author Mads Kiilerich <madski@unity3d.com>
Tue, 22 Apr 2014 02:10:25 +0200
changeset 21391 cb15835456cb
parent 21267 e4f451c8c05c
child 21947 b081decd9062
permissions -rw-r--r--
merge: change debug logging - test output changes but no real changes Preparing for action list split-up, making sure the final change don't have any test changes. The patch moves debug statements around without really changing anything. Arguably, it temporarily makes the code worse. The only justification is that it makes it easier to review the test changes ... and in the end the big change will not change test output at all. The changes to test output are due to changes in the ordering of debug output. That is mainly because we now do the debug logging for files when we actually process them. Files are also processed in a slightly different but still correct order. It is now primarily ordered by action type, secondarily by filename. The patch introduces some redundancy. Some of it will be removed again, some of it will in the end help code readability and efficiency. It is possible that we later on could introduce a "process this action list and do some logging and progress reporting and apply this function". The "preserving X for resolve" debug statements will only have single space indentation. It will no longer have a leading single space indented "f: msg -> m" message. Having this message double indented would thus no longer make sense. The bid actions will temporarily be sorted using a custom sort key that happens to match the sort order the simplified code will have in the end.

  $ cat >> $HGRCPATH <<EOF
  > [extensions]
  > rebase=
  > [phases]
  > publish=False
  > [alias]
  > tglog = log -G --template "{rev}:{phase} '{desc}' {branches} {bookmarks}\n"
  > EOF

  $ hg init a
  $ cd a
  $ echo c1 >common
  $ hg add common
  $ hg ci -m C1

  $ echo c2 >>common
  $ hg ci -m C2

  $ echo c3 >>common
  $ hg ci -m C3

  $ hg up -q -C 1

  $ echo l1 >>extra
  $ hg add extra
  $ hg ci -m L1
  created new head

  $ sed -e 's/c2/l2/' common > common.new
  $ mv common.new common
  $ hg ci -m L2

  $ echo l3 >> extra2
  $ hg add extra2
  $ hg ci -m L3
  $ hg bookmark mybook

  $ hg phase --force --secret 4

  $ hg tglog
  @  5:secret 'L3'  mybook
  o  4:secret 'L2'
  o  3:draft 'L1'
  | o  2:draft 'C3'
  o  1:draft 'C2'
  o  0:draft 'C1'
Try to call --continue:

  $ hg rebase --continue
  abort: no rebase in progress

Conflicting rebase:

  $ hg rebase -s 3 -d 2
  merging common
  warning: conflicts during merge.
  merging common incomplete! (edit conflicts, then use 'hg resolve --mark')
  unresolved conflicts (see hg resolve, then hg rebase --continue)

Try to continue without solving the conflict:

  $ hg rebase --continue
  abort: unresolved merge conflicts (see hg help resolve)

Conclude rebase:

  $ echo 'resolved merge' >common
  $ hg resolve -m common
  no more unresolved files
  $ hg rebase --continue
  saved backup bundle to $TESTTMP/a/.hg/strip-backup/*-backup.hg (glob)

  $ hg tglog
  @  5:secret 'L3'  mybook
  o  4:secret 'L2'
  o  3:draft 'L1'
  o  2:draft 'C3'
  o  1:draft 'C2'
  o  0:draft 'C1'
Check correctness:

  $ hg cat -r 0 common

  $ hg cat -r 1 common

  $ hg cat -r 2 common

  $ hg cat -r 3 common

  $ hg cat -r 4 common
  resolved merge

  $ hg cat -r 5 common
  resolved merge

Bookmark stays active after --continue
  $ hg bookmarks
   * mybook                    5:d67b21408fc0

  $ cd ..

Check that the right ancestors is used while rebasing a merge (issue4041)

