author Arun Kulshreshtha <akulshreshtha@janestreet.com>
Tue, 30 Aug 2022 15:29:55 -0400
changeset 49491 c6a1beba27e9
parent 48875 6000f5b25c9b
child 49642 7e6f3c69c0fb
permissions -rw-r--r--
bisect: avoid copying ancestor list for non-merge commits During a bisection, hg needs to compute a list of all ancestors for every candidate commit. This is accomplished via a bottom-up traversal of the set of candidates, during which each revision's ancestor list is populated using the ancestor list of its parent(s). Previously, this involved copying the entire list, which could be very long in if the bisection range was large. To help improve this, we can observe that each candidate commit is visited exactly once, at which point its ancestor list is copied into its children's lists and then dropped. In the case of non-merge commits, a commit's ancestor list consists exactly of its parent's list plus itself. This means that we can trivially reuse the parent's existing list for one of its non-merge children, which avoids copying entirely if that commit is the parent's only child. This makes bisections over linear ranges of commits much faster. During some informal testing in the large publicly-available `mozilla-central` repository, this noticeably sped up bisections over large ranges of history: Setup: $ cd mozilla-central $ hg bisect --reset $ hg bisect --good 0 $ hg log -r tip -T '{rev}\n' 628417 Test: $ time hg bisect --bad tip --noupdate Before: real 3m35.927s user 3m35.553s sys 0m0.319s After: real 1m41.142s user 1m40.810s sys 0m0.285s

# unit tests for mercuril.util utilities

import contextlib
import io
import itertools
import unittest

from mercurial import pycompat, util, utils

def mocktimer(incr=0.1, *additional_targets):
    """Replaces util.timer and additional_targets with a mock

    The timer starts at 0. On each call the time incremented by the value
    of incr. If incr is an iterable, then the time is incremented by the
    next value from that iterable, looping in a cycle when reaching the end.

    additional_targets must be a sequence of (object, attribute_name) tuples;
    the mock is set with setattr(object, attribute_name, mock).

    time = [0]
        incr = itertools.cycle(incr)
    except TypeError:
        incr = itertools.repeat(incr)

    def timer():
        time[0] += next(incr)
        return time[0]

    # record original values
    orig = util.timer
    additional_origs = [(o, a, getattr(o, a)) for o, a in additional_targets]

    # mock out targets
    util.timer = timer
    for obj, attr in additional_targets:
        setattr(obj, attr, timer)

        # restore originals
        util.timer = orig
        for args in additional_origs:

# attr.s default factory for util.timedstats.start binds the timer we
# need to mock out.
_start_default = (util.timedcmstats.start.default, 'factory')

def capturestderr():
    """Replace utils.procutil.stderr with an io.BytesIO instance

    The instance is made available as the return value of __enter__.

    This contextmanager is reentrant.

    orig = utils.procutil.stderr
    utils.procutil.stderr = io.BytesIO()
        yield utils.procutil.stderr
        utils.procutil.stderr = orig

class timedtests(unittest.TestCase):
    def testtimedcmstatsstr(self):
        stats = util.timedcmstats()
        self.assertEqual(str(stats), '<unknown>')
        self.assertEqual(bytes(stats), b'<unknown>')
        stats.elapsed = 12.34
        self.assertEqual(str(stats), pycompat.sysstr(util.timecount(12.34)))
        self.assertEqual(bytes(stats), util.timecount(12.34))

    def testtimedcmcleanexit(self):
        # timestamps 1, 4, elapsed time of 4 - 1 = 3
        with mocktimer([1, 3], _start_default):
            with util.timedcm('pass') as stats:
                # actual context doesn't matter

        self.assertEqual(stats.start, 1)
        self.assertEqual(stats.elapsed, 3)
        self.assertEqual(stats.level, 1)

    def testtimedcmnested(self):
        # timestamps 1, 3, 6, 10, elapsed times of 6 - 3 = 3 and 10 - 1 = 9
        with mocktimer([1, 2, 3, 4], _start_default):
            with util.timedcm('outer') as outer_stats:
                with util.timedcm('inner') as inner_stats:
                    # actual context doesn't matter

        self.assertEqual(outer_stats.start, 1)
        self.assertEqual(outer_stats.elapsed, 9)
        self.assertEqual(outer_stats.level, 1)

        self.assertEqual(inner_stats.start, 3)
        self.assertEqual(inner_stats.elapsed, 3)
        self.assertEqual(inner_stats.level, 2)

    def testtimedcmexception(self):
        # timestamps 1, 4, elapsed time of 4 - 1 = 3
        with mocktimer([1, 3], _start_default):
                with util.timedcm('exceptional') as stats:
                    raise ValueError()
            except ValueError:

        self.assertEqual(stats.start, 1)
        self.assertEqual(stats.elapsed, 3)
        self.assertEqual(stats.level, 1)

    def testtimeddecorator(self):
        def testfunc(callcount=1):
            callcount -= 1
            if callcount:

        # timestamps 1, 2, 3, 4, elapsed time of 3 - 2 = 1 and 4 - 1 = 3
        with mocktimer(1, _start_default):
            with capturestderr() as out:

            (b'    testfunc: 1.000 s\n' b'  testfunc: 3.000 s\n'),

if __name__ == '__main__':
    import silenttestrunner
