author Pierre-Yves David <pierre-yves.david@octobus.net>
Tue, 09 Apr 2024 02:54:12 +0200
changeset 51577 b5d494f7d28a
parent 44725 16c361152133
permissions -rw-r--r--
push: rework the computation of fallbackheads to be correct The previous computation tried to be smart but ended up being wrong. This was caught by phase movement test while reworking the phase discovery logic to be faster. The previous logic was failing to catch case where the pushed set was not based on a common heads (i.e. when the discovery seemed to have "over discovered" content, outside the pushed set) In the following graph, `e` is a common head and we `hg push -r f`. We need to detect `c` as a fallback heads and we previous failed to do so:: e | d f |/ c | b | a The performance impact of the change seems minimal. On the most impacted repository at hand (mozilla-try), the slowdown seems mostly mixed in the overall noise `hg push` but seems to be in the hundred of milliseconds order of magnitude. When using rust, we seems to be a bit faster, probably because we leverage more accelaratd internals. I added a couple of performance related common for further investigation later on.

#testcases filelog compatibility changeset sidedata

  $ cat >> $HGRCPATH << EOF
  > [extensions]
  > rebase=
  > [alias]
  > l = log -G -T '{rev} {desc}\n{files}\n'
  > EOF

#if compatibility
  $ cat >> $HGRCPATH << EOF
  > [experimental]
  > copies.read-from = compatibility
  > EOF

#if changeset
  $ cat >> $HGRCPATH << EOF
  > [experimental]
  > copies.read-from = changeset-only
  > copies.write-to = changeset-only
  > EOF

#if sidedata
  $ cat >> $HGRCPATH << EOF
  > [format]
  > exp-use-copies-side-data-changeset = yes
  > EOF

  $ newrepo() {
  >     cd $TESTTMP
  >     REPONUM=`expr $REPONUM + 1`
  >     hg init repo-$REPONUM
  >     cd repo-$REPONUM
  > }

Copy a file, then delete destination, then copy again. This does not create a new filelog entry.
  $ newrepo
  $ echo x > x
  $ hg ci -Aqm 'add x'
  $ echo x2 > x
  $ hg ci -m 'modify x'
  $ hg co -q 0
  $ hg cp x y
  $ hg ci -qm 'copy x to y'
  $ hg rm y
  $ hg ci -m 'remove y'
  $ hg cp -f x y
  $ hg ci -m 'copy x onto y (again)'
  $ hg l
  @  4 copy x onto y (again)
  |  y
  o  3 remove y
  |  y
  o  2 copy x to y
  |  y
  | o  1 modify x
  |/   x
  o  0 add x
  $ hg debugp1copies -r 4
  x -> y
  $ hg debugpathcopies 0 4
  x -> y
  $ hg graft -r 1
  grafting 1:* "modify x" (glob)
  merging y and x to y
  $ hg co -qC 1
  $ hg graft -r 4
  grafting 4:* "copy x onto y (again)" (glob)
  merging x and y to y

Copy x to y, then remove y, then add back y. With copy metadata in the
changeset, this could easily end up reporting y as copied from x (if we don't
unmark it as a copy when it's removed). Despite x and y not being related, we
want grafts to propagate across the rename.
  $ newrepo
  $ echo x > x
  $ hg ci -Aqm 'add x'
  $ echo x2 > x
  $ hg ci -m 'modify x'
  $ hg co -q 0
  $ hg mv x y
  $ hg ci -qm 'rename x to y'
  $ hg rm y
  $ hg ci -qm 'remove y'
  $ echo x > y
  $ hg ci -Aqm 'add back y'
  $ hg l
  @  4 add back y
  |  y
  o  3 remove y
  |  y
  o  2 rename x to y
  |  x y
  | o  1 modify x
  |/   x
  o  0 add x
  $ hg debugpathcopies 0 4
BROKEN: This should succeed and merge the changes from x into y
  $ hg graft -r 1
  grafting 1:* "modify x" (glob)
  file 'x' was deleted in local [local] but was modified in other [graft].
  You can use (c)hanged version, leave (d)eleted, or leave (u)nresolved.
  What do you want to do? u
  abort: unresolved conflicts, can't continue
  (use 'hg resolve' and 'hg graft --continue')

Add x, remove it, then add it back, then rename x to y. Similar to the case
above, but here the break in history is before the rename.
  $ newrepo
  $ echo x > x
  $ hg ci -Aqm 'add x'
  $ echo x2 > x
  $ hg ci -m 'modify x'
  $ hg co -q 0
  $ hg rm x
  $ hg ci -qm 'remove x'
  $ echo x > x
  $ hg ci -Aqm 'add x again'
  $ hg mv x y
  $ hg ci -m 'rename x to y'
  $ hg l
  @  4 rename x to y
  |  x y
  o  3 add x again
  |  x
  o  2 remove x
  |  x
  | o  1 modify x
  |/   x
  o  0 add x
  $ hg debugpathcopies 0 4
  x -> y
  $ hg graft -r 1
  grafting 1:* "modify x" (glob)
  merging y and x to y
  $ hg co -qC 1
  $ hg graft -r 4
  grafting 4:* "rename x to y" (glob)
  merging x and y to y

Add x, modify it, remove it, then add it back, then rename x to y. Similar to
the case above, but here the re-added file's nodeid is different from before
the break.

