author Gregory Szorc <gregory.szorc@gmail.com>
Mon, 24 Sep 2018 09:41:42 -0700
changeset 39861 db5501d93bcf
parent 39083 8f83a953dddf
child 40445 634b45317459
permissions -rw-r--r--
changegroup: remove reordering control (BC) This logic - including the experimental bundle.reorder option - was originally added in a8e3931e3fb5 in 2011 and then later ported to changegroup.py. The intent of this option and associated logic is to control the ordering of revisions in deltagroups in changegroups. At the time it was implemented, only changegroup version 1 existed and generaldelta revlogs were just coming into the world. Changegroup version 1 requires that deltas be made against the last revision sent over the wire. Used with generaldelta, this created an impedance mismatch of sorts and resulted in changegroup producers spending a lot of time recomputing deltas. Revision reordering was introduced so outgoing revisions would be sent in "generaldelta order" and producers would be able to reuse internal deltas from storage. Later on, we introduced changegroup version 2. It supported denoting which revision a delta was against. So we no longer needed to sort outgoing revisions to ensure optimal delta generation from the producer. So, subsequent changegroup versions disabled reordering. We also later made the changelog not store deltas by default. And we also made the changelog send out deltas in storage order. Why we do this for changelog, I'm not sure. Maybe we want to preserve revision order across clones? It doesn't really matter for this commit. Fast forward to 2018. We want to abstract storage backends. And having changegroup code require knowledge about how deltas are stored internally interferes with that goal. This commit removes reordering control from changegroup generation. After this commit, the reordering behavior is: * The changelog is always sent out in storage order (no behavior change). * Non-changelog generaldelta revlogs are reordered to always be in DAG topological order (previously, generaldelta revlogs would be emitted in storage order for version 2 and 3 changegroups). * Non-changelog non-generaldelta revlogs are sent in storage order (no behavior change). * There exists no config option to override behavior. The big difference here is that generaldelta revlogs now *always* have their revisions sorted in DAG order before going out over the wire. This behavior was previously only done for changegroup version 1. Version 2 and version 3 changegroups disabled reordering because the interchange format supported encoding arbitrary delta parents, so reordering wasn't strictly necessary. I can think of a few significant implications for this change. Because changegroup receivers will now see non-changelog revisions in DAG order instead of storage order, the internal storage order of manifests and files may differ substantially between producer and consumer. I don't think this matters that much, since the storage order of manifests and files is largely hidden from users. Only the storage order of changelog matters (because `hg log` shows the changelog in storage order). I don't think there should be any controversy here. The reordering of revisions has implications for changegroup producers. Previously, generaldelta revlogs would be emitted in storage order. And in the common case, the internally-stored delta could effectively be copied from disk into the deltagroup delta. This meant that emitting delta groups for generaldelta revlogs would be mostly linear read I/O. This is desirable for performance. With us now reordering generaldelta revlog revisions in DAG order, the read operations may use more random I/O instead of sequential I/O. This could result in performance loss. But with the prevalence of SSDs and fast random I/O, I'm not too worried. (Note: the optimal emission order for revlogs is actually delta encoding order. But the changegroup code wasn't doing that before or after this change. We could potentially implement that in a later commit.) Changegroups in DAG order will have implications for receivers. Previously, receiving storage order might mean seeing a number of interleaved branches. This would mean long delta chains, sparse I/O, and possibly more fulltext revisions instead of deltas, blowing up storage storage. (This is the same set of problems that sparse revlogs aims to address.) With the producer now sending revisions in DAG order, the receiver also stores revisions in DAG order. That means revisions for the same DAG branch are all grouped together. And this should yield better storage outcomes. In other words, sending the reordered changegroup allows the receiver to have better storage order and for the producer to not propagate its (possibly sub-optimal) internal storage order. On the mozilla-unified repository, this change influences bundle generation: $ hg bundle -t none-v2 -a before: time: real 355.680 secs (user 256.790+0.000 sys 16.820+0.000) after: time: real 382.950 secs (user 281.700+0.000 sys 17.690+0.000) before: 7,150,228,967 bytes (uncompressed) after: 7,041,556,273 bytes (uncompressed) before: 1,669,063,234 bytes (zstd l=3) after: 1,628,598,830 bytes (zstd l=3) $ hg unbundle before: time: real 511.910 secs (user 466.750+0.000 sys 32.680+0.000) after: time: real 487.790 secs (user 443.940+0.000 sys 30.840+0.000) 00manifest.d size: source: 274,924,292 bytes before: 304,741,626 bytes after: 245,252,087 bytes .hg/store total file size: source: 2,649,133,490 before: 2,680,888,130 after: 2,627,875,673 We see the bundle size drop. That's probably because if a revlog internally isn't storing a delta, it will choose to delta against the last emitted revision. And on repos with interleaved branches (like mozilla-unified), the previous revision could be an unrelated branch and therefore be a large delta. But with this patch, the previous revision is likely p1 or p2 and a delta should be small. We also see the manifest size drop by ~50 MB. It's worth noting that the manifest actually *increased* in size by ~25 MB in the old strategy and decreased ~25 MB from its source in the new strategy. Again, my explanation for this is that the DAG ordering in the changegroup is resulting in better grouping of revisions in the receiver, which results in more compact delta chains and higher storage efficiency. Unbundle time also dropped. I suspect this is due to the revlog having to work less to compute deltas since the incoming deltas are more optimal. i.e. the receiver spends less time resolving fulltext revisions as incoming deltas bounce around between DAG branches and delta chains. We also see bundle generation time increase. This is not desirable. However, the regression is only significant on the original repository: if we generate a bundle from the repository created from the new, always reordered bundles, we're close to baseline (if not at it with expected noise): $ hg bundle -t none-v2 -a before (original): time: real 355.680 secs (user 256.790+0.000 sys 16.820+0.000) after (original): time: real 382.950 secs (user 281.700+0.000 sys 17.690+0.000) after (new repo): time: real 362.280 secs (user 260.300+0.000 sys 17.700+0.000) This regression is a bit worrying because it will impact serving canonical repositories (that don't have optimal internal storage unless they are reordered - possibly as part of running `hg debugupgraderepo`). However, this regression will only be noticed by very large changegroups. And I'm guessing/hoping that any repository that large is using clonebundles to mitigate server load. Again, sending DAG order isn't the optimal send order for servers: sending in storage-delta order is. But in order to enable storage-optimal send order, we'll need a storage API that handles sorting. Future commits will introduce such an API. Differential Revision: https://phab.mercurial-scm.org/D4721

