author Arun Kulshreshtha <akulshreshtha@janestreet.com>
Tue, 30 Aug 2022 15:29:55 -0400
changeset 49491 c6a1beba27e9
parent 49284 d44e3c45f0e4
child 50504 862e3a13da44
permissions -rw-r--r--
bisect: avoid copying ancestor list for non-merge commits During a bisection, hg needs to compute a list of all ancestors for every candidate commit. This is accomplished via a bottom-up traversal of the set of candidates, during which each revision's ancestor list is populated using the ancestor list of its parent(s). Previously, this involved copying the entire list, which could be very long in if the bisection range was large. To help improve this, we can observe that each candidate commit is visited exactly once, at which point its ancestor list is copied into its children's lists and then dropped. In the case of non-merge commits, a commit's ancestor list consists exactly of its parent's list plus itself. This means that we can trivially reuse the parent's existing list for one of its non-merge children, which avoids copying entirely if that commit is the parent's only child. This makes bisections over linear ranges of commits much faster. During some informal testing in the large publicly-available `mozilla-central` repository, this noticeably sped up bisections over large ranges of history: Setup: $ cd mozilla-central $ hg bisect --reset $ hg bisect --good 0 $ hg log -r tip -T '{rev}\n' 628417 Test: $ time hg bisect --bad tip --noupdate Before: real 3m35.927s user 3m35.553s sys 0m0.319s After: real 1m41.142s user 1m40.810s sys 0m0.285s

import threading

from mercurial.node import (
from mercurial.pycompat import getattr
from mercurial import (
from . import (

class ChainIndicies:
    """A static class for easy reference to the delta chain indicies."""

    # The filename of this revision delta
    NAME = 0
    # The mercurial file node for this revision delta
    NODE = 1
    # The filename of the delta base's revision. This is useful when delta
    # between different files (like in the case of a move or copy, we can delta
    # against the original file content).
    BASENAME = 2
    # The mercurial file node for the delta base revision. This is the nullid if
    # this delta is a full text.
    BASENODE = 3
    # The actual delta or full text data.
    DATA = 4

class unioncontentstore(basestore.baseunionstore):
    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        super(unioncontentstore, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)

        self.stores = args
        self.writestore = kwargs.get('writestore')

        # If allowincomplete==True then the union store can return partial
        # delta chains, otherwise it will throw a KeyError if a full
        # deltachain can't be found.
        self.allowincomplete = kwargs.get('allowincomplete', False)

    def get(self, name, node):
        """Fetches the full text revision contents of the given name+node pair.
        If the full text doesn't exist, throws a KeyError.

        Under the hood, this uses getdeltachain() across all the stores to build
        up a full chain to produce the full text.
        chain = self.getdeltachain(name, node)

        if chain[-1][ChainIndicies.BASENODE] != sha1nodeconstants.nullid:
            # If we didn't receive a full chain, throw
            raise KeyError((name, hex(node)))

        # The last entry in the chain is a full text, so we start our delta
        # applies with that.
        fulltext = chain.pop()[ChainIndicies.DATA]

        text = fulltext
        while chain:
            delta = chain.pop()[ChainIndicies.DATA]
            text = mdiff.patches(text, [delta])

        return text

    def getdelta(self, name, node):
        """Return the single delta entry for the given name/node pair."""
        for store in self.stores:
                return store.getdelta(name, node)
            except KeyError:

        raise KeyError((name, hex(node)))

    def getdeltachain(self, name, node):
        """Returns the deltachain for the given name/node pair.

        Returns an ordered list of:

          [(name, node, deltabasename, deltabasenode, deltacontent),...]

        where the chain is terminated by a full text entry with a nullid
        chain = self._getpartialchain(name, node)
        while chain[-1][ChainIndicies.BASENODE] != sha1nodeconstants.nullid:
            x, x, deltabasename, deltabasenode, x = chain[-1]
                morechain = self._getpartialchain(deltabasename, deltabasenode)
            except KeyError:
                # If we allow incomplete chains, don't throw.
                if not self.allowincomplete:

        return chain

    def getmeta(self, name, node):
        """Returns the metadata dict for given node."""
        for store in self.stores:
                return store.getmeta(name, node)
            except KeyError:
        raise KeyError((name, hex(node)))

    def getmetrics(self):
        metrics = [s.getmetrics() for s in self.stores]
        return shallowutil.sumdicts(*metrics)

    def _getpartialchain(self, name, node):
        """Returns a partial delta chain for the given name/node pair.

