author Pierre-Yves David <pierre-yves.david@octobus.net>
Fri, 05 Apr 2024 11:33:47 +0200
changeset 51580 b70628a9aa7e
parent 42757 2d70b1118af2
permissions -rw-r--r--
phases: use revision number in new_heads All graph operations will be done using revision numbers, so passing nodes only means they will eventually get converted to revision numbers internally. As part of an effort to align the code on using revision number we make the `phases.newheads` function operated on revision number, taking them as input and using them in returns, instead of the node-id it used to consume and produce. This is part of multiple changesets effort to translate more part of the logic, but is done step by step to facilitate the identification of issue that might arise in mercurial core and extensions. To make the change simpler to handle for third party extensions, we also rename the function, using a more modern form. This will help detecting the different between the node-id version and the rev-num version. I also take this as an opportunity to add some comment about possible performance improvement for the future. They don't matter too much now, but they are worse exploring in a while.

A python hook for "hg fix" that prints out the number of files and revisions
that were affected, along with which fixer tools were applied. Also checks how
many times it sees a specific key generated by one of the fixer tools defined

  $ cat >> $TESTTMP/postfixhook.py <<EOF
  > import collections
  > def file(ui, repo, rev=None, path=b'', metadata=None, **kwargs):
  >   ui.status(b'fixed %s in revision %d using %s\n' %
  >             (path, rev, b', '.join(metadata.keys())))
  > def summarize(ui, repo, replacements=None, wdirwritten=False,
  >               metadata=None, **kwargs):
  >     counts = collections.defaultdict(int)
  >     keys = 0
  >     for fixername, metadatalist in metadata.items():
  >         for metadata in metadatalist:
  >             if metadata is None:
  >                 continue
  >             counts[fixername] += 1
  >             if 'key' in metadata:
  >                 keys += 1
  >     ui.status(b'saw "key" %d times\n' % (keys,))
  >     for name, count in sorted(counts.items()):
  >         ui.status(b'fixed %d files with %s\n' % (count, name))
  >     if replacements:
  >         ui.status(b'fixed %d revisions\n' % (len(replacements),))
  >     if wdirwritten:
  >         ui.status(b'fixed the working copy\n')
  > EOF

Some mock output for fixer tools that demonstrate what could go wrong with
expecting the metadata output format.

  $ printf 'new content\n' > $TESTTMP/missing
  $ printf 'not valid json\0new content\n' > $TESTTMP/invalid
  $ printf '{"key": "value"}\0new content\n' > $TESTTMP/valid

Configure some fixer tools based on the output defined above, and enable the
hooks defined above. Disable parallelism to make output of the parallel file
processing phase stable.

  $ cat >> $HGRCPATH <<EOF
  > [extensions]
  > fix =
  > [fix]
  > metadatafalse:command=cat $TESTTMP/missing
  > metadatafalse:pattern=metadatafalse
  > metadatafalse:metadata=false
  > missing:command=cat $TESTTMP/missing
  > missing:pattern=missing
  > missing:metadata=true
  > invalid:command=cat $TESTTMP/invalid
  > invalid:pattern=invalid
  > invalid:metadata=true
  > valid:command=cat $TESTTMP/valid
  > valid:pattern=valid
  > valid:metadata=true
  > [hooks]
  > postfixfile = python:$TESTTMP/postfixhook.py:file
  > postfix = python:$TESTTMP/postfixhook.py:summarize
  > [worker]
  > enabled=false
  > EOF

See what happens when we execute each of the fixer tools. Some print warnings,
some write back to the file.

  $ hg init repo
  $ cd repo

  $ printf "old content\n" > metadatafalse
  $ printf "old content\n" > invalid
  $ printf "old content\n" > missing
  $ printf "old content\n" > valid
  $ hg add -q

  $ hg fix -w
  ignored invalid output from fixer tool: invalid
  fixed metadatafalse in revision 2147483647 using metadatafalse
  ignored invalid output from fixer tool: missing
  fixed valid in revision 2147483647 using valid
  saw "key" 1 times
  fixed 1 files with valid
  fixed the working copy

  $ cat metadatafalse
  new content
  $ cat missing
  old content
  $ cat invalid
  old content
  $ cat valid
  new content

  $ cd ..