author Georges Racinet <georges.racinet@octobus.net>
Sat, 24 Apr 2021 16:30:05 +0200
changeset 47011 b7e623ac98b6
parent 46372 3e91d9978bec
child 48669 7ee07e1a25c0
permissions -rw-r--r--
repoview: separate concerns in _filteredrepotypes comment The cited issue in Python bugtracker is closed, but hasn't been fixed. We've been able to use the attached example and reproduce it with Python 3.9. The point where it turns from needless stress on the GC to the an actual leak is when one factors in the fact that the GC was before Python 3.4 unable to collect some types (see PEP 442). Note that even with Python 2.7, the simple example of cycles due to __mro__ are collectable. This was seen again with the example attached on the CPython issue.

#require unix-permissions

test that new files created in .hg inherit the permissions from .hg/store

  $ mkdir dir

just in case somebody has a strange $TMPDIR

  $ chmod g-s dir
  $ cd dir

  $ cat >printmodes.py <<EOF
  > from __future__ import absolute_import, print_function
  > import os
  > import sys
  > allnames = []
  > isdir = {}
  > for root, dirs, files in os.walk(sys.argv[1]):
  >     for d in dirs:
  >         name = os.path.join(root, d)
  >         isdir[name] = 1
  >         allnames.append(name)
  >     for f in files:
  >         name = os.path.join(root, f)
  >         allnames.append(name)
  > allnames.sort()
  > for name in allnames:
  >     suffix = name in isdir and '/' or ''
  >     print('%05o %s%s' % (os.lstat(name).st_mode & 0o7777, name, suffix))
  > EOF

  $ cat >mode.py <<EOF
  > from __future__ import absolute_import, print_function
  > import os
  > import sys
  > print('%05o' % os.lstat(sys.argv[1]).st_mode)
  > EOF

  $ umask 077

  $ hg init repo
  $ cd repo

  $ chmod 0770 .hg/store .hg/cache .hg/wcache

before commit
store can be written by the group, other files cannot
store is setgid

  $ "$PYTHON" ../printmodes.py .
  00700 ./.hg/
  00600 ./.hg/00changelog.i
  00770 ./.hg/cache/
  00600 ./.hg/requires
  00770 ./.hg/store/
  00770 ./.hg/wcache/

  $ mkdir dir
  $ touch foo dir/bar
  $ hg ci -qAm 'add files'

after commit
working dir files can only be written by the owner
files created in .hg can be written by the group
(in particular, store/**, dirstate, branch cache file, undo files)
new directories are setgid

  $ "$PYTHON" ../printmodes.py .
  00700 ./.hg/
  00600 ./.hg/00changelog.i
  00770 ./.hg/cache/
  00660 ./.hg/cache/branch2-served
  00660 ./.hg/cache/rbc-names-v1
  00660 ./.hg/cache/rbc-revs-v1
  00660 ./.hg/dirstate
  00660 ./.hg/fsmonitor.state (fsmonitor !)
  00660 ./.hg/last-message.txt
  00600 ./.hg/requires
  00770 ./.hg/store/
  00660 ./.hg/store/00changelog.i
  00660 ./.hg/store/00manifest.i
  00770 ./.hg/store/data/
  00770 ./.hg/store/data/dir/
  00660 ./.hg/store/data/dir/bar.i (reporevlogstore !)
  00660 ./.hg/store/data/foo.i (reporevlogstore !)
  00770 ./.hg/store/data/dir/bar/ (reposimplestore !)
  00660 ./.hg/store/data/dir/bar/b80de5d138758541c5f05265ad144ab9fa86d1db (reposimplestore !)
  00660 ./.hg/store/data/dir/bar/index (reposimplestore !)
  00770 ./.hg/store/data/foo/ (reposimplestore !)
  00660 ./.hg/store/data/foo/b80de5d138758541c5f05265ad144ab9fa86d1db (reposimplestore !)
  00660 ./.hg/store/data/foo/index (reposimplestore !)
  00660 ./.hg/store/fncache (repofncache !)
  00660 ./.hg/store/phaseroots
  00660 ./.hg/store/undo
  00660 ./.hg/store/undo.backupfiles
  00660 ./.hg/store/undo.phaseroots
  00660 ./.hg/undo.backup.dirstate
  00660 ./.hg/undo.bookmarks
  00660 ./.hg/undo.branch
  00660 ./.hg/undo.desc
  00660 ./.hg/undo.dirstate
  00770 ./.hg/wcache/
  00711 ./.hg/wcache/checkisexec
  007.. ./.hg/wcache/checklink (re)
  00600 ./.hg/wcache/checklink-target
  00660 ./.hg/wcache/manifestfulltextcache (reporevlogstore !)
  00700 ./dir/
  00600 ./dir/bar
  00600 ./foo