        A partial chain is a chain that may not be terminated in a full-text.
        for store in self.stores:
                return store.getdeltachain(name, node)
            except KeyError:

        raise KeyError((name, hex(node)))

    def add(self, name, node, data):
        raise RuntimeError(
            b"cannot add content only to remotefilelog contentstore"

    def getmissing(self, keys):
        missing = keys
        for store in self.stores:
            if missing:
                missing = store.getmissing(missing)
        return missing

    def addremotefilelognode(self, name, node, data):
        if self.writestore:
            self.writestore.addremotefilelognode(name, node, data)
            raise RuntimeError(b"no writable store configured")

    def markledger(self, ledger, options=None):
        for store in self.stores:
            store.markledger(ledger, options)

class remotefilelogcontentstore(basestore.basestore):
    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        super(remotefilelogcontentstore, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
        self._threaddata = threading.local()

    def get(self, name, node):
        # return raw revision text
        data = self._getdata(name, node)

        offset, size, flags = shallowutil.parsesizeflags(data)
        content = data[offset : offset + size]

        ancestormap = shallowutil.ancestormap(data)
        p1, p2, linknode, copyfrom = ancestormap[node]
        copyrev = None
        if copyfrom:
            copyrev = hex(p1)

        self._updatemetacache(node, size, flags)

        # lfs tracks renames in its own metadata, remove hg copy metadata,
        # because copy metadata will be re-added by lfs flag processor.
        if flags & revlog.REVIDX_EXTSTORED:
            copyrev = copyfrom = None
        revision = shallowutil.createrevlogtext(content, copyfrom, copyrev)
        return revision

    def getdelta(self, name, node):
        # Since remotefilelog content stores only contain full texts, just
        # return that.
        revision = self.get(name, node)
        return (
            self.getmeta(name, node),

    def getdeltachain(self, name, node):
        # Since remotefilelog content stores just contain full texts, we return
        # a fake delta chain that just consists of a single full text revision.
        # The nullid in the deltabasenode slot indicates that the revision is a
        # fulltext.
        revision = self.get(name, node)
        return [(name, node, None, sha1nodeconstants.nullid, revision)]

    def getmeta(self, name, node):
        if node != self._threaddata.metacache[0]:
            data = self._getdata(name, node)
            offset, size, flags = shallowutil.parsesizeflags(data)
            self._updatemetacache(node, size, flags)
        return self._threaddata.metacache[1]

    def add(self, name, node, data):
        raise RuntimeError(
            b"cannot add content only to remotefilelog contentstore"

    def _sanitizemetacache(self):
        metacache = getattr(self._threaddata, 'metacache', None)
        if metacache is None:
            self._threaddata.metacache = (None, None)  # (node, meta)

    def _updatemetacache(self, node, size, flags):
        if node == self._threaddata.metacache[0]:
        meta = {constants.METAKEYFLAG: flags, constants.METAKEYSIZE: size}
        self._threaddata.metacache = (node, meta)

class remotecontentstore:
    def __init__(self, ui, fileservice, shared):
        self._fileservice = fileservice
        # type(shared) is usually remotefilelogcontentstore
        self._shared = shared

    def get(self, name, node):
            [(name, hex(node))], force=True, fetchdata=True
        return self._shared.get(name, node)

    def getdelta(self, name, node):
        revision = self.get(name, node)
        return (
            self._shared.getmeta(name, node),

    def getdeltachain(self, name, node):
        # Since our remote content stores just contain full texts, we return a
        # fake delta chain that just consists of a single full text revision.
        # The nullid in the deltabasenode slot indicates that the revision is a
        # fulltext.
        revision = self.get(name, node)
        return [(name, node, None, sha1nodeconstants.nullid, revision)]

