author Jun Wu <quark@fb.com>
Wed, 30 Nov 2016 19:25:18 +0000
changeset 30556 c059286a0f9c
parent 26094 df41c7be16d6
child 31216 21fa3d3688f3
permissions -rw-r--r--
tests: replace "cp -r" with "cp -R" The POSIX documentation about "cp" [1] says: .... RATIONALE .... Earlier versions of this standard included support for the -r option to copy file hierarchies. The -r option is historical practice on BSD and BSD-derived systems. This option is no longer specified by POSIX.1-2008 but may be present in some implementations. The -R option was added as a close synonym to the -r option, selected for consistency with all other options in this volume of POSIX.1-2008 that do recursive directory descent. The difference between -R and the removed -r option is in the treatment by cp of file types other than regular and directory. It was implementation-defined how the - option treated special files to allow both historical implementations and those that chose to support -r with the same abilities as -R defined by this volume of POSIX.1-2008. The original -r flag, for historic reasons, did not handle special files any differently from regular files, but always read the file and copied its contents. This had obvious problems in the presence of special file types; for example, character devices, FIFOs, and sockets. .... .... Issue 6 The -r option is marked obsolescent. .... Issue 7 .... The obsolescent -r option is removed. .... (No "Issue 8" yet) Therefore it's clear that "cp -R" is strictly better than "cp -r". The issue was discovered when running tests on OS X after 0d87b1caed92. [1]: pubs.opengroup.org/onlinepubs/9699919799/utilities/cp.html

revlog.parseindex must be able to parse the index file even if
an index entry is split between two 64k blocks.  The ideal test
would be to create an index file with inline data where
64k < size < 64k + 64 (64k is the size of the read buffer, 64 is
the size of an index entry) and with an index entry starting right
before the 64k block boundary, and try to read it.
We approximate that by reducing the read buffer to 1 byte.

  $ hg init a
  $ cd a
  $ echo abc > foo
  $ hg add foo
  $ hg commit -m 'add foo'
  $ echo >> foo
  $ hg commit -m 'change foo'
  $ hg log -r 0:
  changeset:   0:7c31755bf9b5
  user:        test
  date:        Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
  summary:     add foo
  changeset:   1:26333235a41c
  tag:         tip
  user:        test
  date:        Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
  summary:     change foo
  $ cat >> test.py << EOF
  > from mercurial import changelog, scmutil
  > from mercurial.node import *
  > class singlebyteread(object):
  >     def __init__(self, real):
  >         self.real = real
  >     def read(self, size=-1):
  >         if size == 65536:
  >             size = 1
  >         return self.real.read(size)
  >     def __getattr__(self, key):
  >         return getattr(self.real, key)
  > def opener(*args):
  >     o = scmutil.opener(*args)
  >     def wrapper(*a):
  >         f = o(*a)
  >         return singlebyteread(f)
  >     return wrapper
  > cl = changelog.changelog(opener('.hg/store'))
  > print len(cl), 'revisions:'
  > for r in cl:
  >     print short(cl.node(r))
  > EOF
  $ python test.py
  2 revisions:

  $ cd ..

#if no-pure

Test SEGV caused by bad revision passed to reachableroots() (issue4775):

  $ cd a

  $ python <<EOF
  > from mercurial import changelog, scmutil
  > cl = changelog.changelog(scmutil.vfs('.hg/store'))
  > print 'good heads:'
  > for head in [0, len(cl) - 1, -1]:
  >     print'%s: %r' % (head, cl.reachableroots(0, [head], [0]))
  > print 'bad heads:'
  > for head in [len(cl), 10000, -2, -10000, None]:
  >     print '%s:' % head,
  >     try:
  >         cl.reachableroots(0, [head], [0])
  >         print 'uncaught buffer overflow?'
  >     except (IndexError, TypeError) as inst:
  >         print inst
  > print 'good roots:'
  > for root in [0, len(cl) - 1, -1]:
  >     print '%s: %r' % (root, cl.reachableroots(root, [len(cl) - 1], [root]))
  > print 'out-of-range roots are ignored:'
  > for root in [len(cl), 10000, -2, -10000]:
  >     print '%s: %r' % (root, cl.reachableroots(root, [len(cl) - 1], [root]))
  > print 'bad roots:'
  > for root in [None]:
  >     print '%s:' % root,
  >     try:
  >         cl.reachableroots(root, [len(cl) - 1], [root])
  >         print 'uncaught error?'
  >     except TypeError as inst:
  >         print inst
  > EOF
  good heads:
  0: [0]
  1: [0]
  -1: []
  bad heads:
  2: head out of range
  10000: head out of range
  -2: head out of range
  -10000: head out of range
  None: an integer is required
  good roots:
  0: [0]
  1: [1]
  -1: [-1]
  out-of-range roots are ignored:
  2: []
  10000: []
  -2: []
  -10000: []
  bad roots:
  None: an integer is required

  $ cd ..

Test corrupted p1/p2 fields that could cause SEGV at parsers.c:

  $ mkdir invalidparent
  $ cd invalidparent

  $ hg clone --pull -q --config phases.publish=False ../a limit
  $ hg clone --pull -q --config phases.publish=False ../a segv
  $ rm -R limit/.hg/cache segv/.hg/cache

  $ python <<EOF
  > data = open("limit/.hg/store/00changelog.i", "rb").read()
  > for n, p in [('limit', '\0\0\0\x02'), ('segv', '\0\x01\0\0')]:
  >     # corrupt p1 at rev0 and p2 at rev1
  >     d = data[:24] + p + data[28:127 + 28] + p + data[127 + 32:]
  >     open(n + "/.hg/store/00changelog.i", "wb").write(d)
  > EOF

  $ hg debugindex -f1 limit/.hg/store/00changelog.i
     rev flag   offset   length     size   base   link     p1     p2       nodeid
       0 0000        0       63       62      0      0      2     -1 7c31755bf9b5
       1 0000       63       66       65      1      1      0      2 26333235a41c
  $ hg debugindex -f1 segv/.hg/store/00changelog.i
     rev flag   offset   length     size   base   link     p1     p2       nodeid
       0 0000        0       63       62      0      0  65536     -1 7c31755bf9b5
       1 0000       63       66       65      1      1      0  65536 26333235a41c

  $ cat <<EOF > test.py
  > import sys
  > from mercurial import changelog, scmutil
  > cl = changelog.changelog(scmutil.vfs(sys.argv[1]))
  > n0, n1 = cl.node(0), cl.node(1)
  > ops = [
  >     ('reachableroots',
  >      lambda: cl.index.reachableroots2(0, [1], [0], False)),
  >     ('compute_phases_map_sets', lambda: cl.computephases([[0], []])),
  >     ('index_headrevs', lambda: cl.headrevs()),
  >     ('find_gca_candidates', lambda: cl.commonancestorsheads(n0, n1)),
  >     ('find_deepest', lambda: cl.ancestor(n0, n1)),
  >     ]
  > for l, f in ops:
  >     print l + ':',
  >     try:
  >         f()
  >         print 'uncaught buffer overflow?'
  >     except ValueError, inst:
  >         print inst
  > EOF

  $ python test.py limit/.hg/store
  reachableroots: parent out of range
  compute_phases_map_sets: parent out of range
  index_headrevs: parent out of range
  find_gca_candidates: parent out of range
  find_deepest: parent out of range
  $ python test.py segv/.hg/store
  reachableroots: parent out of range
  compute_phases_map_sets: parent out of range
  index_headrevs: parent out of range
  find_gca_candidates: parent out of range
  find_deepest: parent out of range

  $ cd ..