#require no-reposimplestore

Check whether size of generaldelta revlog is not bigger than its
regular equivalent. Test would fail if generaldelta was naive
implementation of parentdelta: third manifest revision would be fully
inserted due to big distance from its paren revision (zero).

  $ hg init repo --config format.generaldelta=no --config format.usegeneraldelta=no
  $ cd repo
  $ echo foo > foo
  $ echo bar > bar
  $ echo baz > baz
  $ hg commit -q -Am boo
  $ hg clone --pull . ../gdrepo -q --config format.generaldelta=yes
  $ for r in 1 2 3; do
  >   echo $r > foo
  >   hg commit -q -m $r
  >   hg up -q -r 0
  >   hg pull . -q -r $r -R ../gdrepo
  > done

  $ cd ..
  >>> from __future__ import print_function
  >>> import os
  >>> regsize = os.stat("repo/.hg/store/00manifest.i").st_size
  >>> gdsize = os.stat("gdrepo/.hg/store/00manifest.i").st_size
  >>> if regsize < gdsize:
  ...     print('generaldata increased size of manifest')

Verify rev reordering doesnt create invalid bundles (issue4462)
This requires a commit tree that when pulled will reorder manifest revs such
that the second manifest to create a file rev will be ordered before the first
manifest to create that file rev. We also need to do a partial pull to ensure
reordering happens. At the end we verify the linkrev points at the earliest