    def getmeta(self, name, node):
            [(name, hex(node))], force=True, fetchdata=True
        return self._shared.getmeta(name, node)

    def add(self, name, node, data):
        raise RuntimeError(b"cannot add to a remote store")

    def getmissing(self, keys):
        return keys

    def markledger(self, ledger, options=None):

class manifestrevlogstore:
    def __init__(self, repo):
        self._store = repo.store
        self._svfs = repo.svfs
        self._revlogs = dict()
        self._cl = revlog.revlog(self._svfs, radix=b'00changelog.i')
        self._repackstartlinkrev = 0

    def get(self, name, node):
        return self._revlog(name).rawdata(node)

    def getdelta(self, name, node):
        revision = self.get(name, node)
        return revision, name, self._cl.nullid, self.getmeta(name, node)

    def getdeltachain(self, name, node):
        revision = self.get(name, node)
        return [(name, node, None, self._cl.nullid, revision)]

    def getmeta(self, name, node):
        rl = self._revlog(name)
        rev = rl.rev(node)
        return {
            constants.METAKEYFLAG: rl.flags(rev),
            constants.METAKEYSIZE: rl.rawsize(rev),

    def getancestors(self, name, node, known=None):
        if known is None:
            known = set()
        if node in known:
            return []

        rl = self._revlog(name)
        ancestors = {}
        missing = {node}
        for ancrev in rl.ancestors([rl.rev(node)], inclusive=True):
            ancnode = rl.node(ancrev)

            p1, p2 = rl.parents(ancnode)
            if p1 != self._cl.nullid and p1 not in known:
            if p2 != self._cl.nullid and p2 not in known:

            linknode = self._cl.node(rl.linkrev(ancrev))
            ancestors[rl.node(ancrev)] = (p1, p2, linknode, b'')
            if not missing:
        return ancestors

    def getnodeinfo(self, name, node):
        cl = self._cl
        rl = self._revlog(name)
        parents = rl.parents(node)
        linkrev = rl.linkrev(rl.rev(node))
        return (parents[0], parents[1], cl.node(linkrev), None)

    def add(self, *args):
        raise RuntimeError(b"cannot add to a revlog store")

    def _revlog(self, name):
        rl = self._revlogs.get(name)
        if rl is None:
            revlogname = b'00manifesttree'
            if name != b'':
                revlogname = b'meta/%s/00manifest' % name
            rl = revlog.revlog(self._svfs, radix=revlogname)
            self._revlogs[name] = rl
        return rl

    def getmissing(self, keys):
        missing = []
        for name, node in keys:
            mfrevlog = self._revlog(name)
            if node not in mfrevlog.nodemap:
                missing.append((name, node))

        return missing

    def setrepacklinkrevrange(self, startrev, endrev):
        self._repackstartlinkrev = startrev
        self._repackendlinkrev = endrev

    def markledger(self, ledger, options=None):
        if options and options.get(constants.OPTION_PACKSONLY):
        treename = b''
        rl = revlog.revlog(self._svfs, radix=b'00manifesttree')
        startlinkrev = self._repackstartlinkrev
        endlinkrev = self._repackendlinkrev
        for rev in range(len(rl) - 1, -1, -1):
            linkrev = rl.linkrev(rev)
            if linkrev < startlinkrev:
            if linkrev > endlinkrev:
            node = rl.node(rev)
            ledger.markdataentry(self, treename, node)
            ledger.markhistoryentry(self, treename, node)

        for t, path, size in self._store.datafiles():
            if path[:5] != b'meta/' or path[-2:] != b'.i':

            treename = path[5 : -len(b'/00manifest')]

            rl = revlog.revlog(self._svfs, indexfile=path[:-2])
            for rev in range(len(rl) - 1, -1, -1):
                linkrev = rl.linkrev(rev)
                if linkrev < startlinkrev:
                if linkrev > endlinkrev:
                node = rl.node(rev)
                ledger.markdataentry(self, treename, node)
                ledger.markhistoryentry(self, treename, node)

    def cleanup(self, ledger):