author Manuel Jacob <me@manueljacob.de>
Thu, 15 Sep 2022 01:48:38 +0200
changeset 49494 c96ed4029fda
parent 45911 8939062597f0
permissions -rw-r--r--
templates: add filter to reverse list The filter supports only lists because for lists, it’s straightforward to implement. Reversing text doesn’t seem very useful and is hard to implement. Reversing the bytes would break multi-bytes encodings. Reversing the code points would break characters consisting of multiple code points. Reversing graphemes is non-trivial without using a library not included in the standard library.

(Translations are optional)

#if gettext no-outer-repo

Test that translations are compiled and installed correctly.

Default encoding in tests is "ascii" and the translation is encoded
using the "replace" error handler:

  $ LANGUAGE=pt_BR hg tip
  abortado: n?o foi encontrado um reposit?rio em '$TESTTMP' (.hg n?o encontrado)

Using a more accommodating encoding:

  abortado: n\xc3\xa3o foi encontrado um reposit\xc3\xb3rio em '$TESTTMP' (.hg n\xc3\xa3o encontrado) (esc)

Different encoding:

  $ HGENCODING=Latin-1 LANGUAGE=pt_BR hg tip
  abortado: n\xe3o foi encontrado um reposit\xf3rio em '$TESTTMP' (.hg n\xe3o encontrado) (esc)


#if gettext

Test keyword search in translated help text:

  $ HGENCODING=UTF-8 LANGUAGE=de hg help -k Aktualisiert
   subrepos Unterarchive
   pull   Ruft \xc3\x84nderungen von der angegebenen Quelle ab (esc)
   update Aktualisiert das Arbeitsverzeichnis (oder wechselt die Version)


Check Mercurial specific translation problems in each *.po files, and
tool itself by doctest

  $ cd "$TESTDIR"/../i18n
  $ "$PYTHON" check-translation.py *.po
  $ "$PYTHON" check-translation.py --doctest
  $ cd $TESTTMP

#if gettext

Check i18n cache isn't reused after encoding change:

  $ cat > $TESTTMP/encodingchange.py << EOF
  > from mercurial.i18n import _
  > from mercurial import encoding, registrar
  > cmdtable = {}
  > command = registrar.command(cmdtable)
  > @command(b'encodingchange', norepo=True)
  > def encodingchange(ui):
  >     for encode in (b'ascii', b'UTF-8', b'ascii', b'UTF-8'):
  >         encoding.encoding = encode
  >         ui.write(b'%s\n' % _(b'(EXPERIMENTAL)'))
  > EOF

  $ LANGUAGE=ja hg --config extensions.encodingchange=$TESTTMP/encodingchange.py encodingchange
  (\xe5\xae\x9f\xe9\xa8\x93\xe7\x9a\x84\xe5\xae\x9f\xe8\xa3\x85) (esc)
  (\xe5\xae\x9f\xe9\xa8\x93\xe7\x9a\x84\xe5\xae\x9f\xe8\xa3\x85) (esc)
