author Manuel Jacob <me@manueljacob.de>
Thu, 15 Sep 2022 01:48:38 +0200
changeset 49494 c96ed4029fda
parent 48693 de3ac3d2c60b
child 50513 5a62d56e3955
permissions -rw-r--r--
templates: add filter to reverse list The filter supports only lists because for lists, it’s straightforward to implement. Reversing text doesn’t seem very useful and is hard to implement. Reversing the bytes would break multi-bytes encodings. Reversing the code points would break characters consisting of multiple code points. Reversing graphemes is non-trivial without using a library not included in the standard library.

#require no-reposimplestore

Test creating a consuming stream bundle v2

  $ getmainid() {
  >    hg -R main log --template '{node}\n' --rev "$1"
  > }

  $ cp $HGRCPATH $TESTTMP/hgrc.orig

  $ cat >> $HGRCPATH << EOF
  > [experimental]
  > evolution.createmarkers=True
  > evolution.exchange=True
  > bundle2-output-capture=True
  > [ui]
  > logtemplate={rev}:{node|short} {phase} {author} {bookmarks} {desc|firstline}
  > [web]
  > push_ssl = false
  > allow_push = *
  > [phases]
  > publish=False
  > [extensions]
  > drawdag=$TESTDIR/drawdag.py
  > clonebundles=
  > EOF

The extension requires a repo (currently unused)

  $ hg init main
  $ cd main

  $ hg debugdrawdag <<'EOF'
  > E
  > |
  > D
  > |
  > C
  > |
  > B
  > |
  > A
  > EOF

  $ hg bundle -a --type="none-v2;stream=v2" bundle.hg
  $ hg debugbundle bundle.hg
  Stream params: {}
  stream2 -- {bytecount: 1693, filecount: 11, requirements: generaldelta%2Crevlogv1%2Csparserevlog} (mandatory: True) (no-zstd !)
  stream2 -- {bytecount: 1693, filecount: 11, requirements: generaldelta%2Crevlog-compression-zstd%2Crevlogv1%2Csparserevlog} (mandatory: True) (zstd no-rust !)
  stream2 -- {bytecount: 1693, filecount: 11, requirements: generaldelta%2Crevlog-compression-zstd%2Crevlogv1%2Csparserevlog} (mandatory: True) (rust !)
  $ hg debugbundle --spec bundle.hg
  none-v2;stream=v2;requirements%3Dgeneraldelta%2Crevlogv1%2Csparserevlog (no-zstd !)
  none-v2;stream=v2;requirements%3Dgeneraldelta%2Crevlog-compression-zstd%2Crevlogv1%2Csparserevlog (zstd no-rust !)
  none-v2;stream=v2;requirements%3Dgeneraldelta%2Crevlog-compression-zstd%2Crevlogv1%2Csparserevlog (rust !)

Test that we can apply the bundle as a stream clone bundle

  $ cat > .hg/clonebundles.manifest << EOF
  > http://localhost:$HGPORT1/bundle.hg BUNDLESPEC=`hg debugbundle --spec bundle.hg`
  > EOF

  $ hg serve -d -p $HGPORT --pid-file hg.pid --accesslog access.log
  $ cat hg.pid >> $DAEMON_PIDS

  $ "$PYTHON" $TESTDIR/dumbhttp.py -p $HGPORT1 --pid http.pid
  $ cat http.pid >> $DAEMON_PIDS