  $ hg init server --config format.generaldelta=True
  $ cd server
  $ touch a
  $ hg commit -Aqm a
  $ echo x > x
  $ echo y > y
  $ hg commit -Aqm xy
  $ hg up -q '.^'
  $ echo x > x
  $ echo z > z
  $ hg commit -Aqm xz
  $ hg up -q 1
  $ echo b > b
  $ hg commit -Aqm b
  $ hg merge -q 2
  $ hg commit -Aqm merge
  $ echo c > c
  $ hg commit -Aqm c
  $ hg log -G -T '{rev} {shortest(node)} {desc}'
  @  5 ebb8 c
  o    4 baf7 merge
  | o  3 a129 b
  | |
  o |  2 958c xz
  | |
  | o  1 f00c xy
  o  0 3903 a
  $ cd ..
  $ hg init client --config format.generaldelta=false --config format.usegeneraldelta=false
  $ cd client
  $ hg pull -q ../server -r 4
  $ hg debugdeltachain x
      rev  chain# chainlen     prev   delta       size    rawsize  chainsize     ratio   lindist extradist extraratio
        0       1        1       -1    base          3          2          3   1.50000         3         0    0.00000

  $ cd ..

Test "usegeneraldelta" config
(repo are general delta, but incoming bundle are not re-deltafied)

delta coming from the server base delta server are not recompressed.
(also include the aggressive version for comparison)

  $ hg clone repo --pull --config format.usegeneraldelta=1 usegd
  requesting all changes
  adding changesets
  adding manifests
  adding file changes
  added 4 changesets with 6 changes to 3 files (+2 heads)
  new changesets 0ea3fcf9d01d:bba78d330d9c
  updating to branch default
  3 files updated, 0 files merged, 0 files removed, 0 files unresolved
  $ hg clone repo --pull --config format.generaldelta=1 full
  requesting all changes
  adding changesets
  adding manifests
  adding file changes
  added 4 changesets with 6 changes to 3 files (+2 heads)
  new changesets 0ea3fcf9d01d:bba78d330d9c
  updating to branch default
  3 files updated, 0 files merged, 0 files removed, 0 files unresolved
  $ hg -R repo debugdeltachain -m
      rev  chain# chainlen     prev   delta       size    rawsize  chainsize     ratio   lindist extradist extraratio
        0       1        1       -1    base        104        135        104   0.77037       104         0    0.00000
        1       1        2        0    prev         57        135        161   1.19259       161         0    0.00000
        2       1        3        1    prev         57        135        218   1.61481       218         0    0.00000
        3       2        1       -1    base        104        135        104   0.77037       104         0    0.00000
  $ hg -R usegd debugdeltachain -m
      rev  chain# chainlen     prev   delta       size    rawsize  chainsize     ratio   lindist extradist extraratio
        0       1        1       -1    base        104        135        104   0.77037       104         0    0.00000
        1       1        2        0      p1         57        135        161   1.19259       161         0    0.00000
        2       1        3        1    prev         57        135        218   1.61481       218         0    0.00000
        3       1        2        0      p1         57        135        161   1.19259       275       114    0.70807
  $ hg -R full debugdeltachain -m
      rev  chain# chainlen     prev   delta       size    rawsize  chainsize     ratio   lindist extradist extraratio
        0       1        1       -1    base        104        135        104   0.77037       104         0    0.00000
        1       1        2        0      p1         57        135        161   1.19259       161         0    0.00000
        2       1        2        0      p1         57        135        161   1.19259       218        57    0.35404
        3       1        2        0      p1         57        135        161   1.19259       275       114    0.70807

Test revlog.optimize-delta-parent-choice

  $ hg init --config format.generaldelta=1 aggressive
  $ cd aggressive
  $ cat << EOF >> .hg/hgrc
  > [format]
  > generaldelta = 1
  > EOF
  $ touch a b c d e
  $ hg commit -Aqm side1
  $ hg up -q null
  $ touch x y
  $ hg commit -Aqm side2

- Verify non-aggressive merge uses p1 (commit 1) as delta parent
  $ hg merge -q 0
  $ hg commit -q -m merge
  $ hg debugdeltachain -m
      rev  chain# chainlen     prev   delta       size    rawsize  chainsize     ratio   lindist extradist extraratio
        0       1        1       -1    base         59        215         59   0.27442        59         0    0.00000
        1       1        2        0    prev         61         86        120   1.39535       120         0    0.00000
        2       1        2        0      p2         62        301        121   0.40199       182        61    0.50413

