author Pierre-Yves David <pierre-yves.david@octobus.net>
Fri, 05 Apr 2024 11:05:54 +0200
changeset 51576 de5bf3fe0233
parent 45895 fc4fb2f17dd4
permissions -rw-r--r--
revset: stop serializing node when using "%ln" Turning hundred of thousand of node from node to hex and back can be slow… what about we stop doing it? In many case were we are using node id we should be using revision id. However this is not a good reason to have a stupidly slow implementation of "%ln". This caught my attention again because the phase discovery during push make an extensive use of "%ln" or huge set. In absolute, that phase discovery probably should use "%ld" and need to improves its algorithmic complexity, but improving "%ln" seems simple and long overdue. This greatly speeds up `hg push` on repository with many drafts. Here are some relevant poulpe benchmarks: ### data-env-vars.name = mozilla-try-2023-03-22-zstd-sparse-revlog # benchmark.name = hg.command.push # bin-env-vars.hg.flavor = default # bin-env-vars.hg.py-re2-module = default # benchmark.variants.explicit-rev = all-out-heads # benchmark.variants.issue6528 = disabled # benchmark.variants.protocol = ssh # benchmark.variants.reuse-external-delta-parent = default ## benchmark.variants.revs = any-1-extra-rev before: 44.235070 after: 20.416329 (-53.85%, -23.82) ## benchmark.variants.revs = any-100-extra-rev before: 49.234697 after: 26.519829 (-46.14%, -22.71) ### benchmark.name = hg.command.bundle # bin-env-vars.hg.flavor = default # bin-env-vars.hg.py-re2-module = default # benchmark.variants.revs = all # benchmark.variants.type = none-streamv2 ## data-env-vars.name = heptapod-public-2024-03-25-zstd-sparse-revlog before: 10.138396 after: 7.750458 (-23.55%, -2.39) ## data-env-vars.name = mercurial-public-2024-03-22-zstd-sparse-revlog before: 1.263859 after: 0.700229 (-44.60%, -0.56) ## data-env-vars.name = mozilla-try-2023-03-22-zstd-sparse-revlog before: 399.484481 after: 346.5089 (-13.26%, -52.98) ## data-env-vars.name = pypy-2024-03-22-zstd-sparse-revlog before: 4.540080 after: 3.401700 (-25.07%, -1.14) ## data-env-vars.name = tryton-public-2024-03-22-zstd-sparse-revlog before: 2.975765 after: 1.870798 (-37.13%, -1.10)

  $ hg init repo
  $ cd repo
  $ for n in 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11; do
  >   echo $n > $n
  >   hg ci -qAm $n
  > done

test revset support

  $ cat <<'EOF' >> .hg/hgrc
  > [extdata]
  > filedata = file:extdata.txt
  > notes = notes.txt
  > shelldata = shell:cat extdata.txt | grep 2
  > emptygrep = shell:cat extdata.txt | grep empty
  > badparse = shell:cat badparse.txt
  > EOF
  $ cat <<'EOF' > extdata.txt
  > 2 another comment on 2
  > 3
  > EOF
  $ cat <<'EOF' > notes.txt
  > f6ed this change is great!
  > e834 this is buggy :(
  > 0625 first post
  > bogusnode gives no error
  > a ambiguous node gives no error
  > EOF

  $ hg log -qr "extdata(filedata)"
  $ hg log -qr "extdata(shelldata)"

test weight of extdata() revset

  $ hg debugrevspec -p optimized "extdata(filedata) & 3"
  * optimized:
      (symbol 'extdata')
      (symbol 'filedata'))
    (symbol '3'))

test non-zero exit of shell command

  $ hg log -qr "extdata(emptygrep)"
  abort: extdata command 'cat extdata.txt | grep empty' failed: exited with status 1

test bad extdata() revset source

  $ hg log -qr "extdata()"
  hg: parse error: extdata takes at least 1 string argument
  $ hg log -qr "extdata(unknown)"
  abort: unknown extdata source 'unknown'

test a zero-exiting source that emits garbage to confuse the revset parser

  $ cat > badparse.txt <<'EOF'
  > +---------------------------------------+
  > 9de260b1e88e
  > EOF

It might be nice if this error message mentioned where the bad string
came from (eg line X of extdata source S), but the important thing is
that we don't crash before we can print the parse error.
  $ hg log -qr "extdata(badparse)"
  hg: parse error at 0: not a prefix: +
   ^ here)

test template support:

  $ hg log -r:3 -T "{node|short}{if(extdata('notes'), ' # {extdata('notes')}')}\n"
  06254b906311 # first post
  e8342c9a2ed1 # this is buggy :(
  f6ed99a58333 # this change is great!

test template cache:

  $ hg log -r:3 -T '{rev} "{extdata("notes")}" "{extdata("shelldata")}"\n'
  0 "first post" ""
  1 "this is buggy :(" ""
  2 "this change is great!" "another comment on 2"
  3 "" ""

test bad extdata() template source

  $ hg log -T "{extdata()}\n"
  hg: parse error: extdata expects one argument
  $ hg log -T "{extdata('unknown')}\n"
  abort: unknown extdata source 'unknown'
  $ hg log -T "{extdata(unknown)}\n"
  hg: parse error: empty data source specified
  (did you mean extdata('unknown')?)
  $ hg log -T "{extdata('{unknown}')}\n"
  hg: parse error: empty data source specified

we don't fix up relative file URLs, but we do run shell commands in repo root

  $ mkdir sub
  $ cd sub
  $ hg log -qr "extdata(filedata)"
  abort: error: $ENOENT$
  $ hg log -qr "extdata(shelldata)"

  $ cd ..