author Pierre-Yves David <pierre-yves.david@octobus.net>
Thu, 01 Sep 2022 15:49:14 +0200
changeset 49469 b5c8524827d2
parent 48946 642e31cb55f0
permissions -rw-r--r--
dirstate-v2: no longer register the data-file during transaction If the data file change during the transaction, we cannot truncate it. The content of the file itself is fine as it will get backed up at the same time as the docket. Leaving the trailing data at the end of failed transaction is fine. The dirstate-v2 format supports it. The dead data will simply we written over if necessary.

import itertools
from mercurial import pycompat
from hgext import absorb

class simplefctx:
    def __init__(self, content):
        self.content = content

    def data(self):
        return self.content

def insertreturns(x):
    # insert "\n"s after each single char
    if isinstance(x, bytes):
        return b''.join(ch + b'\n' for ch in pycompat.bytestr(x))
        return pycompat.maplist(insertreturns, x)

def removereturns(x):
    # the revert of "insertreturns"
    if isinstance(x, bytes):
        return x.replace(b'\n', b'')
        return pycompat.maplist(removereturns, x)

def assertlistequal(lhs, rhs, decorator=lambda x: x):
    if lhs != rhs:
        raise RuntimeError(
            'mismatch:\n actual:   %r\n expected: %r'
            % tuple(map(decorator, [lhs, rhs]))

def testfilefixup(oldcontents, workingcopy, expectedcontents, fixups=None):
    """([str], str, [str], [(rev, a1, a2, b1, b2)]?) -> None

    workingcopy is a string, of which every character denotes a single line.

    oldcontents, expectedcontents are lists of strings, every character of
    every string denots a single line.

    if fixups is not None, it's the expected fixups list and will be checked.
    expectedcontents = insertreturns(expectedcontents)
    oldcontents = insertreturns(oldcontents)
    workingcopy = insertreturns(workingcopy)
    state = absorb.filefixupstate(
        pycompat.maplist(simplefctx, oldcontents), 'path'
    if fixups is not None:
        assertlistequal(state.fixups, fixups)
    assertlistequal(state.finalcontents, expectedcontents, removereturns)

def buildcontents(linesrevs):
    # linesrevs: [(linecontent : str, revs : [int])]
    revs = set(itertools.chain(*[revs for line, revs in linesrevs]))
    return [b''] + [
        b''.join([l for l, rs in linesrevs if r in rs]) for r in sorted(revs)

# input case 0: one single commit
case0 = [b'', b'11']

# replace a single chunk
testfilefixup(case0, b'', [b'', b''])
testfilefixup(case0, b'2', [b'', b'2'])
testfilefixup(case0, b'22', [b'', b'22'])
testfilefixup(case0, b'222', [b'', b'222'])

# input case 1: 3 lines, each commit adds one line
case1 = buildcontents(
        (b'1', [1, 2, 3]),
        (b'2', [2, 3]),
        (b'3', [3]),

# 1:1 line mapping
testfilefixup(case1, b'123', case1)
testfilefixup(case1, b'12c', [b'', b'1', b'12', b'12c'])
testfilefixup(case1, b'1b3', [b'', b'1', b'1b', b'1b3'])
testfilefixup(case1, b'1bc', [b'', b'1', b'1b', b'1bc'])
testfilefixup(case1, b'a23', [b'', b'a', b'a2', b'a23'])
testfilefixup(case1, b'a2c', [b'', b'a', b'a2', b'a2c'])
testfilefixup(case1, b'ab3', [b'', b'a', b'ab', b'ab3'])
testfilefixup(case1, b'abc', [b'', b'a', b'ab', b'abc'])

# non 1:1 edits
testfilefixup(case1, b'abcd', case1)
testfilefixup(case1, b'ab', case1)

# deletion
testfilefixup(case1, b'', [b'', b'', b'', b''])
testfilefixup(case1, b'1', [b'', b'1', b'1', b'1'])
testfilefixup(case1, b'2', [b'', b'', b'2', b'2'])
testfilefixup(case1, b'3', [b'', b'', b'', b'3'])
testfilefixup(case1, b'13', [b'', b'1', b'1', b'13'])

