author Manuel Jacob <>
Thu, 15 Sep 2022 01:48:38 +0200
changeset 49494 c96ed4029fda
parent 45797 5b6c0af021da
permissions -rw-r--r--
templates: add filter to reverse list The filter supports only lists because for lists, it’s straightforward to implement. Reversing text doesn’t seem very useful and is hard to implement. Reversing the bytes would break multi-bytes encodings. Reversing the code points would break characters consisting of multiple code points. Reversing graphemes is non-trivial without using a library not included in the standard library.

# memorytop requires Python 3.4
# Usage: set PYTHONTRACEMALLOC=n in the environment of the hg invocation,
# where n>= is the number of frames to show in the backtrace. Put calls to
# memorytop in strategic places to show the current memory use by allocation
# site.

import gc
import tracemalloc

def memorytop(limit=10):
    snapshot = tracemalloc.take_snapshot()

    snapshot = snapshot.filter_traces(
            tracemalloc.Filter(False, "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>"),
            tracemalloc.Filter(False, "<frozen importlib._bootstrap_external>"),
            tracemalloc.Filter(False, "<unknown>"),
    stats = snapshot.statistics('traceback')

    total = sum(stat.size for stat in stats)
    print("\nTotal allocated size: %.1f KiB\n" % (total / 1024))
    print("Lines with the biggest net allocations")
    for index, stat in enumerate(stats[:limit], 1):
            "#%d: %d objects using %.1f KiB"
            % (index, stat.count, stat.size / 1024)
        for line in stat.traceback.format(most_recent_first=True):
            print('    ', line)

    other = stats[limit:]
    if other:
        size = sum(stat.size for stat in other)
        count = sum(stat.count for stat in other)
            "%s other: %d objects using %.1f KiB"
            % (len(other), count, size / 1024)