author Pierre-Yves David <pierre-yves.david@octobus.net>
Fri, 15 Mar 2024 01:31:57 +0100
changeset 51505 c9ceb4f60256
parent 49284 d44e3c45f0e4
permissions -rw-r--r--
phases: avoid N² behavior in `advanceboundary` We allowed duplicated entries in the deque, which each entry could potentially insert all its ancestors. So advancing boundary for the full repository would mean each revision would walk all its ancestors, resulting in O(N²) iteration. For repository of any decent size, N² is quickly insane. We introduce a simple set to avoid this and get back to reasonable performance.

# Copyright 2016-present Facebook. All Rights Reserved.
# format: defines the format used to output annotate result
# This software may be used and distributed according to the terms of the
# GNU General Public License version 2 or any later version.

from mercurial.node import (
from mercurial import (
from mercurial.utils import dateutil

# imitating mercurial.commands.annotate, not using the vanilla formatter since
# the data structures are a bit different, and we have some fast paths.
class defaultformatter:
    """the default formatter that does leftpad and support some common flags"""

    def __init__(self, ui, repo, opts):
        self.ui = ui
        self.opts = opts

        if ui.quiet:
            datefunc = dateutil.shortdate
            datefunc = dateutil.datestr
        datefunc = util.cachefunc(datefunc)
        getctx = util.cachefunc(lambda x: repo[x[0]])
        hexfunc = self._hexfunc

        # special handling working copy "changeset" and "rev" functions
        if self.opts.get(b'rev') == b'wdir()':
            orig = hexfunc
            hexfunc = lambda x: None if x is None else orig(x)
            wnode = hexfunc(repo[b'.'].node()) + b'+'
            wrev = b'%d' % repo[b'.'].rev()
            wrevpad = b''
            if not opts.get(b'changeset'):  # only show + if changeset is hidden
                wrev += b'+'
                wrevpad = b' '
            revenc = lambda x: wrev if x is None else (b'%d' % x) + wrevpad

            def csetenc(x):
                if x is None:
                    return wnode
                return pycompat.bytestr(x) + b' '

            revenc = csetenc = pycompat.bytestr

        # opt name, separator, raw value (for json/plain), encoder (for plain)
        opmap = [
            (b'user', b' ', lambda x: getctx(x).user(), ui.shortuser),
            (b'number', b' ', lambda x: getctx(x).rev(), revenc),
            (b'changeset', b' ', lambda x: hexfunc(x[0]), csetenc),
            (b'date', b' ', lambda x: getctx(x).date(), datefunc),
            (b'file', b' ', lambda x: x[2], pycompat.bytestr),
            (b'line_number', b':', lambda x: x[1] + 1, pycompat.bytestr),
        fieldnamemap = {b'number': b'rev', b'changeset': b'node'}
        funcmap = [
            (get, sep, fieldnamemap.get(op, op), enc)
            for op, sep, get, enc in opmap
            if opts.get(op)
        # no separator for first column
        funcmap[0] = list(funcmap[0])
        funcmap[0][1] = b''
        self.funcmap = funcmap

    def write(self, annotatedresult, lines=None, existinglines=None):
        """(annotateresult, [str], set([rev, linenum])) -> None. write output.
        annotateresult can be [(node, linenum, path)], or [(node, linenum)]
        pieces = []  # [[str]]
        maxwidths = []  # [int]

        # calculate padding
        for f, sep, name, enc in self.funcmap:
            l = [enc(f(x)) for x in annotatedresult]
            if name in [b'node', b'date']:  # node and date has fixed size
                l = l[:1]
            widths = pycompat.maplist(encoding.colwidth, set(l))
            maxwidth = max(widths) if widths else 0

        # buffered output
        result = b''
        for i in range(len(annotatedresult)):
            for j, p in enumerate(pieces):
                sep = self.funcmap[j][1]
                padding = b' ' * (maxwidths[j] - len(p[i]))
                result += sep + padding + p[i]
            if lines:
                if existinglines is None:
                    result += b': ' + lines[i]
                else:  # extra formatting showing whether a line exists
                    key = (annotatedresult[i][0], annotatedresult[i][1])
                    if key in existinglines:
                        result += b':  ' + lines[i]
                        result += b': ' + self.ui.label(
                            b'-' + lines[i], b'diff.deleted'

            if result[-1:] != b'\n':
                result += b'\n'


    def _hexfunc(self):
        if self.ui.debugflag or self.opts.get(b'long_hash'):
            return hex
            return short

    def end(self):

class jsonformatter(defaultformatter):
    def __init__(self, ui, repo, opts):
        super(jsonformatter, self).__init__(ui, repo, opts)
        self.needcomma = False

    def write(self, annotatedresult, lines=None, existinglines=None):
        if annotatedresult:

        pieces = [
            (name, pycompat.maplist(f, annotatedresult))
            for f, sep, name, enc in self.funcmap
        if lines is not None:
            pieces.append((b'line', lines))

        seps = [b','] * len(pieces[:-1]) + [b'']

        result = b''
        lasti = len(annotatedresult) - 1
        for i in range(len(annotatedresult)):
            result += b'\n {\n'
            for j, p in enumerate(pieces):
                k, vs = p
                result += b'  "%s": %s%s\n' % (
                    templatefilters.json(vs[i], paranoid=False),
            result += b' }%s' % (b'' if i == lasti else b',')
        if lasti >= 0:
            self.needcomma = True


    def _writecomma(self):
        if self.needcomma:
            self.needcomma = False

    def _hexfunc(self):
        return hex

    def end(self):