# replaces
testfilefixup(case1, b'1bb3', [b'', b'1', b'1bb', b'1bb3'])

# (confusing) replaces
testfilefixup(case1, b'1bbb', case1)
testfilefixup(case1, b'bbbb', case1)
testfilefixup(case1, b'bbb3', case1)
testfilefixup(case1, b'1b', case1)
testfilefixup(case1, b'bb', case1)
testfilefixup(case1, b'b3', case1)

# insertions at the beginning and the end
testfilefixup(case1, b'123c', [b'', b'1', b'12', b'123c'])
testfilefixup(case1, b'a123', [b'', b'a1', b'a12', b'a123'])

# (confusing) insertions
testfilefixup(case1, b'1a23', case1)
testfilefixup(case1, b'12b3', case1)

# input case 2: delete in the middle
case2 = buildcontents(
        (b'11', [1, 2]),
        (b'22', [1]),
        (b'33', [1, 2]),

# deletion (optimize code should make it 2 chunks)
    case2, b'', [b'', b'22', b''], fixups=[(4, 0, 2, 0, 0), (4, 2, 4, 0, 0)]

# 1:1 line mapping
testfilefixup(case2, b'aaaa', [b'', b'aa22aa', b'aaaa'])

# non 1:1 edits
# note: unlike case0, the chunk is not "continuous" and no edit allowed
testfilefixup(case2, b'aaa', case2)

# input case 3: rev 3 reverts rev 2
case3 = buildcontents(
        (b'1', [1, 2, 3]),
        (b'2', [2]),
        (b'3', [1, 2, 3]),

# 1:1 line mapping
testfilefixup(case3, b'13', case3)
testfilefixup(case3, b'1b', [b'', b'1b', b'12b', b'1b'])
testfilefixup(case3, b'a3', [b'', b'a3', b'a23', b'a3'])
testfilefixup(case3, b'ab', [b'', b'ab', b'a2b', b'ab'])

# non 1:1 edits
testfilefixup(case3, b'a', case3)
testfilefixup(case3, b'abc', case3)

# deletion
testfilefixup(case3, b'', [b'', b'', b'2', b''])

# insertion
testfilefixup(case3, b'a13c', [b'', b'a13c', b'a123c', b'a13c'])

# input case 4: a slightly complex case
case4 = buildcontents(
        (b'1', [1, 2, 3]),
        (b'2', [2, 3]),
        (b'4', [1, 3]),
        (b'5', [3]),
        (b'6', [2, 3]),
        (b'7', [2]),
        (b'8', [2, 3]),
        (b'9', [3]),

testfilefixup(case4, b'1245689', case4)
testfilefixup(case4, b'1a2456bbb', case4)
testfilefixup(case4, b'1abc5689', case4)
testfilefixup(case4, b'1ab5689', [b'', b'134', b'1a3678', b'1ab5689'])
testfilefixup(case4, b'aa2bcd8ee', [b'', b'aa34', b'aa23d78', b'aa2bcd8ee'])
testfilefixup(case4, b'aa2bcdd8ee', [b'', b'aa34', b'aa23678', b'aa24568ee'])
testfilefixup(case4, b'aaaaaa', case4)
testfilefixup(case4, b'aa258b', [b'', b'aa34', b'aa2378', b'aa258b'])
testfilefixup(case4, b'25bb', [b'', b'34', b'23678', b'25689'])
testfilefixup(case4, b'27', [b'', b'34', b'23678', b'245689'])
testfilefixup(case4, b'28', [b'', b'34', b'2378', b'28'])
testfilefixup(case4, b'', [b'', b'34', b'37', b''])

# input case 5: replace a small chunk which is near a deleted line
case5 = buildcontents(
        (b'12', [1, 2]),
        (b'3', [1]),
        (b'4', [1, 2]),

testfilefixup(case5, b'1cd4', [b'', b'1cd34', b'1cd4'])

# input case 6: base "changeset" is immutable
case6 = [b'1357', b'0125678']

testfilefixup(case6, b'0125678', case6)
testfilefixup(case6, b'0a25678', case6)
testfilefixup(case6, b'0a256b8', case6)
testfilefixup(case6, b'abcdefg', [b'1357', b'a1c5e7g'])
testfilefixup(case6, b'abcdef', case6)
testfilefixup(case6, b'', [b'1357', b'157'])
testfilefixup(case6, b'0123456789', [b'1357', b'0123456789'])

# input case 7: change an empty file
case7 = [b'']

testfilefixup(case7, b'1', case7)