author Jun Wu <quark@fb.com>
Wed, 30 Nov 2016 19:25:18 +0000
changeset 30556 c059286a0f9c
parent 30223 76c57e1fe79b
child 32298 779a1ae6d0d9
permissions -rw-r--r--
tests: replace "cp -r" with "cp -R" The POSIX documentation about "cp" [1] says: .... RATIONALE .... Earlier versions of this standard included support for the -r option to copy file hierarchies. The -r option is historical practice on BSD and BSD-derived systems. This option is no longer specified by POSIX.1-2008 but may be present in some implementations. The -R option was added as a close synonym to the -r option, selected for consistency with all other options in this volume of POSIX.1-2008 that do recursive directory descent. The difference between -R and the removed -r option is in the treatment by cp of file types other than regular and directory. It was implementation-defined how the - option treated special files to allow both historical implementations and those that chose to support -r with the same abilities as -R defined by this volume of POSIX.1-2008. The original -r flag, for historic reasons, did not handle special files any differently from regular files, but always read the file and copied its contents. This had obvious problems in the presence of special file types; for example, character devices, FIFOs, and sockets. .... .... Issue 6 The -r option is marked obsolescent. .... Issue 7 .... The obsolescent -r option is removed. .... (No "Issue 8" yet) Therefore it's clear that "cp -R" is strictly better than "cp -r". The issue was discovered when running tests on OS X after 0d87b1caed92. [1]: pubs.opengroup.org/onlinepubs/9699919799/utilities/cp.html

#require icasefs

  $ hg debugfs | grep 'case-sensitive:'
  case-sensitive: no

test file addition with bad case

  $ hg init repo1
  $ cd repo1
  $ echo a > a
  $ hg add A
  adding a
  $ hg st
  A a
  $ hg ci -m adda
  $ hg manifest
  $ cd ..

test case collision on rename (issue750)

  $ hg init repo2
  $ cd repo2
  $ echo a > a
  $ hg --debug ci -Am adda
  adding a
  committing files:
  committing manifest
  committing changelog
  committed changeset 0:07f4944404050f47db2e5c5071e0e84e7a27bba9

Case-changing renames should work:

  $ hg mv a A
  $ hg mv A a
  $ hg st

addremove after case-changing rename has no effect (issue4590)

  $ hg mv a A
  $ hg addremove
  recording removal of a as rename to A (100% similar)
  $ hg revert --all
  forgetting A
  undeleting a

test changing case of path components

  $ mkdir D
  $ echo b > D/b
  $ hg ci -Am addb D/b
  $ hg mv D/b d/b
  D/b: not overwriting - file already committed
  (hg rename --force to replace the file by recording a rename)
  $ hg mv D/b d/c
  $ hg st
  A D/c
  R D/b
  $ mv D temp
  $ mv temp d
  $ hg st
  A D/c
  R D/b
  $ hg revert -aq
  $ rm d/c
  $ echo c > D/c
  $ hg add D/c
  $ hg st
  A D/c
  $ hg ci -m addc D/c
  $ hg mv d/b d/e
  moving D/b to D/e (glob)
  $ hg st
  A D/e
  R D/b
  $ hg revert -aq
  $ rm d/e
  $ hg mv d/b D/B
  moving D/b to D/B (glob)
  $ hg st
  A D/B
  R D/b
  $ cd ..

test case collision between revisions (issue912)

  $ hg init repo3
  $ cd repo3
  $ echo a > a
  $ hg ci -Am adda
  adding a
  $ hg rm a
  $ hg ci -Am removea
  $ echo A > A

on linux hfs keeps the old case stored, force it

  $ mv a aa
  $ mv aa A
  $ hg ci -Am addA
  adding A

used to fail under case insensitive fs

  $ hg up -C 0
  1 files updated, 0 files merged, 1 files removed, 0 files unresolved
  $ hg up -C
  1 files updated, 0 files merged, 1 files removed, 0 files unresolved

no clobbering of untracked files with wrong casing

  $ hg up -r null
  0 files updated, 0 files merged, 1 files removed, 0 files unresolved
  $ echo gold > a
  $ hg up
  A: untracked file differs
  abort: untracked files in working directory differ from files in requested revision
  $ cat a
  $ rm a

test that normal file in different case on target context is not
unlinked by largefiles extension.

  $ cat >> .hg/hgrc <<EOF
  > [extensions]
  > largefiles=
  > EOF
  $ hg update -q -C 1
  $ hg status -A
  $ echo 'A as largefiles' > A
  $ hg add --large A
  $ hg commit -m '#3'
  created new head
  $ hg manifest -r 3
  $ hg manifest -r 0
  $ hg update -q -C 0
  $ hg status -A
  C a
  $ hg update -q -C 3
  $ hg update -q 0

  $ hg up -C -r 2
  1 files updated, 0 files merged, 0 files removed, 0 files unresolved
  $ hg mv A a
  $ hg diff -g > rename.diff
  $ hg ci -m 'A -> a'
  $ hg up -q '.^'
  $ hg import rename.diff -m "import rename A -> a"
  applying rename.diff
  $ hg st
  ? rename.diff
  $ hg files
  $ find * | sort

  $ rm rename.diff

  $ cd ..

issue 3342: file in nested directory causes unexpected abort

  $ hg init issue3342
  $ cd issue3342

  $ mkdir -p a/B/c/D
  $ echo e > a/B/c/D/e
  $ hg add a/B/c/D/e
  $ hg ci -m 'add e'

issue 4481: revert across case only renames
  $ hg mv a/B/c/D/e a/B/c/d/E
  $ hg ci -m "uppercase E"
  $ echo 'foo' > a/B/c/D/E
  $ hg ci -m 'e content change'
  $ hg revert --all -r 0
  removing a/B/c/D/E (glob)
  adding a/B/c/D/e (glob)
  $ find * | sort

  $ cd ..

issue 3340: mq does not handle case changes correctly

in addition to reported case, 'hg qrefresh' is also tested against
case changes.

  $ echo "[extensions]" >> $HGRCPATH
  $ echo "mq=" >> $HGRCPATH

  $ hg init issue3340
  $ cd issue3340

  $ echo a > mIxEdCaSe
  $ hg add mIxEdCaSe
  $ hg commit -m '#0'
  $ hg rename mIxEdCaSe tmp
  $ hg rename tmp MiXeDcAsE
  $ hg status -A
  A MiXeDcAsE
  R mIxEdCaSe
  $ hg qnew changecase
  $ hg status -A
  C MiXeDcAsE

  $ hg qpop -a
  popping changecase
  patch queue now empty
  $ hg qnew refresh-casechange
  $ hg status -A
  C mIxEdCaSe
  $ hg rename mIxEdCaSe tmp
  $ hg rename tmp MiXeDcAsE
  $ hg status -A
  A MiXeDcAsE
  R mIxEdCaSe
  $ hg qrefresh
  $ hg status -A
  C MiXeDcAsE

  $ hg qpop -a
  popping refresh-casechange
  patch queue now empty
  $ hg qnew refresh-pattern
  $ hg status
  $ echo A > A
  $ hg add
  adding A
  $ hg qrefresh a # issue 3271, qrefresh with file handled case wrong
  $ hg status # empty status means the qrefresh worked

#if osx

We assume anyone running the tests on a case-insensitive volume on OS
X will be using HFS+. If that's not true, this test will fail.

  $ rm A
  >>> open(u'a\u200c'.encode('utf-8'), 'w').write('unicode is fun')
  $ hg status
  M A


  $ cd ..