  $ umask 007
  $ hg init ../push

before push
group can write everything

  $ "$PYTHON" ../printmodes.py ../push
  00770 ../push/.hg/
  00660 ../push/.hg/00changelog.i
  00770 ../push/.hg/cache/
  00660 ../push/.hg/requires
  00770 ../push/.hg/store/
  00770 ../push/.hg/wcache/

  $ umask 077
  $ hg -q push ../push

after push
group can still write everything

  $ "$PYTHON" ../printmodes.py ../push
  00770 ../push/.hg/
  00660 ../push/.hg/00changelog.i
  00770 ../push/.hg/cache/
  00660 ../push/.hg/cache/branch2-base
  00660 ../push/.hg/cache/rbc-names-v1
  00660 ../push/.hg/cache/rbc-revs-v1
  00660 ../push/.hg/dirstate
  00660 ../push/.hg/requires
  00770 ../push/.hg/store/
  00660 ../push/.hg/store/00changelog.i
  00660 ../push/.hg/store/00manifest.i
  00770 ../push/.hg/store/data/
  00770 ../push/.hg/store/data/dir/
  00660 ../push/.hg/store/data/dir/bar.i (reporevlogstore !)
  00660 ../push/.hg/store/data/foo.i (reporevlogstore !)
  00770 ../push/.hg/store/data/dir/bar/ (reposimplestore !)
  00660 ../push/.hg/store/data/dir/bar/b80de5d138758541c5f05265ad144ab9fa86d1db (reposimplestore !)
  00660 ../push/.hg/store/data/dir/bar/index (reposimplestore !)
  00770 ../push/.hg/store/data/foo/ (reposimplestore !)
  00660 ../push/.hg/store/data/foo/b80de5d138758541c5f05265ad144ab9fa86d1db (reposimplestore !)
  00660 ../push/.hg/store/data/foo/index (reposimplestore !)
  00660 ../push/.hg/store/fncache (repofncache !)
  00660 ../push/.hg/store/undo
  00660 ../push/.hg/store/undo.backupfiles
  00660 ../push/.hg/store/undo.phaseroots
  00660 ../push/.hg/undo.bookmarks
  00660 ../push/.hg/undo.branch
  00660 ../push/.hg/undo.desc
  00660 ../push/.hg/undo.dirstate
  00770 ../push/.hg/wcache/

Test that we don't lose the setgid bit when we call chmod.
Not all systems support setgid directories (e.g. HFS+), so
just check that directories have the same mode.

  $ cd ..
  $ hg init setgid
  $ cd setgid
  $ chmod g+rwx .hg/store
  $ chmod g+s .hg/store 2> /dev/null || true
  $ mkdir dir
  $ touch dir/file
  $ hg ci -qAm 'add dir/file'
  $ storemode=`"$PYTHON" ../mode.py .hg/store`
  $ dirmode=`"$PYTHON" ../mode.py .hg/store/data/dir`
  $ if [ "$storemode" != "$dirmode" ]; then
  >  echo "$storemode != $dirmode"
  > fi
  $ cd ..

  $ cd .. # g-s dir