  $ cd ..
  $ hg clone http://localhost:$HGPORT streamv2-clone-implicit --debug
  using http://localhost:$HGPORT/
  sending capabilities command
  sending clonebundles command
  applying clone bundle from http://localhost:$HGPORT1/bundle.hg
  bundle2-input-bundle: with-transaction
  bundle2-input-part: "stream2" (params: 3 mandatory) supported
  applying stream bundle
  11 files to transfer, 1.65 KB of data
  starting 4 threads for background file closing (?)
  starting 4 threads for background file closing (?)
  adding [s] data/A.i (66 bytes)
  adding [s] data/B.i (66 bytes)
  adding [s] data/C.i (66 bytes)
  adding [s] data/D.i (66 bytes)
  adding [s] data/E.i (66 bytes)
  adding [s] 00manifest.i (584 bytes)
  adding [s] 00changelog.i (595 bytes)
  adding [s] phaseroots (43 bytes)
  adding [c] branch2-served (94 bytes)
  adding [c] rbc-names-v1 (7 bytes)
  adding [c] rbc-revs-v1 (40 bytes)
  transferred 1.65 KB in * seconds (* */sec) (glob)
  bundle2-input-part: total payload size 1840
  bundle2-input-bundle: 1 parts total
  updating the branch cache
  finished applying clone bundle
  query 1; heads
  sending batch command
  searching for changes
  all remote heads known locally
  no changes found
  sending getbundle command
  bundle2-input-bundle: with-transaction
  bundle2-input-part: "listkeys" (params: 1 mandatory) supported
  bundle2-input-part: "phase-heads" supported
  bundle2-input-part: total payload size 24
  bundle2-input-bundle: 2 parts total
  checking for updated bookmarks
  updating to branch default
  resolving manifests
   branchmerge: False, force: False, partial: False
   ancestor: 000000000000, local: 000000000000+, remote: 9bc730a19041
   A: remote created -> g
  getting A
   B: remote created -> g
  getting B
   C: remote created -> g
  getting C
   D: remote created -> g
  getting D
   E: remote created -> g
  getting E
  5 files updated, 0 files merged, 0 files removed, 0 files unresolved
  updating the branch cache
  (sent 4 HTTP requests and * bytes; received * bytes in responses) (glob)

  $ hg clone --stream http://localhost:$HGPORT streamv2-clone-explicit --debug
  using http://localhost:$HGPORT/
  sending capabilities command
  sending clonebundles command
  applying clone bundle from http://localhost:$HGPORT1/bundle.hg
  bundle2-input-bundle: with-transaction
  bundle2-input-part: "stream2" (params: 3 mandatory) supported
  applying stream bundle
  11 files to transfer, 1.65 KB of data
  starting 4 threads for background file closing (?)
  starting 4 threads for background file closing (?)
  adding [s] data/A.i (66 bytes)
  adding [s] data/B.i (66 bytes)
  adding [s] data/C.i (66 bytes)
  adding [s] data/D.i (66 bytes)
  adding [s] data/E.i (66 bytes)
  adding [s] 00manifest.i (584 bytes)
  adding [s] 00changelog.i (595 bytes)
  adding [s] phaseroots (43 bytes)
  adding [c] branch2-served (94 bytes)
  adding [c] rbc-names-v1 (7 bytes)
  adding [c] rbc-revs-v1 (40 bytes)
  transferred 1.65 KB in * seconds (* */sec) (glob)
  bundle2-input-part: total payload size 1840
  bundle2-input-bundle: 1 parts total
  updating the branch cache
  finished applying clone bundle
  query 1; heads
  sending batch command
  searching for changes
  all remote heads known locally
  no changes found
  sending getbundle command
  bundle2-input-bundle: with-transaction
  bundle2-input-part: "listkeys" (params: 1 mandatory) supported
  bundle2-input-part: "phase-heads" supported
  bundle2-input-part: total payload size 24
  bundle2-input-bundle: 2 parts total
  checking for updated bookmarks
  updating to branch default
  resolving manifests
   branchmerge: False, force: False, partial: False
   ancestor: 000000000000, local: 000000000000+, remote: 9bc730a19041
   A: remote created -> g
  getting A
   B: remote created -> g
  getting B
   C: remote created -> g
  getting C
   D: remote created -> g
  getting D
   E: remote created -> g
  getting E
  5 files updated, 0 files merged, 0 files removed, 0 files unresolved
  updating the branch cache
  (sent 4 HTTP requests and * bytes; received * bytes in responses) (glob)