  $ hg strip -q -r . --config extensions.strip=

- Verify aggressive merge uses p2 (commit 0) as delta parent
  $ hg up -q -C 1
  $ hg merge -q 0
  $ hg commit -q -m merge --config storage.revlog.optimize-delta-parent-choice=yes
  $ hg debugdeltachain -m
      rev  chain# chainlen     prev   delta       size    rawsize  chainsize     ratio   lindist extradist extraratio
        0       1        1       -1    base         59        215         59   0.27442        59         0    0.00000
        1       1        2        0    prev         61         86        120   1.39535       120         0    0.00000
        2       1        2        0      p2         62        301        121   0.40199       182        61    0.50413

Test that strip bundle use bundle2
  $ hg --config extensions.strip= strip .
  0 files updated, 0 files merged, 5 files removed, 0 files unresolved
  saved backup bundle to $TESTTMP/aggressive/.hg/strip-backup/1c5d4dc9a8b8-6c68e60c-backup.hg
  $ hg debugbundle .hg/strip-backup/*
  Stream params: {Compression: BZ}
  changegroup -- {nbchanges: 1, version: 02} (mandatory: True)
  cache:rev-branch-cache -- {} (mandatory: False)
  phase-heads -- {} (mandatory: True)
      1c5d4dc9a8b8d6e1750966d343e94db665e7a1e9 draft

  $ cd ..

