author Arun Kulshreshtha <akulshreshtha@janestreet.com>
Tue, 30 Aug 2022 15:29:55 -0400
changeset 49491 c6a1beba27e9
parent 48875 6000f5b25c9b
permissions -rwxr-xr-x
bisect: avoid copying ancestor list for non-merge commits During a bisection, hg needs to compute a list of all ancestors for every candidate commit. This is accomplished via a bottom-up traversal of the set of candidates, during which each revision's ancestor list is populated using the ancestor list of its parent(s). Previously, this involved copying the entire list, which could be very long in if the bisection range was large. To help improve this, we can observe that each candidate commit is visited exactly once, at which point its ancestor list is copied into its children's lists and then dropped. In the case of non-merge commits, a commit's ancestor list consists exactly of its parent's list plus itself. This means that we can trivially reuse the parent's existing list for one of its non-merge children, which avoids copying entirely if that commit is the parent's only child. This makes bisections over linear ranges of commits much faster. During some informal testing in the large publicly-available `mozilla-central` repository, this noticeably sped up bisections over large ranges of history: Setup: $ cd mozilla-central $ hg bisect --reset $ hg bisect --good 0 $ hg log -r tip -T '{rev}\n' 628417 Test: $ time hg bisect --bad tip --noupdate Before: real 3m35.927s user 3m35.553s sys 0m0.319s After: real 1m41.142s user 1m40.810s sys 0m0.285s

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# hggettext - carefully extract docstrings for Mercurial
# Copyright 2009 Olivia Mackall <olivia@selenic.com> and others
# This software may be used and distributed according to the terms of the
# GNU General Public License version 2 or any later version.

# The normalize function is taken from pygettext which is distributed
# with Python under the Python License, which is GPL compatible.

"""Extract docstrings from Mercurial commands.

Compared to pygettext, this script knows about the cmdtable and table
dictionaries used by Mercurial, and will only extract docstrings from
functions mentioned therein.

Use xgettext like normal to extract strings marked as translatable and
join the message cataloges to get the final catalog.

import inspect
import os
import re
import sys

def escape(s):
    # The order is important, the backslash must be escaped first
    # since the other replacements introduce new backslashes
    # themselves.
    s = s.replace('\\', '\\\\')
    s = s.replace('\n', '\\n')
    s = s.replace('\r', '\\r')
    s = s.replace('\t', '\\t')
    s = s.replace('"', '\\"')
    return s

def normalize(s):
    # This converts the various Python string types into a format that
    # is appropriate for .po files, namely much closer to C style.
    lines = s.split('\n')
    if len(lines) == 1:
        s = '"' + escape(s) + '"'
        if not lines[-1]:
            del lines[-1]
            lines[-1] = lines[-1] + '\n'
        lines = map(escape, lines)
        lineterm = '\\n"\n"'
        s = '""\n"' + lineterm.join(lines) + '"'
    return s

def poentry(path, lineno, s):
    return (
        '#: %s:%d\n' % (path, lineno)
        + 'msgid %s\n' % normalize(s)
        + 'msgstr ""\n'

doctestre = re.compile(r'^ +>>> ', re.MULTILINE)

def offset(src, doc, name, lineno, default):
    """Compute offset or issue a warning on stdout."""
    # remove doctest part, in order to avoid backslash mismatching
    m = doctestre.search(doc)
    if m:
        doc = doc[: m.start()]

    # Backslashes in doc appear doubled in src.
    end = src.find(doc.replace('\\', '\\\\'))
    if end == -1:
        # This can happen if the docstring contains unnecessary escape
        # sequences such as \" in a triple-quoted string. The problem
        # is that \" is turned into " and so doc wont appear in src.
            " unknown docstr offset, assuming %d lines\n"
            % (name, lineno, default)
        return default
        return src.count('\n', 0, end)

def importpath(path):
    """Import a path like foo/bar/baz.py and return the baz module."""
    if path.endswith('.py'):
        path = path[:-3]
    if path.endswith('/__init__'):
        path = path[:-9]
    path = path.replace('/', '.')
    mod = __import__(path)
    for comp in path.split('.')[1:]:
        mod = getattr(mod, comp)
    return mod

def docstrings(path):
    """Extract docstrings from path.

    This respects the Mercurial cmdtable/table convention and will
    only extract docstrings from functions mentioned in these tables.
    mod = importpath(path)
    if not path.startswith('mercurial/') and mod.__doc__:
        with open(path) as fobj:
            src = fobj.read()
        lineno = 1 + offset(src, mod.__doc__, path, 1, 7)
        print(poentry(path, lineno, mod.__doc__))

    functions = list(getattr(mod, 'i18nfunctions', []))
    functions = [(f, True) for f in functions]

    cmdtable = getattr(mod, 'cmdtable', {})
    if not cmdtable:
        # Maybe we are processing mercurial.commands?
        cmdtable = getattr(mod, 'table', {})
    functions.extend((c[0], False) for c in cmdtable.values())

    for func, rstrip in functions:
        if func.__doc__:
            docobj = func  # this might be a proxy to provide formatted doc
            func = getattr(func, '_origfunc', func)
            funcmod = inspect.getmodule(func)
            extra = ''
            if funcmod.__package__ == funcmod.__name__:
                extra = '/__init__'
            actualpath = '%s%s.py' % (funcmod.__name__.replace('.', '/'), extra)

            src = inspect.getsource(func)
            lineno = inspect.getsourcelines(func)[1]
            doc = docobj.__doc__
            origdoc = getattr(docobj, '_origdoc', '')
            if rstrip:
                doc = doc.rstrip()
                origdoc = origdoc.rstrip()
            if origdoc:
                lineno += offset(src, origdoc, actualpath, lineno, 1)
                lineno += offset(src, doc, actualpath, lineno, 1)
            print(poentry(actualpath, lineno, doc))

def rawtext(path):
    with open(path) as f:
        src = f.read()
    print(poentry(path, 1, src))

if __name__ == "__main__":
    # It is very important that we import the Mercurial modules from
    # the source tree where hggettext is executed. Otherwise we might
    # accidentally import and extract strings from a Mercurial
    # installation mentioned in PYTHONPATH.
    sys.path.insert(0, os.getcwd())
    from mercurial import demandimport

    for path in sys.argv[1:]:
        if path.endswith('.txt'):