author Peter Arrenbrecht <peter.arrenbrecht@gmail.com>
Mon, 02 May 2011 19:21:30 +0200
changeset 14164 cb98fed52495
parent 13815 d066d8d652c8
child 14624 f03c82d1f50a
permissions -rw-r--r--
discovery: add new set-based discovery Adds a new discovery method based on repeatedly sampling the still undecided subset of the local node graph to determine the set of nodes common to both the client and the server. For small differences between client and server, it uses about the same or slightly fewer roundtrips than the old tree-based discovery. For larger differences, it typically reduces the number of roundtrips drastically (from 150 to 4, for instance). The old discovery code now lives in treediscovery.py, the new code is in setdiscovery.py. Still missing is a hook for extensions to contribute nodes to the initial sample. For instance, Augie's remotebranches could contribute the last known state of the server's heads. Credits for the actual sampler and computing common heads instead of bases go to Benoit Boissinot.

  $ cat <<EOF >> $HGRCPATH
  > [extensions]
  > schemes=
  > [schemes]
  > l = http://localhost:$HGPORT/
  > parts = http://{1}:$HGPORT/
  > z = file:\$PWD/
  > EOF
  $ hg init test
  $ cd test
  $ echo a > a
  $ hg ci -Am initial
  adding a
  $ hg serve -n test -p $HGPORT -d --pid-file=hg.pid -A access.log -E errors.log
  $ cat hg.pid >> $DAEMON_PIDS
  $ hg incoming l://
  comparing with l://
  searching for changes
  no changes found

check that {1} syntax works

  $ hg incoming --debug parts://localhost
  using http://localhost:$HGPORT/
  sending capabilities command
  comparing with parts://localhost/
  query 1; heads
  sending heads command
  searching for changes
  all remote heads known locally
  no changes found

check that paths are expanded

  $ PWD=`pwd` hg incoming z://
  comparing with z://
  searching for changes
  no changes found


  $ cat errors.log