test maxdeltachainspan

  $ hg init source-repo
  $ cd source-repo
  $ hg debugbuilddag --new-file '.+5:brancha$.+11:branchb$.+30:branchc<brancha+2<branchb+2'
# add an empty revision somewhere
  $ hg up tip
  14 files updated, 0 files merged, 0 files removed, 0 files unresolved
  $ hg rm .
  removing nf10
  removing nf11
  removing nf12
  removing nf13
  removing nf14
  removing nf15
  removing nf16
  removing nf17
  removing nf51
  removing nf52
  removing nf6
  removing nf7
  removing nf8
  removing nf9
  $ hg commit -m 'empty all'
  $ hg revert --all --rev 'p1(.)'
  adding nf10
  adding nf11
  adding nf12
  adding nf13
  adding nf14
  adding nf15
  adding nf16
  adding nf17
  adding nf51
  adding nf52
  adding nf6
  adding nf7
  adding nf8
  adding nf9
  $ hg commit -m 'restore all'
  $ hg up null
  0 files updated, 0 files merged, 14 files removed, 0 files unresolved
  $ cd ..
  $ hg -R source-repo debugdeltachain -m
      rev  chain# chainlen     prev   delta       size    rawsize  chainsize     ratio   lindist extradist extraratio
        0       1        1       -1    base         46         45         46   1.02222        46         0    0.00000
        1       1        2        0      p1         57         90        103   1.14444       103         0    0.00000
        2       1        3        1      p1         57        135        160   1.18519       160         0    0.00000
        3       1        4        2      p1         57        180        217   1.20556       217         0    0.00000
        4       1        5        3      p1         57        225        274   1.21778       274         0    0.00000
        5       1        6        4      p1         57        270        331   1.22593       331         0    0.00000
        6       2        1       -1    base         46         45         46   1.02222        46         0    0.00000
        7       2        2        6      p1         57         90        103   1.14444       103         0    0.00000
        8       2        3        7      p1         57        135        160   1.18519       160         0    0.00000
        9       2        4        8      p1         57        180        217   1.20556       217         0    0.00000
       10       2        5        9      p1         58        226        275   1.21681       275         0    0.00000
       11       2        6       10      p1         58        272        333   1.22426       333         0    0.00000
       12       2        7       11      p1         58        318        391   1.22956       391         0    0.00000
       13       2        8       12      p1         58        364        449   1.23352       449         0    0.00000
       14       2        9       13      p1         58        410        507   1.23659       507         0    0.00000
       15       2       10       14      p1         58        456        565   1.23904       565         0    0.00000
       16       2       11       15      p1         58        502        623   1.24104       623         0    0.00000
       17       2       12       16      p1         58        548        681   1.24270       681         0    0.00000
       18       3        1       -1    base         47         46         47   1.02174        47         0    0.00000
       19       3        2       18      p1         58         92        105   1.14130       105         0    0.00000
       20       3        3       19      p1         58        138        163   1.18116       163         0    0.00000
       21       3        4       20      p1         58        184        221   1.20109       221         0    0.00000
       22       3        5       21      p1         58        230        279   1.21304       279         0    0.00000
       23       3        6       22      p1         58        276        337   1.22101       337         0    0.00000
       24       3        7       23      p1         58        322        395   1.22671       395         0    0.00000
       25       3        8       24      p1         58        368        453   1.23098       453         0    0.00000
       26       3        9       25      p1         58        414        511   1.23430       511         0    0.00000
       27       3       10       26      p1         58        460        569   1.23696       569         0    0.00000
       28       3       11       27      p1         58        506        627   1.23913       627         0    0.00000
       29       3       12       28      p1         58        552        685   1.24094       685         0    0.00000
       30       3       13       29      p1         58        598        743   1.24247       743         0    0.00000
       31       3       14       30      p1         58        644        801   1.24379       801         0    0.00000
       32       3       15       31      p1         58        690        859   1.24493       859         0    0.00000
       33       3       16       32      p1         58        736        917   1.24592       917         0    0.00000
       34       3       17       33      p1         58        782        975   1.24680       975         0    0.00000
       35       3       18       34      p1         58        828       1033   1.24758      1033         0    0.00000
       36       3       19       35      p1         58        874       1091   1.24828      1091         0    0.00000
       37       3       20       36      p1         58        920       1149   1.24891      1149         0    0.00000
       38       3       21       37      p1         58        966       1207   1.24948      1207         0    0.00000
       39       3       22       38      p1         58       1012       1265   1.25000      1265         0    0.00000
       40       3       23       39      p1         58       1058       1323   1.25047      1323         0    0.00000
       41       3       24       40      p1         58       1104       1381   1.25091      1381         0    0.00000
       42       3       25       41      p1         58       1150       1439   1.25130      1439         0    0.00000
       43       3       26       42      p1         58       1196       1497   1.25167      1497         0    0.00000
       44       3       27       43      p1         58       1242       1555   1.25201      1555         0    0.00000
       45       3       28       44      p1         58       1288       1613   1.25233      1613         0    0.00000
       46       3       29       45      p1         58       1334       1671   1.25262      1671         0    0.00000
       47       3       30       46      p1         58       1380       1729   1.25290      1729         0    0.00000
       48       3       31       47      p1         58       1426       1787   1.25316      1787         0    0.00000
       49       4        1       -1    base        197        316        197   0.62342       197         0    0.00000
       50       4        2       49      p1         58        362        255   0.70442       255         0    0.00000
       51       4        3       50    prev        356        594        611   1.02862       611         0    0.00000
