author Pierre-Yves David <pierre-yves.david@octobus.net>
Wed, 13 Mar 2024 11:38:28 +0100
changeset 51597 b4a6a1ff8fce
parent 48338 f9db8eeb3aec
permissions -rw-r--r--
tags-cache: skip the filternode step if we are not going to use it When warming the hgtagsfnodescache, we don't need the actual result, so we can simply skip the part that "filter" fnode we read from the cache. So provide a quite visible speed up to the top level `hg debugupdatecache` function. ### data-env-vars.name = mozilla-try-2023-03-22-zstd-sparse-revlog # benchmark.name = hg.debug.debug-update-cache # bin-env-vars.hg.flavor = default # bin-env-vars.hg.py-re2-module = default # benchmark.variants.pre-state = warm before: 19.947581 after: 18.916804 (-5.17%, -1.03)

  $ mkdir folder
  $ cd folder
  $ hg init
  $ mkdir x x/l x/m x/n x/l/u x/l/u/a
  $ touch a b x/aa.o x/bb.o
  $ hg status
  ? a
  ? b
  ? x/aa.o
  ? x/bb.o

  $ hg status --terse u
  ? a
  ? b
  ? x/
  $ hg status --terse maudric
  ? a
  ? b
  ? x/
  $ hg status --terse madric
  ? a
  ? b
  ? x/aa.o
  ? x/bb.o
  $ hg status --terse f
  abort: 'f' not recognized

Add a .hgignore so that we can also have ignored files

  $ echo ".*\.o" > .hgignore
  $ hg status
  ? .hgignore
  ? a
  ? b
  $ hg status -i
  I x/aa.o
  I x/bb.o

Tersing ignored files
  $ hg status -t i --ignored
  I x/

Adding more files
  $ mkdir y
  $ touch x/aa x/bb y/l y/m y/l.o y/m.o
  $ touch x/l/aa x/m/aa x/n/aa x/l/u/bb x/l/u/a/bb

  $ hg status
  ? .hgignore
  ? a
  ? b
  ? x/aa
  ? x/bb
  ? x/l/aa
  ? x/l/u/a/bb
  ? x/l/u/bb
  ? x/m/aa
  ? x/n/aa
  ? y/l
  ? y/m

  $ hg status --terse u
  ? .hgignore
  ? a
  ? b
  ? x/
  ? y/

Run from subdirectory
  $ hg status --terse u --cwd x/l
  ? .hgignore
  ? a
  ? b
  ? x/
  ? y/
  $ relstatus() {
  >   hg status --terse u --config commands.status.relative=1 "$@";
  > }
This should probably have {"l/", "m/", "n/"} instead of {"."}. They should
probably come after "../y/".
  $ relstatus --cwd x
  ? ../.hgignore
  ? ../a
  ? ../b
  ? .
  ? ../y/
This should probably have {"u/", "../m/", "../n/"} instead of {"../"}.
  $ relstatus --cwd x/l
  ? ../../.hgignore
  ? ../../a
  ? ../../b
  ? ../
  ? ../../y/
This should probably have {"a/", "bb", "../aa", "../../m/", "../../n/"}
instead of {"../../"}.
  $ relstatus --cwd x/l/u
  ? ../../../.hgignore
  ? ../../../a
  ? ../../../b
  ? ../../
  ? ../../../y/
This should probably have {"bb", "../bb", "../../aa", "../../../m/",
"../../../n/"} instead of {"../../../"}.
  $ relstatus --cwd x/l/u/a
  ? ../../../../.hgignore
  ? ../../../../a
  ? ../../../../b
  ? ../../../
  ? ../../../../y/

  $ hg add x/aa x/bb .hgignore
  $ hg status --terse au
  A .hgignore
  A x/aa
  A x/bb
  ? a
  ? b
  ? x/l/
  ? x/m/
  ? x/n/
  ? y/

Including ignored files

  $ hg status --terse aui
  A .hgignore
  A x/aa
  A x/bb
  ? a
  ? b
  ? x/l/
  ? x/m/
  ? x/n/
  ? y/l
  ? y/m
  $ hg status --terse au -i
  I x/aa.o
  I x/bb.o
  I y/l.o
  I y/m.o

Committing some of the files

  $ hg commit x/aa x/bb .hgignore -m "First commit"
  $ hg status
  ? a
  ? b
  ? x/l/aa
  ? x/l/u/a/bb
  ? x/l/u/bb
  ? x/m/aa
  ? x/n/aa
  ? y/l
  ? y/m
  $ hg status --terse mardu
  ? a
  ? b
  ? x/l/
  ? x/m/
  ? x/n/
  ? y/

Modifying already committed files

  $ echo "Hello" >> x/aa
  $ echo "World" >> x/bb
  $ hg status --terse maurdc
  M x/aa
  M x/bb
  ? a
  ? b
  ? x/l/
  ? x/m/
  ? x/n/
  ? y/

Respecting other flags

  $ hg status --terse marduic --all
  M x/aa
  M x/bb
  ? a
  ? b
  ? x/l/
  ? x/m/
  ? x/n/
  ? y/l
  ? y/m
  I x/aa.o
  I x/bb.o
  I y/l.o
  I y/m.o
  C .hgignore
  $ hg status --terse marduic -a
  $ hg status --terse marduic -c
  C .hgignore
  $ hg status --terse marduic -m
  M x/aa
  M x/bb

Passing 'i' in terse value will consider the ignored files while tersing

  $ hg status --terse marduic -u
  ? a
  ? b
  ? x/l/
  ? x/m/
  ? x/n/
  ? y/l
  ? y/m

Omitting 'i' in terse value does not consider ignored files while tersing

  $ hg status --terse marduc -u
  ? a
  ? b
  ? x/l/
  ? x/m/
  ? x/n/
  ? y/

Trying with --rev

  $ hg status --terse marduic --rev 0 --rev 1
  abort: cannot use --terse with --rev

Config item to set the default terseness
  $ cat <<EOF >> $HGRCPATH
  > [commands]
  > status.terse = u
  > EOF
  $ hg status -mu
  M x/aa
  M x/bb
  ? a
  ? b
  ? x/l/
  ? x/m/
  ? x/n/
  ? y/

Command line flag overrides the default
  $ hg status --terse=
  M x/aa
  M x/bb
  ? a
  ? b
  ? x/l/aa
  ? x/l/u/a/bb
  ? x/l/u/bb
  ? x/m/aa
  ? x/n/aa
  ? y/l
  ? y/m
  $ hg status --terse=mardu
  M x/aa
  M x/bb
  ? a
  ? b
  ? x/l/
  ? x/m/
  ? x/n/
  ? y/

Specifying --rev should still work, with the terseness disabled.
  $ hg status --rev 0
  M x/aa
  M x/bb
  ? a
  ? b
  ? x/l/aa
  ? x/l/u/a/bb
  ? x/l/u/bb
  ? x/m/aa
  ? x/n/aa
  ? y/l
  ? y/m