author Pierre-Yves David <pierre-yves.david@octobus.net>
Tue, 09 Apr 2024 02:54:12 +0200
changeset 51577 b5d494f7d28a
parent 30888 561a019c0268
permissions -rw-r--r--
push: rework the computation of fallbackheads to be correct The previous computation tried to be smart but ended up being wrong. This was caught by phase movement test while reworking the phase discovery logic to be faster. The previous logic was failing to catch case where the pushed set was not based on a common heads (i.e. when the discovery seemed to have "over discovered" content, outside the pushed set) In the following graph, `e` is a common head and we `hg push -r f`. We need to detect `c` as a fallback heads and we previous failed to do so:: e | d f |/ c | b | a The performance impact of the change seems minimal. On the most impacted repository at hand (mozilla-try), the slowdown seems mostly mixed in the overall noise `hg push` but seems to be in the hundred of milliseconds order of magnitude. When using rust, we seems to be a bit faster, probably because we leverage more accelaratd internals. I added a couple of performance related common for further investigation later on.

#require tla symlink

  $ tla my-id "mercurial <mercurial@mercurial-scm.org>"
  $ echo "[extensions]" >> $HGRCPATH
  $ echo "convert=" >> $HGRCPATH

create tla archive

  $ tla make-archive tla@mercurial--convert `pwd`/hg-test-convert-tla

initialize tla repo

  $ mkdir tla-repo
  $ cd tla-repo/
  $ tla init-tree tla@mercurial--convert/tla--test--0
  $ tla import
  * creating version tla@mercurial--convert/tla--test--0
  * imported tla@mercurial--convert/tla--test--0

create initial files

  $ echo 'this is a file' > a
  $ tla add a
  $ mkdir src
  $ tla add src
  $ cd src
  $ dd count=1 if=/dev/zero of=b > /dev/null 2> /dev/null
  $ tla add b
  $ tla commit -s "added a file, src and src/b (binary)"
  A/ .arch-ids
  A/ src
  A/ src/.arch-ids
  A  .arch-ids/a.id
  A  a
  A  src/.arch-ids/=id
  A  src/.arch-ids/b.id
  A  src/b
  * update pristine tree (tla@mercurial--convert/tla--test--0--base-0 => tla--test--0--patch-1)
  * committed tla@mercurial--convert/tla--test--0--patch-1

create link file and modify a

  $ ln -s ../a a-link
  $ tla add a-link
  $ echo 'this a modification to a' >> ../a
  $ tla commit -s "added link to a and modify a"
  A  src/.arch-ids/a-link.id
  A  src/a-link
  M  a
  * update pristine tree (tla@mercurial--convert/tla--test--0--patch-1 => tla--test--0--patch-2)
  * committed tla@mercurial--convert/tla--test--0--patch-2

create second link and modify b

  $ ln -s ../a a-link-2
  $ tla add a-link-2
  $ dd count=1 seek=1 if=/dev/zero of=b > /dev/null 2> /dev/null
  $ tla commit -s "added second link and modify b"
  A  src/.arch-ids/a-link-2.id
  A  src/a-link-2
  Mb src/b
  * update pristine tree (tla@mercurial--convert/tla--test--0--patch-2 => tla--test--0--patch-3)
  * committed tla@mercurial--convert/tla--test--0--patch-3

b file to link and a-link-2 to regular file

  $ rm -f a-link-2
  $ echo 'this is now a regular file' > a-link-2
  $ ln -sf ../a b
  $ tla commit -s "file to link and link to file test"
  fl src/b
  lf src/a-link-2
  * update pristine tree (tla@mercurial--convert/tla--test--0--patch-3 => tla--test--0--patch-4)
  * committed tla@mercurial--convert/tla--test--0--patch-4

move a-link-2 file and src directory

  $ cd ..
  $ tla mv src/a-link-2 c
  $ tla mv src test
  $ tla commit -s "move and rename a-link-2 file and src directory"
  D/ src/.arch-ids
  A/ test/.arch-ids
  /> src	test
  => src/.arch-ids/a-link-2.id	.arch-ids/c.id
  => src/a-link-2	c
  => src/.arch-ids/=id	test/.arch-ids/=id
  => src/.arch-ids/a-link.id	test/.arch-ids/a-link.id
  => src/.arch-ids/b.id	test/.arch-ids/b.id
  * update pristine tree (tla@mercurial--convert/tla--test--0--patch-4 => tla--test--0--patch-5)
  * committed tla@mercurial--convert/tla--test--0--patch-5
  $ cd ..

converting tla repo to Mercurial

  $ hg convert tla-repo tla-repo-hg
  initializing destination tla-repo-hg repository
  analyzing tree version tla@mercurial--convert/tla--test--0...
  scanning source...
  5 initial import
  4 added a file, src and src/b (binary)
  3 added link to a and modify a
  2 added second link and modify b
  1 file to link and link to file test
  0 move and rename a-link-2 file and src directory
  $ tla register-archive -d tla@mercurial--convert
  $ glog()
  > {
  >     hg log -G --template '{rev} "{desc|firstline}" files: {files}\n' "$@"
  > }

show graph log

  $ glog -R tla-repo-hg
  o  5 "move and rename a-link-2 file and src directory" files: c src/a-link src/a-link-2 src/b test/a-link test/b
  o  4 "file to link and link to file test" files: src/a-link-2 src/b
  o  3 "added second link and modify b" files: src/a-link-2 src/b
  o  2 "added link to a and modify a" files: a src/a-link
  o  1 "added a file, src and src/b (binary)" files: a src/b
  o  0 "initial import" files:
  $ hg up -q -R tla-repo-hg
  $ hg -R tla-repo-hg manifest --debug
  c4072c4b72e1cabace081888efa148ee80ca3cbb 644   a
  0201ac32a3a8e86e303dff60366382a54b48a72e 644   c
  c0067ba5ff0b7c9a3eb17270839d04614c435623 644 @ test/a-link
  375f4263d86feacdea7e3c27100abd1560f2a973 644 @ test/b