       52       4        4       51      p1         58        640        669   1.04531       669         0    0.00000
       53       5        1       -1    base          0          0          0   0.00000         0         0    0.00000
       54       6        1       -1    base        369        640        369   0.57656       369         0    0.00000
  $ hg clone --pull source-repo --config experimental.maxdeltachainspan=2800 relax-chain --config format.generaldelta=yes
  requesting all changes
  adding changesets
  adding manifests
  adding file changes
  added 55 changesets with 53 changes to 53 files (+2 heads)
  new changesets 61246295ee1e:c930ac4a5b32
  updating to branch default
  14 files updated, 0 files merged, 0 files removed, 0 files unresolved
  $ hg -R relax-chain debugdeltachain -m
      rev  chain# chainlen     prev   delta       size    rawsize  chainsize     ratio   lindist extradist extraratio
        0       1        1       -1    base         47         46         47   1.02174        47         0    0.00000
        1       1        2        0      p1         58         92        105   1.14130       105         0    0.00000
        2       1        3        1      p1         58        138        163   1.18116       163         0    0.00000
        3       1        4        2      p1         58        184        221   1.20109       221         0    0.00000
        4       1        5        3      p1         58        230        279   1.21304       279         0    0.00000
        5       1        6        4      p1         58        276        337   1.22101       337         0    0.00000
        6       1        7        5      p1         58        322        395   1.22671       395         0    0.00000
        7       1        8        6      p1         58        368        453   1.23098       453         0    0.00000
        8       1        9        7      p1         58        414        511   1.23430       511         0    0.00000
        9       1       10        8      p1         58        460        569   1.23696       569         0    0.00000
       10       1       11        9      p1         58        506        627   1.23913       627         0    0.00000
       11       1       12       10      p1         58        552        685   1.24094       685         0    0.00000
       12       1       13       11      p1         58        598        743   1.24247       743         0    0.00000
       13       1       14       12      p1         58        644        801   1.24379       801         0    0.00000
       14       1       15       13      p1         58        690        859   1.24493       859         0    0.00000
       15       1       16       14      p1         58        736        917   1.24592       917         0    0.00000
       16       1       17       15      p1         58        782        975   1.24680       975         0    0.00000
       17       1       18       16      p1         58        828       1033   1.24758      1033         0    0.00000
       18       1       19       17      p1         58        874       1091   1.24828      1091         0    0.00000
       19       1       20       18      p1         58        920       1149   1.24891      1149         0    0.00000
       20       1       21       19      p1         58        966       1207   1.24948      1207         0    0.00000
       21       1       22       20      p1         58       1012       1265   1.25000      1265         0    0.00000
       22       1       23       21      p1         58       1058       1323   1.25047      1323         0    0.00000
       23       1       24       22      p1         58       1104       1381   1.25091      1381         0    0.00000
       24       1       25       23      p1         58       1150       1439   1.25130      1439         0    0.00000
       25       1       26       24      p1         58       1196       1497   1.25167      1497         0    0.00000
       26       1       27       25      p1         58       1242       1555   1.25201      1555         0    0.00000
       27       1       28       26      p1         58       1288       1613   1.25233      1613         0    0.00000
       28       1       29       27      p1         58       1334       1671   1.25262      1671         0    0.00000
       29       1       30       28      p1         58       1380       1729   1.25290      1729         0    0.00000
       30       1       31       29      p1         58       1426       1787   1.25316      1787         0    0.00000
       31       2        1       -1    base         46         45         46   1.02222        46         0    0.00000
       32       2        2       31      p1         57         90        103   1.14444       103         0    0.00000
       33       2        3       32      p1         57        135        160   1.18519       160         0    0.00000
       34       2        4       33      p1         57        180        217   1.20556       217         0    0.00000
       35       2        5       34      p1         57        225        274   1.21778       274         0    0.00000
       36       2        6       35      p1         57        270        331   1.22593       331         0    0.00000
       37       2        7       36      p1         58        316        389   1.23101       389         0    0.00000
       38       2        8       37      p1         58        362        447   1.23481       447         0    0.00000
       39       3        1       -1    base         46         45         46   1.02222        46         0    0.00000
       40       3        2       39      p1         57         90        103   1.14444       103         0    0.00000
       41       3        3       40      p1         57        135        160   1.18519       160         0    0.00000
       42       3        4       41      p1         57        180        217   1.20556       217         0    0.00000
       43       3        5       42      p1         58        226        275   1.21681       275         0    0.00000
       44       3        6       43      p1         58        272        333   1.22426       333         0    0.00000
       45       3        7       44      p1         58        318        391   1.22956       391         0    0.00000
       46       3        8       45      p1         58        364        449   1.23352       449         0    0.00000
       47       3        9       46      p1         58        410        507   1.23659       507         0    0.00000
       48       3       10       47      p1         58        456        565   1.23904       565         0    0.00000
       49       3       11       48      p1         58        502        623   1.24104       623         0    0.00000
       50       3       12       49      p1         58        548        681   1.24270       681         0    0.00000
       51       3       13       50      p1         58        594        739   1.24411       739         0    0.00000
       52       3       14       51      p1         58        640        797   1.24531       797         0    0.00000
       53       4        1       -1    base          0          0          0   0.00000         0         0    0.00000