  $ hg clone "$TESTDIR/bundles/issue4041.hg" issue4041
  requesting all changes
  adding changesets
  adding manifests
  adding file changes
  added 11 changesets with 8 changes to 3 files (+1 heads)
  updating to branch default
  2 files updated, 0 files merged, 0 files removed, 0 files unresolved
  $ cd issue4041
  $ hg phase --draft --force 9
  $ hg log -G
  o    changeset:   10:2f2496ddf49d
  |\   branch:      f1
  | |  tag:         tip
  | |  parent:      7:4c9fbe56a16f
  | |  parent:      9:e31216eec445
  | |  user:        szhang
  | |  date:        Thu Sep 05 12:59:39 2013 -0400
  | |  summary:     merge
  | |
  | o  changeset:   9:e31216eec445
  | |  branch:      f1
  | |  user:        szhang
  | |  date:        Thu Sep 05 12:59:10 2013 -0400
  | |  summary:     more changes to f1
  | |
  | o    changeset:   8:8e4e2c1a07ae
  | |\   branch:      f1
  | | |  parent:      2:4bc80088dc6b
  | | |  parent:      6:400110238667
  | | |  user:        szhang
  | | |  date:        Thu Sep 05 12:57:59 2013 -0400
  | | |  summary:     bad merge
  | | |
  o | |  changeset:   7:4c9fbe56a16f
  |/ /   branch:      f1
  | |    parent:      2:4bc80088dc6b
  | |    user:        szhang
  | |    date:        Thu Sep 05 12:54:00 2013 -0400
  | |    summary:     changed f1
  | |
  | o  changeset:   6:400110238667
  | |  branch:      f2
  | |  parent:      4:12e8ec6bb010
  | |  user:        szhang
  | |  date:        Tue Sep 03 13:58:02 2013 -0400
  | |  summary:     changed f2 on f2
  | |
  | | @  changeset:   5:d79e2059b5c0
  | | |  parent:      3:8a951942e016
  | | |  user:        szhang
  | | |  date:        Tue Sep 03 13:57:39 2013 -0400
  | | |  summary:     changed f2 on default
  | | |
  | o |  changeset:   4:12e8ec6bb010
  | |/   branch:      f2
  | |    user:        szhang
  | |    date:        Tue Sep 03 13:57:18 2013 -0400
  | |    summary:     created f2 branch
  | |
  | o  changeset:   3:8a951942e016
  | |  parent:      0:24797d4f68de
  | |  user:        szhang
  | |  date:        Tue Sep 03 13:57:11 2013 -0400
  | |  summary:     added f2.txt
  | |
  o |  changeset:   2:4bc80088dc6b
  | |  branch:      f1
  | |  user:        szhang
  | |  date:        Tue Sep 03 13:56:20 2013 -0400
  | |  summary:     added f1.txt
  | |
  o |  changeset:   1:ef53c9e6b608
  |/   branch:      f1
  |    user:        szhang
  |    date:        Tue Sep 03 13:55:26 2013 -0400
  |    summary:     created f1 branch
  o  changeset:   0:24797d4f68de
     user:        szhang
     date:        Tue Sep 03 13:55:08 2013 -0400
     summary:     added default.txt
  $ hg rebase -s9 -d2 --debug # use debug to really check merge base used
  rebase onto 2 starting from e31216eec445
  rebasing: 9:e31216eec445 5/6 changesets (83.33%)
   future parents are 2 and -1
  rebase status stored
   update to 2:4bc80088dc6b
  resolving manifests
   branchmerge: False, force: True, partial: False
   ancestor: d79e2059b5c0+, local: d79e2059b5c0+, remote: 4bc80088dc6b
   f2.txt: other deleted -> r
  removing f2.txt
  updating: f2.txt 1/2 files (50.00%)
   f1.txt: remote created -> g
  getting f1.txt
  updating: f1.txt 2/2 files (100.00%)
   merge against 9:e31216eec445
     detach base 8:8e4e2c1a07ae
    searching for copies back to rev 3
  resolving manifests
   branchmerge: True, force: True, partial: False
   ancestor: 8e4e2c1a07ae, local: 4bc80088dc6b+, remote: e31216eec445
   f1.txt: remote is newer -> g
  getting f1.txt
  updating: f1.txt 1/1 files (100.00%)
  rebasing: 10:2f2496ddf49d 6/6 changesets (100.00%)
   future parents are 11 and 7
  rebase status stored
   already in target
   merge against 10:2f2496ddf49d
     detach base 9:e31216eec445
    searching for copies back to rev 3
  resolving manifests
   branchmerge: True, force: True, partial: False
   ancestor: e31216eec445, local: 19c888675e13+, remote: 2f2496ddf49d
   f1.txt: remote is newer -> g
  getting f1.txt
  updating: f1.txt 1/1 files (100.00%)
  rebase merging completed
  update back to initial working directory parent
  resolving manifests
   branchmerge: False, force: False, partial: False
   ancestor: 2a7f09cac94c, local: 2a7f09cac94c+, remote: d79e2059b5c0
   f1.txt: other deleted -> r
  removing f1.txt
  updating: f1.txt 1/2 files (50.00%)
   f2.txt: remote created -> g
  getting f2.txt
  updating: f2.txt 2/2 files (100.00%)
  3 changesets found
  list of changesets:
  bundling: 1/3 changesets (33.33%)
  bundling: 2/3 changesets (66.67%)
  bundling: 3/3 changesets (100.00%)
  bundling: 1/3 manifests (33.33%)
  bundling: 2/3 manifests (66.67%)
  bundling: 3/3 manifests (100.00%)
  bundling: f1.txt 1/1 files (100.00%)
  saved backup bundle to $TESTTMP/issue4041/.hg/strip-backup/e31216eec445-backup.hg (glob)
  3 changesets found
  list of changesets:
  bundling: 1/3 changesets (33.33%)
  bundling: 2/3 changesets (66.67%)
  bundling: 3/3 changesets (100.00%)
  bundling: 1/3 manifests (33.33%)
  bundling: 2/3 manifests (66.67%)
  bundling: 3/3 manifests (100.00%)
  bundling: f1.txt 1/1 files (100.00%)
  adding branch
  adding changesets
  changesets: 1 chunks
  add changeset 4c9fbe56a16f
  changesets: 2 chunks
  add changeset 19c888675e13
  changesets: 3 chunks
  add changeset 2a7f09cac94c
  adding manifests
  manifests: 1/2 chunks (50.00%)
  manifests: 2/2 chunks (100.00%)
  manifests: 3/2 chunks (150.00%)
  adding file changes
  adding f1.txt revisions
  files: 1/1 chunks (100.00%)
  added 2 changesets with 2 changes to 1 files
  removing unknown node e31216eec445 from 1-phase boundary
  invalid branchheads cache (served): tip differs
  rebase completed
  updating the branch cache