=
  > [fastannotate]
  > mainbranch=@
  > EOF

setup the server repo

  $ hg init repo-server
  $ cd repo-server
  $ cat >> .hg/hgrc << EOF
  > [fastannotate]
  > server=1
  > EOF
  $ for i in 1 2 3 4; do
  >   echo $i >> a
  >   hg commit -A -m $i a
  > done
  $ [ -d .hg/fastannotate ]
  $ hg bookmark @
  $ cd ..

setup the local repo

  $ hg clone 'ssh://user@dummy/repo-server' repo-local -q
  $ cd repo-local
  $ cat >> .hg/hgrc << EOF
  > [fastannotate]
  > client=1
  > clientfetchthreshold=0
  > EOF
  $ [ -d .hg/fastannotate ]
  $ hg fastannotate a --debug
  running * (glob)
  sending hello command
  sending between command
  remote: * (glob) (?)
  remote: capabilities: * (glob)
  remote: * (glob) (?)
  sending protocaps command
  fastannotate: requesting 1 files
  sending getannotate command
  fastannotate: writing 112 bytes to fastannotate/default/a.l
  fastannotate: writing 94 bytes to fastannotate/default/a.m
  fastannotate: a: using fast path (resolved fctx: True)
  0: 1
  1: 2
  2: 3
  3: 4

the cache could be reused and no download is necessary

  $ hg fastannotate a --debug
  fastannotate: a: using fast path (resolved fctx: True)
  0: 1
  1: 2
  2: 3
  3: 4

if the client agrees where the head of the master branch is, no re-download
happens even if the client has more commits

  $ echo 5 >> a
  $ hg commit -m 5
  $ hg bookmark -r 3 @ -f
  $ hg fastannotate a --debug
  0: 1
  1: 2
  2: 3
  3: 4
  4: 5

if the client has a different "@" (head of the master branch) and "@" is ahead
of the server, the server can detect things are unchanged and does not return
full contents (not that there is no "writing ... to fastannotate"), but the
client can also build things up on its own (causing diverge)

  $ hg bookmark -r 4 @ -f
  $ hg fastannotate a --debug
  running * (glob)
  sending hello command
  sending between command
  remote: * (glob) (?)
  remote: capabilities: * (glob)
  remote: * (glob) (?)
  sending protocaps command
  fastannotate: requesting 1 files
  sending getannotate command
  fastannotate: a: 1 new changesets in the main branch
  0: 1
  1: 2
  2: 3
  3: 4
  4: 5

if the client has a different "@" which is behind the server. no download is

  $ hg fastannotate a --debug --config fastannotate.mainbranch=2
  fastannotate: a: using fast path (resolved fctx: True)
  0: 1
  1: 2
  2: 3
  3: 4
  4: 5

define fastannotate on-disk paths

  $ p1=.hg/fastannotate/default
  $ p2=../repo-server/.hg/fastannotate/default

revert bookmark change so the client is behind the server

  $ hg bookmark -r 2 @ -f

in the "fctx" mode with the "annotate" command, the client also downloads the
cache. but not in the (default) "fastannotate" mode.

  $ rm $p1/a.l $p1/a.m
  $ hg annotate a --debug | grep 'fastannotate: writing'
  $ hg annotate a --config fastannotate.modes=fctx --debug | grep 'fastannotate: writing' | sort
  fastannotate: writing 112 bytes to fastannotate/default/a.l
  fastannotate: writing 94 bytes to fastannotate/default/a.m

the fastannotate cache (built server-side, downloaded client-side) in two repos
have the same content (because the client downloads from the server)

  $ diff $p1/a.l $p2/a.l
  $ diff $p1/a.m $p2/a.m

in the "fctx" mode, the client could also build the cache locally

  $ hg annotate a --config fastannotate.modes=fctx --debug --config fastannotate.mainbranch=4 | grep fastannotate
  fastannotate: requesting 1 files
  fastannotate: a: 1 new changesets in the main branch

the server would rebuild broken cache automatically

  $ cp $p2/a.m $p2/a.m.bak
  $ echo BROKEN1 > $p1/a.m
  $ echo BROKEN2 > $p2/a.m
  $ hg fastannotate a --debug | grep 'fastannotate: writing' | sort
  fastannotate: writing 112 bytes to fastannotate/default/a.l
  fastannotate: writing 94 bytes to fastannotate/default/a.m
  $ diff $p1/a.m $p2/a.m
  $ diff $p2/a.m $p2/a.m.bak

use the "debugbuildannotatecache" command to build annotate cache

  $ rm -rf $p1 $p2
  $ hg --cwd ../repo-server debugbuildannotatecache a --debug
  fastannotate: a: 4 new changesets in the main branch
  $ hg --cwd ../repo-local debugbuildannotatecache a --debug
  running * (glob)
  sending hello command
  sending between command
  remote: * (glob) (?)
  remote: capabilities: * (glob)
  remote: * (glob) (?)
  sending protocaps command
  fastannotate: requesting 1 files
  sending getannotate command
  fastannotate: writing * (glob)
  fastannotate: writing * (glob)
  $ diff $p1/a.l $p2/a.l
  $ diff $p1/a.m $p2/a.m

with the clientfetchthreshold config option, the client can build up the cache
without downloading from the server

  $ rm -rf $p1
  $ hg fastannotate a --debug --config fastannotate.clientfetchthreshold=10
  fastannotate: a: 3 new changesets in the main branch
  0: 1
  1: 2
  2: 3
  3: 4
  4: 5

if the fastannotate directory is not writable, the fctx mode still works

  $ rm -rf $p1
  $ touch $p1
  $ hg annotate a --debug --traceback --config fastannotate.modes=fctx
  fastannotate: a: cache broken and deleted
  fastannotate: prefetch failed: * (glob)
  fastannotate: a: cache broken and deleted
  fastannotate: falling back to the vanilla annotate: * (glob)
  0: 1
  1: 2
  2: 3
  3: 4
  4: 5

with serverbuildondemand=False, the server will not build anything

  $ cat >> ../repo-server/.hg/hgrc <<EOF
  > [fastannotate]
  > serverbuildondemand=False
  > EOF
  $ rm -rf $p1 $p2
  $ hg fastannotate a --debug | grep 'fastannotate: writing'