author Pulkit Goyal <>
Mon, 27 Aug 2018 13:30:08 +0300
changeset 39355 bca0546a44bf
parent 32544 e9f456183402
child 40292 9c6473d2038b
permissions -rwxr-xr-x
tests: add test to show widening is broken without ellipsis This patch adds a test to show that widening a narrow clone is broken if ellipsis is disabled. I don't think I can add cases to existing test-narrow-widen.t and check-in a failing version of that. So I created a copy. Once the test is fixed, we can merge this new test file back into the original one using testcases. Also, this is just testing treemanifest case because having two cases and both or are failing with different outputs is a bit hard to manage. This is important because upcoming patches will try to fix the broken part. Differential Revision:

#!/usr/bin/env python
# checkseclevel - checking section title levels in each online help document

from __future__ import absolute_import

import optparse
import os
import sys

# import from the live mercurial repo
os.environ['HGMODULEPOLICY'] = 'py'
sys.path.insert(0, "..")
from mercurial import demandimport; demandimport.enable()
from mercurial import (
    ui as uimod,

table = commands.table
helptable = help.helptable

level2mark = [b'"', b'=', b'-', b'.', b'#']
reservedmarks = [b'"']

mark2level = {}
for m, l in zip(level2mark, range(len(level2mark))):
    if m not in reservedmarks:
        mark2level[m] = l

initlevel_topic = 0
initlevel_cmd = 1
initlevel_ext = 1
initlevel_ext_cmd = 3

def showavailables(ui, initlevel):
    avail = ('    available marks and order of them in this help: %s\n') % (
        ', '.join(['%r' % (m * 4) for m in level2mark[initlevel + 1:]]))

def checkseclevel(ui, doc, name, initlevel):
    ui.note(('checking "%s"\n') % name)
    if not isinstance(doc, bytes):
        doc = doc.encode('utf-8')
    blocks, pruned = minirst.parse(doc, 0, ['verbose'])
    errorcnt = 0
    curlevel = initlevel
    for block in blocks:
        if block[b'type'] != b'section':
        mark = block[b'underline']
        title = block[b'lines'][0]
        if (mark not in mark2level) or (mark2level[mark] <= initlevel):
            ui.warn((('invalid section mark %r for "%s" of %s\n') %
                     (mark * 4, title, name)).encode('utf-8'))
            showavailables(ui, initlevel)
            errorcnt += 1
        nextlevel = mark2level[mark]
        if curlevel < nextlevel and curlevel + 1 != nextlevel:
            ui.warn(('gap of section level at "%s" of %s\n') %
                    (title, name))
            showavailables(ui, initlevel)
            errorcnt += 1
        ui.note(('appropriate section level for "%s %s"\n') %
                (mark * (nextlevel * 2), title))
        curlevel = nextlevel

    return errorcnt

def checkcmdtable(ui, cmdtable, namefmt, initlevel):
    errorcnt = 0
    for k, entry in cmdtable.items():
        name = k.split(b"|")[0].lstrip(b"^")
        if not entry[0].__doc__:
            ui.note(('skip checking %s: no help document\n') %
                    (namefmt % name))
        errorcnt += checkseclevel(ui, entry[0].__doc__,
                                  namefmt % name,
    return errorcnt

def checkhghelps(ui):
    errorcnt = 0
    for names, sec, doc in helptable:
        if callable(doc):
            doc = doc(ui)
        errorcnt += checkseclevel(ui, doc,
                                  '%s help topic' % names[0],

    errorcnt += checkcmdtable(ui, table, '%s command', initlevel_cmd)

    for name in sorted(list(extensions.enabled()) +
        mod = extensions.load(ui, name, None)
        if not mod.__doc__:
            ui.note(('skip checking %s extension: no help document\n') % name)
        errorcnt += checkseclevel(ui, mod.__doc__,
                                  '%s extension' % name,

        cmdtable = getattr(mod, 'cmdtable', None)
        if cmdtable:
            errorcnt += checkcmdtable(ui, cmdtable,
                                      '%%s command of %s extension' % name,
    return errorcnt

def checkfile(ui, filename, initlevel):
    if filename == '-':
        filename = 'stdin'
        doc =
        with open(filename) as fp:
            doc =

    ui.note(('checking input from %s with initlevel %d\n') %
            (filename, initlevel))
    return checkseclevel(ui, doc, 'input from %s' % filename, initlevel)

def main():
    optparser = optparse.OptionParser("""%prog [options]

This checks all help documents of Mercurial (topics, commands,
extensions and commands of them), if no file is specified by --file
    optparser.add_option("-v", "--verbose",
                         help="enable additional output",
    optparser.add_option("-d", "--debug",
                         help="debug mode",
    optparser.add_option("-f", "--file",
                         help="filename to read in (or '-' for stdin)",
                         action="store", default="")

    optparser.add_option("-t", "--topic",
                         help="parse file as help topic",
                         action="store_const", dest="initlevel", const=0)
    optparser.add_option("-c", "--command",
                         help="parse file as help of core command",
                         action="store_const", dest="initlevel", const=1)
    optparser.add_option("-e", "--extension",
                         help="parse file as help of extension",
                         action="store_const", dest="initlevel", const=1)
    optparser.add_option("-C", "--extension-command",
                         help="parse file as help of extension command",
                         action="store_const", dest="initlevel", const=3)

    optparser.add_option("-l", "--initlevel",
                         help="set initial section level manually",
                         action="store", type="int", default=0)

    (options, args) = optparser.parse_args()

    ui = uimod.ui.load()
    ui.setconfig('ui', 'verbose', options.verbose, '--verbose')
    ui.setconfig('ui', 'debug', options.debug, '--debug')

    if options.file:
        if checkfile(ui, options.file, options.initlevel):
        if checkhghelps(ui):

if __name__ == "__main__":