       54       5        1       -1    base        369        640        369   0.57656       369         0    0.00000
  $ hg clone --pull source-repo --config experimental.maxdeltachainspan=0 noconst-chain --config format.generaldelta=yes
  requesting all changes
  adding changesets
  adding manifests
  adding file changes
  added 55 changesets with 53 changes to 53 files (+2 heads)
  new changesets 61246295ee1e:c930ac4a5b32
  updating to branch default
  14 files updated, 0 files merged, 0 files removed, 0 files unresolved
  $ hg -R noconst-chain debugdeltachain -m
      rev  chain# chainlen     prev   delta       size    rawsize  chainsize     ratio   lindist extradist extraratio
        0       1        1       -1    base         47         46         47   1.02174        47         0    0.00000
        1       1        2        0      p1         58         92        105   1.14130       105         0    0.00000
        2       1        3        1      p1         58        138        163   1.18116       163         0    0.00000
        3       1        4        2      p1         58        184        221   1.20109       221         0    0.00000
        4       1        5        3      p1         58        230        279   1.21304       279         0    0.00000
        5       1        6        4      p1         58        276        337   1.22101       337         0    0.00000
        6       1        7        5      p1         58        322        395   1.22671       395         0    0.00000
        7       1        8        6      p1         58        368        453   1.23098       453         0    0.00000
        8       1        9        7      p1         58        414        511   1.23430       511         0    0.00000
        9       1       10        8      p1         58        460        569   1.23696       569         0    0.00000
       10       1       11        9      p1         58        506        627   1.23913       627         0    0.00000
       11       1       12       10      p1         58        552        685   1.24094       685         0    0.00000
       12       1       13       11      p1         58        598        743   1.24247       743         0    0.00000
       13       1       14       12      p1         58        644        801   1.24379       801         0    0.00000
       14       1       15       13      p1         58        690        859   1.24493       859         0    0.00000
       15       1       16       14      p1         58        736        917   1.24592       917         0    0.00000
       16       1       17       15      p1         58        782        975   1.24680       975         0    0.00000
       17       1       18       16      p1         58        828       1033   1.24758      1033         0    0.00000
       18       1       19       17      p1         58        874       1091   1.24828      1091         0    0.00000
       19       1       20       18      p1         58        920       1149   1.24891      1149         0    0.00000
       20       1       21       19      p1         58        966       1207   1.24948      1207         0    0.00000
       21       1       22       20      p1         58       1012       1265   1.25000      1265         0    0.00000
       22       1       23       21      p1         58       1058       1323   1.25047      1323         0    0.00000
       23       1       24       22      p1         58       1104       1381   1.25091      1381         0    0.00000
       24       1       25       23      p1         58       1150       1439   1.25130      1439         0    0.00000
       25       1       26       24      p1         58       1196       1497   1.25167      1497         0    0.00000
       26       1       27       25      p1         58       1242       1555   1.25201      1555         0    0.00000
       27       1       28       26      p1         58       1288       1613   1.25233      1613         0    0.00000
       28       1       29       27      p1         58       1334       1671   1.25262      1671         0    0.00000
       29       1       30       28      p1         58       1380       1729   1.25290      1729         0    0.00000
       30       1       31       29      p1         58       1426       1787   1.25316      1787         0    0.00000
       31       2        1       -1    base         46         45         46   1.02222        46         0    0.00000
       32       2        2       31      p1         57         90        103   1.14444       103         0    0.00000
       33       2        3       32      p1         57        135        160   1.18519       160         0    0.00000
       34       2        4       33      p1         57        180        217   1.20556       217         0    0.00000
       35       2        5       34      p1         57        225        274   1.21778       274         0    0.00000
       36       2        6       35      p1         57        270        331   1.22593       331         0    0.00000
       37       2        7       36      p1         58        316        389   1.23101       389         0    0.00000
       38       2        8       37      p1         58        362        447   1.23481       447         0    0.00000
       39       3        1       -1    base         46         45         46   1.02222        46         0    0.00000
       40       3        2       39      p1         57         90        103   1.14444       103         0    0.00000
       41       3        3       40      p1         57        135        160   1.18519       160         0    0.00000
       42       3        4       41      p1         57        180        217   1.20556       217         0    0.00000
       43       3        5       42      p1         58        226        275   1.21681       275         0    0.00000
       44       3        6       43      p1         58        272        333   1.22426       333         0    0.00000
       45       3        7       44      p1         58        318        391   1.22956       391         0    0.00000
       46       3        8       45      p1         58        364        449   1.23352       449         0    0.00000
       47       3        9       46      p1         58        410        507   1.23659       507         0    0.00000
       48       3       10       47      p1         58        456        565   1.23904       565         0    0.00000
       49       3       11       48      p1         58        502        623   1.24104       623         0    0.00000
       50       3       12       49      p1         58        548        681   1.24270       681         0    0.00000
       51       3       13       50      p1         58        594        739   1.24411       739         0    0.00000
       52       3       14       51      p1         58        640        797   1.24531       797         0    0.00000
       53       4        1       -1    base          0          0          0   0.00000         0         0    0.00000
       54       5        1       -1    base        369        640        369   0.57656       369         0    0.00000