  $ newrepo
  $ echo x > x
  $ hg ci -Aqm 'add x'
  $ echo x2 > x
  $ hg ci -m 'modify x'
  $ echo x3 > x
  $ hg ci -qm 'modify x again'
  $ hg co -q 1
  $ hg rm x
  $ hg ci -qm 'remove x'
# Same content to avoid conflicts
  $ hg revert -r 1 x
  $ hg ci -Aqm 'add x again'
  $ hg mv x y
  $ hg ci -m 'rename x to y'
  $ hg l
  @  5 rename x to y
  |  x y
  o  4 add x again
  |  x
  o  3 remove x
  |  x
  | o  2 modify x again
  |/   x
  o  1 modify x
  |  x
  o  0 add x
  $ hg debugpathcopies 0 5
  x -> y (no-filelog !)
#if no-filelog
  $ hg graft -r 2
  grafting 2:* "modify x again" (glob)
  merging y and x to y
BROKEN: This should succeed and merge the changes from x into y
  $ hg graft -r 2
  grafting 2:* "modify x again" (glob)
  file 'x' was deleted in local [local] but was modified in other [graft].
  You can use (c)hanged version, leave (d)eleted, or leave (u)nresolved.
  What do you want to do? u
  abort: unresolved conflicts, can't continue
  (use 'hg resolve' and 'hg graft --continue')
  $ hg co -qC 2
BROKEN: This should succeed and merge the changes from x into y
  $ hg graft -r 5
  grafting 5:* "rename x to y"* (glob)
  file 'x' was deleted in other [graft] but was modified in local [local].
  You can use (c)hanged version, (d)elete, or leave (u)nresolved.
  What do you want to do? u
  abort: unresolved conflicts, can't continue
  (use 'hg resolve' and 'hg graft --continue')

Add x, remove it, then add it back, rename x to y from the first commit.
Similar to the case above, but here the break in history is parallel to the
  $ newrepo
  $ echo x > x
  $ hg ci -Aqm 'add x'
  $ hg rm x
  $ hg ci -qm 'remove x'
  $ echo x > x
  $ hg ci -Aqm 'add x again'
  $ echo x2 > x
  $ hg ci -m 'modify x'
  $ hg co -q 0
  $ hg mv x y
  $ hg ci -qm 'rename x to y'
  $ hg l
  @  4 rename x to y
  |  x y
  | o  3 modify x
  | |  x
  | o  2 add x again
  | |  x
  | o  1 remove x
  |/   x
  o  0 add x
  $ hg debugpathcopies 2 4
  x -> y
  $ hg graft -r 3
  grafting 3:* "modify x" (glob)
  merging y and x to y
  $ hg co -qC 3
  $ hg graft -r 4
  grafting 4:* "rename x to y" (glob)
  merging x and y to y

Add x, remove it, then add it back, rename x to y from the first commit.
Similar to the case above, but here the re-added file's nodeid is different
from the base.
  $ newrepo
  $ echo x > x
  $ hg ci -Aqm 'add x'
  $ hg rm x
  $ hg ci -qm 'remove x'
  $ echo x2 > x
  $ hg ci -Aqm 'add x again with different content'
  $ hg co -q 0
  $ hg mv x y
  $ hg ci -qm 'rename x to y'
  $ hg l
  @  3 rename x to y
  |  x y
  | o  2 add x again with different content
  | |  x
  | o  1 remove x
  |/   x
  o  0 add x
  $ hg debugpathcopies 2 3
  x -> y
BROKEN: This should merge the changes from x into y
  $ hg graft -r 2
  grafting 2:* "add x again with different content" (glob)
  $ hg co -qC 2
BROKEN: This should succeed and merge the changes from x into y
  $ hg graft -r 3
  grafting 3:* "rename x to y" (glob)
  file 'x' was deleted in other [graft] but was modified in local [local].
  You can use (c)hanged version, (d)elete, or leave (u)nresolved.
  What do you want to do? u
  abort: unresolved conflicts, can't continue
  (use 'hg resolve' and 'hg graft --continue')

