author Pierre-Yves David <pierre-yves.david@octobus.net>
Thu, 01 Sep 2022 15:49:14 +0200
changeset 49469 b5c8524827d2
parent 45390 7d24201b6447
permissions -rw-r--r--
dirstate-v2: no longer register the data-file during transaction If the data file change during the transaction, we cannot truncate it. The content of the file itself is fine as it will get backed up at the same time as the docket. Leaving the trailing data at the end of failed transaction is fine. The dirstate-v2 format supports it. The dead data will simply we written over if necessary.

A script that implements uppercasing all letters in a file.

  $ UPPERCASEPY="$TESTTMP/uppercase.py"
  $ cat > $UPPERCASEPY <<EOF
  > import sys
  > from mercurial.utils.procutil import setbinary
  > setbinary(sys.stdin)
  > setbinary(sys.stdout)
  > sys.stdout.write(sys.stdin.read().upper())
  > EOF
  $ TESTLINES="foo\nbar\nbaz\n"

This file attempts to test our workarounds for pickle's lack of
support for short reads.

  $ cat >> $HGRCPATH <<EOF
  > [extensions]
  > fix =
  > [fix]
  > uppercase-whole-file:command="$PYTHON" $UPPERCASEPY
  > uppercase-whole-file:pattern=set:**
  > EOF

  $ hg init repo
  $ cd repo

# Create a file that's large enough that it seems to not fit in
# pickle's buffer, making it use the code path that expects our
# _blockingreader's read() method to return bytes.
  $ echo "some stuff" > file
  $ for i in $($TESTDIR/seq.py 13); do
  >   cat file file > tmp
  >   mv -f tmp file
  > done
  $ hg commit -Am "add large file"
  adding file

Check that we don't get a crash

  $ hg fix -r .
  saved backup bundle to $TESTTMP/repo/.hg/strip-backup/*-fix.hg (glob)