Add x on two branches, then rename x to y on one side. Similar to the case
above, but here the break in history is via the base commit.
  $ newrepo
  $ echo a > a
  $ hg ci -Aqm 'base'
  $ echo x > x
  $ hg ci -Aqm 'add x'
  $ echo x2 > x
  $ hg ci -m 'modify x'
  $ hg co -q 0
  $ echo x > x
  $ hg ci -Aqm 'add x again'
  $ hg mv x y
  $ hg ci -qm 'rename x to y'
  $ hg l
  @  4 rename x to y
  |  x y
  o  3 add x again
  |  x
  | o  2 modify x
  | |  x
  | o  1 add x
  |/   x
  o  0 base
  $ hg debugpathcopies 1 4
  x -> y
  $ hg graft -r 2
  grafting 2:* "modify x" (glob)
  merging y and x to y
  $ hg co -qC 2
  $ hg graft -r 4
  grafting 4:* "rename x to y"* (glob)
  merging x and y to y

Add x on two branches, with same content but different history, then rename x
to y on one side. Similar to the case above, here the file's nodeid is
different between the branches.
  $ newrepo
  $ echo a > a
  $ hg ci -Aqm 'base'
  $ echo x > x
  $ hg ci -Aqm 'add x'
  $ echo x2 > x
  $ hg ci -m 'modify x'
  $ hg co -q 0
  $ touch x
  $ hg ci -Aqm 'add empty x'
# Same content to avoid conflicts
  $ hg revert -r 1 x
  $ hg ci -m 'modify x to match commit 1'
  $ hg mv x y
  $ hg ci -qm 'rename x to y'
  $ hg l
  @  5 rename x to y
  |  x y
  o  4 modify x to match commit 1
  |  x
  o  3 add empty x
  |  x
  | o  2 modify x
  | |  x
  | o  1 add x
  |/   x
  o  0 base
  $ hg debugpathcopies 1 5
  x -> y (no-filelog !)
#if no-filelog
  $ hg graft -r 2
  grafting 2:* "modify x" (glob)
  merging y and x to y
BROKEN: This should succeed and merge the changes from x into y
  $ hg graft -r 2
  grafting 2:* "modify x" (glob)
  file 'x' was deleted in local [local] but was modified in other [graft].
  You can use (c)hanged version, leave (d)eleted, or leave (u)nresolved.
  What do you want to do? u
  abort: unresolved conflicts, can't continue
  (use 'hg resolve' and 'hg graft --continue')
  $ hg co -qC 2
BROKEN: This should succeed and merge the changes from x into y
  $ hg graft -r 5
  grafting 5:* "rename x to y"* (glob)
  file 'x' was deleted in other [graft] but was modified in local [local].
  You can use (c)hanged version, (d)elete, or leave (u)nresolved.
  What do you want to do? u
  abort: unresolved conflicts, can't continue
  (use 'hg resolve' and 'hg graft --continue')

Copies via null revision (there shouldn't be any)
  $ newrepo
  $ echo x > x
  $ hg ci -Aqm 'add x'
  $ hg cp x y
  $ hg ci -m 'copy x to y'
  $ hg co -q null
  $ echo x > x
  $ hg ci -Aqm 'add x (again)'
  $ hg l
  @  2 add x (again)
  o  1 copy x to y
  |  y
  o  0 add x
  $ hg debugpathcopies 1 2
  $ hg debugpathcopies 2 1
  $ hg graft -r 1
  grafting 1:* "copy x to y" (glob)

Copies involving a merge of multiple roots.

  $ newrepo
  $ echo a > a
  $ hg ci -Aqm 'add a'
  $ echo a >> a
  $ hg ci -Aqm 'update a'
  $ echo a >> a
  $ hg ci -Aqm 'update a'

  $ hg up null
  0 files updated, 0 files merged, 1 files removed, 0 files unresolved
  $ echo b > a
  $ hg ci -Aqm 'add a'
  $ hg mv a b
  $ hg ci -Aqm 'move a to b'
  $ echo b >> b
  $ hg ci -Aqm 'update b'
  $ hg merge 0
  1 files updated, 0 files merged, 0 files removed, 0 files unresolved
  (branch merge, don't forget to commit)
  $ hg ci -m "merge with other branch"
  $ echo a >> a
  $ echo a >> a
  $ echo b >> b
  $ hg ci -Aqm 'update a and b'
  $ hg l
  @  7 update a and b
  |  a b
  o    6 merge with other branch
  | o  5 update b
  | |  b
  | o  4 move a to b
  | |  a b
  | o  3 add a
  |    a
  | o  2 update a
  | |  a
  | o  1 update a
  |/   a
  o  0 add a
  $ hg cat a -r 7
  $ hg cat a -r 2
  $ hg cat a -r 0
  $ hg debugpathcopies 7 2
  $ hg debugpathcopies 2 7
  $ hg merge 2
  1 files updated, 0 files merged, 0 files removed, 0 files unresolved
  (branch merge, don't forget to commit)